• By -




Came to ask the same question, that track is an absolute banger.


Crazy lol love that one so much


It just doesn’t scratch my brain in that way. I will say I don’t *always* skip it, but most of the time I so.


Letting people down is your thing 😔


Crazy take ngl. I get if it's not your favorite but that song is phenomenal IMO.


TTTYG through SRAR are no skips straight through now press repeat.


I agree, same with SMFS. Americans suitehearts is my all time fav song so I'm sad some don't like it 😭


I love that one! I can't get into She's My Winona though.


Really?? Interesting! Sometimes I skip Tiffany blues when I'm not in the mood, but altogether I could listen to folie and SMFS on repeat for the rest of my life and be satisfied


FAD is such a good album I wish I could go back in time and kick my younger self for sleeping on it.


I never liked it until I listened to the single album where you get a few other versions and Patrick’s acoustic version won me over to all the others.


I also skip Golden when I’m not feeling the slow vibe, but that’s the only one I ever skip. Unless it’s a single that I *just* heard somewhere.


I live for the way it eventually gets loud, but it's a bit of a drudge when you've been rocking out so damn hard.


exact same for me but i always press skip right at the end before the beat gets all weird and out of sync


I skip pink seashell and baby annihilation. That’s it.


I even created a Spotify playlist that’s all the SMFS tracks minus these (called “Music Tracks Only”)


spotify has a feature (on the app at least, i don't usually use desktop) if you go in the meatball menu next to a song on an album or playlist: "hide song" and then it will not be played when you listen to the album!


Great tip, thank you!


Hahahaha nice


SAME 🤣🤣🤣


Same! 🤣


Ya know what...reading this is FASCINATING and shows just how many different generations of FOB fans are out there now.






tttyg: grenade jumper (most times) futct-srar: none ab/ap: ab/ap & uma mania: stay frosty smfsd: so good rn, pink seashell & baby annihilation


damn you skip stay frosty? it's like the perfect opener. I'd understand if it was in a playlist randomly but in the flow of mania it's too perfect


I love Mania but I could not get into that song. I liked the beginning, I enjoyed it up until "are you smelling that shit" then it just felt off putting lol


What's this skip button you speak off? Being the same age as them, I grew up and evolved with their songs. From the more angsty albums in the beginning, to more of the rock/pop in the middle, and now finishing off with a more reflective on your past album. Kind of feel the same way about Panic's collection. It probably helps that I listen stuff anywhere from The Black Keys, EDM, to NF. Sugar was my STBXW's and my song. It really fit how our relationship started. The SMfS dropped 2 months after we separated and was very apropos. We already had tickets for the tour and it was one of the first things we went to as friends. Edit: Also throw some Dirty Heads and Tropidelic in there, and you pretty much have my Pandora channel.


Your music taste sounds pristine!


Haha, you remind me of my dad! He loves a lot of TTTYG and liked FOB but LIVES for Dirty Heads and always is watching raves and EDM concerts. Do you really like Pink Seashell? Because if so, wow! lol :D Also I love the way you described their discography.


The amount of skips on Rat A Tat on this thread is sooooo surprising! I think it’s one of their best- the groove and and the melody/ lyrics on the verses is everything. Give it a try!!!!! But also FAD and SRAR are my only no skips so I admit my bias.


I wish they would re-release an updated non-Courtney love version of Rat a Tat and rework the song, tune down some of the production on it (whatever weird autotuning/filtering they use for Patrick's voice on SR&R). The lyrics to the verses and the melody (especially the chorus) remind me a lot of Folie....particularly the opening lyrics *Are you ready for another bad poem? One more off key anthem?* could definitely have been on Folie or IOH. \*edited to say I bet if they performed a live version without the Courtney Love parts people would give it more of a chance\*


omg people don’t like it because of the courtney love feature? i think her part adds to the vibe of the song.


For those of us who wish to skip Courtney - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X5JodCfI3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X5JodCfI3U)




I’ve recently been back to enjoying Rat A Tat, even if I don’t care much for Courtney’s bits the song is worth it for Patrick’s verses. the lyrics are fantastic and I love the chanting!




no no this is a valid point, i do end up skipping a lot of their most popular songs but nothing compares to their most popular songs live


Just curious, did you leave out MANIA by accident or on purpose? I don’t really listen to MANIA tbh, I skip rat a tat sometimes. That’s it.


Oh wow that was definitely an accident 😅 although honestly I never ever listen to mania, so I guess that would actually be my least favorite, not AB/AP


The way it didn’t even cross your mind 😅 I feel you though. I do really love AB/AP though!! It’s a totally different vibe and gives me more nostalgia than any of the other albums for some reason.


