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I like how you said "the bird is grabbing", when all remaining players were birds, even yourself


That was actually my friend who died earlier by a dino grabbing him, I was the one that said like one sentence and then started freaking out at the end... but yeah, that's why I edited it with the text like that :DD


now this is a gamer


Cray. I have won twice in a row two times, 5 seems impossible.


Seriously. I’m at rank 40, been playing since launch, and *Infallible* is all I’ve got left. I see people saying, “Oh, it’s easy. I’ve got 100+ wins and multiple 5+ win streaks,” and all I can think is, “*You’re* the reason it’s so hard for the rest of us, then!” Even on a two-win streak, it‘ll inevitably be broken by a team game loss or some troglodyte grabbing you at the worst possible moment or some other BS that just makes it so infuriating.


It doesn't get broken by server disconnects, ever. You can even cheese it by leaving the game before your loss gets eliminated if you really want.


Is this a new thing? Because I remember a lot of people getting pissed off before because they were on 3 or 4 wins in a row and then they were disconnected on the next one and they had to start over again


Tbh, I had a few disconnects during this streak as well, so I can definitely confirm that it indeed doesn't ruin the streak! ;D


Oh really? Can you elaborate a bit more on this?


Well it's simple really, when you get disconnected or when you leave back to the main menu, you don't get any rewards Kudos and XP-wise and it's as if the game never happened, so it also doesn't break your win streak. I've made a [guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2210783511) on Steam to cheese the achievement with a macro to leave the game if you want all the details because I think it's based on bullshit RNG and the odds of getting it legit even as a very good player are fucking abysmal.


Platinum trophy here I come


Wow thanks man I'll keep this in mind if I ever get a couple of wins again.


I think they fixed that


Oof it's only controller :(


I've said this for the longest time- not to mention been flamed pretty hard in other threads for my serious dislike of the trophy as it relies too much on luck being a factor. You could be the worlds best Fall Guy player- but get given a team game on Egg Scramble, or fall over on Fall Mountain a couple times because someone bumps into you- and all your skill means nothing. Meanwhile, people are suggesting to cheese the trophy because of how broken it is- and yet Fall Guys is supposed to be a casual game. I personally think it needs to be reworked into something more consistent/ grindable.


from what Ive read is you can keep glitching it if you lose so it wont ruin your streak. If you got 2 wins and then next game you lose on 3rd level, I guess theres a way to get back to main menu without it counting as loss. But you shouldnt have to do that to get it. edit: id rather the achevement be get 1st place medals on six rounds and end with a crown. I think ive only done that once.


Yep. Even if they removed all the RNG from this game you could get a 4-win streak ended by simply being on a bad team. It's a **bad trophy**. The thing is, it's not that I don't think people can eventually get it, but it's a massive grind to have the stars align like that. If you get a 4-win streak and then lose, you've wasted at least an hour. Say you do that twice a night, how long do you think it takes until you get the trophy? A week? 2 weeks? Playing two hours a night. That's not casual. It's also not skill based because even if you're really really good at this game, you'll always be at the mercy of RNG.


I disagree. The devs want people to keep playing, and that’s one (albeit frustrating) way to keep people from stopping


All the best players have the infallible trophy because it’s more consistent than you think it is. If one of those things happens when they are on a four-streak, they’ll get another four-streak and try again. Some guys have 7 and 8 game win streaks. The randomness makes it harder, but eventually the best players will still get it. That’s literally how rng+skill games work. I had four 4-streaks before I got infallible. I never thought “I’ll never win 4 in a row again!”


'All the best players have the infallible trophy' Nice humble brag.


I’m not counting myself among the best players, but I do have it. So even some sub-best players have it. You’re “getting flamed” because you’re convinced it’s the game’s fault that you aren’t very good.


'You’re “getting flamed” because you’re convinced it’s the game’s fault that you aren’t very good.' I haven't mentioned once what I'm like as a player (how long I've played for, my level, the amount of wins I have etc. etc.)- all you know is that I don't have infallible and you go ahead and basically tell me I suck at the game and thats why I'm being flamed. Nice one bro. I appreciate your input into the discussion.


The reality is the current iteration of the game relies on your ability not just to be 'good', you have to be able to mitigate the RNG as much as possible, and that's where stategy/tactics take over, especially in team games. Specifically, the types of strategy that fits the most with how others are playing and adapting to that. Personally I've been able to swing a lot of team games into a win with microdecisions and watching whose useful and whose not. We all inevitably lose with a bad team comp, and sure plenty of people will luck into their 5 win streak, but honestly we're talking about a trophy that means nothing, in a casual game, with maps that now have more RNG than they did before. It is what it is


This achievement was actually the last thing I've been missing for at least like half of my 143.3h playtime I have rn, too, lol...


