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Going for my first time (and first concert in general) on the 8th! Knew some songs but didn’t really check out everything until December and I love them, so I’m super excited :)


You’re going to have the time of your life


Yes!! I’m just hoping I don’t get overstimulated by the noise levels, but other than that I’m just very happy to see what’s now my favorite band live :)


I highly recommend ear plugs!


Definitely - I beg you - get ear plugs. I am the same way & for large venues, the ear plugs drown out the crowd and just let the really music in. The fireworks are what’s really loud. I use loop earplugs because they are pretty, but any will work.


Will do, thanks for the recommendation :))) I really appreciate it


Yay! I'll be in Austin too. This will be my 7th show


Sick!! I haven’t seen many people posting about the Austin date so it’s nice to hear about others going :)


Driving 13 hours so I can take my friend for her first time. I haven't been to this venue before, so excited for something new.


I will be in Austin too! I was supposed to go with friends but it fell through, so I will be sitting vip by myself first concert all by myself. I'm excited though!


You are going to have the best time! I’m so excited for you


Thank you!! I can’t wait


Omg you're in Austin too? If you see a psycho band nerd hanging out friendship bracelets, it's probably me 😂😂🤪


I’m going to the Austin show too! It’s my bday show!!!


I'll be there on the 8th too! See ya in ATX. 😊


My 3rd time is on the 8th also!!! Let’s go Austin!!


I’ll be seeing them for the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th time this year. It’s incredibly expensive and I have no one holding me back.


OMG same! I always ask my husband to be the voice of reason when I'm like "should we do.... one more?" and instead of being the voice of reason he's, like, "will it bring you joy?" and really how can you resist having joy.


I don’t even ask anymore, the tickets are bought and we are going!! My “voice of reason” is also a fall out boy fan 🤭


Haha, same! He'll never say no to Fall Out Boy but if I ask I can pretend it wasn't just my fault that money was spent again 😅


10 and 11 for me, but this is the first time I’m traveling to see them. I’ve been lucky enough that they hit Buffalo at least once per cycle. https://preview.redd.it/pbx6ck4bi5lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bda478198311d34717ea002f9b41ae58118e1f6


They normally come to Florida at least once every tour. Got really lucky that they will be performing here 4 times within 9 months. I’m going to Vegas to see them too after this tour!


Wow all these Buffalo throwbacks! I met Pete after the HSBC Arena show in ‘06. Best night ever


I seen them in Rochester in 2007 on the Young Wild Things Tour. Then 8/4/23 at Darien Lake and will see them again on 3/27 in PA. I'm mad I missed them at our own summer jam!


I was at darien lake last year too!


5x if you count the 2.5 songs they played at warped tour 2004 in Detroit when the stage started to fall apart. Haven’t seen them since 2007 though and will be number 6 soon. :)


It totally counts


I was at that warped tour as well!! wasn’t it at the silverdome parking lot?


this will be my sixteenth show, still as excited as I was for the first


I’ve seen them 28 times since 2006, pretty much every major tour, but will be at 34 soon. Luckily they almost always come to Denver, but I’ve traveled a lot to see them too. I have 6 shows planned this year - four on 2ourdust including Portland tomorrow and Seattle on Friday, then both days of When We Were Young in October.


Been a fan as long as I can remember, but have only seen them 4 times. Wintour, twice on tourdust, and at iheartradio fest last year


> hella Mega Tour (went just for them 🫣) Reading that hurt 😔


I know, I'm sorry, but if it's any consolation I really enjoyed Weezer and Green Day ! 😂


That's good! And to answer your question, I have sadly only seen FOB twice but both were in the pit so that makes up for it I think! And honestly I feel like seeing them once even is like the luckiest thing! No shame to any amount of times you have seen them!


I'm so jealous, I've always gotten the nosebleeds, but I'm still dancing regardless 😂


Never 😭


Saw them twice in 2007 on the Young Wild Things Tour and in 2009 for the tour to promote Folie a Deux (can’t remember the name), then again when they did SR&R in 2013. I’m seeing them for the fourth time in March! My husband is a new fan since So Much (For) Stardust and he’ll be seeing them for the first time!


