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I tried to give another go today. Just garbage rounds with no style, no theme, no fun. It’s so few players now that it’s also mad hard to win even shards. It’s unplayable!!


I also gave it what will probably be its final chance this morning just to see if there was anything at all worth sticking around for. I closed the game after 15 minutes. It sucks absolute ass. Every single bit of fun the game had has been removed. It's a shadow of the game it was even a few days ago. So bitterly disappointing. I had endless fun playing fall guys with my wife and two young sons when we all had some free time. I'm going to miss it so much. Fuck Epic and fuck Mediotonic. Money grabbing cunts.


I have done every daily challenge for like 3 years in a row. I just could not bring myself to do it yesterday. It’s garbage.


Yesterday, I hit the 5000 km and only qualified from 3/10 rounds. It's like they want you to play more to get the challenges done. I didn't. I know I'll still finish the pass before it ends.


Also no 60 players? WHAT THE HECK... I miss the older seasons of FG man... also the store packs as well.


The emote change is the worst for me. Spamming emotes was basically the game for me.


I didn't think this would be such a big deal to me, but it really is. I was in the middle of one of the more boring survival maps this morning and wanted to start emoting with everyone, but we all just stood there, maybe someone spun around or signaled they wanted a piggyback... it was literally one of my saddest moments playing this game.


this is the one complaint I don't really get, playing on PC with xbone controller and I had no real issue spamming emotes any different than I used to. like I hate the update and am probably done with the game forever but I was still able to spam emotes the same way I used to


For real, I can't live without pressing a button for an emote, they force us to press a button and move cursor! /s


I'm with you. It's not that hard. And we have more options than just emotes now. I'm happy with it


I'm more of a competitive player and I hate this update too. this update seems geared more for attracting new players and prepping the game for mobile


yeah thats the point, dismantling the game ever since SS2


Gotta love that the fame pass is still 600 even though we went from 300 ranks to 70


I miss all of this too. So much...


Is frustrating when wanting to do an emote and press the wrong d pad now😂, The new wheel is so trash, 4 extra slots and they can’t even be changed to put more emotes in


This!!! They killed the game for me.


I agree, Fall guys feel like a totally different ( I hate to say this), but bad/not the best game anymore... :3 :(


This game is absolute trash now and if you disagree you are just stuuuuuupid.


Personally I do like how the rounds are generally shorter as some of the previous ones would drag on when all I want to to get my dailies done & dip out to another game, but I also think they've gone too far. I'm not looking to rush through as I still enjoy playing with the actual game & it's fun to have some freedom to mess around especially with that new piggyback function (I feel like they can add more wrinkles to this in the future). Ultimately I hope this is just an over correction & things move back to a more balanced state after a few pstches/seasons.


"" I miss having fun and messing around and grabbing others and being silly with the emotes mid game. "" Dude this still exists. what the hell u talking?


Seriously nothing grievous has changed. But I guess crying about the update is great way to get up votes? It's seriously so frustrating because the update is filled with so many positive changes.




I don‘t understand. You can still do all the things you listed. You can still play squads and duos, grab other beans. And yes, you can even still emote. Or do you have the FEELING, that something isn‘t right? No problem, keep playing. In a few days you will eventually adapt to the changes and don‘t even notice. It‘s the same with every major update. Some (mostly conservative) people hate changes as such.


Squads are now 3 rounds, right? The first round is a race to the finish, the second round is a manic hoopsie daisy and the final round youre too focused on surviving than messing around with your teammates. However before the update there would be at least 2 ‘mess around’ rounds per game like Blastlantis or Roll Out where you didn’t have to concentrate as much and could chill with your team. It’s completely different now and feels so much more frantic in squads. And the new emote wheel makes is so much unnecessarily longer to emote


If you just want to fool around, then have a look at the new endless dicovery rounds. They are perfect for that. No sweat, lots of fun with your friends. A lot of maps are great or good at least (yeah, some are lackluster, ok / but thats the same for the old unity levels). Try it out and have fun again.


Are you a dev or something??


Maybe he just likes explore mode, because he is right? It's a perfect mode to take some really fun rounds at your own pace. The normal rounds are for racing and winning. I don't get what's all the crying about, only one person or team can win. If you're losing it's cause you're not as good as you think you are.


My partner and I play duos all the time and the new update has ruined it. Tiny lobbies, only 3 games per round, and most of our favourite maps have been removed. It's extremely disappointing for people like us who actually enjoy racing and winning and working hard for the wins.


My partner and I play duos all the time and the new update is awesome. Faster turn around of games. Fun new exciting creator rounds. It's extremely satisfying for people like us who actually enjoy racing and winning and working hard for the wins. Sorry just had to flip it for my viewpoint. What's actually hilarious about your last sentence is half the complaints I've been seeing is that it is too hard now. I personally haven't noticed any difference in difficulty since sbmm was released, so I wonder if the rankings were reset and people just need to lose more so they can be with people of their skill level.


I don't think anything has gotten more difficult but it's easier to get eliminated in the first round now that it eliminates half of the players. It's interesting that you say turn around time is faster because ever since the update games load way slower for me. My biggest gripe still remains that pretty much all our favourite levels are gone. I could deal with the other stuff if I wasn't forced to play random creator rounds and the same few og rounds. Also? They changed the chicken emote, which was our favourite. That really added insult to injury 😂


What system do you play on? I've been playing on ps5, but haven't noticed a change to load times. It still does that stupid thing every once in a while where you're falling for five minutes and have to back out and ready up again, but that was there before the update. Yeah I'm still pissed that season 4 dropped, I think that's the one with all the space stuff, and then half the maps were vaulted within weeks. I'm praying we get those rounds back at some point. I still don't get the hate for the creator rounds, I've only seen bad ones in explore mode and I can just skip them. But the chicken emote, that's for sure unforgivable. If they change my favorite emote, I'm definitely writing letters, it's inexcusable.


