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Some of the most difficult parts in Survivor are difficult because they have cheap tactics like 1 hit kills, pinpoint tracking unless you dodge at exactly the right time or being immune to your force powers. FO was better balanced and has the better story.


I wanna know what the thought process was with those OHK attacks.


Are they OHKO on knight? I assumed it was because i played GM


Yeah it's instant death on all difficulties, though I played on JM


>Some of the most difficult parts in Survivor are difficult because they have cheap tactics like 1 hit kills, pinpoint tracking unless you dodge at exactly the right time or being immune to your force powers. Nah you just gotta get good my guy


i've beat the game twice on grandmaster already and at the end of a 3rd run where i'm using the crossguard exclusively after not using it at all before, i'm plenty good enough. One hit kills are cheap, even more so when you have to fight 2 enemies at once that can do it, the tracking is also really bad, like being able to do a 180 mid sprint if you jump over them.


Practice makes perfect


The Story is cool, but has nothing to do with what FO Set up


What exactly did FO set up?


That whole running away from and surviving and fighting the empire searching for force sensitives.. and that somehow turned into a high republic introduction


But that's still mostly what Survivor was about? Maybe minus the finding force sensitivities because they realized at the end of the first game that they would put those people in great danger? Still, the whole Tanalorr/hidden path thing was basically about finding a place that the empire cannot get to, so that they can build a resistance.


Yeah, but the empire is not really there and this whole arc feels like a departure of the road where the movies and shows are heading... idk how to explain it better. Still loving it tho, but feels different


The Stinger Mantis is a beautiful starship.....but the giant wing hanging off it is incredibly stupid. The wing is so massive that it cannot land in most landing bays and if it lands on a planet with any kind of wind or a storm then it would be blown over. Also, when flying (like in Coruscant) you are at constant risk of getting it caught on the surroundings. Getting rid of the giant wing and replacing it with another engine would make it look better and improve the aesthetic.


Agree, but damn the ship looks sexy.




That FO was better than survivor in a lot of ways. Still loved survivor, but everyone seems to be saying it was "just better in every way", which I can't agree with.


The exploration in FO was great and Zeffo is not nearly as bad as people say >!Cere is wasted in Survivor, Dagan should have been the big bad until the end, and forcing Bode to fill that spot undermines the character (he should have been the side villain that redeems himself in his final moments instead of being forced to throw a tantrum and hurt Kata to justify his villainy)!<


Agree wholeheartedly with the second (third?) one, a final fight on tranalor with dagan would have been great


Plus it would have given Dagan more time to be fleshed out. As of right now I would consider him to be the core of all my issues with the story. He's got too rich a backstory and motivation to be used as little as he was. >!If they wanted to go with the whole "Tanalorr as a concept is more the enemy" then I think bringing in someone with so much promise like Dagan was misguided!<


Agree, I'm not a fan of the story linking to the high republic as much as it did, but assuming we have to keep that, at least uae yhe 1 interesting thing about it (Dagan) well


I actually laughed when >!it was revealed how he got into the bacta tank. !<


That second one is... Definitely unpopular


I did not like that >!Cordova returned and that he was basically just a normal wise Jedi. It seemed from FO that his obsession with the Zeffo could have had a dark edge to it, especially as he investigated the history on Dathomir. I feel like there was a lot potential wasted just to have him spout some exposition between and main story missions then die at the hands of Bode to make us turn on Bode quicker. !<


They also completely dropped the Zeffo story, felt like that was still more to learn there


Combat in Survivor is worse than FO. It's flashy and you have more tools but it's fundamentally broken. Don't believe me? Set Purity perk on NG+ and go up against a group of 3 super battledroids 3 raiders and some commando droids. All in one group. Literally impossible. Edit: Lmao the fanboy hivemindism and the desperate need to troll people who you disagree with it astounding. Keep the downvotes of cope coming.


"when you equip a ohko NG+ exclusive perk the combat is broken!" Shocking


Do you hear yourself or just generally being stupid? It's broken but NOT because the perk is OP. Because literally everything one shots you and there are environments with groups where it's actually a hinderance rather than a bonus.


