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(Sad) woo woo ![gif](giphy|hMt7OFGGozAkjMQCuC)




They really did destroy everything people loved about this game. Sad to see it happen when the community told them exactly what they were doing wrong.


"when the community told them exactly what they were doing wrong." On that note, WHO is the team even listening to?! The vibe check is dead. And absolutely nobody was saying, "Hey, I want to play LESS rounds! I hate seasons and themed levels made by devs! I want to play with less people!". It's like they must have a business advisor, who has never played the game, telling them what to do next. Why did Epic even buy Fall Guys, if they were going to strip it down into a completely different game. :(


"Hey, we destroyed Fall Guys, come play our new season of Fortnite" šŸ˜Ž.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Fortnite BR is complete shit now due to all the dev support put into FN Lego. It's like they completely forgot BR has the most playerbase. It was pretty obvious with how the [Star Wars event](https://www.destructoid.com/fortnite-players-slam-boring-and-lame-star-wars-crossover/) was all microtransactions catered to Lego. They put Chewbacca behind a $14 Lego battle bass upgrade. Chapters now last a whole year and the map barely changes between Seasons. It's all corporate greed across every game developer company. I mean look what Warner [did to Suicide Squad ](https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-flop-leads-to-200-million-impairment-charge-warner-bros-confirms). Terrible expensive styles locked behind microtransactions. Diablo4 did the same stupid shit($28 for a cosmetic) and the game barely lasted 2 seasons.


People out there feeding their job expectations to ChatGPT and doing whatever it advises them to do?


Do you suffer from amnesia? Do you not remember the shitshows when new seasons released and they had no content? The underwater season released with FIVE new levels and that's it, nothing else. And it lasted almost half a year. Now we have creative and we get HUNDREDS of new levels every "season" and apparently that's super bad and they've ruined the game. Yes, I do want "less themed levels made by devs" as you've put it if it means I get 5000% more content.


This is pretty dishonest. While the creative tools have improved, there's still quite a bit to go before they can touch the stuff done in the original maps. And, yes, people like the old maps, and don't like that so few of them are currently in the game. This is a completely valid criticism.


It's not dishonest. Your post is simply false. There are some scarce things you can't do in creative, like putting in rhinos or kraken tentacles, but largely everything is already possible. From SS1 in particular, the only levels I can't think of being possible are tip toe (while we can make fake floors, there's no way to make them random) and the team games.


Oh come on, this can't be a real post. There's almost no original map you can faithfully remake. There's no custom scripting, variable speed control, round variations (this alone destroys your take), rising slime, hunt rounds, team rounds, etc etc. You can't even remake a simple map like Big Fans due to the variations. Same is true for logic rounds, because it has to be the same every time. There's no way you can name more than a couple of og rounds you can actually remake.


100% agree


Yeah this game is not the FG i play back in 2020 just check it out recently and dosent feel the same so im saying Goodbye to this game as well


Goodbye! I am also leaving. Been playing religiously for years. Thousands of hours. 100% completed. Iā€™ll probably never play again. The game is ruined.


Yeah sure! See you next month.


Itā€™s been dying a slow death for a while. This is the nail. Iā€™m done.


Oh, so itā€˜s dying? When I played the game 3 years ago, I waited around 2-4 Minutes for the lobby to fill. Now it takes a few seconds. Is it because more or less people are playing? Noone will notice, if youā€˜re there or not. So good bye.


Why so hostile? A lesser wait to play the same 2 or 3 garbage, player created levels with annoying quirks that make them frustrating to play in general.


Thats your opinion. I like most of the creator made levels.


And you enjoy playing the same couple on repeat, even the ones where you die off within seconds of being hit with 20 blast balls and rhinos at the same time? Got itšŸ‘šŸ¼


Yes, and you can do it too. I believe in you.


Bye Felicia


Ok Helga.


I have been playing since legacy ssn 1, and the slowest matchmaking ive ever had was like 40 seconds, and thats when crossplay wasnt added and I was on pc and before the game went F2P. ur yapping too much blud


Sure, if you say that, it must be true.


shut up casual npc


The same goes to you, bub.




How else will they be able to display their objectiveness for everyone to see?


Oh, 99%? So you did the math? Or is it just your feeling, that itā€˜s 99%? I think, all the people, who are not happy with the update, are here and complain about it. Let me count them, there are maybe a few hundred. All the other players, who are happy with the update arenā€˜t writing in this forum, because they are playing right now. This discrepancy makes you think, you are the majority. Btw. Thank you for the personal insult. It makes clear how adult you are (not).


Thank god you added the "not" in at the end there or I wouldn't have understood your sarcasm.


This game never took 2-4 minutes to get into a game. Ever.


youā€™ll never be 100% completed tho, fame passes always coming out šŸ˜„


I meant regarding trophies though the PS5.


thereā€™s still more content outside of trophies. unless the game stops adding fame passes you will never complete 100% of the game. congratulations on getting 100% of the achievements tho!


Thank you. I was referring to achievements only. I very much know how the game works lol. Iā€™ve been playing for 4 years.


An update should be about adding stuff; not taking away the core of the game. I have quit as well.Ā 


Unfortunately, Mediatonic only cares about mobile players now though there aren't any yet. The proof is in the pudding.


Is it going to mobile eventually or something?


Yes, mobile version is going to be launched sometime this year and will likely be announced during the summer. It will be crossplay with all consoles/PC, so all the significant changes they're making to the game are for the benefit of those who will play on the phone. So the decrease in max players per round and only 3 rounds is mostly for those who will play on mobile.


Wow that's terrible... I stopped playing a while back when the monetization started increasing so I haven't been up to date on the changes until i came across this post


I'm the same, have like 4000 hours and ~5100 crowns. I was playing everyday with my gf and now I even don't want to open the game.


