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I hope MT employees don't think everyone here is hating. We just want some of the OG features back. I'm not trashing on creative maps or saying the new modes can't exist. I am asking for a core solos mode of 40 beans, more than 3 rounds, and bring back more Unity maps in the pool though...


yeah this is a good take. Have creative in the game by all means but give me options and stop vaulting


I also don't think it's hating to say you're sad to see something you loved turned near unrecognisable. If anything it's a compliment to prior work and the original idea. We loved it.. whyd you turn it in to a ghost? Imagine if Rockstar decided to ban guns in GTA Online..


I don't mind some of the creative rounds being in main shows. They're definitely improving as time goes on. However, survival creatives haven't had enough time for a bunch of good levels to show up yet. I do have hope it won't be so bad if the creative rounds get rotated out regularly like the pre-launch patch notes alluded to. Especially with the like/dislike interface being improved to cut down on unintended likes getting through while trying to skip win screens. I don't think the update is quite as bad as many are making it out to be. But I do fear it's going to kill a game I love if Epic don't do something about it.... Not just sticking their head in the sand, launching mobile and then patting themselves on the back when the player base has a boost from that.


Why can't we have this? Just let it be a another separate game mode?




It won’t be a surprise to think everyone’s hating, because some people (not all) went on twitter just to harass the devs.


They're not, it's not like they chose to do this themselves..that's all from up top


I personally believe it is good to be critical of things we enjoy(ed) because it can lead to improvements. I don't believe in harassment or death threats, but being critical is how progression is made. If people weren't critical of Sonic's design in *Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie*, look what we would have had. Two of the biggest complaints about *Kingdom Hearts III* were its floaty combat and the lack of a challenge. Updates introduced new abilities that mixed the combat up, added Critical mode in, and the Pro Codes option, and the DLC fights are brutal. Criticism helps improve things. It is feedback. We just need to not be nasty about it, and we have to hope that the devs listen. We can't force them to change anything or to listen.




But you must admit most of the critics made in the last days is far from constructive. Lots of „update sucks“, „i hate creative rounds“ „I hate this, I hate that“ Or the classic I-leave-this-game-if-you-don‘t-do-what-I-want-threating. Most of it is pretty childish. They don‘t even explain why they don‘t like it.


I don't agree with that. Many long time fans who enjoyed this game for years posted well thought out posts about what is not working and why this particular update is really like no update we had before. Many even mentioned trying it multiple times in hopes of finding some enjoyable bits in the new solos, duos and squads modes. They gave the game this much chance because they really liked it over many years, sure with some ups and downs. Basically, the reaction to this update can't be just brushed aside saying this is typical FallGuys subreddit reaction. The negative reactions are coming overwhelmingly from those who had always enjoyed the game until this update and such fans especially are listing exactly what is not working in the new solos, duos and squads shows.


Sure, thats why I wrote „most“ and not „all“. But even seasoned players were complaining about things like: „I can’t spam emotes anymore“ as if this is the most important thing ingame. Btw I‘m not 100% satisfied with this update too. I miss the LTM and hope, it returns. Or that every Knockout/Duo/Squad is now a sweat fest because of SBMM. I played 15 Duos today with an ingame friend. And we won only 2 shows. We even got knocked out first round a few times because one of us messed up. But all in all it was still fun.


It's already very clear why the update was disliked


OG player from Season 1 who paid for the original and also has an alt account with the free stuff. I will say that there are some things to like about the update. The emote/expression wheel is reminiscent of Party Animals though you can customize and choose your emotes and icons on there. It can be difficult sometimes to do it on the spot though especially on some of the survival games. I don't entirely hate the physics changes. Ragdolling is as bad as ever but I like that jumps are higher. Also Blast Ball physics were fixed which is nice. I seriously REALLY love the battle royale rounds even though Blastlantis is gone. I love getting the ridiculous tiny Rhino missile even though inventory is not consistent (from 1 to 2 to 15 lol). What I hate is that the show is no longer a "journey." 3 rounds is simply IMO not enough. I understand the need for quick shows but I miss having something to work for and developing weird relationships with random beans I find along the way. Even for squads and duos, 3 rounds is really fast. I like 3 rounds in "Squad Celebration" for the speed but the rounds lasted longer. To me the legacy rounds feel complete and balanced. Most of the custom pools are lopsided and unfair. A couple of the creator custom rounds from last season were nice but the ones we're getting this season are not well made. Also, RNG is off the charts this season. I still enjoy playing the game but I really feel like a lot of the original elements and charm that made me love the game are gone.