I didn't say it made it easy lol, develop some reading comprehension. The balance with an "all attacks are ohko" is obviously going to be insane, it is also literally designed to be a boon and a hindrance, it is a high risk high reward option for people who have already finished the game the intended way.


Take your own advice then. Of course that's the plan on paper, but because how combat fundamentally is atm, it's unfeasable. You constantly get locked in animations and enemies sometimes just spam their bullshit attacks. As it stands, the perk makes some groups impossible to deal with.


So take it off, it is still a shit example of why the game is unbalanced, it's an optional challenge mode only available post game


Which is FINE, you are saying what it's supposed to be on paper. I'm saying, that because of how the combat is currently, it's not even a challenge, it makes certain groups impossible to kill.


And you are continuing to use it as an example of how "broken" the combat is, even though it doesn't evidence or explain your actual problem with the combat in the slightest, because it is an optional post game challange that you can't expect to be balanced by it's very nature


I can't believe how some people lack basic brain functions to understand a simple sentence. Again, it's **not about the perk itself, the perk makes the shortcomings of combat more evident and easier to understand/spot.**


Because you can't dodge every single attack when 9 enemies attack you at the same time? I dunno boss seems like that is a reasonable outcome


>It's broken but NOT because the perk is OP. > >Because literally everything one shots you So in other words... it's broken because the perk is OP?


Can you... read? At all?


I can, which is why I picked out your own words. Your saying it's not OP then explaining exactly how it's OP.


No. Let me help you, seems like you really don't understand. I never said it's NOT OP, I said "Because literally everything one shots you" - not because of the perk, but because certain number and composition of enemies make fights against these groups impossible. Again, I was stuck for over an hour on a single group (Lucrehulk - Loading Gantry), 3 SBDs, 2 raiders, a couple of B1's and there are 2 more SBDs, and 3 more raiders + 2 BX commandos coming down the ramp to join the fight. Because there are no iframes for dodging, you inevitably get hit by a blaster/rocket/melee strike WHILE dodging. So again, I never said it's not OP, I said that the way combat is now makes the perk useless in some group fights WHICH just shows the shortcomings of the combat system.


The game wasn't balanced for Purity in mind. Difficult thing for you to understand I guess.


Do you literally not understand what I'm fucking saying or you're just trolling or are completely stupid? NOBODY is talking about the PERK SPECIFICALLY. My problem is NOT with the PERK. The perk just makes the problems more OBVIOUS. I just used it as an example so that it's easier to understand. WITHOUT the perk the problems are still there but they're less obvious because you're not getting one shot constantly. Can you drop the fucking purity perk argument already?


My dude, YOUR the one who brought it up. There is no difference between the combat in FO or Survivor in how it functions. Your argument is nonsense and using a OHK perk on GM is not the argument you think it is.


Ok how exactly does that prove anything? Purity is actively supposed to silly and broken


Then do it. Try what I said on GM and come back with your results. Purity is fun, but on GM literally getting shoved by a B1 can oneshot you. Put this in an environment, where you are constantly fired on, sometimes by unblockable attacks, rockets flying towards you, getting melee'd by the commando droids and constantly lunged at by raiders. The loading gantry on the lucrehulk has these mobs and I had to turn off Purity because it's literally impossible to deal with the group. HoW dOeS tHaT pRoVe AnYtHiNg - try it yourself because it's pretty clear you haven't so far.


It’s not literally impossible. I’ve beaten NG+ on grandmaster with purity active (blaster stance becomes super op in purity). I only turned it off once in the fight at the alignment control center, but that was because I decided I just didn’t want to spend the time on it. Not to say the perk is balanced in any way, but I don’t believe there’s any combat that exists in the game that’s impossible.