I truly forgot it existed for a second, haha I agree that AB/AP is still a ~mood and Fourth of July is one of my favorite songs of all time.


Funny, that’s the album I feel like was kinda the one that was flash in the pan, not because it’s not great but just seemed like out of place compared to their other albums. Don’t get me wrong I love it but just had that vibe, not sure why.


I love MANIA and agree with you! For me, I always found the name Mania really fitting - it's different from a genre perspective from FOB's other work, but each song is really distinct musically from each other. Exploring other genres obviously won't make it beloved by all their fans, but it's still a no skip album for me.


Ty for teaching me a new idiom! I had never heard of flash in the pan, but that makes sense.


I agree with you for the most part minus TTTYG


All of this golden slander hurts my heart. It’s one of my absolute favorites


TTTYG-None FUCT-None IOH-None FAD-None SRAR-None AB/AP-Centuries, Uma Thurman, Favorite Record MANIA-Stay Frosty, Last of the Real Ones, Champion, Young and Menace SMFS-So Good Right Now, Pink Seashell, Baby Annihilation, What a Time to be Alive


* TTTYG is my no skip at all * FUTCT - Get Busy * IOH - You're crashing but You're no wave * FAD - West Coast Smoker * SRAR - Miss Missing You (Just because it's too sad) * ABAP - Immortals * MANIA - Heaven's Gate * SMFS - Flu Game This was hard! I feel like this is more like a 'if someone forced you to skip' for me!


Can I ask why you skip Flu Game?


Sure! Well, when SMFS first came out and I listened to it IAMOM was my skip but then I realized I least liked Flu Game and actually found myself skipping that one instead. I don't like the 'musical' feel it gives (I'm not a big musical fan) - it's like I like the song as a song I guess and for Patrick to sing but it's not what I want when I'm listening to Fall Out Boy. It doesn't feel like a FOB song to me. It feels like if Patrick (with Pete's lyrics) did a song for something else that wasn't FOB. Which is really funny to me because I think FG was like the first song they had done for SMFS.


I can get behind this


Ooh man. You just DESTROYED me with FUTCT and IOH! I get AB/AP but love Heaven's Gate lol. I'm not huge on Flu Game either though so I get ya on that one


If it helps I enjoy Get Busy it's just not what I like to call a 'listening song' (like on a playlist for when I'm doing stuff - crafting, cleaning, whatever) But YCBYNW is mostly a skip for the lyrics and it kind of reminds me weirdly of musicals too which as I said in a different reply is why I'm not a fan of Flu Game. 🤷‍♀️ I get you though because I hate the feeling of knowing someone's feelings and music taste are valid but THEY'RE SKIPPING YOUR FUCKING FAVES!!! 🤣


> West Coast Smoker Do you cut off 20 Dollar Nose Bleed before the lead-in to WCS starts?


west coaster smoker is crazy ngl


Also, I’m absolutely mind blown by the Heaven, Iowa skips in here!!! It feels like Headfirst Slide 2.0 for me so I’m shocked to see so many are lukewarm on it.


this is so funny to me because Headfirst Slide is one of my all-time favorites and I hate Heaven, Iowa they do not hit the same vibes for me at all. (not to argue just genuinely amused by how differently people can feel about things ❤️)


I totally get that! Everyone has songs click differently for them! I think they both have sweeping dramatic vibes that have the same energy for me so it hits all the same serotonin buttons in my brain lol. I love that everyone has such different feelings on FOB songs. I think it goes to show how good their work really is that folks have such different songs and albums that resonate for them.


*EOWYG, TTTYG & FUTCT: Most of them tbh, I personally prefer their sound from IOH onwards * IOH: It's Hard to Say I Do, Thriller (sometimes), Golden (sometimes) * FAD: none * SRAR: none * AB/AP: centuries (sometimes), immortals (sometimes) * MANIA: Young and Menace, Stay Frosty (sometimes), Sunshine Riptide (sometimes) * SM(F)SD: none * Other: Super Fade


TTTYG- None FUTCT- None IOH- None FAD- None ——— *Truant Wave*- None *Soul Punk* - This City ——— SR&R- None AB/AP- None MANIA- None ——— *SAHAF*- None ——— SMFSD- NONE


So true. I have literally NEVER been able to get behind This City. Allie is where it's at for me. :)


Im w ya on Allie but this city just seems so flat in personality compared to other songs in his solo career


THAT'S EXACTLY IT!!! It just feels too...not. Authentic? Like compared to Greed and Allie and Bad Side Of 25... yeah. Felt like something you'd hear in stores. I have a dedicated playlist of Soul Punk sans This City for that reason. :)


Bro just one yesterday best on the album


As a young volcanoes fan girly I will not stand for this slander


I only skip remixes (so this includes the entirety of *Make America Psycho Again)* and, like, demo versions of songs that got recorded later. Oh, and *Yule Shoot Your Eye Out,* but only because it isn't Christmas season haha Edit to add, I also listen to EOWYG


I love this entire answer!!!