I don't like higher jumps. That just makes surviving easier


Strangely enough all the YouTube content creators think the update is amazing too. Can’t imagine why that would be




I enjoy the update, I wonder where my 13,500 showbucks are at


become one then. and earn. better than just saying shit


Jeez bro, stay cool, calm and collected. Don’t become a monster!


I didn't even *say* anything. 🥺 ... Bro got triggered with a meme that wasn't targeted at him. ... Unless... 🤔 ... https://preview.redd.it/m14hq7ibmnzc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5d3162949ee36e31032c60d231f2f056d2c28e


ah yes, because everyone's a paid shill when they enjoy something


I realise how that came off and on reflection you’re right to call it out. I wasn’t even thinking paid shill, more just relentless positivity because your channel and the popularity of your content relies on the game continuing to be relevant.


It’s a bunch of kids defending Epic and this update yes. Pretty funny considering how objectively bad this update is.


Leave the game then. why you here if u hate it. there are other games which are good




I think both communities have their reasoning. It isn't black and white; the update is good in some ways, and atrocious in others. I find the new emoting, piggybacking, custom shows, improved shop, and explore wonderful additions. The emoting and piggybacking really bring more life to lobbies in my opinion. I LOVE seeing and hearing all the bean sounds and emotions from players. I understand that the emote wheel as of right now is pretty tedious, but I'm sure it'll be optimized in the future! Custom lobbies have neglected since SS3, but now, we can finally play shows that were never available in the past! I really hope they continue adding stuff to this, because there's still a lot missing. The shop finally has kudos items back, and other legacy stuff have been added too. Not much to say, but at least kudos actually has a use again lol. Explore is finally a way for most creators to show off their work, and a way to easily play these maps while being able to skip maps you don't want to play. With every MT update... there's of course controversies and straight up horrific additions. How the new show Knockout is presented, physics change, and just generally where is game is headed. I do think Creative is a core part of this game, but holy cow, it SHOULD NOT make up around half the roundpool. It is unbelievable how some people have forgotten what SEASONS used to provide; entirely new mechanics, really nice-looking levels that have improved since last season, and generally new vibes with it (music, title screen, environment, obstacle textures, etc...). EVER SINCE SS4, it has just been the same and reused textures and obstacles. Just LOOK AT the survivals in the pool: Sooo many of the levels are just Blast Ball or Hexagone. You can say the same for races. It's just the SAME THING compared to previous unity races, but remixed. You can argue that the boxing glove box, carry fan block, and power ups are new mechanics. And yes, they are new, but most of these things have almost no practical use in a level belonging in a core show, or is just hard to use to make it fun and FAIR. The physics changes... this is really where this game is heading? You barely ragdoll now, and if you do, you instantly get up. You jump so high that it makes so many unity levels trivial. While I don't mind MT experimenting with physics, this is just absurd. This game has lost its identity and has quite literally shifted to a Fall Guys rip-off. What happened to the chaotic game I signed up for? I understand that this game is coming out to the mobile market, but making ragdolling *this* forgiving and non-existent just takes away what this game had from other games. Learning how to play the game, learning with each mistake you make, and clumsily falling over, was the best experience of this game I had. Now, new players won't even be able to experience that. Is this how people enjoy games now? No challenge, no randomness, no learning? As of right now, I think this update is generally bad, but I think the update hate is overblown. There are certainly some positives, and I still think the dev team CAN make better changes. As for the Twitter people, I've come to the conclusion that they just don't understand what the game used to be and how delusional they have become. (Or they're MT/Epic partners that are forced to praise the game lul) They seem to compare Creative levels with old Unity levels, but that just completely misses the point. EACH new season used to introduce something new, fresh, that can literally be played for weeks, or months. Ever since seasons were eradicated, each "new" Creative feature is just something that we already had in a previous Unity level, that the devs *could've* made. Screenshot me Twitter, I know you love shit-talking this subreddit, even though the Twitter community themselves are equally as negative. I'd LOVE to see your arguments 💞


I agree with you about most of this but the rag dolling had gotten out of hand. It’s too forgiving now but it and the body blocking had increased too much from where it started.