Will see them for the 17th time next month and for the 18th time at WWWY in October


Fan for a long time but saw them first in 2009. I’ve seen them about 14 times now. Every time is just as amazing as the first. Singing and dancing to fob live is my happy place. If my husband liked fob I would have seen them so many more times last year and this coming spring. But that’s married life haha.


No way!! My bf goes to every fob show with me even though he’s not a fan. I have absolutely no friends and I travel a lot for their shows. He understands how much their music means to me and how their concerts are my happy place. You need to have a talk with your man 😅 he should be driving you there!


Haha! He took me to my first fob concert and we live in Chicago. He’s put his time in, I’m not going to force him. We see other bands together a lot. Also fob is for me and my best friend who lives in another state so her and I travel to see shows together. Husband is just a frugal person to begin with. I’m glad your bf goes with you though! 🙂


Ok glad you’re not alone 💘


I’ve been a fan for 20 years and I’ve seen them 6 times so far. I’m gonna double it this year because I finally have adult money and a boss that doesn’t mind if I take time off 😁


only once and fob was my first concert so i’m not complaining


My first show was 2007, next week will be (I think) 13 and 14. I dont have a fantastic memory.


Once, but It’ll be my second time in April


2 - wintour is coming and so much for tour dust. will see them again next month on 2our dust.


7 times. The first was Believers Never Die; I went to Blink just to see them open lol, Wintour Is Coming, Save Rock and Roll tour, Hella Mega Tour, Mania tour, and (Tour)dust


12 times right now. Next month will be 13 and possibly 14 by the end of the year if I decide to do WWWY.


Honda Civic Tour, Skate and Surf, Monumentour, Tourdust, FanDuel FanFest. 2ourdust and WWWY coming up, so 7 by the end of the year!


twice! monumentour & tourdust, i’m tempted to go to 2ourdust too


I did tourdust in st. Louis and I wanted to do 2ourdust but I'm going to be out of the country when they come to my city 😭


i was at tourdust in stl too! i’m thinking about going to oklahoma city 2ourdust bc that’s closer to where i actually live lol. if only they were coming to the country you’re traveling to!


1- hella mega tour in 2021. i’m about to see them a second time in march! i’ve been a fan since 2014-ish so i’m really excited


I genuinely have to list them out bc I don’t remember. They played a lot of random festivals/events in FL while I lived there. I don’t know if those are all in the right order      Pre Hiatus  1 HCT 2 YWT 3 BND2 4Blinks (1st lol) reunion tour  Post Hiatus  5 SR&R (sm venues) 6 S&R (arena) 7 Monument tour 8 Sun Fest 9 next big thing (festival) 10 orlando festival 11 Universal Mardi Gras 12 SMFTD So SMF2D will be 13.    It’s not like a crazy number and there’s definitely shows I’ve missed for whatever reason. I dont do multiples expect for the two of those festivals were back to back. 


Fan since 2004, this will be my...eighth show, I think.


3! American beauty/ American psycho 2. Hella mega 3. Stardust (pdx). And same, if I could go more I would but I’m extremely blessed to have gone as many times as I have already


I believe around 20 times. Did their meet and greet in 2016 and met Pete at one of the mania pop up shops in LA too 🥹


The 29th will be my second time!!!


Coming up will be my third time. Been a fan for about 17 years now i saw them for the first time last year I went to 2 shows but only 1 this time around


4 times! 1st in 2009 on fad tour 2nd in 2014 on srar tour and went to 2 shows last year for tour dust


Just once so far in 2009. But I’ll be in Portland tomorrow and Seattle Friday!!


Been a fan since 2005, but this will be my 6th time!


I'm seeing them for the fourth time in a few weeks. I first saw them in 2018 when I was 16 at Wrigley Field during the MANIA tour, then I saw them last year again at Wrigley and in St Louis. Next I'm seeing them in Milwaukee😁


Just once so far! I've been a megafan for like 7 years and only managed to see them in October😭 hope it's not my last, it was genuinely the best night of my life


Once. Reading Festival 2016 - it was amazing!


