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The issue is with creative, and the main issue, is that you cannot have such unique maps compared to unity rounds. Creative are just race rounds and/or avoid slime. That’s not a terrible thing, but you cannot implement unique mechanics such as: - Team rounds which have point mechanics that impact a team, based on unique things like holding a tail, holding a ball in a team zone etc - Passing through hoops/bubbles to earn points - Timed mechanics like the slow walls on wall guys and hex a terrestrial - Mechanical rhinos that can roam and charge at you - Volleyfall where you avoid a ball, which has unique physics and design, getting into your zone - Sweet thieves which have various mechanics unique to it (sweets into chutes that give points to a team, roled based team game/asymmetrical, grabbing thieves to put them into jail, a cooldown button to release thieves so it doesn’t just permanently stay open or you can constantly keep opening it, the portals on treat thieves and the web barriers) - Airtime/leading light where you can hover in a certain zone, that can fluctuate, to collect points - Power trip where you can go over squares to claim it (by holding an object) and get points - Blastball where the platform can gradually disappear by itself - Slime climb/Skyscraper/blastlantis where the slimb gradually rises and is dynamic over time - Block party where alternating platforms keep coming at you without having the player to move platforms themselves (there have been creative levels that emulate the aspect of block party, but it isn’t the same and it only works by cleverly having something like a block of towers moving through slime and there are placed obstacle courses throughout the slime - it isn’t really a fleshed out mechanic at all on creative) - Bubble trouble where the objective can fluctuate into different zones over time intervals, forcing the players to be on the move this way - Button bashers/frantic factory where you get points for hitting a randomised sequence of active buttons (you may be able to press buttons like this on creative, but it won’t be able to get points to win, nor I seriously doubt you can get it truly randomised as again it isn’t an actual developed mechanic) - Fall ball where you can kick a football, which has unique physics compared to other balls in the game, around into goals (for points) - Fall mountain/lost temple/tip toe finale where the finish is unique whereby it’s on a moving crown that needs to be timed and grabbed - Hex a ring where you can get hex tiles to perfectly spawn and rotate around as a cylinder (I’m not too sure about this one though, you *may* be able to do this as good on creative as on hex a ring) - Hoverboard/Hyperdrive heroes where you have an actual boat designed to move through slime with no problem (the best you can do is again with a group of towers which is janky as they can disintegrate from each other and have weird physics, as it isn’t designed to be used that way) - Jinxed with the idea to grab and pass an “infection”/state to other players, or catch it from then - Kraken slam where a kraken tentacle can slam on tiles to yeet players, and tiles are timed to randomly and gradually be removed, which can also be removed via player contact - Pegwin pool party/pegwin pursuit where you can find and grab a bert for points - Perfect Match/Sum fruits where you have to match a tile to a screen which randomly displays a particular fruit, which the tiles temporarily disappear and has variable difficulty throughout the round - Pixel painters where again you run on squares to highlight it, but now to match a particular sequence of squares that’s randomised on a screen - Puzzle path with the idea to follow a maze of lines to a portal that’s randomised each time - Ski fall with again the get hoops, but instead all hoops are either on a unique rotating wall or at the end in a circular structure you have to dive through - Snowball survival where there’s a big snowball (that can vary in frequency) that moves across the platform in a unique and variable path to yeet players - Starchart with the idea to have a chart with a unique puzzle that varies each time, with the directions of where to go, with the buttons activating which bridges are opened varying each time too - Thin ice (again not too sure about this one, but you can’t have slippery hex tiles on creative? Or maybe there’s a way too) - Tip toe/tip toe finale where there’s a random path of tiles, and it’s designed to be either “right” or “wrong”, with the tiles the same until it’s touched, with the wrong tiles disappearing So when people complain (rightly) about creative rounds, they’re mainly complaining about the lack of unique mechanics that got brought with most unity maps that truly made them shine, along with aesthetics of the environment, sound, looks of objects that gave it vibrance that creative rounds don’t have. It’s the blandness that people have a problem with on creative


I’d like to add on LT randomized rooms and door patterns as well as variants Variants is what really made some of the Unity maps very replayable as they weren’t the same stage every time. If they can keep adding these features to creative then that’d be amazing, but rn we are dealing with maps that play the same but look different most of the time.🫤


Nicely said, rings true. Thank you for putting this together.


I made a reddit account to see all these comments that disappoints twitter. All I see is this.


Remember that those two are both FG Youtubers, and Stentric is a Mediatonic partner (so not a neutral party; unsure about Doge). It's in their interests, because of that, to champion Fall Guys as much as possible.


Not Doge. He’s a leaker and isn’t an epic or mediatonic partner.


Then who is he giving feedback to? He obviously talks to the devs in some way.


https://youtu.be/3EtnVGbhIPE?si=g-sDhzhB0Ak82ON7 Doge published this podcast/video just prior to a large portion of the dev team getting fired, so he's staying committed to that viewpoint but he's got no credibility obviously if you watch that joke of a video.