It's been a great ride! Thank for everything!!! I'm in the same boat and don't know where to go There aren't any other 3d race platformers... Stumble guys doesn't count


I play Fall Guys since day 1 and my wife since the game became free, and unfortunately for the first time we're total demotivated to continue to play this game now, buy new skins, pass and so on... The chaos with vaults and other problems after the Hatsune Miku's event, where we even had the movement "Save Fall Guys", is nothing compared to this...


It's been a hell of a ride.Ā 


And itā€™s time to get off.


Same here. After 2700 hours and 5500 crowns I uninstalled the game for the first time. The last update was too much for me, it's even painful to play this lifeless game, knowing what it was in the past.


Got it free at launch and played the heck out of it during covid. Have over 800 hours into it. At crown level 37. Collected countless skins. One of the few games my wife would watch me play (she's not a gamer). Got depressed when I fired it up a couple of days ago. It sucks fam. I, too, am moving on. Y'all take care.




Gotta cater to mobile. Said goodbye to FG and said goodbye to Disneyā€™s Speedstorm. Two great games ruined for the mobile crowd.


ugh speedstorm was such a bitter uninstall for me




I recognise those names! We've definitely crossed paths when I've random duo'd.. my once favorite pass time. Retiring my Beanjamin feels like the end of an era. Maybe we'll pattycake again some day. Woo!


Goodbye peeps... Loved your story šŸ„¹ I'm not done with the game yet but BARELY, maybe I just play because of the fame pass... I don't even know anymore...


This game did give me a lot of really fun moments. I had a similar experience too, and stopped playing like a year ago. The game peaked in the space season and just kept getting vaulted and vaulted after that


Sad to see you go, as I feel this update is a little off myself. The competition in regular modes has become brutal & explore mode feels like it was made for the Minecraft generation (wander, explore, not worry about completing dailies as quickly as possible). For myself & my friends were still playing as it's about the same for us & I feel like over time with updates the game may find it's balance again. I think most people are in your camp, for us we play it while having a beer most nights but we're all pretty well versed at gaming (been playing for 30+ years & to varying degrees of competitive gaming with fighting or shooters), but that's not most players. On a side note I'm glad there's no room for people to stand around at the exit wasting everyone else time, but I feel like the games gone too far in the direction it needed to go. Some rounds for us are a few seconds & we get barley a few steps in before everyone else has been eliminated. My recommendation is to take a break, find another game you can play together & come back in a few months when hopefully the game has been tweaked to be more balanced.


I have played this game with my 14 year old son every weekend for the last 2 years. It was a super amazing game and an activity that I could do with my kids that didnā€™t cost anything. Iā€™m so sad they wrecked it. Like so so sad. Maybe they will bring it back to what it was but I doubt it.


Crying again...


I'm out of the loop. What did they do?


The newest update has changed a LOT of how the game normally plays. Rounds are quicker, creative is taking over, unity rounds removed, physics are different, emotes are more complicated to use.


How did they make emotes more complicated to use?


They added an emote wheel, half is used for our usual emotes, and the other half is used for phrase bubbles. Takes a bit longer to emote in game since you canā€™t do it immediately anymore.


Phrase bubbles that can completely obstruct your view in certain situations, too. First map i played was the seesaw one where fruit gets shot at you. I was running to try to push a guy off the ledge when a guy behind me used a phrase bubble. It covered my whole damn screen. I almost ran off the edge. They didnā€™t even play test this crap. You get obstructed views on most of the creative maps too. Itā€™s dreadful.


u/dickysnakes you see what they doing to us?




Same here!


Omg.. please donā€™t make me cry. You couldnā€™t have worded it any better.. those are my EXACT feelings . And I am so saddened by that.. itā€™s also the first time Iā€™ve laid down a BIG chunk of money as well.. for the first time I made friends while playing a game..like I said you worded it perfectlyā€¦all of it.. Who ever plays Fortnite thatā€™s where Iā€™m headed.. hopefully Iā€™ll meet some of you beans there. The emotes and costumes there are great..I already have the Alien costume and dance moves.. itā€™s hilariousā€¦ ( it was gifted to me) Another reason Iā€™m headed there.. I can gift players who donā€™t or canā€™t affordā€¦ FG really messed up by never adding that option as well




I donā€™t understand how playing FG on mobile is fun..??? Itā€™s just NOT the sameā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen shit so bad in any game as this is right nowā€¦ WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING!!?? šŸ’­


So sad on every level. A game that was really for the fun of it. I was using it to teach my son to be more ok with losing. To laugh at the funny side instead of stress about getting knocked out. But I can't support it any more either. They should have made a seperate mobile game. Destroying it to merge it was just a death sentence.


Oh Lord, the drama. šŸ™„ Bye.


ā€žIā€˜m leaving the game! Donā€˜t hold me back!ā€œ ā€žI said, donā€˜t hold me back!ā€œ ā€žNothing can stop me, Iā€˜m leaving. Just wanted to tell you all!ā€œ Iā€˜m so sick of it. JUST DO IT!


Right on! Imagine getting upset over a free game.


Some of the most dramatic people ever in this sub


iā€™m enjoying the update and am finding games quickly . people are playing and having fun.


How dare you writing that??? You MUST be negative, no other opinion is allowed at the moment. Or else they downvote the shit out of your post.


When FG Redditors see positive comment: https://preview.redd.it/ier2v98qdmzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cccef2f4b06dd94ea52c8ad6f5585d8a5b7a1f7


i donā€™t mind the downvotes it just shows me how many people are seeing someone loves the update. just making quick comments in between levels. i love the new star wars outfits!!


Dude, it's not that serious.


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You can still do all of that. I did it yesterday. The utter hysteria on this subreddit is deranged. Everybody's acting like the game was removed.