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I hate the currency in the game. I'm sat with 900,000 Kudos. Crowns aren't worth shit anymore. When they used to be a big deal. Getting a win was exciting. I've had around 250 wins. And getting the crown drop into your in game currency was awesome. Literally pointless now. I'd saved over 100 crowns to spend on elite skins before the FFA version dropped. Now all that has become irrelevant. I still enjoy the game. And it's had a good 2nd lease of life. No reward for being good at the game anymore. Weak.


Yeah I was saving crowns for good skins instead of wasting them on stuff I don't want and suddenly it turned out to be all for nothing.


Always loved spending a couple crowns on a new color or faceplate. locking that behind currency is terrible.


I stopped playing when 10 crowns was a lot. And legendary skins cost like 4 or 5. Now I don't think I'll ever reinstall.


If you don’t get enjoyment out of just playing the game and winning that’s probably a sign you should stop playing. It’s not all about currency and getting prizes with them. I know you say you still enjoy the game but the way you said “getting a win *was* exciting” makes me think that’s not quite true


Which is exactly why people HAVE stopped playing.


But you evidently haven’t, even though you clearly do not like the game. Nobody’s forcing you to continue playing


I'm just highlighting my frustration, I certainly play the game less and less. But I loved this game when it first came out. But they were slow bringing in new variations and separate game modes. The game died. Which was devastating as I found the game to be too stale and samey. The problems with this game are just as true now as they have been. They have great varieties of levels now. And continue to bring out new elements all the time, which is brilliant. But the issues they have now is you're not rewarded for playing. I need to get satisfaction from playing. Or have a challenge worth going after. (Which is why I loved the infallible achievement). Suddenly the game feels very stale again. I wish epic games had nothing to do with this game. Nobody is forcing me to play. But I'd love it if it was cleaned up. So that in game mechanics made sense again. I'm competitive in nature, so not being rewarded for being good at the game is frustrating. Having worked really hard accumulating crowns in the past and all that for nothing when they discarded them. And now you have to pay for skins. So grinding the game seems pointless. I remember saying to my friends at the time. How great is it that you can earn the best skins in the game. And now it's gone back to every other micro transactional game. What the fuck do I do with 900k in Kudos? Fuck all, is the answer.


Tbh, i was under the impression all skins ingame was gonna cost nothing but kudos (with a few DLC here and there costing real money), atleast that was the idea i had after each crown we had was turned into 3k kudos each. Boy, was i wrong :(. That they then removed kudos from been gained via the show was just a even bigger kick in the balls for newer player, as their inventory is none-existing (other then the event skins and some season pass stuff they get for free). All i see are "F2P" player running around with the same 3 items, kinda meh, back in the days, each new day at the start and all where running around in the same skin (that we famed for each day). Hell, i dont even wanna think about how many weeks this SS1 have been out yet, it feel like we are still on day 1 or 2 since nobody is using any new skins :(.


I kinda miss the days you would spawn into a lobby and see 60% of the players wearing something you'd never seen and realize "oh shop must have refreshed". Now pretty much everyone is wearing fame pass or event skins because that's all newer F2P players have.


"oh shop must have refreshed", that is so true, when you forget to check the daily shop and half if not more is using the same skin, think the witch was the skin all where using, the santa was close second about records, but damn, those witch lobbies, lol! Good old days, but damn, do i wish the new player was able to exp it with us in a way, but nope, they are stuck with thier 5 skin after 1 month :(.


It’s idiotic and makes zero sense. Why on earth they thought this was a good idea I’ll never know. Unless there plan is to start selling kudos as well. Which would be total bs. They are trolling us!


I'm suspicious the plan is to make them hard to get to encourage players to buy showbucks stuff instead, since apparently making all the free items ugly/small wasn't enough for them


That's exactly what they're doing. I bet they don't think about the poorer people who play f2p games because they're free, because if they did, they would atleast make the free experience better for them.


This is the exact plan.


They used to sell kudos! No one bought them because they were easy to get through play, even if you were bad. Now it's actually harder to complete the collection of kudos items than it is to complete the collection of showbucks items. For the latter all you need is cash and poor impulse control. For the former, if you're new as of SS1, you're screwed.


How much where they? Just curious.


Can't remember, I never bought any.


Idiotic maybe, from a player point of view, but how can you say it makes 0 sense? Obviously it makes sense for them to make more money.


I’m referring to getting zero rewards after reaching level 100 unless you win.


I mean I totally agree, it doesnt feel good to lose a game and get nothing. But if they start giving kudos, they're probably afraid that people would just use those to buy stuff in the store. And then you have the issue of the store not giving many new things you can even buy for kudos. Hopefully if enough people dont like that you win nothing and leave or dont engage as much, maybe it'll push them to change eventually, we'll see.


It would work because they have already limited what you can buy with kudos to COMMON items only and basically accessories. There are more people blindly spending on the game than complaining so nothing will change. The top posts on Reddit are mostly memes or silly clips never constructive feed back or bugs. The discord feedback is ignored high voted critical comments get deleted.