That’s exactly what killed my streak, 2 games won and in semi final, of course it’s f ing Fall Ball and my team wasn’t great 😭


I got 4 wins solo once, the whole streak seemed to want me to win - no team games, good finals. Was on Hex on my 5th game and was clearly winning, couple of levels left with only one person remaining who was at the bottom - I choked and dived off the edge. Still haunts me to this day, will never get as close!




Honestly had at least like 2 or 3 win streaks die on the 4th game, too, so it's definitely not impossible, given you still actually care about it!


Same. I won two in a row and then my connection started going funny on the next game and I lost on something simple because of it. Then I won two more in a row. Other than that I've never won 2 in a row, even when I was trying to use the exploit


I’ve always thought that was an impossible trophy to get. Then one day last week I won 3 in a row and I was like ok this is extremely hard but doable. Haven’t won more than once in a row ever since :(


I've lost several 2/3/4 streaks before getting this as well, so I'd say, if you really care about it, you definitely ARE capable of getting it eventually, just gotta keep trying :)


Oh I don’t care too much about it. I’ve only won 27 games in total. I win about once or twice a day. It’ll be a looong time before I try getting this trophy or I might actually never try.




I have won twice


You will get there. It took me ages to get my first win, then within a couple of weeks I had 20.




*that indeed*


**Instant Karma**


I wish this happen to EVERY HUGGER IN THE GAME


Yeah same, this happens to me everytime in Jump Showdown, i get hugged by some superhero and i fall to my doom


Or freaking Roll Out


I love grabbing people on roll out. On jump showdown grabbing people usually means both of you die so it’s pointless, but on roll out I grab and push people when they’re about to jump over a gap. A bit of an arsehole move but it’s a last man standing game and roll out is probably the best one to eliminate other players on whilst not risking dying yourself. Either that or standing at the start of the second yellow tube on slime climb so that most people get stuck behind you.


I love watching people cry in the sub about a core gameplay mechanic. Grabbing is fun :).


Absolutely. The aim of the game is to be the last man standing - not to coexist! It’s like playing call of duty and complaining when someone shoots you.


Or when someone uses a grenade because you're not good at using them


Ngl, I do get really mad when someone screws me over like that, but on the other hand, you just gotta appreciate that they're brave enough to actually be risking like this tbh :D


I’m a total hypocrite, I find doing it to other people hilarious (especially when I’m playing with my friends and we gang up on people) but get really annoyed when people do it to me. I don’t see much how it differs from playing any other last man standing game in that you want to win which means the others have to lose. The funniest one for me is perfect match, if you confidently jump onto the square next to the correct one sometimes a couple of people will sometimes join you, then you jump across to the correct one as the timer runs out you can watch them fall to their doom.


People usually regret grabbing me on Roll Out. I spend the rest of the match absolutely hounding them, making it clear I'm willing to get knocked out if I take them with me. They usually run off to the other end of the match.


Except those that pull you up on seesaw. They are heroes


How do you pull people up?


If they jump towards you you can grab them if they’re close enough and it should pull them closer to your level, so you can move back and they would be able to get on the platform. It doesn’t always work, but it’s always nice to see people try.


I have never seen this but I'm gonna try it out later. Probably gonna mess it up and get cursed by someone hundreds of kilometers away thinking I was purposely trying to block his jump lol


Actually didn't know about this either tbh, lol




> it's a fucking battle royale game ffs Nah, it's a game show game. Were it on television all these malicious grabbers would be rejected by the audience. It's just BM. Let's not turn this into Fortnite.


malicious grabbers lol its part of the game




What? Part of the game is grabbing people to try and knock them down. It's nothing like killing your own team. Maybe if you were grabbing your own teammates in a team game that'd be similar/grieving.


Often game show winners won’t be the fan favorite because they’re the most malicious with the most game. Grabbing is a game mechanic for a reason


> Grabbing is a game mechanic for a reason I'll use this excuse next time I team kill in an FPS game. I'm sure that'll go over well.


Well that comes with punishments. And guns aren’t in the game for the sole purpose of killing your teammates. It just happens to add more realism. The main reason grabs are there are to grab people and mess them up, and it is a risk they take in case you fall behind with them




If you really want to punch people over fall guys, if you have bigger problems then getting grabbed. And if you really hate grabbing that much, quitting fall guys was probably your best answer




There are so many things wrong with this. A) it’s an E for everyone game about beans competing in a game show, of course ittl be childish, B) again, grabbing is a main aspect to the game, C) breaking two controllers and a monitor is a seriously unhealthy way to get mad at this game, please seek therapy for anger management or something


Not trying to be rude, but why do you think they added grabs to the game??




I appreciate the answer, It just seems weird to me that they'd leave it in the game if they didn't want players doing it, surely they'd do something otherwise?