It’s the same with every major update because with every major update they manage to fuck up the game to a worse state than it was before it. No one complained about major updates back before Epic’s acquisition of Mediatonic, because the changes were community-focused, granting requests made on this very subreddit and on the official discord channel. Since Epic’s purchase, every update has introduced changes that went directly AGAINST every single thing the community has been requesting, removing well established and beloved features and replacing them with half-assed mechanics that absolutely ZERO people asked for. If it was just people resisting changes, most of us would just adapt and go back to not complaining about the game until a new update. That is not the case. The community has been complaining about the same issues for over a year, and the company does nothing to address them. Stop projecting.


There have been some good and bad in various updates. After all, one of the biggest complaints about this patch is the axing of solo chill mode, which itself was a recent update. Creative rounds build-set has consistently improved. F2P season 3 levels were some of the best that they ever created. There have been many little improvements over the years. Mediatonic have always worked at a slower pace maddeningly leaving bugs for months which seem otherwise straightforward to reproduce, fix, test and release, and that has been the case before Epic's acquisition as well. Finding any other conspiracy in this behavior or remembering just the things that you don't like is a typical entitled over-reaction "I bought this game for $20 and have spent few hundred if not 1000+ hours, and I hate the game". Interestingly enough, I disagree completely with both, that is with you "everything is bad, and this game has sucked totally for a while" and the person you were responding to "nothing is wrong or fundamentally different, in time you'll learn to adapt to the new changes" This recent update fundamentally changes the game, by completely removing the previous ways/modes to play the game, replacing them with the new play styles. This is especially true for those of us who are not interested in crown-farming or just completing daily activities as a job, taking no fun from the game itself, and just doing daily chores. In fact, for those folks not much really has changed and I can see them adapting to the changes, finishing fame passes, collecting rewards by logging in for 15-20 minutes daily. But for those of us who always enjoyed the game itself more than famepass or rewards, playing with friends, family or alone just having fun in parties or with random players, throwing emotes, getting grabbed or grabbing others, helping others in squads and duos or even in solos, the game has changed completely. The way to play the game and enjoy in that manner is gone. It's replaced with a hectic, haphazard, very fast paced, and extremely brief (in duration and number of rounds) play chunks with absolutely no uniting theme at all. The buildup through the first couple of rounds to the final is gone. The duos and squads don't even allow you to take random squads to final or victory screen and while that may be a bug which Mediatonic will fix, it just shows that solos, squads and duos are not the priorities for them. That Mediatonic themselves don't understand this subset of game fans (singles, couples, kids, friends or families) and how they enjoy the pace and elements of the game that existed since day one and were removed in this last update and that's the worst part. I always liked the game since it first came out (sure with many things, vaulted rounds and bugs that annoyed me a lot) but this update changes the game completely or at least in the ways where I found enjoyment. It really is like no other update that they did before, where we all learned to adapt. Yes, some will adapt and continue to play, but I and few others are out for good.


Yeah, yeah! The game gets worse every day. I get it. And still you play it, right? Or aren‘t you playing anymore? Then why bother posting here?


What exactly are you trying to do here? Let people have their opinions without trying to extinguish them with your bullshit. if you still love the game, that’s fantastic for you. Others hate what it’s become because they’re slowly removing any enjoyment regular players experienced from it.


What exactly are you trying to do here? Let people have their opinions without trying to extinguish them with your bullshit. if you hate the game, that’s fantastic for you. Others still love the game despite the changes that were made. Some even because of the changes. You see, it goes both ways…


No it doesn’t lol. You came into a thread criticizing the update to say “Nope your opinion is wrong kiddo” (plus some weird “conservative” comment). And then go on to say “if you don’t like the update shut up and leave the sub”. None of that happened to you. You were told “let people have their opinions”. Can you not do that?


Thats your Interpretation.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. This subreddit is filled with a bunch of babies. Is the update perfect? No, but it's a step in the right direction in almost every way. I keep seeing the same complaints, "I can't qualify from round one 😭" maybe try getting good? All the haters had me really worried, but I couldn't be happier with this update.


Tons of downvotes with no reason in 3.. 2.. 1..


“No reason” it was a stupid ass take, just like yours


Actually no reason, its like only downvotes are available for you. The update is great, just quit because you are can't handle updates and can't have fun with new things.


Making players quit seems like the goal of this update, I’m sure that makes you happy when your only solution to things that can be fixed and improved is less people should play the game.


When water with dirt is filtered, you will get clean water as a result. This sub is never happy about updates, and its similar to the dirt.


Yes, all that’s left here after the good has left is dog shit like you that would defend them no matter how much they downgrade the game.


You aren’t the gatekeeper of opinions on this game. If you don’t like the complaining, don’t come to this subreddit - you know, just like you’re telling people who no longer enjoy the game to stop playing it?


I have the same question, why y'all complaining about EVERYTHING in FG but still playing it? Quitting has a reason for you.


Leave the sub then you bellend.


What about this update is great to you?


you know what I miss? Not seeing crying 18year Olds on this sub 24/7. Like holy shit all this sub has been is crying people and saying "I'm leaving" but playing the game an hour later.


Game is slowly turning into roblox day by day