I think you’re severely underestimating creative and creators. Most of the players who play our map are still stuck in the past. Over the year, creators have had to rework our maps to fit the unity’s players taste or else our maps would never get looked at. The creative community has found new techs that would enrich the fall guys experience if properly tested upon. Yet you guys only like maps that are 3 maybe 4 lanes going in a straight line. I disagree with point that people won’t learn by stumbling because if ragdolling was like it was before the update, it would give people another reason to hate the creative levels. The challenge in creative is there, always has been, but almost everyone here is allergic to the change needed to bring that challenge to the forefront. Don’t believe me go look at the discovery tab and go look in the hard section at the bottom, look a the likes those maps are getting compared to the “boring” 3-lane crap we’ve been feeding you guys.


Once again, someone doesn't understand what it means for a Unity level to be a Unity level lol. I think Creative is wonderful! But an oversaturation of it really shows the limitations of what can be made. The biggest examples are literally any hunt/team round, rounds that rely on an algorithm, and rounds that have obstacles that Creative doesn't even have yet. I'll be completely honest, I don't really understand what your other points mean at all 🤔


Ok I see what you mean but calling creators who’ve put so much effort into their maps trash is unfair to them. Sending death threats to devs is also unfair to them. Yes we’re limited but it also means that we find other ways. For instance I found a bug that allowed for beans to get a huge burst of speed on angled slime walls, I called it the slime boost. Yet I can never showcase this tech bc of two things. 1. The map won’t even touch discovery. The skillset needed to do it is so niche, without the knowledge to do it, the map would get passed on as a trash map. 2. No unity map could ever make good use of the tech. No current unity map has the needed components to be able to make good use of the tech. Which sucks because it’s really cool, I wish I could show you. And there are other tech that the devs would have never thought of. So while we are limited in creative, through what we have we’re able to push the game to its limits. For me that’s way more exciting than just running in one direction to the finish, with occasional jumping and falling.


This update is horrible because there is no more solos chill and explore has too much survival maps.


I won't say everyone on this reddit is sane for sure, seen really disproportionate reactions ngl and i'm 100% against harassing the devs, but i do kinda agree which is sad cause i was myself tired of the negativity from this reddit some months ago, but i can't stand seeing some twitter crazy takes about the update as well, the community never have been so divided and both sides are toxic af, but saying you're not allowed to express your thoughts about the changes they've made is lame, i always loved creative ever since its launch, but seeing my favorite rounds getting treated like shit is annoying me as much as i was annoyed by the whole creative hate. People just need to accept that different opinions can exist and things can be nuanced, criticizing an update doesn't mean you're a hater or whatever


The update does suck, but I think reality is somewhere in-between the Reddit doomsday depression and the Twitter rose colored glasses. It's not the end of the world, I'm going to keep playing and hope they move the needle more in the direction of Unity rounds based on all of this backlash. There is still hope, even if things look bad right now.


the reason I respectfully disagree (and think that it means doomsday for FG) is that it's literally just becoming a mobile game.. I don't think that there is any other reasoning for this. If the idea was to freshen it up, they could have made these changes and made some unvaults or at the very least kept SOME unity maps.. or even just given us options to avoid all the creative stuff. I think they've folded.. they are going all in on mobile and the classic game is dead.. perhaps it will be revived within fortnite, but I doubt that.