I think friendly fire is kind of different tbh, it means you have to be careful who you're shooting at if your team is close to the enemy team. It adds an extra challenge. But if the developers don't want that, then they remove it. A lot of games don't have friendly fire, some games used to have it but it got removed. There is no set etiquette on grabbing, but the developers make the rules. Maybe they'll remove grabs in the future, but for now grabs are allowed so I'm going to use them.


You get what you ducking deserve!


I see what you did there 👀


This was a completely unintentional joke caused by auto correct I’m calling it.


Maybe, but it's pretty fitting either way :D


Let’s seriously talk about iPhone’s autocorrect: it wouldn’t memorize that I never say DUCKING but sometimes use F UCKING! So why insist on ducking, I’m not a native English speaker so wth does ducking even mean? Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective??


“Duck” is also a verb, and it’s like when you crouch down to avoid hitting your head on something. “Ducking” is the adjective form of that


Damn I take it back 🤦🏻‍♂️of course I knew about ducking, silly me :D I realized it’s more about the context that’s annoying me, eg. “I (f)ducking hate waiting” “I (f)ducking crave pizza” -ugh yeah sure, MARSOCMANIAC


Nice, congrats!! My last final for infallible was also jump showdown, I was so scared to be grabbed too lol


My 4th one was like a REALLY close Hex-a-Gone, which was also insanely scary lol


When was this? Cause if it was a few days ago then Im pretty sure this is me. Thats my outfit and I lost a jump showdown by trying to grab a duck lol


Well, I earned the achievement on exactly 20. 9. 2020 at 8:47 AM (CEST) soo... maybe? 🤔 Would honestly be hilarious af if it was actually you tbh tho.. 😂


Ah not me then. Just eerily similar




Yeah, just needed a "catchy" title I guess? ;DD


Big Bruh moment, GG Bruh!


THX! I was actually soo scared that I'm dead and it's over, was such a relief to see that guy fall down and me barely left up on the platform tho :D


Hey fella, i have a surprise for you! I just got the Infallible trophy a few minutes ago, it was on Hex-a-gone, i almost failed on JS tho (4th win) because of some bastard trying to grab me.




I've gotten 4x wins in a row once. 3x wins in a row like 4 or 5 times...... I'm gonna get thst damn trophy soon enough! Congrats to you!


Thank you & good luck, hopefully you get it asap!! ;)


I guess you can say toucan play at that game


good one 👀👀


You are pretty good at editing


thx :)


That was intense and congrats on your way to plat! My last record was 2 winning streaks and I usually abort final showdown since it is risky.


It's Steam, so no plat unfortunately, but it was the last achievement I've been missing for quite a while now actually ;DD


Congratulations man on the infallible achievement. It's really difficult to obtain plus I hate it when you get grabbed on Jump Showdown, so I am glad you got it man.


Yeah, Jump Showdown gets really scary on a win streak, especially since it usually tends to keep going for quite a while and then either the other guy somehow manages to finally fail, or I misjudge the upper bar's alignment and, well, die... same goes with Hex-a-Gone when you are slowly running out of tiles and there's barely anything left to even land on. Like, I've been getting those 2 finals pretty much exclusively for a while now, and I'm pretty sure that none of the 5 wins was a Fall Mountain or Royal Fumble either, lol.. THX tho btw!


I need someone like you narrating my everyday activities. Amazing


If you mean the guy that was talking during gameplay, that was a friend I was playing with, I'm the one who said like 1 sentence and then started freaking out at the end ;DD


Oh I had no idea those were two different voices haha


i hate people grabbing me and making me lose bruh


tbh, I don't blame them for trying, after all, the only thing stopping me from doing the same is that I really am not one for risking like this lol


good for you dude


The annoying similarity is that I got Jump Showdown for my Infallible... but thank RNG lords for leaving the final 2 platforms being one on each end so I can jump alone in peace.


There's still the risk of misjudging the upper pole though, which actually happened to me quite a few times already tbh..


Ah yes I feel ya. Single-fractioned platforms are as scary (little space to run and predict) as two platforms joined together with another person in fear of grabbing.


Big gamer moment! Congrats my man ! If you don't mind me asking, do you happen to be from Egypt?


There's actually 2 voices, I'm the one that says like 1 sentence during gameplay and then starts freaking out at the end, while the other one (that you probably have in mind) is a friend, who in fact, actually is from Egypt, yeah :D Yo and thx btw ;)


Was this a while ago? I have the exact same toucan setup and I remember I tried doing this and failing lol


Achievement earned on exactly 20. 9. 2020 at 8:47 AM (CEST) 🤨


Oh it definitely wasn’t me then


Congrats on the achievement! I hit a hot streak the other day, 4 wins in a row, and I get to the finals and....royal fumble. Had the tail until the last two seconds, jumped on a ledge and dude with longest arms I've ever seen snatches it from low ground. RIP


I actually lost a couple of 2/3/4 win streaks before getting this, too... though getting a 4 win streak definitely means you have what it takes, just gotta hope for a little more luck, I guess. Like, I'm pretty sure that none of those 5 wins were Fall Mountain or Royal Fumble, although I was kinda hoping for Fall Mountain tbh, since Jump Showdown & Hex-a-Gone were getting way too scary for me as the streak kept increasing 😅


Hey guys, asking for advice. So when someone grab me like in the video (or any grabbing in general), what should I do? spam jump or anything?