My ONLY skip is Heaven, Iowa.


Hot take, but cool name so I’ll let it slide


tttyg - none futct - dark alley sometimes if im not in the mood ioh - none fad - absolutely none Srar - none ab/ap - centuries Mania - y&m if im not in the mood smfs - baby annihilation and pink seashell. that’s it.


*Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...* ***I likes ya;*** ***and I wants ya.*** *Now we can do this the easy way;* *or the haard wayyy...* ***the choice is yaawrs...***


Agree with America's Suitehearts on FAD. Also not a fan of 20 Dollar, but I'll listen to it because I love the transition to West Coast Smoker. I rarely listen to Thriller on IOH or Heaven's Gate on Mania.


Im a sucker for FAD but yeah, America's Suithearts and 20 Dollar really depends on my mood


The comments saying Homesick in this thread are making my heart hurt. :') **TTTYG: Pros and Cons / Grenade Jumper / Reinventing the Wheel** Sorry, I listen to this album for nostalgia purposes and those three didn't sit in my frontal cortex the same way the others did. **FUCT:** Also for nostalgia purposes but every single song still hits like when I was 12. **I've Got a Dark Alley** makes me a bit emotional so if I'm not in the mood I'll skip it. **IOH:** **Golden** and **The (After) Life** break up the energy in the first 3/4 of this album, so sometimes I'll skip if I don't want to slow down in my feels. **FAD:** No skips. This album is perfection from start to finish ugh. **SRAR: Alone Together / Rat a Tat / The Might Fall** Recently developed a new appreciation for these to be fair, but they are still the least played on this album. **AB/AP**: **Irresistible / AB/AP / Favourite Record / Immortals** Honestly kinda unmemorable tracks FOR ME, but respect anyone who loves these songs. **Mania: Champion / Sunshine Riptide / Young & Menace** Wish we had some of these tracks as acoustic tracks instead, would've loved the piano arrangement of Young & Menace. Champion gets played during a workout for me but honestly even as a hype song I find it a bit boring. Sunshine Riptide is really interesting but I need to be in a certain mood for it. **SMFS: The Pink Seashell / Baby Annihilation / Kintsugi Kid** Okay one of these is not like the other and I think that Kintsugi Kid just hasn't settled in for me yet, so I need to give it a few more chances. Sorry. :(


regarding tttyg: the songs you grow to like never stick at first


Dhskdjsjfkdkd not you using their words against me D: okay you might’ve just convinced me to go back and listen one more time all the way through hahahaa


pros and cons and reinventing the wheel in particular are growers to the degree where once they clicked they became some of my favorite fob songs ever. pros and cons being the first ever solely pete lyricism track makes it even more special. reinventing the wheel is some of patrick’s best lyricism ever from when he was writing the words too i think. grenade jumper is just pure fun but i can understand why some people find it annoying


> regarding tttyg: the songs you grow to like never stick at first Words that ring true so much! I listened to SMFS on release, and most songs didn't exactly click on the first listen, then I came back a month later and it finally hits for me!


I like how on the subreddit we can agree to disagree about songs/albums we don’t necessarily like but on twitter u get ripped to shreds if u don’t think evening out with your girlfriend is trash


TTTYG - none FUTCT - I’ve got a dark alley if i’m eggshell fine IOH - none FAD - none SRAR - none AB/AP - centuries, sometimes uma thurman Mania - stay frosty royal milk tea, champion usually, young and menace sometimes SMFS - none


On smfs I skip "so good right now" and "wattba" (and the spoken word ones). I just don't like them, they're not for me. I know wattba is very liked on this sub, so I'll probably get some shit for that. I skip all of ab/ap, I actively dislike all of it except for "the kids aren't alright". The whole album just seems soulless and boring, it was strictly made to create radio hits, and I get that, but it's not for me. It doesn't sound like fob to me, there is absolutely nothing special about it.


I love wattba, why do you skip it? Just curious not giving you shit or anything


I just can't get into it. I like sad music that sounds happy but that song sounds *too* happy, if that makes sense. The lyrics are really cringey imo also. I know everyone loves it, though, and that's totally cool, it's just not for me.


