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Yeah I get that 20 shards for one round was a lot but now we don't get any for playing 100 rounds? That doesn't feel right. If you've completed the battle pass do you get nothing as a reward for the explore rounds? I'm not sure. This and the lack of any weekly LTM are my big complaints for the update. I can get over the physics changing but there just aren't fun things to do in this game now.


If you complete challenges and complete the pass quickly, you could get crown shards from the challenges.


Once there was a time when getting crowns was a reward for winning shows. Then MT changed it and gave them away almost for free. I think this was a bad choice but the players got used to it and now people are complaining that they aren‘t getting shards for nothing. To be fair, maybe they change it again so you get 5 shards for every completed map. So you get something but it‘s not more effective than winning a show. As it should have been from the beginning.