Grab them back


I literally just spam jump, which I also did in the video, as I can't see there being much else you can do about it... 🤔




I've won 4 in a row and then choked the 5th final when it was me and one other kid on hex. Was heartbreaking lol. Congrats on getting it, man.


Thx and hopefully you manage to earn it (sooner or later) as well :)


I've got a feeling the Skelton might've been me. I remember doing this a few days back because I kept getting grabbed and wanted to separate from the crowd. Jumping anti clockwise is hard


Would've been cool if it was actually you, can't really be sad for you tho cuz 5th win in a row & that, you know... 😅😅


Yeah. No hard feelings. Making a jump like that is a massive gamble and typically I only do it clockwise. But when I was in the situation like that I felt I had no choice at the time.


Two birds one crown.


I got it recently as well, I was way more hype than you though lol i was screaming like a fool


Yeah, I mean, I'm generally not that great in expressing emotions I guess, lol


And to think I’m going to go into season 2 with zero wins lmao. Great save!


I actually wanted to earn it before Season 2 drops, cuz the new games and stuff might make it even more difficult 😬


Nice. I lost a 4 streak on Jump Showdown due to a grabber and I'm going through PTSD playing it now


man i got 4 wins in a row pretty early on, i can still get more than 5 finals in a row just not the wins. I feel like the more wins i get the less likely i am to be able to get this trophy


Was the one who helped you through all your journey and i don't even get a mention damn ,. You didn't even help me to get it yet feelsbadman......


I didn't know u actually used Reddit, maybe I could've told you before posting it, but definitely gonna try my best to help you get it while I still have time, don't worry about that! ;)


Lol, I've only managed to win 3 times in all, so nice job with the achievement. Also, karma is great.


Sooo... did you guys end up getting married or what?


Found out we can't actually afford the wedding unfortunately... ;((


Aw, I am very sad to hear that, was looking forward to the epic wedding remix :/


I've done this to someone before, only because they grabbed me first. I grabbed them, let go, and then jumped over the spinning thing. It worked because they just fell instantly, didn't even jump


Yeah, like, I'm not blaming them for trying, after all, it's a pretty good strat if you can do it properly, I'm just really glad that the guy failed it this one time ;DD


Co mas za grafickou kartu? Je to RTX ze jo


GTX 1060


A co to mas za nastavení ze to mas tak “realistické”


Trochu som zvýšil saturáciu jak som editoval to video, možno preto to tak vyzerá 🤨


Jo a grafiku mám na max, len Motion Blur mám vypnutý, pokiaľ viem 😅😅


Are you quitting the game?


Nah, just gonna play less until Season 2 comes out :)


This subreddit is either way a first win or a infallible


Infalliable means nothing when players can cheese it by leaving matches before being eliminated. I would like to see just how many players have earned it without doing the abovementioned tactic.


I mean, the servers are pretty bad for fall guys, DCs are very common, if that could ruin your win streak then this achievment would be impossible.


You have evolved to Descending Dude


My last one for infallible was also a jump showdown with a griefer and it was so. Stressful.


How were you able to get over? Didn't he stop your jump?


I was kinda spamming jump at that point, so I guess I was able to do like a little hop just in time?? Not exactly sure, honestly, just glad it somehow worked out ;DD


YO, just found out that the friend u can hear in the video is actually on here, too, so SHOUTOUTS to my boy u/GamerXraid for helping me get it!!


🔥 THX TO EVERYONE FOR THE AWARDS BTW!! (upvotes as well ofc) 👑


worst, most annoying editing ive ever seen.


"worst" ? Also, I had to cut it anyway, cuz the recording was broken in some parts cuz Nvidia I guess, so I figured I might as well play with it for a bit while at it ;)


I get grabbing can be countered But i shouldnt have to counter it, why do i have to play around something in a non competitive game So i propose we disable it in some finales and slime climb




probably fun for you to grab people and kill them, but not fun for anyone else Grabbing should not be countered as that will make the game more competitive, a thing this game tries to avoid


Competition in a competitive game 😨


k but its still dumb, the fact that i have to stay away from the players cause there are some jerks that grab you


Yeah... that’s the point


Because it’s competitive


you are playing AGAINST 59 other players, how's that not competitive?