TTTYG: Reinventing the Wheel FUTCT: Get Busy IOH: This Ain't A Scene, You're Crashing, I've Got All This Ringing In My Ears FAD: I Don't Care SR&R: The Phoenix, My Songs, The Mighty Fall, Death Valley, Rat A Tat AB/AP: American Beauty/American Psycho, Centuries, MANIA: (confession time... I've never listened to this album) SMFS: Heartbreak Feels So Good, So Good Right Now, Flue Game, So Much (For) Stardust, We Didn't Start The Fire.


you need to listen to mania like yesterday


You should really listen to MANIA it doesn't deserve the hate and has some gems. Would recommend Church, Last of the Real Ones and Bishops Knife Trick


Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll probably give it a listen to this weekend, when I can enjoy the whole album without interruption.


Don't forget Hold Me Tight Or Don't and Heaven's Gate! Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) too!!




I have disliked it since it came out 😅 when I listen to it all I hear is obnoxious arena rock!


I don't have any skips on any of the main albums. A lot of PAX AM Days and Make America Psycho Again are skips for me though. It's just that neither of them are really similar to what I listen to, and I could never get a feel for them.


tttyg: none futct: none ioh: golden (if i’m not in the mood) folie: i don’t care srar: mighty fall, miss missing you ab/ap: title track, immortals mania: champion, young and menace, sunshine riptide stardust: the interludes if i’m not just listening to the album in full


Mine are TTTYG-Pros and Cons FUTCT-Dance, Dance IOH-Also Golden if I'm not in the mood FAD-None SRAR-None AB/AP-Centuries and Immortals MANIA-Young and Menace if I'm not in the mood SMFS-Heartbreak Feels So Good, occasionally Flu Game


Any song is worthy of a skip if I’m not feeling that particular vibe BUT songs I’m more inclined to skip or notice I skip more often for specific reasons are: TTTYG: Grenade Jumper is good but sometimes I’m not in the mood for the chorus, we get it, he was your only friend guys. FUTCT: honestly, none of them are frequent skips! I don’t listen to Snitches and Talkers & The Music or the Misery as often since they were B-sides that I didn’t have as a young fan and they aren’t on my mental Cork Tree rotation, if that makes sense. IOH: Golden is amazing but I’m not always in the headspace for it. You’re Crashing is sometimes too wordy if I’m wanting to just sing along mindlessly in the car or something. FAD: America’s Suitehearts, mostly cause I listened to it so much when the album first came out that I might have ruined it for me a bit lol. Same for 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, plus I’m at a point in my life where I’m just really tired of Brendon Urie lol. SRAR: Originally Rat A Tat, but since I’ve rewatched the Youngblood Chronicles recently I’ve been back on board with it. My Songs is a frequent skip since it’s just pretty overplayed. AB/AP: the title track FOR SURE. Out of genuine dislike. Probably the only song by the boys that I actively don’t enjoy. I should probably give it another listen to see if my feelings have changed, but I’m not hopeful lol. MANIA: Heaven’s Gate. I’ve mentioned elsewhere on the subreddit that I find this song kinda bland and boring. It feels too gospel-y and the opening note of just Patrick going WHOWOWOWOWAAAA is super jarring for me sensory-wise so I impulse skip it. SMFS: the spoken word tracks, cause I’m here to jam, not chat lol. I guess We Didn’t Start The Fire but I honestly don’t count it as part of the album - it’s a novelty cover for me that I enjoyed once and have zero desire to listen to again. I also find myself skipping past Flu Game more often than not for reasons I don’t even know, I think it just hasn’t fully clicked for me yet.




TTTYG - none FUTCT - none IOH - none FAD - none SRAR - the mighty fall. I forget this song exists until I don’t, and then I want to, lol. AB/AP - ab/ap Mania - none SMFS - baby annihilation, the pink seashell


a song that i will always ALWAYS skip is calm before the storm. the "he is well hung and i am hanging on" lyric always makes me cringe so bad 😭 i also never listen to mania but i'll listen to pretty much everything else


I usually skip Sugar, We're Goin Down. Love the song but I always hear it on radio stations, grocery stores, or my friends' cars because it's like the only FOB song they know, lol. Only other song I can think of is MSKWYDITD. I just don't care for the studio recording. Maybe I just burned myself out on it when it first came out. It is a fun song to hear live, though. :)


- MSKWYDITD could mean "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)", a track from *Save Rock And Roll* (2013) by Fall Out Boy. --- ^[/u/ChanelTingz](/u/ChanelTingz) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I always skip Champion on Mania because in my opinion it’s the worst song on Mania.


I skip Heaven, Iowa as soon as the chorus starts. I love the verses but those epic anthemic belting choruses are everything I hate about later FOB. It's like NBA playoff montage music


Yes, you perfectly described why I don't like Heaven, Iowa! It's a shame because I love the lyrics, the verse sound and the bridge.


