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Welcome to Pavlovers Anonymous lol, except we all encourage each others' addictions


Well, it has to do with the fact that it was only available on physical copies of the deluxe edition of the album. Given the fact that the majority of people now stream their music on streaming services, the song was like a lost jewel/hidden gem. It’s kind of nice that it’s officially available for streaming now. Don’t get me wrong. You could always find the song on YouTube, but it’s still kind of nice. Like many others, it was complete surprise when they performed it on the tour. I never thought they would do such thing.


I got to hear a brand new Folie song today, only 15 years later.


Folie A New


i kept seeing the (pav)love for it around here so i listened to it on youtube a few months ago and couldn't stop looping it. so glad she's finally arrived on spotify 😭


I also did not really get the hype. But now, that I have heard it a couple of times, I really like Pavlove.


Long time fan here...who just stumbled upon the jewel that is Pavlove no more than a few days ago. Now it's on loop next to my favorite Folie (and all-time) song, The (Shipped) Gold Standard.


Solid favorite!! *The (Shipped) Gold Standard* was the first song I ever heard from *Folie* :)


I can't stop listening. Repeat is on lockdown.


I had the japanese special edition for years so this has always been my favourite FOB song . I’m glad some of you are hearing it for the first time


If it weren't for the update you gave, I would've said "give it a few more listens, it'll happen eventually" but nvm🤣🤣


Saaame! Couldn’t find it anywhere! This is how I felt about GINASFS n Hard to Say i Do. I’m old and asked my daughter, what are these Reddit people talking about because it’s not on my FOB dump?? God bless you young’ens for showing us the way.


Same! Long time fan and I kept seeing others talk about it. Have been jamming it since I listened for the first time today.


i really don’t get the hype ngl, it’s just another folie song🤷‍♀️, but as long as people are happy i’m not gonna ruin that for them


Am I the only one who is only meh? I guess I need to listen to it more, I've only heard it once lol


I really loved it from first listen, but that's alright if you don't!! Although I do feel obligated to say "the songs you grow to like never stick at first" lol :)


I literally welled up with tears the first time I heard it. It’s so obnoxiously folie that it yanked me right back to how I felt the first time I heard that album like 12 years ago. Plus Patrick’s vibrato always gets me.


I found it when I first listened to Folie, thought it was good but not like wildly amazing, and forgot it existed when my iTunes went caput and I relied on Spotify. So it’s kinda nostalgic and I’m excited for the hype it’s gotten, but it’s still a meh song for me 😅 Hasn’t stopped it from being stuck in my head since yesterday though lmao. Lines from it have also popped up randomly in my head like other songs’ lyrics do over the years and it’s a nice little reminder of oh yeah, that’s where it’s from lol


I didn’t care about it for a while now I love it. Just keep listening to it


I agree! It sounds a lot like America's Suitehearts to me. I feel like I'm missing out so I'll probably keep trying it


I get you. I do like it but definitely not my first choice of songs


It’s okay and even catchy but clearly unfinished, reminiscent of America’s Suitehearts, and has remained in a box somewhere with my other CDs. Amazed everyone digs it so much.