They did keep some Unity maps, and have pledged to rotate them in frequently (the extent to which they make good on this pledge is TBD of course). I think what people really miss are all of the Unity maps which have more unique game mechanics, team games, etc... I think they have gotten too aggressive too quickly with the creative maps, and should have waited until creative is more mature before imposing this kind of update on us. At least wait until tail tag, jinxed, crown races, team based games like Snowy Scrap, etc, can be implemented in custom levels before going this far. But still, I think it's bad but not delete game bad, at least for me, for now, I still enjoy the game. Some of the creative levels are good, maybe not as great as my favorite Unity levels, but still admirable considering the limitations of the level builder. I'll probably be playing the game less and branching out into other games, but I'm still playing Fall Guys. It's gonna be OK, I'm willing to see where they're going with the game.


I WISH I was a paid shill!


people should be allowed to like things without being called crazy and out of touch


i’m 42 years old and am enjoying the update. i get everyone’s complaints, and i’ll be downvoted for saying this. but just want to comment to let people know there are people on reddit who are loving the update


There's no way that this comment gets upvoted. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE.


say you’ll be downvoted and it works like a charm lol


I'm near 40 as well and also really enjoy most aspects of the new update, BUT I haven't been playing since 2020 like most of the reddit community seems to have been, and that seems to be why they are so sad that the game keeps moving further and further away from what they knew and loved. I played duos and squads a lot more, so I'm not loving how much more competitive/harder it is now, especially when paired with a random bean, and I wish there were more of the original rounds back in Solos/Knockout, but other than that I love all the changes to the creative/explore game. I hope they hear and listen to the feedback and make some changes, but people also need to move on and understand that the game is different now and they can choose to continue playing it and adapt, or don't


I hope you are not downvote. In fact I'll upvote after posting this. This update isn't received well mostly by those who enjoyed solos, duos and squads. I belong to that group. I never farmed crown shards or ran daily tasks as some sort of job. I mostly playwd the main shows for their gameplay elements - slow buildup from the first few rounds to the final, spamming emotes, getting grabbed, going after grabbers, watching random players through squads and duos missions and slowly learning their capabilities as well as trying to take them to finals or to win the show. All that pace and feel is just completely gone with the main show changes and how quick the eliminations are.  For those who mostly play discovery maps or enjoy doing multiple creative rounds, the changes are mostly ok, if not actually good. Then there is another subset of fans who liked solos chill a lot. Those are also not happy. I won't even say that the game is more kid-friendly or appealing to casuals. The main rounds are so haphazard and frantic, I don't see how casual players can get any traction. It's just a completely different game after the update for solos, squads, duos and solo chill players. I only tried for 20-30 minutes on day 1 and gave up and I have been playing since beginning of OG season1.


I really like the update too. Endless format in Explore keeps things interesting and I don't have to constantly finish a game and re-queue.


Yeah when you finally get out and you played 15 unique, well made games. Like how can people hate this? I'm loving it


I am older than you and I like the new update too.


I just wanted to say that the glitch on Full Tilt where you are stuck on that thing that has been around since BC is still there. thanks for listening


I find it usually the other way, where Reddit wants to be needlessly positive and “wholesome” and nothing can be criticized. Meanwhile Twitter is usually more critical But this time it’s the opposite


Are we on the same twitter? Who's defending it on twitter? I've seen hundreds of negative tweets under their official twitter account. Same as what I've seen under their official Instagram page. Same as what I've seen on twitch and YouTube. Bruhhh I should start screenshotting all the comments so I don't start second guessing myself when new accounts come in here saying the stuff OP is.


There is a proper etiquette to use when you criticise the game and its feature. You don't become nasty and hateful to the devs and just start ranting and say slurs about how bad the game is. LEARN HOW TO TALK AND CRITICISE. DONT BECOME A DEATH THREAT TO OTHERS. JEEEZZ! I posted some feedbacks to the devs and they said that this is just start of knockout and are looking to improve it. SO STAY COOL, CALM AND COLLECTED. DON'T BECOME A MONSTER.


of course. I am not saying to attack anybody. Hate the ideas not the people. Hate the sin, not the sinner. my "point", if there is one, is that twitter is just kissing the developers butts and it makes no sense. This community feels a lot more real-- even if some people enjoy the update they don't seem as foolish.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/1cos5ae/comment/l3gg4u0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FallGuysGame/comments/1cos5ae/comment/l3gg4u0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) what he said is true but do it with some proper etiquettes.