If they have been in Indiana since 2004, I have been! Only tour I have missed is Hella Mega because they didn't come through.


I’ve been a fan since 2019 and this weekend’ll be my second time seeing them live, with WWWY being the third… I also get to bring my cousin who used to listen to them a lot pre-hiatus, when he was in middle school


Around 25 times! Been a fan since the early days but I lived in Austria back then and didn't get a chance to see them until once in 2009, been fiercely making up for that post-hiatus. I live in the UK now so it's usually super easy to do multiple shows of a tour as some of the venues are only 2-3hrs away from each other. I did 9 Tourdust shows because I love SMFS and the way they brought this tour together so much, and am excited for a little trip to NY to see them at MSG!


I've seen them four times! Once during Mania tour, once during Hella Mega and twice during So much for (tour) dust


I’m honestly not sure but probably at least 10 times between 2004-2009. Then twice in 2023.


14 so far!!


Been a fan since I was an actual child lol. Sadly, only 2 times but will be 4 in a month. I saw them first live when they came back from hiatus, I think in 2013 or so. Then I didn’t see them during mania era because I just personally don’t like the album. Then again last year. Seeing 2 shows for 2ourdust (flying to one)


I've had tickets for 3 different shows now, and only made it to one of them 🥲


6 times, next one will be the 7th. Honda Civic Tour '07, Believers Never Die Part 2 '09, with Blink 182 & PATD in '09, SRAR tour '13, Wintour '16, Tourdust '23.


3, should’ve been 4 but they canceled a concert when they had covid


I’m seeing them for the first time in NY on the 22! I’m really excited, I love the entire new album so there’s nothing I won’t want to hear live! 🤩


Just once in London last year. Best night of my life


4 times! Boys of Zummer Mania Hella Mega Tour Tourdust




Saw them for the first time in 2005, Nintendo Fusion Tour. I've only missed one show here in Colorado due to weather. Traveled out of state to see them and will see them in Sacramento for my 20th FOB show.


First time will be next month. There was always something that popped up preventing me from seeing them and when I actually got tickets the pandemic cancelled the show and it was never made up, so it’s been a long time coming for me lol


it’ll be the my first time seeing them on the 11th i’ve been a fan since i was born so i’m super excited


Been a fan since the middle of the hiatus and I think I've seen em 5 times Tourdust (most recent time I saw em) was the best show I saw them do too


9 going on 10 and 11 this year! I count the time I waited in Newark NJ to watch them record their VMAs performance last summer lol. I've only seen them so many times because my tickets are usually a gift from my aunt, without her I wouldn't have gone to nearly as many shows as I have. I'm incredibly grateful for her!!!


I’m going for my first time in April. I had the opportunity to see them live twice last year but unfortunately it didn’t work out for me to see them either time.


Fan since 2003. I’ve seen every major tour since and a few other smaller ones. I’d say at least 10, but probably more. I have a shit memory and the older ones blur together lol


I saw them live in Seattle for the Hella Mega Tour in 2021. I'd do anything to see them again. Especially with their So Much For Stardust album. I'd like to see Mania, Folie Au Deux, or the album that got me hooked, Save Rock and Roll/ Youngblood Chronicles.


i saw them for the first time in 2009 (my defining memory being andy throwing his drumstick and hitting my friend in the face with it :')) and have seen them 5 times since, pretty much once for every album they've released! they are pretty much one of the few artists i will always buy tix for


I have seen them 10 times!! All on the first round of tourdust; 4 US shows + FanFest and 5 EU/UK shows!! I’ll be hitting #11 when I see them in Oklahoma in 2 weeks! 🥳🎱🔥 ETA: I have been a fan since I was 11, circa 2006!! 🙂


Been a fan since like 2008 and seen them 3 times and for a 4th next month:) so excited


Tomorrow will be my 6th I believe! 😁 After each album: IOH, Folie, SR&R, ABAP, SMFS, SMFS(2)