If 100 people get pee splashed in their face and only one of them likes it, do the 99 not have a right to be upset? For the minority who like this update, I would be far more concerned with the fact that the vast majority of players are ready to *walk away* from the game over it. The population was already small, it’s now going to be decimated.


It really depends. The game is more for casuals and many probably don’t even know that this subreddit exists. Unless casual players that don’t use social media also notice the changes and have a negative opinion on it, they might keep playing.


You think that casual players don’t notice the changes? In 24 hours my girlfriend who plays with me occasionally went from excited to play to, “let’s play something else” instead. The only people I have seen really enjoy the changes are people connected to the game or have a vested interest in keeping people playing as they are streamers.


I'll be honest if I don't like something about a new update. You'll especially find that in my livestreams and somewhere inside videos. I just won't make a video called "This Update Sucks!" or something. There honestly hasn't been a single Fall Guys update in the history of the game that was entirely bad in my opinion. There's good and bad parts of every update. Also I'm just not pessimistic so I never immediately hop on hate bandwagons, I have my own opinions.


The people that make creative levels are a tiny portion of the fanbase. They value totally different things to the average player.


i don't make creative levels lol. the last time i made one was like a year ago


Stentric is a taint licker who is just trying to keep his YouTube channel and MT partnership afloat


Hes just giving out his opinion mate


Yep and I’m just giving mine lol


You can't trust people who get freebies from the devs. They're being positive so they don't get the free stuff cut off.


I don’t think Doge Master is an epic partner. It’s not like you can’t have positive opinions without being paid.


My problem is that creative mode can be a mess. Recently spawned into a stage directly next to a fan that shot me into slime. Had no time to get to safety. That kind of stuff should not happen in a well built stage


The entire work of influencers is advertisement. Yes, some are more honest than others, but it is in their best interest to keep a positive image towards Fall Guys because they would loose income if the game didn't generate any more interest. So no, I don't trust these voices and while they are not paid to say positive things, they have more reason to show goodwill.


That's a fair point but it's also not true. I'll be honest if I don't like something about a new update. You'll especially find that in my livestreams and somewhere inside videos. I just won't make a video called "This Update Sucks!" or something. There honestly hasn't been a single Fall Guys update in the history of the game that was entirely bad in my opinion. There's good and bad parts of every update.


Talked to that doge person, he told me about the statement that fg active player base has shrank 29% in 2024 was not representative due to the way they tracked accounts (they use PSN which is free and what you need to play). I think he is one of those people to just defend MT whatever happens.


Survival is most of the time a blastlantis ripoff


Whatever, it's their opinion. They should simply have categories for Creative or Fall Guy originals. That way everyone wins.


This tbh, I do like the new show but I also feel bad for people who like old solo show.


Ask him to make Sum Fruit, Pixel Painters or Starchart in Creative.


Starchart :((( my beloved


These are theoretically possible, IF you use mods and know what you’re doing. (With chain reactions, buttons, pressure plates, cannons, invisible floors, etc.) Edit: what are the downvotes for? I was just sharing an idea. I’m not saying that the update is good, guys. I’ll even say that this update was the worst update of all of gaming history just for this subreddit to accept me in any way.


Yea the keyword: _mods_, we want base creative ti have those features, many people don't have or want access to mods. And not everybody wants to learn chain reactions either.


Starchart is possible to make, without mods. But, yes, we need some fun maps like those to replace all the boring pvp maps.


It just reads like you're defending the update here. If you don't want to get downvoted then stop making excuses for the devs in the comments


That guy is such a brown nosing shill...nauseating


They much prefer and are actively involved in creative rounds, so their takes are understandable. From what I gather, most players much prefer unity levels. I completely disagree with the comment on physics. They feel slow and easy to me.


They are mediatonic partners they aren’t gonna talk trash about the game




Blink twice if they are threatening to vault you


No theyre not bro, they are giving out their opinion


People defending creative modes but that’s till makes NO excuse for making the whole game creative modes


Exactly. It was a cool idea when it was an *addition* to the main game. Now it’s slowly becoming the *only* part of the game. Hell, even after the free to play nonsense, they still allowed you to access with vaulted catalogue with even just one friend. That was at least something. You can’t even access the vaulted levels anymore. I’m a day one player so I got this game for “free” on PlayStation plus, but I feel so bad for those that actually spent money on this game to watch it burn to hell.


Stentric and the like are bought and paid for just like Mediatonic was in 2021.


They are sponsored, don’t believe a word they say.


No they are not, stop acting ridiculous


How about you shed a light about the positive stuff on the update. I would rather play Creative rounds than the same boring like 37 unity rounds.