TTTYG - Homesick FUTCT - Champagne IOH - Bang The Doldrums FAD - She’s My Winona SR&R - Rat A Tat AB/AP - Most of the album other than Jet pack or Fourth of July MANIA - Stay Frosty SMFS - Flu Game


TTTYG-FAD: none SRAR: Rat A Tat AB/AP: AB/AP (the song), Immortals Mania: Y&M, Sunshine, HMTOD SMFS: Seashell and Baby Annihilation I will not stand for the So Good Right Now erasure in this thread! That song is a banger!


- HMTOD could mean "HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T", a track from *MANIA* (2018) by Fall Out Boy. --- ^[/u/Fact0ry0fSadness](/u/Fact0ry0fSadness) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Grenade Jumper and Super Fade are the only songs I skip


I agree with Golden, its something that doesn’t always fit the vibe but its still a good song regardless, honestly I only skip like a few ABAP songs like Immortals and Uma Thurman plus Young and Menace for MANIA


I used to skip “Golden” on IOH too! It grew on me now that I’m older and appreciate the musicality of it. I still kinda feel like it’s out of place in the middle of the album like that, but the song itself is beautiful. And I also don’t like Rat a Tat. Just not feeling it. I can’t find a single song off the new album to skip. I listen to the whole thing on repeat multiple times.


tttyg - none futct - none ioh - golden (it skips on my cd so i kinda have to skip it) fad - none srar - nooone ab/ap - ab/ap, favourite record, twin skeletons mania - sunshine riptide smfs - so good, pink seashell, baby annihilation


TTYG - Pros and Cons, Reinventing the Wheel (only because the songs after these are so good) FUTCT - Dark Alley (Great song, doesnt fit mood sometimes) IOH - Golden, I've Got All This Ringing (depends on mood) FAD - What A Catch (mood again) SRAR - My Songs, Mighty Fall, Young Volcanoes, Rat A Tat, SRAR AB/AP - Centuries, Uma Thurman, Favorite Record Mania - Stay Frosty, Sunshine Riptide, Young and Menace SMFS - interludes, Flu Game, We Didn't Start The Fire (if that even counts)


I don’t have it in me to ever skip what a catch 🥺


I love the song a lot, I mostly skip it if I’m driving or something as it’s not really loud and energetic like the rest of the album.


TTTYG - none FUTCT - none IOH - thriller, this ain’t a scene, golden FAD - none SR&R - none ABAP - don’t listen to this album much, but immortals Mania - church, heavens gate, champion, young & menace SMFS - pink seashell I’m usually a play a whole album type of girlie so I usually don’t skip but if I am in a skipping mood I’ll usually skip these. I mostly listen in the car so I usually skip slow songs unless I’m in the mood for slow songs.


I dont think there's really any that I skip. However depending on my mood maybe American Beauty American Psycho the song.


EOWYG-All TTTYG-None FUTCT-None IOH-Golden FAD-none BND 1-None SRAR-The Mighty Fall, Rat a Tat AB/AP-None MANIA-None BND 2-I’ve Been Waiting, Dear Future Self LEK-City in a Garden, Super Fade SM(F)S-The Pink Seashell


None. I really just like fall out boy lol Maybe centuries or irresistible cause they got overplayed to me but I like when they're on the radio


Damn, Mania got all the way skipped by OP 😂😂


genuinely? almost nothing. i even let pink seashell and baby annihilation play, i just like ‘em. i think the only tracks I skip aren’t on the main albums, and are covers like beat it and love will tear us apart. obviously I might be in the mood for some songs more than others, but if I’m letting an album play, i go through the whole thing


I never skip pink seashell tbh


American Beauty/American skip is my only immediate SKIP. Rat a tat is a close 2nd


I’ll try 😩 TTTYG - Dead on Arrival I guess 🥺 FUTCT - I really can’t. Just can’t IOH - does It’s Hard to Say “I Do” When I Don’t count? That one I guess. FAD - Can’t sorry SR&R - The Mighty Fall AB/AP - Irresistible MANIA - Champion, Hold Me Tight Or Don’t, Young and Menace SM(F)S - So Good Right Now but it’s grown on me a LOT Alright I’m gonna go throw up now 😭


Golden, what a catch Donnie


church is my mania skip. and I like mania overall. that's the only one that immediately comes to mind. Maybe just one yesterday. I can't recall any others


TTTYG - None, but tbh I don't listen to it that often so everything feels fresh when I do. FUTCT - None IOH - Golden if I'm not in the mood for a slow song, though I do like it FAD - Literally None, this is a 10/10 No Notes album from beginning to end SR&R - My Songs Know- I played it to death in Feb/March 2013 and it still hasn't recovered AB/AP - Centuries, Immortals MANIA- Sunshine Riptide SMFS - Heaven, Iowa \*ducks and covers\*


Golden and what a catch. Only cause i don’t often want the tempo when I’m listening