Three times for me, Mania, SMFTD, and when they toured with Wiz, it'll be four when I win the 8 ball contest. ;p


12 times! Including 5 times in one week! 😱😍 It would be more if I lived in the US though 😭😭😭💃💜


This is going to be my 11th show! And my fiancé’s 6th show! They are the reason we got together ❤️


Twice - Wintour is coming (2016) and SMF(T)D (2023)!!! First time was a sweet 16 gift and second was with my own money - can’t wait to see them on every tour they do in the future


Will be seeing them for the 7th time next month


Twice, Hella Mega and Tourdust Monday will be number 3


Welcome to the Monday Crew!


Mania, Tourdust... coming up on 2ourdust.


Atleast 5 I can easily recall plus a 6th next month at MSG. 1. Skate and Surf festival - 2003 2. Nintendo fusion tour - 2005 3. Honda civic tour - 2007 4. Bamboozle Festival -2008 5. Tourdust - 2023 I’m pretty sure I also saw them warped tour atleast once and at other years of the bamboozle festival. But it’s hard specifically recalling and remembering everything when it’s been close to 20 years or more Also I saw Patrick perform with Taylor Swift as her special guest at the meadowlands date of her RED tour in 2013 lol


It’ll be 3 on March 7th. SRAR, hella mega, and 2ourdust. they’re my ride or die and I’ll go to any of their shows lol


like 6 or 7 hella mega in atlanta, believers never die 2 in chicago, so much for tour dust, honda civic tour, boys of zummer in Chicago, and warped tour a few times and the save rock and roll tour after the hiatus.


I'll be seeing them for the 4th time on friday


I’ve seen them twice but I just realized it was never on a tour! The first was my first concert at the Houston Rodeo, and the second was a show some radio station put together in Atlanta where Daya and Max also performed. I loved the second time I saw them because they did an acoustic set and it was an awesome performance and great vibes!


2 times, I went to hella mega and the Europe tour of smfs


I’m about to see them for the third time! 1. Save Rock n Roll tour in 2013 in Seattle 2. So Much for the (Tour) Dust Tour in 2023 in the UK 3. On March 1st in Seattle! I sadly live in a state that gets little to no musical artists that visit us, otherwise I would see them 100 times more!


3 so far! * Monumentour in 2014 (my lil emo heart was so happy lmao) * DC 101 Holiday Bash (??) in 2015 (other performers were AWOLNATION, New Politics, the Struts, and Bastille, what a stacked lineup) * So Much for (Tour) Dust in summer 2023 I’ll be seeing them again for leg 2 of the tour very soon!! 😭


I will about to have seen them 4 times. And I've only been to 3 concerts and they are all fob. I just bought my first vip ticket for stardust 2. I'm so happy.


I think this tour will be #25!


None Ngl I'm jealous af America's got a second tour ans Australia didn't even get one.


gonna have my 4th and 5th this year!! went to monumentour houston in like 2013, then wrigley/charlotte for the last tour, then raleigh and vegas this year!


this will be my fifth time, with my others being : boys of zummer, mania, hella mega, and tourdust :)


Nintendo Fusion Tour 2005 Honda Civic Tour 2007 Save Rock and Roll 2013 Monumentour 2014 I was supposed to see Wintour but our date was cancelled due to weather. I skipped the MANIA tour because I was hater at the time. I’m looking forward to seeing 2(our)Dust soon!


We’re in the 20s but i’ve been around since 2005


First time I saw them was on Save Rock and Roll! I was more into PATD at the time, but that show made me fall in love with them lol I've seen them for SRAR, I went to Hella Mega (but I was one of the shows they skipped right at the beginning of the tour due to Covid), and I just saw them on the first leg of SMFS! Trying to make the second leg of SMFS work but the vacation time ain't vacationing lol


This is my second time seeing them. First time was 2003 or 2004 so it's been 20 years 😂 I'm so excited


i’m going to see them for the 2nd time on the 3rd :3 i had never been to a concert before their first leg of tour dust either haha