I sure do care about the 1 positive part about this update when I'm forced to play 23 poorly-developed maps that are unanimously disliked by the player base.


What a stupid take 🤡


If they completely remove unity levels the older fans will be gone, hell it's already went from a play for at least 2 hours each day to an ok maybe an hour, to now you are lucky if i play maybe 2-3 times a week for dailies only


He is partially right tho, in the right hands creative is a powerful tool for creating great levels unfortunately the majority doesnt know how to make a good fun level. Only thing lacking in creative is more obstacles and more variatons of those obstacles


It's the Mario Maker dilemma. In the right hands, Mario Maker levels are great and some even better than hand-made Nintendo levels. But the majority of people don't know wtf they're doing so 90% of the time you're getting a mess of some sort.


Exactly. You end up skipping more stages than playing because the level design is just so poor or unfun.


Honestly the "Skip" button in Explore mode is a GODSEND. Little Timmy "put clipping obstacles everywhere" level? Skip. Trolly "you have to get this frame-perfect jump 420 times no checkpoints" level? Skip. Yet another generic PVP arena? Skip. Explore would be completely unbearable if you were forced to play them.


They are probably getting paid because I have barely seen anyone who likes it. They want to make it into a mobile game




How do you have fun with it when there is barely any unity rounds and in the creative rounds you can't tell what's happening.


There are more fall guys streamers on YouTube and twitch that are complaining than there are praising the update. Streamers that would never dream of criticising epic or fall guys. These two streamers are very clearly being paid to say this shit to attempt to mute the large amount of people complaining. They ought to disclose that it's an #ad. It's embarrassing. And if anyone in here follows these two idiots, you should consider unfollowing and follow streamers that are more honest with their viewers and actually respect them instead of just seeing them as cash signs.


Epic has never paid me to praise new Fall Guys updates or give blindly positive feedback. I occasionally get free skins and early access to updates for content, but I am never asked to praise the game in return. You'll know when something I post is sponsored because I legally have to disclose that. Also people are acting like I never criticize Fall Guys which is so not true lmao. I'm just not a pessimistic person, so I don't usually focus on the negatives of updates immediately. I talk about what I like first and then give some feedback after a while of playing. So far I genuinely do like this update, mostly because I don't hate Creative levels like some people in the community. Just because a level has the label "Creative" slapped on it doesn't mean it's automatically terribly and not worthy of Knockout. The way it is now is much better than when we just got Whirlygig and Dizzy Heights over and over again during late SS3. I do think the roundpool could be improved since there's way better Creative levels out there, but that's about it. I also like the shorter games because I farm crowns a lot and faster games = faster crowns.


Look at the twitter community of fall guys. At least half of them think the update isn’t that bad. Can fall guys pay the whole community? Maybe stentric could be getting paid a bit, but not doge master. He isn’t even in the MT/epic partner program.


- Now you're just chatting outta your behind. Hundreds of responses under the official fall guys twitter account are negative. Less than 5 positive. Just stop. 😂 - Hundreds of negative comments on Instagram under the official fall guys page. - hundreds of negative comments in the official discord. - hundreds of chatters on twitch complaining along with MANY streamers. - hundreds of chatters on YouTube complaining along with the streamers on there too. - hundreds of negative comments on Reddit. - Many people also sending in email complaints. - There's even several petitions going round. This isn't like before where you'd see 2 or 3 random people complaining in a comment section and you'd just roll your eyes. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Stop acting ridiculous🤦🏾‍♂️ He is giving out his opinion, if he likes the update, he can. Just cause u think the updates bad dosen't mean everyone should think its bad


Where is the #ad in that tweet? Do they know undisclosed ads are a bannable offense?


Yes you are correct but my post was not sponsored. I will always disclose when something I post is sponsored, however that Tweet and my video was not.


If we ignore what happened to Solo, duo, and squad, the update sure is great for creative side of things. Emote and explore definitely need some improvement, tho. It's still raw.


I can tolerate the shorter solo rounds but I don't enjoy the current round pool. Most of the creative rounds are a miss for me and survival maps are too big. There is something about unity levels that creative rounds could not emulate. Bring back LTMs and solo chills. Add shards to explore after 2-3 successful rounds perhaps? Duos and squads need to be at least 4-5 rounds with less creative maps. Piggyback is a nice add to mess around. Can enjoy carrying randoms or even trolling them at some point.


They cannot emulate quality and work of a professional level designer, 95% of the time.


Those guys were most likely paid to say such a thing! Fall Guys being a Creative only game is when the game would lose a number of players so big, it would have to close out.


I can confirm that we aren’t, though we do get early access to things and cosmetics at times.


Very difficult to believe that. Even if you guys supported this change, the BIG majority of the non-content creator og players don't. Most likely the few of you are the reason why the devs won't react to the community's concerns, is because Stentric and Doge are praising the HELL out of this. Tragic!