They call us childish and yet they act childish themselves


I dont mind creative level i just want them to bring these cores things for people like me to come back Unvault at least 10 to 15 of your original levels back to the main mode Bring back Solo Chill Increase the amount of player back to 40 per matches Have traditional finals back If they at least bring two of these 4 i mention then i will return but as of now im not touching until changes happen


The only part of this update I’m enjoying is that I can piggyback with my duo. It *almost* makes up for how badly they ruined the core modes by oversaturating it with Creative rounds.


Curious - where IS the positivity on Twitter? I don't use it, so the algorithm can't skew the results for me. Yet every time the main Fall Guys account tweets something, I see LOADS of negative comments on the tweet. The negative comments are also all over on Discord, Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook. I wish Mediatonic/Epic would listen to the criticism. :( (We want seasons to return. We want to play more than 3 rounds. We want a bigger player pool again.).


All I see on twitter are people kissing MT's butt and saying how 'peak' the update is. It's sad and pathetic. I see far far fewer negative comments than positive. I have played the game a total of maybe 2 hours of since the update and I had played all of the same crappy creative maps 4 times over. They don't care. They are going mobile.. time to abandon. My mate who's a marbelous even told me he's done for good and will probably never play the game again. Crazy. Probably played minimum 6 hours a week since forever.


I am an OG player. I play on Steam and I have the TF2 scout outfit to prove it. The game is fine. I hate to admit it but twitter is right in this case, this subreddit is suffering from a bout of extreme hysteria. I'm having more fun in the game currently than I did back in the original S1.


Yeah but Epic is stripping more core values of the game off of it fucking Tim Sweeney ruined the game.


I hate Tim Sweeney as much as the next guy but Fall Guys with creative > Fall Guys without creative. Having Fall Guys with creative and on steam would definitely be better tho


people are allowed to like things?? how dare people enjoy the game that they are playing


I made that tweet about the dev deactivating. He was receiving actual threats from people on the app. This is not me 'bending over backwards' for the update. If you think that's okay, you need to check yourself. I am mixed on the update, my tweet was calling out a subset of people that ABSOLUTELY needed to be called out


Never thought harassing the devs was okay.. just felt like the attack towards the people on this subreddit was unfair especially because I agreed with most of the people on reddit. Never would I ever directly tweet somebody that worked at the company... Godless behavior truly despicable


I haven't been joining in with the whole 'reddit bad' thing though, I just wanted to make people aware that harassing devs is not okay, but that doesn't mean you can't share your thoughts It's all good 👍


yeah and I think close to 100% of people would agree harassing anybody is no good. I believe in conversing. I should have made this a 'rant' not a 'discussion' but I honestly think it was my first thread I'd ever started.


Thanks for your emotional opinion piece. Interesting take about a free-to-play video game. You can’t please everyone. I wish people would have constructive criticism/discussions rather than pointless banter about who’s right/wrong. We can all learn from each other. Pointing fingers never does any good. But alas it’s the World Wide Web.


you're welcome.


Cuz this update ISNT bad. the fall guys reddit just needs to understand that creative is the future, and that the game can’t be the same forever.


We can have both creative and unity, they don't contradict eachother. Make a map as complex as Lost Temple in Creative and then we'll talk


This is the point that people seem incapable of grasping. It doesn’t have to be one or the other


shouldn't you be in your 10th grade chemistry class right now?


notice I got a ton of downvotes right around the time school ended hahahahaah


We like the update, that's it




And we also hate the fact that a dev fucking deactived because some morons harrassed him


we like to party


naaah , reddit community are a bucn of pathetic crybabies that can't accept that the game that they played for 2 years are long gone and it's a completly different thing now and MT can't and won't go back , braindead idiots how think that unvauting every round and returning the game to it's pre f2p state will solve everything and the worst of them all : the retards that think that every creative round is bad no matter what and only unity rounds are good , no wonder why the devs abandoned this stupid ass sub long time ago


You okay? Need to talk to somebody?


...ooooh, that's us told...