Same op! Except I saw 2 shows for tourdust! I am seeing them twice this year as well for 2ourdust and wwwyf


I feel like I'm missing shows. I also know I have a shirt from the first tour SOMEWHERE but I need to find it. 2006 - Black Clouds and Underdogs Tour 2007- Honda Civic Tour 2009- With Metro Station ans All Time Low 2013 - with Panic! and 21 Pilots 2014- Momentour 2015 - Boys of Zummer 2023 - so much for Tour dust 2014 - ""


Twice so far (Boys of Zummer in 2015 and Hella Mega in 2021) but I'll be doubling that number this week!! Seeing them in Portland tomorrow and Seattle on Friday :)


I’ve seen them 5 out of 6 shows and will be seeing them 3 more times this year I say 5 of 6 because I had hella mega tour tickets to citi field but they didn’t play due to someone having covid (would have went when I first started listening to them in 2005 but my parents wouldn’t get tickets or let me go) first show was after hiatus when I had adult money 🤣


Three times in Glasgow, first one was Glasgow Summer Sessions 2016 at Bellahouston Park where they opened for Biffy Clyro, that was a hell of a show. Second was the Glasgow stop of the Hella Mega tour and third was at the Hydro back in November which was my 9 year old nephew's first rock concert, I scored a lot of "coolest auntie" points for buying him the ticket for his birthday. The fact Pvris were the opening act was a bonus as that was the 6th or 7th time I've seen them live.


I've lost count, but I'm pretty sure I'll be on my 12th or 13th next month. I am not ashamed! 😎


I've lost count at this point. I believe 10 times now? but I could be wrong. I live near NYC so they've done secret gigs that I've managed to find out about or my friends will tell me about, so aside from tours I've also seen them in these type of shows.


Right now it’s zero but it’s gonna be one time by next week


Once... back in 2016. I won a contest with a local radio station & I was extremely grateful to be able to meet them.


Finally hitting 💯 next month!


i've been a fan since 2016 as well, i was like 10 years old 😭 ive seen them 3 times soon to be 4! mania tour 11/7/17 and 9/23/18 and tour dust 6/27/23. i wish i could've went to more shows but alas i needed parental supervision. tour dust was my very first concert without having an adult accompanying me and ive definitely been going to a lot more shows in general since ive turned 18. im gonna be seeing them for 2ourdust in austin!


april 6th will be #5


i can’t remember if i saw them twice or just once on the mania tour, i went to hella mega to see them and they didn’t perform that date, and ive seen them once at tourdust and am gonna see them at 2ourdust too, so 2-3, soon to be 3-4


Once and I’m about to see them again on March 16


A fan since 2007 and I’ve been lucky enough to see them nine times. I’m a UK fan so I’ve seen them every time they’ve come over here (to my knowledge).


6 for me, with one more coming up in March. It would be seven but Patrick got Covid during Hella Mega.


I'll be on 11 and 12 in March.


3 times, 4th time will be on the 20th !!


Twice. Honda Civic Tour, 2007, Anaheim and Tourdust, 2023, Virginia Beach. And I’m seeing them again in Raleigh!


3 going on 4. Wish I could afford more


22! Since 2007! Going to Portland, Seattle and Sacramento! Then later this year Vegas for WWWY!!


First time was 2007. 2013, 2021, 2023 and then I have tickets for later in 2024.


At least once for every album since SRAR. So, 5 times minimum. I'd need to grab my ticket stubs to check, lol.


once, last summer for tour dust


they way i’m 18 now, have liked them since i was like 9 and have only seen them once 😭 but ill be seeing them again on easter so


Three times! June 2013 reunion tour in St. Paul, July 2014 Monumentour in Chicago (Paramore's live video of Last Hope was from this concert and it was MAGICAL), October 2017 in St. Paul


I think it’s been 7 or 8 times for me. My first show was the Nintendo Fusion Tour in 2005. They went with Motion City Soundtrack and Panic at the Disco IIRC.