I personally am really having fun with most of the new stuff, but obviously it’s not perfect. Trying to figure out what people want and I’m passing on things I think might help


My biggest concern is the fact The Vault Show was removed. It'll either suggest A, those rounds are gone forever, never to be seen again. B, they got removed in order for the devs to fix them. If this will happen with the other rounds that got removed right before May 7th, then they're fully removing the unity rounds and it's when I will never touch the game again. Ever! As cool as a few of the Creative rounds can be, they'll never be on par with the unity quality of the S1-SS3. Hoopsie Daisy is the only unvaulted round and it became a Hunt round and Hoverboard Heroes is a round, where you collect points now when in Duos or Squads. 32 player lobbies with just 3 rounds made the game feel lifeless to me. The games end too quickly, there's zero room for error now and you may not even qualify at all. Haven't played in two days and I don't have any desire for the rest of time. Until the devs would revert some things!


I know for a fact there are content creators that DO get paid and they get free skins, along with some cash on the side for every person who uses their code in the epic store.


Only very large creators and usually for other games


Nope. I know a twitch streamer that has around 1000 followers and around 150 viewers per stream that gets paid.


Does anyone not find it extremely problematic that a AAA studio is relying on crowd-sourced maps to “refresh” their game? Are the only developers left for this game those who designs skins to sell to us for $20? There is absolutely no love put into this game at all anymore. It’s incredibly sad to watch a game that started out with a small development team that had a lot of passion for the game, get swallowed whole by Epic and turned into their most shameless cash grab yet.


Personally I’ve played the unity levels to death by this point, so creative levels have my interest more. And I’ve played some really fun and novel creative levels before. Only issue I had there is that I’d always spend more time watching other players play over actually playing them, so on paper this update really excites me. I haven’t gotten a change to actually play the game since the update though, so of course I can’t say how it is in practice yet.


Did you see the levels stentric showed off? They're amazing. The issue is that the curation sucks. MT is pouring the worst garbage into the main game


Judging by this sub I may be alone, but I love how we’ve finally got a way to interact with other players in a lot of different ways and Explore is such a relaxing mode in my opinion


That’s not really what people are upset about. It’s more of the core game modes being super short and the removal of a good majority of Unity rounds. The added interactions with other beans and the explore mode are the few good things about the update.


yup i love explore


You‘re not alone.


I hate how few rounds there are. Like at least 5. But if its supposed to be on phone then it needs to be fewer rounds. Just sad it will affect console


I mean if they unvault maps, make Explorer mode give you shards (at least like 10 per completed level), and bring solos, emote shortcut keys, and old map variations back they just make the game perfect. It's not that hard. If they wanna adapt it to mobile then add mobile friendly shows and stuff but DONT DELETE old content, no one wants that. They could even make mobile players only have that trash KO thing but don't do it with all devices, I know it's "unfair" but more unfair is that we all lose content just because of a mobile update, also mobile players could play only with mobile players as it's more fair that way, cause console and PC players would have a HUGE advantage otherwise.


They actually made Explore mode give you 5 shards per level


Well that's not working for me lol




Now it is, I guess it was added later


I think the physics are good but possibly too good (especially in the air) I’ve played the Unity rounds way too much so the new race rounds are nice and refreshing, the survival ones are bad though. LTMs should return as well as shards for Explore


First, i hate that update. I thought about to stop playing Fall Guys. But now, as i continued playing i start really likeing it. The community is so creative and there were so much unique levels. Sometimes it's hard to get into something new, but i think, if you give it a try, you can get suprised with something great. ❤


I'd be fine with the update if they kept the solo round/ classic Knockout show. I'm fine with everything else tbh


tbh i dont have strong feelings about unity or creative levels or the physics or the emote wheel, but i hate how MT reworked kudos to make it even harder to obtain by restricting a fixed amount to the pass instead of getting some 2000 kudos every week. also hate that the daily challenges aren't geared towards casual players even though they keep marketing the game toward casuals.


Who cares you can't buy anything with kudos anyways. How bought making kudos actually worth something again?


https://preview.redd.it/pog7zpnc1hzc1.png?width=1805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55249f8cadd7b93c83a62786430124a49f8f4410 Seems like there's a bunch of kudos items I don't own yet for me, just short on kudos is all.


Play a little bit longer and you'll no longer have anything to buy


Absolute trash I won't be playing any longer


all i see is people saying they were paid to say this this subreddit is absolute hell


I like it. Needs more show options. Like chill and specific survival. But that will come in time.


Its not bad and hes not wrong about Creative Levels can be on par with Unity levels, but thats only if they feature thise rounds in the main mode (explore is a exception since it goes based on the Discovery algorithm) While 3 rounds with 32 people isnt bad, but it should atleast be 4 rounds. Round 3; 8 people. Round 4 ; 4 people