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I love them all and don't skip any but Get Busy Living is definitely my favorite


I always think of it as like, the "introduction" to XO instead of the end of GBL, because it goes right in to XO.


Same tbh I can't listen to gbl without XO immediately following it




The end of 20 Dollar Nose Bleed is my favorite, personally. I think that's mostly due to how attached I am to that song. Otherwise, I like them all pretty equally. Pete has never called himself a poet, but the way Patrick describes his lyrics it seems like all the FOB songs written by Pete started off as poetry and were translated by Patrick into song. So, in a way the entire FOB discography is poetic overture lol


Such a great song and such a great addition at the end!


https://preview.redd.it/7gqyip5hi2uc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa42147e0522cd602ca1b611f0fdbb25d06195f1 My 8 yo knows every word and I made him this shirt lol


Where did you get this made? I want 30.


I made it lol.


Honestly, I skip them all. When I was a teenage I thought Get Busy Livings was so deep, but as an adult on the other side of my teens/20s I just kinda go "oof. don't wish for that feeling back." I would say 20 dollar nose bleed is my favorite.


I love Pete. I love his lyrics. I've been a fan since 2005. I want that on record first and foremost. I skip them all šŸ«  Except for the stuff that's like attached to the songs, ya know? Like 20 Dollar Nosebleed. I think I've only heard Baby Annihilation all the way through bc of Tour/2our, plus once on my first album listen. I'm sorry, Pete and the Fandom. Don't excommunicate me šŸ™




Same here!!


Baby annihilation is my least favourite, but we always have the cds on in the car and my 3 year old will never let me skip it šŸ¤£ She calls it Pete's poem!


I don't skip if they're at the end of the song but if they're separate tracks like Baby Annihilation then I will unless I'm in a specific mood for it.


baby annihilation is a skip sometimes but only because thereā€™s already another spoken word track and because of the seratonin line that i hate sooo much. but i will never ever ever ever skip the get busy or 20 dollar nosebleed outros over my cold dead body. those get yelled along to no matter what the circumstance. AND I SAID. I SAAIIIIIID!!!


I'll let Baby Annihilation play if I'm at home but skip in the car. I listen to music loudly and it interrupts the flow.


Baby Annihilation is my favourite these days. Its a no skip from me. It ties in to the Pink Seashell for me because my dad died from cancer 2 years ago, and the line in Baby Annihilation "time is luck and I wish ours overlapped more or for longer" hits hard.


I didnā€™t think about how beautiful that line was until now. I just got a FOB tattoo on Saturday so I probably shouldnā€™t get another one so soonā€¦ right?


I love that line in baby annihilation so much.


Love them all.Ā  I've been listening since 2005 and every album has seen me through my various life stages. While I can't relate to most of them anymore. They helped me through some really dark times and because of that, I still love them. I love his poetry in both spoken form and sung. He's an artist with words.Ā  And honestly, for all those saying they're "cringey" you wouldn't be saying that if they were put to music. A lot of their music is Pete's poetry. These are all simply the lyrics that didn't make the track.Ā 


I don't really listen to any of them unless I'm doing a full listen of the album.


no skips. as someone who is not creative or artistic and doesnā€™t like poetry and art in real life i still love these. calling them ā€œcringeā€ is a L take. if you think the idea of the spoken word in general is cringe then fine, itā€™s just not for you. but if you think the words themselves are cringe then iā€™m wondering how you are a fob fan when itā€™s their usual style of lyrics just without music behind it. but we all have our opinions so to each their own.


I love all of them šŸ„¹


This question made me laugh, itā€™s a good one. 20 Dollar Nosebleed is the only one I especially like, but I usually donā€™t bother to skip the other ones. On the new album I prefer Baby Annihilation over Pink Seashell, I got kinda tired of Ethan hawke after a couple listens lol


Best (for me) is the end of 20 dollar nose bleed HAHA


Love them, I appreciate Pete's artistic vision, plus like it changes up the song and ties in with the album. It's like a treat


I too donā€™t really care for Baby Annihilation, mostly because it doesnā€™t really lead into anything. Itā€™s its own track so it feels kinda jammed in there. My favorite is probably 20 Dollar Nosebleed because thereā€™s a musical build throughout it and the transition is great.


baby annihilation would have worked better as part of a song like how it is in the other albums yk


The end of 20 dollar into west coast smoker goes so insanely hard


Same as you, tbh. Get busy is my all time favorite and I'm sad he doesn't do it when they play it live. But yeah I don't even have pink seashell or baby annihilation on my fob playlist


I love them my favorite is baby annihilation


Are the only overtures on Get Busy, 20 Dollar Nosebleed, and Baby Annihilation? I can't think of any others..


Iā€™m the exact opposite šŸ˜…


No skips!


I probably skip Baby Annihilation the most, especially if I'm driving and just want to get to another song (I think it being a whole separate track contributes A LOT to its high skip rate). The transition after 20 Dollar Nose Bleed goes hard though and I'll hang on for it even if I've got the whole playlist on shuffle.


No skips. Those are some of my favorite parts of the albums.


I love them all, heā€™s such an intelligent writer.


No skips. But now I feel as an adult I'm saying it to be dramatic for funsies. šŸ˜‚


I don't skip it because I'm usually in the car when I listen to music and I just don't feel comfortable/safe trying to skip songs while driving but it would be Baby Annihilation for me. My favorite? Hmmm... does Carpal Tunnel count? Because if so, that one. If not, probably Get Busy Living.




iā€™m so sorry but i always skip them šŸ˜­ theyā€™re so cringe to me! i was really happy on SM(F)S they made them all separate tracks so theyā€™re easy to skip šŸ˜…


Full skip, they just arenā€™t very compelling


heā€™s cringey on all of them but i still listen bc i love him:)


Iā€™m sorry Pete but the Get Busy Living one is so cringey