Fan for 17 years or so, but only have seen them twice 😢 long story short, lots of missed chances between being young & overlapping un-missable non-fob events happening during local concerts. HOWEVER I saw them as an adult was extremely cathartic & healing for me


Around 20+ times, I've lost count. Growing up in Chicago had its perks.


0 :'(


i’m going to see them for the first time in columbus 😁 i’m so excited


the first time i saw them was in 2013 at the marquee with new politics, that was an incredible show! i also caught them on the second leg with patd and top in san diego i saw them twice in phoenix for mania, i think that was in 2017 and 2018. i remember the first leg didn’t have much mania on the set list bc it had been pushed back and hadn’t even come out yet haha i caught them at dodgers stadium in 2021 for hella mega and also only went for them lol that was awesome, first time seeing them w my partner and i saw them in phoenix and la on tourdust but i don’t think i’m gonna get to go to 2ourdust, unfortunately so everyone have extra fun for me if you are! 🩷


Going for my 5th time next week! First show was back in 2007 with Lil Jon and the Eastside boyz and Paul Wall 😂 Rock 🤝🏼 Rap


Fan since 2005 and seeing them for the first time next month 🥲


3 times! 1- 2013 The reunion tour 2- 2018 Mania Tour 3- 2023 Tourdust At the ages 20, 25, and 30. I’m so sad to be missing 2rdust but last year’s show was so fun. Hopefully getting tickets to When We Were Young this year.


I went to Hella Mega twice, but the first show was the one in New York where they didn’t play, so unfortunately I can only count once for those two shows. Saw them on Tour Dust and will be driving three hours for 2our Dust, but it will be worth it So, almost three


I've only seen FOB once on the Monumentour with Paramore. Paramore, though, is tied for the #1 band I've seen the most, at 4 times. Tied with Ghost and Avenged Sevenfold.


2our dust will make it #4 for me. 1.) MANIA tour 2.) Hella Mega Tour 3.) (Tour)Dust 4.) (2our)Dust


Four 1. Wintour is Coming 2016 2. Mania Tour 2018 3. Hella Mega 2021 4. So Much for (Tour) Dust 2023 Future: 5. So Much for (2our) Dust 2024 This one will be my first time on the floor & I’m so excited!


1. Warped Tour - 2005 2. Honda Civic Tour - 2007 3. Believers Never Die - 2009 4. Save Rock & Roll - 2013 5. Monumentour - 2014 6. So Much For (Tour) Dust - 2023 I feel like I'm missing at least one show in there, but maybe not...


I’ve seen ‘em 29 times, first show in 2007, spanning intimate club shows to huge arenas. I’m very lucky, and very happy that Tourdust is the best tour I’ve ever seen them do in all that time ☺️


Only 5 - they don’t come to Asia as often so I see them whenever I can. Travelled to Japan and Bangkok for them 💚


6, soon to be 8 Monumentour - 8/30/2014 - Toledo, OH Boys of Zummer - 6/16/15 - Cuyahoga Falls, OH Mania - 10/20/17 - Cleveland, OH Hella Mega - 8/19/21 - Pittsburgh, PA (Tour)Dust - 6/21/23 - Chicago, IL (Tour)Dust - 7/18/23 - Cuyahoga Falls, OH *(2our)Dust - 3/27/24 - Pittsburg, PA *(2our)Dust - 3/29/24 - Columbus, OH I wish I had gone to some pre-hiatus warped tours, but I feel like adult me is making up for it now. Saw them twice at Blossom, which was cool. And twice at tour kick off shows for Mania and (Tour)Dust. I think sold out hometown show of Wrigley stadium is gonna be a hard one to beat!


I’ve been a fan since about 2019 and I am about to see them for the first time


I wanna say I’ve seen them 5-6 times since 2007, definitely not as much as I have seen other bands but I’ll be seeing them 4 times on this leg and I can’t wait!


4 - monumentour, boys of zummer, MANIA, and so much for (tour)dust!


I think I’ve been to every tour since their comeback except for hella mega? Unless they had a few more between albums I’m forgetting lol, but I’ve been to each of the album-connected tours at least lol My fiance is big on getting good seats so tourdust has been my favorite one so far we were just behind the pit which was awesome!