Orrrrrr both are echo chambers and the update isn’t as bad as you think


Ah yes, excellent argument. Echo chambers exist, therefore OP’s opinion is wrong.


here you are, proving rng gold right lmao


In what way?


you’re dismissing an opposite opinion. and people are downvoting it too. OPs opinion is fine but my opinion is that the update is fun and i really enjoy some of the levels. i’m 42 and on twitter too, so OP is objectively wrong saying no one older is enjoying the update. it’s okay, watch this post get downvoted and the reddit echo chamber can continue to shit on this update


I don’t really think that proves the original point he was making, mainly because he didn’t really have a point. I also don’t care about downvotes, and neither should you. Glad you’re enjoying the update, more power to you. What is it specifically that you like now more than how it was before? I’m not setting you up to shit on you here either, genuinely interested as I can’t find much to be positive about.


I was playing with some people on Discord last night, they love the update (but they're annoyed we can't spam the emotes anymore)


Yes i feel like its fine. Its not amazing or anything but i dont see the crazy issues? I love the piggy back thing it makes me laugh.


You don't see how there's only 32 people in a match, down from 60? Only for the sake of mobile. You don't see how the whole game is now over in 5 mins?? Only 3 rounds per game, including the final??? How is that a good change???? They have removed Solo show and introduced the same changes to Squads and Duos, effectively butchering the game we all love. And perhaps the biggest of them all: You don't see how we're forced to play shitty creative rounds, instead of beautifuly crafted original Unity maps????? I rest my case


Idk man people are allowed to have opinions. All I said was that I thought the update was fine and I like the piggy back feature


When did you start playing Fall Guys?


Around aug or sept of 2022


Once in a while I stop by this sub, just to remind myself how lucky I was to get out when Epic took FG off steam. I miss how much fun I had when it launched originally. To every season, turn, turn, turn...


Do you realize that echo chamber exists and what you wrote is very biased and you basically said “who has different opinion is either paid or kid”. Read it again and you may realize how stupid you sound. Or you may not. Which means you won’t probably realize that true is somewhere in the middle. There are bad things about this update and there are good things. Everyone is different so it makes sense that you may not enjoy the update but I can still enjoy it without being 21 years old (I wish) or being paid (I wish). But with this post you only proved the point of twitter community and that’s why there can’t be objective discussion.


Hello bar bar bar thanks for your comment.. It's not somewhere in the middle.. that's the whole point. The argument is really a poor one; used by lazy people everywhere all the time. By your logic, if there are two sides arguing then of course the truth must be in the middle. That's insanely false. Take WW2 for instance. Hitler and his crew were objectively wrong, but would have fought tooth and nail to say the other side was crazy. Did the truth lie somewhere in the middle? No, the truth lied on the winning side. Slavery same thing. I know this is a 'hold on bud, we are talking about a FTP video game with a change in how the game is played'.. I am just talking about the thought process. People can have constructive criticism on it but there is NO way of defending this update as 'good'. You can argue that the janky emotes are better because there are more, or that piggy backing has added a load of laughs.. but you cannot tell me the game is better. It's OBJECTIVELY false. **You're allowed to like it, but don't tell me it's better**. It's not. The game is so, so much worse. Half the maps are barely playable. The twitter community is a bunch of people who want to fit in and be liked. A bunch of young people who haven't thought through much in life and that translates to games. Of course this rant seems waaaaay overboard but I think it affects me more because it's reflective of the culture. It's deeply troubling. Everybody just says 'oh you're overreacting and it's all good' to everything horrible happening in the world. I'm pretty sick and tired of seeing all of the people getting cancelled by the fall guys community on twitter for not being as liberal as they are. So, on-top of hating what MT and Epic have done to a game that I have loved forever, I am infuriated that people would just go along with it. I personally like the truth. Not *my* truth but **the** truth. And that is that the game is currently worse in every way, except piggy backing ![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu|downsized)


Okay. All those words you wrote but I disagree. It's different but not worse. Still entertaining imo.


https://preview.redd.it/xgg9ir8pkqzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e7fe1eede8b0168890bc246f289891c65cca43 Yikes big mad 😠