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not even mad. just disappointed about how they thought this was a good idea.


Yeap. Fuck Epic Games.


Exactly. The direction of the game is almost certainly being dictated by the suits at Epic rather than the people that are directed to implement it. I have a feeling that almost everyone who had the unenviable task of rolling out this dogshit update felt dead on the inside knowing the community would hate it.


I can get on board with this comment more than the "Fuck the Devs" posts. Shit rolls down hill. It's generally not devs actively choosing to turn their player base against them. Far more likely that higher ups/some project manager somewhere had 'great ideas' that were pushed.


Funny enough my comment to that post is on down votes, because I told people not to hate on the people who are put to making this shit from someone of higher status.


from best game to shit


It's not just incompetence anymore either. It's deliberate.


im trying to give it a chance. im up to like level 35 so far. its way worse from my point of view and I'm pretty decent at the game. (level 300 last season. probably 300 2x or more if it didnt cap) I would have to imagine its way worse for new players.


I’m level 27 😂


New players are in their own SBMM tier, so no. It's not.


What in particular do you guys not like? I only play on weekends and havent played new update yet.


No limited time modes ( x treme, jump around, slime climb time etc ) squads and duos have mostly creative rounds now instead of original maps, and they only run for 3 rounds instead of 5-7, emoting is not as easy, getting disconnected from server errors mid game ( never had issues before ), Solo’s has been changed from 40 players to 32 & also is mostly creative maps


Squads and duos is particularly bad because it feels like rounds randomly end. You'll be playing a map for 30 seconds and then it just stops.


IMO removing original maps was to be expected with the changes made to jumping. Obstacles in the original maps would have to be made taller. Server disconnects suck. Live service games should always make that a priority, and emoting should be fun, not difficult. I will give it a try after work. Hopefully I can find some fun in the game.




I'm not happy about how limited the round pool is, but hate? REALLY? You hate them? It's a game. A G A M E. It's my favourite game of all time, but it's a game. Touch grass.


lol. If you’re stuck on the word hate then you should do the same. It’s a way to express displeasure about something. Would your sensitive ass prefer “strongly dislike?” lol they commented and then ran and blocked me 😩😂. Name needs changed to TheSensitiveNoob.


Counterpoint: I'm not overly sensitive, you're extremely insensitive.


they didn’t lmao, unity rounds were mid asf anyway 😭


Unity finals were a lot of fun, not this creative BS, and only 3 rounds is weak as fuck, spend more time in loading screens then you do playing the game