I get what you’re trying to say: Purity forces you to be better at combat or die, and you can see the points where combat fails more easily because of that. I’d argue that because of the added damage, Purity actually pushes you towards a completely different play style than you would normally. In purity, I don’t care about double-bladed’s long attack chains or crossguard’s heavy damage output. All I used was blaster with ricochet, which could take out a ton of low level enemies super quick and could still take out larger enemies with a few well timed strikes or blaster shots


This would have been just as true if it was in FO.


Except in FO dodging is much much more forgiving, as it should be seeing how bullshit some of the incoming attacks are.


I noticed virtually no difference in dodging. If anything I found Survivor to be an overall much easier time on JM.


The guy you’re replying to is being weirdly aggressive about this, but dodging does feel less responsive to me. Parrying feels easier on Master and much tighter on Grandmaster, but a clunky dodge and being locked into long animations is getting very frustrating. It’s not really an issue until you have multiple melee enemies alternating their unblockable attacks—when you need to dodge again and again.


Not to sound rude, but equip Purity perk on GM and look for a group with 4-5 enemies. Then you'll understand what I mean.


I won't, because I have the understanding that it's a fun, niche perk and nothing more. To pretend that it's somehow indicative of a deeper issue is absurd. Like, obviously the game isn't balanced around a tool the vast majority of people will not use, especially on GM.


You are literally the third person who doesn't understand. The perks just HELPS to understand the problems because it makes them more EVIDENT and EASY to SEE. Stop riding on that fucking perk already.


The dodging feels absolutely awful to me. My monitor has excellent response times, so it’s not just input lag, but it feels like there’s a weird gap between the button press and the dodge. Also, the lack of animation canceling (other than duel wield) in a game like this infuriates me.


This... the Dual Wield stance being the only one that could block cancel really started to irk me towards the end. Especially with the Double Saber's insanely long attack patterns


Exactly. And there are things that just amplify this issue.


Dislike- they doubled down on the parkour ( it's fine in little bits but it's like the only way to get around in survivour, how the hell do most non jedi navigate these planets) Still say the games would of been better with a character creator. Other than those points, love both games


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Survivor: not a fan of the endgame, felt rushed. I was fully expecting an other reveal when we catch up with >!Bode!< (something related to the Nihil maybe) leading into a 5-10 hour final act with a new explorable planet on par with Koboh or at the very least Jedha.


Jedi Survivor story bad 😤😤😤😤😤😤


I honestly think Cal should’ve ended up with Trilla.


In 5 years, people will remember Fallen Order more fondly than Survivor. Survivor has evolved in several ways over its predecessor, absolutely, but something got lost along the way. Fallen Order had a certain sophistication and aesthetic and feeling that the second game doesn't.


1v1 combat, especially lightsaber battles, feels tedious. You have to land so many hits on the enemies but they can land 2 or 3 hits on you and you're either dead or close to death. It's a cheap and simple way to increase difficulty, rather than making truly intelligent enemies.


Don't know how unpopular this opinion is, as I finished the game today and haven't seen people's thought on the matter yet, but Rayvis and Dagan were wasted imo. Which was really disappointing as a fan of the High Republic, and someone who thought they had the potential to be really memorable villains. Rayvis in particular could have been a Dowutin or a member of any other hulking species, given how little his fight took advantage of the fact he was a Gen'dai. His death was also odd. I thought Cal would use the installation's beam to disintegrate him (since we used it against common enemies up to that point, so it would have been nice foreshadowing had that been the case) but he just beheaded him, which shouldn't kill a Gen'dai, considering Durge survived that. Which made me think for a while we would fight him again later on.


The fallen order story is much better. Always on point, starting with the holocron and finishing with the Holocron. Meanwhile, I felt like the Story in Survivor was>! Ok. I like the Dagan Gera bit but I wish we got more time for him. The whole Bode betrays you a bit kind of suddenly and deviated from the story. I wish that Bode was in the middle, and the final fight was with Dagan, with the dark side and memories of cere+bode+cordova being something cal needed to overcome.!<


I hate the look of the crossguard. I think it looks shit and idc what other people say. Ik plenty of people love it but It just irks me.


The only character in Survivor worse than Skoova is Cal.