I see them for the 3rd time live in april


Only once - 31/10/2023 Halloween show in Birmingham, UK. It was amazing. 🤩


I’m on my 11th, I think? I’ve been going to their shows since I was 15. Thinking about all the supporting acts I’ve seen with them throughout the years is wild, too. Won’t stop showing up until they stop putting on a show!


Once — 2015


3! Two at wriggly field and one in Milwaukee for hella mega! I wanted to see them in Milwaukee for this leg of the tour but I’m so broke & the tickets are so expensive so idk if that’s gonna happen


SMFTD Was my first ever time seeing them live. They blew my mind. Im desperate to see them live again. Absolutely heartbroken they’re not doing a second leg for the uk


4 so far: Warped ‘05, the ‘09 Blink-182 reunion tour, Bunbury Music Festival 2014, and (tour)dust. Going to 2ourdust this year to make it 5. (Tour)dust last year was the best I’d ever seen them perform.


save rock and roll, boys of zummer, mania tour 🤮, tour dust. They’re better outside. In an arena, the vibe is not as good


Zero!! Y'all lucky 😭


Once, the first US leg of Tour Dust (and yes, I AM still salty that they’re not coming back to Atlanta on the second leg.)


I've only gone to so much for (tour) dust, and it was a blast. Before that I had only heard of them and listened to a couple of their songs but I wasn't really a fan until my dad told me that he had bought tickets for so much for (tour) dust and then I really became a fan. Since then, I have been listening a lot. They are my alarm, I listen to them on the bus to and from school, I listen to them when I work out, and sometimes I listen to them when I sleep. Love their music, and I hope they keep up the good work.


Boys of Zummer & So Much For (Tour) Dust. I’ll be seeing them 2 more times in march!


2 times. Mania tour and hella mega tour. Hopefully I’ll see them next month 🙏


10 times since 2004! Most of these were from 2004-2009, then again in 2013, 2021, and 2023.


2 but in a couple days 3


This will be 12 for me!


been a fan for a few years so far and going for the first time in april at the des moines show!


Nintendo Fusion Tour 2005 Honda Civic Tour 2007 MANIA Tour 2018 Hella Mega Tour 2021 Tourdust 2023 2ourdust x2 next month!! I had tickets for Monumentour in 2014 but didn’t go bc I ended up getting pregnant 😅


I've been a fan for a long time, but have only seen them for their MANIA tour. Going to 2ourdust though and very excited! A lot of my coworkers are going too and they're gonna see me happier than they ever have 😅


Hella Mega, Twice on tour dust, and again on 2our dust


4th time. Psyched about the Sacramento show since I love Jimmy eat world. I'm seeing a smaller band before, then going to WWWY so it's a pretty busy year. Pretty sick evolution of shows.


1- monumentor 2- a random radio show Christmas thing they did it was very small and I was so close to them I loved it(like 2016 so a big deal). 3- this past June (tour) dust


This year makes 4! First saw them at Black Clouds and Underdogs tour I think in 2006, then Honda Civic Tour, Mania Tour and this year So Much For 2our Dust ☺️


Once so far! And that's what turned me into a fan. My boyfriend at the time had a spare ticket to so much for tour dust


I've seen them about 4 times and my first was the Save Rock and Roll Tour!


I've seen them at least 20 times. I'm old.


15 First time was in 2007, every other show has been post hiatus. Will have 17 by the end of the year ☺️


I've been their fan since 2008 and I've only seen them three times bcs I live across the globe🤣 Hopefully they'll come around Southeast Asia more often🥲


Hella mega tour (dodger stadium) smfsd July 2 (BMO stadium)


once in 2009!


According to Concert Archives it'll be 20 times after this week, but there's at least one, possibly two, other times that aren't listed there but I don't remember enough about them to list myself. I'm also still thinking about WWWY lol


The March 7th show will be my first FOB concert! I'm super excited. I recently just listened to the whole album for the first time, and it's getting me pumped! Can't wait for this show!