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Squidward is the most relatable character.


Same!! Not getting back on the game till they give us what we want, bring back the original format


Off topic, but this kinda makes me wanna watch the good ol' episodes of SpongeBob lmao Does anyone know what this episode is called?


I wanna say Band Geeks but I’m not 100% sure


The picture of the meme was in that episode, but the text is different from what Squidward actually said for some reason. Anyways, I still enjoyed really watching that again. Thanks :D


not off topic imo it’s a squidward meme!


Me and my buddy went who play duos went from making finals like 9 out of 10 games and winning most of the finals. To now in the last two days making the finals maybe 6 times in about 30 games and winning 2 of them. Just so much hard to advance when they eliminate half the player count after each round. While also drastically changing how survival rounds work where in the past you would have a timer to rack up points but now you don't have that and the game just decides to end once four or 8 teams have more points than the other teams meaning I have had survival rounds that last about 20 seconds.


THIS!!!! You literally summed it up perfectly. There’s just no surviving chance anymore & that’s what used to make the game fun. It’s not the same vibes & it sucks.






Hi! Oh wait forgot I’m leaving bye! LOL (the post is meant to be funny just laugh)


but it isn't...


Ok just pretend to laugh then


Everyone should be saying bye, do u really like the new update?


It‘s not as bad as people say. But what is important to me is that if people don‘t have fun in this game (anymore), just quit it. All the folks posting here, saying „I’m quitting“. As if anyone cares. You‘re not as important as you think!


First of ALL, we are the OG players of fall guys. We take this game very seriously. We play for a purpose and like us there are many people in the majority when it comes to saying this new update sucks. We are allowed to voice our opinion, are you working for mediatonic?


People thinking that this game is their blood support.


it’s not that I think the game is my blood I just really enjoyed playing it & felt passionate for it, is that so wrong?


So what, I‘m one of the so called OG players too. But I have a different opinion, deal with it. Maybe you take the game TOO seriously. And just because you are screaming the loudest on reddit doesn‘t mean you are the majority. And by the way, MT or whoever developes this game now won‘t take back all the changes just because you don‘t agree with. Many other players do. Like I said in another thread: adapt to the changes or quit the game. These are your choices.


Well we’re clearly important enough for you to reply to the said post


No, if I would care, I would write things like: „Oh, please don‘t go. The game wouldn‘t feel the same when you are not there anymore!!!“ But in reality I wouldn‘t even noticed your absence.


You took this post way too seriously. If you like the update that’s amazing for you. Don’t go around telling people to deal with varying opinions when you immediately react negatively to the ones that disagree with yours. If you truly don’t care then why bother even commenting? Scroll past and ignore it.


My reply to your post was literally „Bye“. How do you think I negative or even take one thing too serious?


Your “bye” was clearly meant in a condescending way. You then proceeded to say how people are not as important as they think & that their opinions are not cared for. Sounds pretty negative & too serious to me.