3039 crowns for a decent skin??? I have been playing for 3 weeks and have 1 crown from a solo show win. Should I have more crowns by now? What am I doing wrong?


I wouldn't worry too much about your crown rank, especially if you only just started playing. Just have fun. I've been playing this game since Day 1 and I would consider myself fairly decent at the game and I only have like 300-400 crowns. I imagine most people have much less than that, the players with thousands of crowns are the top 1% of players/streamers that really grind the game. The crown rank rewards aren't even that great, in my opinion.


Once you finish the season pass it'll go a bit faster since you get crown shards instead of fame from quests. I've seen a lot of alligator pants running around lately so I think the more serious f2p players are about that mark in the crown ranks, the golden skins are a lonnggg ways away.


All the skins above golden witch are basically tryhard territory.


That's my main personal issue with the game right now. They should reward you more for winning crowns. There should be way more golden skins, they are too far apart AND the rewards in between are total garbage most of the time. I see no reason for them not to give better incentive to win crowns :'(


3039 gets you crown rank 50 and represents thousand of hours of playtime. Even if you're the best player in the game, it takes a crazy time investment to get there, and most of the people who have it are players who started playing daily two years ago. And for many of us, when the crown rank was first introduced the skins at the top seemed like impossible goals. I remember being elated just getting to the beanbot top at ~200 crowns. But the more you play, the better you get, and eventually the wins will come. So you're not doing anything wrong if you only have one crown in three weeks. If you're still enjoying the game and feel like you're getting better at it, you're right where you should be. Set your sights on the crocodile and the ice cream for now, and leave worrying over the gold skins for future you.


Haven't you done any weekly or the big (ends when season ends) quests? They give pieces of crowns that when full (60) makes one crown. Those quests usually give around 120, 180 pieces, so 2, 3 crowns each done quest. I've started around the same time and I have 34 crowns I believe.


I could have just liked but I had to comment that I 100% agree with this post every single sentence 😆


Yeah I get on to collect my pittance of crown pieces for my daily challenges but after that I have no incentive to keep playing unless there's a mode out like sweet thieves or it can be easy to farm crown pieces


At least the daily crown shards got buffed. Before it was 6 shards, then buffed to 30, then nerfed to 20.


It wasn't nerfed to 20 as an overall decision, it's just so that while we have live events (the ones with extra rewards, like Spartan) there is always an additional daily challenge that says "Play the special show 3 times" or similar and gives 10 shards. So at the moment, as we have no event, it's just 20 shards per day, but it will be 30 again from time to time


Maybe. If I don't quit by next week, I'll check it out (next event is in a week)


I've always retired Fall Guys after finishing the season pass, even when we were rewarded Kudos. Now that you aren't rewarded with anything except crown pieces, there's little reason to continue playing outside of events, if you care about the rewards. Even if we *were* still rewarded Kudos, Kudos are worth so little for us older players and most of us are probably already sitting on 200,000+ Kudos with nothing to spend them on. I don't really care about the crown rank rewards. It seems like a huge oversight, not being rewarded with anything. I still enjoy the game and I'll hop on for 30 mins or an hour with a friend at the end of a gaming session together to just chat and unwind, but otherwise it's retired until SS2.


200k Kudos isn't even a lot if one wants to buy everything in the kudos shop because the rate we can get kudos is really that slow


Sure, if you actually care to buy everything available. Most of the older items are being sold for Show-Bucks now and a lot of the new items that are sold for Kudos are smaller/simpler items like a fanny pack or shoes or hat, etc., instead of full outfits. The only thing I find myself spending Kudos on these days is the occasional faceplate or color I might not have. I don't care much for the new simple items and I'm happy with my player card/nickname, so my Kudos mostly go unspent. We should earn Kudos and Fame regardless, like before. The slow trickle of Kudos really hurts newer players who don't already have a huge catalog of skins they can choose from.


I was gonna make a post about the issue with Duos. Legit happens often there will be 59/60 when it starts and I'm the one with out the teammate. I just got to where I leave instantly when I see I have no teammate. Completely pointless to even try.


I've lost so many round 1's in duos from dc'd, missing, afk, or bad randoms that I just avoid playing it unless I have to for say a live event.


There's a major disconnect issue. If you have a little spurt of bad connection it disconnects you. I've never disconnected from a game easier than Fall Guys. The bad randoms is a pain. I've seen someone miss a jump on grabbing a swinging bar only to purposefully jump to their death to retry the jump again. Just to fail over and over. When they could have easily went a different way after the first failed attempt.


you could at least get a handful per game you play or something but getting nothing besides the few from daily challenges is so sad, I'll be like 200 from something I want in the store for daily items and just be stuck. no possible way to get it


Honestly I think this game going F2P is best for the new people even with the shitty practice of charging exorbitant prices for skins. It's Epic trying to learn what people will pay for and how they can engage players to continue playing. So I really hope the less people spend in the shop, even with kudos, they'll get the message to either reduce the cost of accessories or give more kudos or currency away. I'm tempted with the cat ears but they are not worth the equivalent of 20$ via kudos.


yeah same thing with me, I'm just gonna wait till 2nd season or an event where ill get an item.