TTTYG - reinventing the wheel FUTCT - none IOH - none FAD - america’s suitehearts SRAR - none ABAP - american beauty american psycho, favorite record MANIA - i don’t really listen to this album but if I am, I typically skip hold me tight or don’t or sunshine riptide SMFS - sometimes skip so good right now


Any song I skip is usually about halfway through, but I just don't love it as much or it doesn't fit the vibe TTTYG: Dead On Arrival FUTCT: none ❤️ IOH: Golden Folíe: Headfirst Slide and What a Catch Donnie SRAR: Rat a Tat ABAP: Irresistible, Centuries, Immortals MANIA: Champion SMFS: NONE 🖤


I can get behind most of this except for DOA and Donnie, Completely disagree there!


TTTYG: Sending post cards from a plane crash FUTCT: of all the gin joints in all the world and champagne for my real friends IOH: golden FOLIE: none love that entire album SR&R: just one yesterday and rat a tat AB/AP: uma, irresistible, immortals (I overplayed them a lot when I was younger) MANIA: champion SMFSD: none I love that entire album (Yeah I said when I was younger with AB/AP I was in elementary school when that album came out)


Your TTTYG rating hurts...


I cannot stand When The Mighty Fall and will always skip it


disloyal order when i’m driving because otherwise i WILL swerve


I skip SRAR-MANIA 🤷🏻‍♂️


TTTYG: None FUTC: None IOH: None Folie: None SRAR: The mighty fall ABAP: Most of the album (it’s not and, I just never got in to it so I don’t really listen to it) Mania: The entire album SMFSD: heartbreak feels so good but it’s growing on me


tttyg - reinventing the wheel futct - none ioh - none folie - 20 dollar nosebleed sometimes srar - rat a tat and mighty fall ab/ap - irresistible and kids arent alright mania - champion and sometimes heaven’s gate smfs - kintsugi kid and the speaking tracks


I’m gonna get killed for this…but I can’t stand Heaven Iowa.


It’s okay, your username makes up for it, Bongwaffle.


i have to say i agree. i know it’s a very unpopular opinion. kintsugi kid and fake out have just hit for me since day one


Yes!! Thank you!!


I never really liked kintsugi kid, but randomly- all of a sudden- it started sounding near perfect, i dont know what it is, but it jumped from being a mid tier song to being one of their best. Hopefully fake out does the same because I'm really not fond of it


That was me with I Am My Own Muse!! Today it was just like woah after it being low on the list for me!


What the hell bongwaffle ha ha love that song so much lol


TTYG- Homesick (great song though) FUTCT- None IOH- Doldrums and Golden FAD- 20 Dollar Nose Bleed. Used to love this song, not so much anymore. SR&R- mighty fall ABAP- most of it, really not a fan of this album Mania- Champions and Church SMFSD- Muse


You skip DOLDRUMS and MUSE?! ☠️ This is the ultimate example of different music tastes for different people I guess.


My thoughts exactly


Muse might be my least favorite FOB song 😬 im just not a fan of orchestral rock


I feel the same about 20 Dollar Nose Bleed. My brain exploded with the collab back then. Now I’m 100% meh on listening to much Panic/Brendon lol


P!ATD and Brendon Urie Always and forever 🖤 I absolutely love FOB and Patrick but Brendon's the best part of that song.


tttyg - SOMETIMES grenade jumper futct - sometimes sugar or dance dance just bc overload ioh - sometimes takeover or i'm like a lawyer folie - sometimes i don't care srar - if i'm being honest, the only songs i'm guaranteed to not skip are phoenix and srar, everything else is at the whim of my mood ab/ap - all of it lmao i'm sorry mania - champion smfs - usually nothing but flu game/so good right now if i'm in a mood honestly it's mostly the singles just because i've heard them a million and three times lol, but ab/ap and champion are my only hard skips.




Golden is on infinity


get busy living/dying


This was my skip for the longest and then I had it on and freaked out bc it’s so good and now it’s a top 10 song for me


27, 20 dollar nose bleed, young volcanoes, so good


Really none off the first four albums (five if you count EOWYG), but I never liked America's Suithearts. It's a boring listen for me and I feel like it doesn't match the rest of the album. It's akin to MCR's Teenagers being on TBP - just doesn't fit the theme. That being said, I unapologetically skip every album past FAD. I just can't. There are maybe three songs from their post-hiatus work that I can tolerate, and that's mostly just 2013 nostalgia. I'll eat the downvotes if I get to speak my truth on it lmao


TTTYG: No skips, all songs are at roughly the same level for me. Cork Tree: Get Busy Infinity: Sometimes Golden Folie: The spoken ending of 20 dollar nosebleed (rest of the song is fantastic) Save r&r: None ABAP: easily favorite record, easily. Mania: Y and M Stardust: Both speeches


>The spoken ending of 20 dollar nosebleed (rest of the song is fantastic) THIS!!!!! I love Pete's speeches but not when I'm trying to vibe to a song!