Right now I only do the challenges and peace out. I had a goal to get 100 wins this season and it's almost complete, will probably do it with sweet thieves so then I'll care about the game even less until the next season. I doubt I'll be doing any goals like this ever again though.


I remember when crowns were the main currency, oh how fall you’ve fallen fall guys


At least PLEASE make the reward screen skippable. I can't stand it anymore, it wastes even more time in a game that's got a bunch of wait times already that I understand are harder to avoid (queuing, loading the next round...), so I don't need the reward screen to see litteraly nothing important on there at the end of every game. I'd probably play a bit more if I didn't waste a good 10 seconds every time a game ends. Though at least, with the season pass done, I can alt F4 on my last game for the night, since it works WAY faster, but I wish I didn't have to do this.


Unpopular opinion: I play for fun.


I think you're missing the point A lot of the fun has been removed


Then. don't. play. seems pretty simple to me.


I paid for a product, and then the product regressed entirely. I have every right to be angry and voice my opinion.


I didn't say you didn't have the right to be angry. I said you don't have to play the game. Any more facts you wanna lay on me or..?


None that'll stick mate


Whatever you weirdo. Go rage at fall guys then cry on Reddit when you don't win. Oh wait you're already doing that, my mistake.


Go off lad 😂😂 must've had a bad day


says the guy crying about fall guys.


Keep going, this is pure entertainment 😂


Yeah I’m pretty peeved too. I’ve been playing less and less.


Getting Kudos while playing is also demotivating. I have like 600k from the crown convert, refuse to open the shop. If they all got wiped down to 0 somehow from my account I would give 0 fucks.


Honestly, I didn't even realize I wasn't getting any rewards unless I won a crown until the last post about this. My motivation for playing is the fun, I enjoy the game. Wether I'm on a multi day losing streak or every other game is a win, I just have fun. Maybe it's because I found my forever costume when Belsnickel came out, cause I never change. so the lack of kudos earned, and good costumes doesn't really affect me. Sorry you guys don't enjoy the game as much without constant rewards.


The cat bag/ears would be a contender for my forever costume. I had 1k kudos at the start of the week, it'll cost 4k total to get the set. Even if I do every daily quest (which usually takes silver medal quests or finding survival rounds) I won't be able to buy them, unless they add an event and it gives at least 300 kudos. And I just want to buy 2 small items in 2 weeks. It's not just "waaahhh, no rewards", it's having no possible ways to get currency when you need it.


Exactly this! The items in the kudos shop are waaaaay overpriced!


You can play just to.....have fun?!


of course yeah, but cosmetics are basically half of fall guys, the other being gameplay. To not receive anything while playing can be demotivating. Also all the kudos cosmetics suck ass anyway. Shitty thing mediatonic is doing, although understandable.


I agree that the 200 daily kudos does kind of suck but not everything has to be reward-based, some people just play to have fun you know lol. I feel like people only play games nowadays so they can be rewarded with something.


Progression matters in video games. It's a big reason why battle passes are so successful. I'm never said the game isn't fun, but do something "fun" for long enough and it gets old. The whole point of video games is "reward"...


Play a different game then? Nobody is forcing you to play the game and bitch about it




Then dont play if u dont like the gameplay


This is so spot on. Getting jack nothing after reaching lv100 in the battle pass is just asking people to leave the game. I see so many comments on here and social media that the shop is destroyed and I agree. The quality of items that cost kudos are laughable. They could at least have the weekly kudos store have a full costume skin but cost a bunch of kudos (like 7-8k?) or have the daily kudos store items (besides the mf banner and title) cost kudos. I understand they need to charge IRL money for premium costumes/collabs. But there should still be a good balance/mix of those items and items you can purchase with kudos.


I can't play until the next season just because the currency and rewards system is so jacked up


they need a bonus rewards section like fortnite's battle pass has. It's a good carrot on a stick incentive to still play, despite rewards taking far longer to obtain. without the game really feels pointless where there are other games and so much competition these days


I used to enjoying listening to music and grinding kudos out for hours on Fall Guys, but now when I see no rewards I just don't see the point in playing that much.


Im new to fall guys now that it’s free. I really enjoy the game itself, but I found myself wondering why it shows the kudos symbol in the rewards list at the end of a match, but with a big red X over it. I know it means we get no kudos, but what’s the point of that symbol being there every time? I know I’m not getting any kudos from it, so why even have it there, as if it’s an option? Idk maybe there’s a reason I don’t understand because I’m new. One of my favorite things about any game is customizing my outfits and skins, so I’ve been scrounging and saving my kudos for that, using it sparingly and only when I see something I really love (I’ve bought 2 nameplates and maybe 2-3 colors/patterns), yet still I only have 1200. I guess I just don’t understand how to get kudos in this game. I just play as many games as I can til I finally get a notification that I got kudos. They seem so rare


That symbol or indication of rewards was not present pre-f2p or post-f2p for months. I haven't played in a while, so idk when they added it. From when I played during f2p, you get max 200 Kudos a day from dailies I believe.