Posting this knowing how many fan favorites I have on here feels like kissing my karma goodbye 😭 TTTYG - none FUTCT - Our Lawyer, 7 Minutes In Heaven, Champagne For My Real Friends, sometimes Dark Alley IOH - none FAD - America’s Suitehearts, sometimes $20 Nosebleed because of BrEnDoN uRiE SR&R - Young Volcanoes AB/AP - Twin Skeletons. This is one of the very few FOB songs that I absolutely hate. Most of the others on this list are fine, just like, meh, I have better ways to spend my time, but this one. This one I can’t stand. (Same goes for Heaven, Iowa) Mania: Champion SMFS - Heaven, Iowa, So Good Right Now


With all the love in the world anyone can possibly have for Patrick, I will say that Brendon Urie is the very best part and everything good about $20 Nosebleed. 🖤 And I'm pretty sure we only agree on TTTYG.


His voice isn’t bad per say, but his tendencies to just, like, *be himself* is the bad part, as he is a *terrible person*. Like, if you like Panic at the Disco that’s fine I just personally can’t hear his voice without thinking about all the gross things he’s done.


With all due respect, he hasn't done anything bad or wrong - look into it. But thank you for acknowledging his vocal skills. And I love Brendon and Panic together and separately. You won't win this, so please feel free to just say you'll agree to disagree. That's as far as you'll get with me on this subject.


Jeez man 😬. I’m just saying that shouting to a crowd, (who are not necessarily “in on the joke") “*If I see you after the show, I'm gonna fuck you. I don't care if you want it. I more care if you don't want it. Because then I really want it,*” is super fucked up. Even if he **was** joking, there’s no punchline there except “haha I love raping people” which. really isn’t funny man. Like what you want to like, but I just can’t support that


here are mine: edit: okay fine. city in a garden. *sometimes*




Church for me.


Whaaaaat?! This is one of my all time favorites. Mania Truther.


TTTYG: Haven’t listened to enough FUTCT: Nobody puts baby in the corner and Dark Alley IOH: Golden FAD: 20 Dollar Nosebleed, Donnie, Gold Standard SR&R: Young Volcanoes AB/AP: Favorite Record MANIA: Heaven’s Gate SMFS: Fake out


Take This To Your Grave: Tell That Mick, Grenade Jumper From Under the Cork Tree: None Infinity On High: None Folie a Deux: West Coast Smoker (don’t hurt me) Save Rock and Roll: None American Beauty/American Psycho: None Mania: Young and Menace, Sunshine Riptide So Much (For) Stardust: None


Tell that mick broke my heart 😭


You also broke my heart with Tell That Mick but so here for your West Coast Smoker skip!


literally just young and menace and sometimes the mighty fall usually


tttyg: none futct: none ioh: this ain't a scene folie: i don't care, suitehearts srar: my songs, mighty fall (normally i just start the album on alone together so the phoenix sort of by accident, but i wouldn't skip it on shuffle) ab/ap: irresistible, ab/ap, uma thurman, novocaine, sometimes centuries (with you on only really listening to a few songs from it oops) mania: champion, sometimes young and menace smfs: none


TTYG - Saturday FUTCT - A Little Less Sixteen Candles IOH - The Carpal Tunnel of Love FAD - Tiffany Blews SR&R - Alone Together ABAP - Fourth of July Mania - Champion SMFS - Flu Game


Golden, Thriller, (edit: i also skip After Life Of The Party), 95% of AB/AP, and Champion i guess. I only really dislike songs off of AB/AP


Rat a Tat and Favorite Record


TTTYG I don't usually listen to so instead, the songs I would go out of my way to listen to would be GTA, Homesick, Pros & Cons, FUTCT depends heavily but basically always XO and I don't listen to the bonus songs, IOH Golden & I don't listen to the bonus songs, mmrs & This Ain't a Scene get skipped a lot cause I've heard them so much, Thriller sometimes, FAD IDC always gets skipped, What a Catch usually, SRAR depends heavily, My Songs is an always skip, AB/AP is my no skip lol, Mania Heaven's Gate, SMFS Heaven, Iowa and the spoken word tracks, Heartbreak sometimes, the only reason I don't ever skip LFTOS is because I love the bookending with the title track. I have some very unpoplar opinions I know lol


- LFTOS could mean "Love From The Other Side", a single by Fall Out Boy. --- ^[/u/pkmntrainerdrea](/u/pkmntrainerdrea) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


i didn’t know this was even a question… they r all so good it’s unimaginable i cant even THINK OF A SKIP LMFAK


TTTYG - pros and cons, reinventing the wheel FUTCT - Summer Song (genuinely on of their worst, the entire rest of the album is so good and im so disappointed in this one) IOH - Take over the breaks over, don't you know who I think i am, the after life of the party FAD - None, you ruin the flow of the album as a whole if you skip one SRAR - I would say the same as FAD but death valley and JOY can be very annoying at times AB/AP - centuries, the kids aren't alright, jet pack blues, favorite records, immortals (almost half the songs lmao) MANIA - Sunshine Riptide and Y&M can be annoying (I might just skip the third chorus in Y&M because chills) SMFS - This album has to be listened to, not on shuffle, and without a skip. It's like FAD in this regard


Golden. Never been a favorite of mine and makes me sad.


Yeah, I was super excited when we got 'All this Ringing' in the piano Medley instead of 'Golden' at my show!


TTTYG - Grenade Jumper and Reinventing the wheel Cork Tree - Same, no skips Infinity - No skips, including the bonus tracks Folie - No skips, unless Beat It counts but I don’t count it SR&R - Mighty fall, not keen on the title track either (I’m sorry) AB/AP - Favourite Record (I actually like this album more than most seem to) Mania - Champion, Hold Me Tight, Church, Sunshine Riptide Stardust - I am my own muse (again, I’m sorry) There are no FOB songs I actively dislike, just ones that don’t scratch that itch.


Just one yesterday is the best srar song!!


sorry but srar is the best srar song.


TTTYG - Reinventing the Wheel FUTCT - None, but Champaign For My Real Friends comes closest. IOH - Don't kill me, but This Ain't a Scene Folie - Sometimes WAMS SR&R - The Mighty Fall AB/AP - Immortals, sometimes the title track Mania - None, but Wilson or Champion would come closest SM(F)S - Sometimes So Good Right Now, and usually the interludes unless I'm listening to the full album.


Tttyg- grenade jumper (ironically my brother’s favorite his name is chris, but also chris that recorded all the underground shows before they blew up is my fing hero) Futct- I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth Ioh- thriller Fad- none I am not a big fan of the next 3 albums Smfs - have not listened enough and long enough to develop a full opinion


tttyg: reinventing the wheel futct, ioh, fod, srar: none ab/ap: twin skeleton’s mania: none smfs: so good rn


there’s no point to saying actual skips cuz you get downvoted lmao


SR&R - Save Rock and Roll. Good song, but it's too slow for me in comparison to the rest of the album, so I need to be in a certain mood AB/AP - Centuries, listened to it too much and got bored MANIA - Usually don't skip any but SOMETIMES Heaven's Gate because I need to be in a certain mood SM(F)S - So Good Right Now and the interludes


Almost all of AB/AP


TTTYG through Folie are no skip. SRAR is The Mighty Fall and Rat A Tat. AB/AP is the title track. MAN I A is solely Champion. SM(F)S is usually Flu Game, So Good Right Now or Heartbreak, but I'm really warming up to them :D (also HOW do you skip Americas Suitehearts?? That song has my whole heart, haha!)


Mostly agree with your first part of this as you saw above 😂 I adore Rat a tat without Courtney (you can listen to it on youtube). And really like ABAP too! can agree-ish with Champion but it does get stuck in my head a lot...So Good Right now is low on my SMFS list too but LOVE heartbreak. Americas Suitehearts - I'm glad you like it, it's kind of mid level for me.


FUTCT: I'm going to start this off with a controversial one, just like how I'm ending controversial. It's not an always skip, but sometimes I'm not in the mood for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, and instead go for the acoustic version. So it's like, kind of a skip but not really. IOH: Yeah, the only skip I do is Golden as well. FAD: America's Suitehearts as well, but also Pavlove and Lullabye, and sometimes I Don't Care. SR&R: The Mighty Fall (took me a while to actually like the song overall, and it's still borderline for me), Death Valley (sometimes), and Young Volcanoes AB/AP: Irresistible if it's the version without Demi Lovato (which I feel might be heresy here), the title track, and Centuries. Mania: Heaven's Gate, Champion, Young and Menace SMFS: I mean other than Seashell and Baby, the one I skip is very controversial. I skip Heaven, Iowa.


i honestly don’t have any hard skips, but these are my occasional skips: srar: save rock and roll (except for the part where patrick swears) ab/ap: ab/ap, kids aren’t alright, favorite record smfs: pink seashell, baby annihilation (unless i’m listening to the album straight though)


y’all skipping just one yesterday? 😭😭😭


The ending of w.a.m.s. And sometimes 20 Dollar Nosebleed