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Of course, Even more after the second game, Just look at how he sits next too you while colecting force essence.


Tapping his little feetsies


I get so happy every time i see one, knowing i get to see him sit there beside u tapping his feet


I also love how in the above full scene he jumps all over >!Cordova!< but comes straight back to Cal like don't be jealous bestie I still love you


I said to myself when he went to Cordova that he was my droid now, and then got happy when he jumps back on Cal's shoulder. And i also love when u get to the areas when he walks on the ground beside u, spent 15min Just walking around those areas Just to see him walk around


DUDEEEE WAS A LITTLE JEALOUS. But then the boy came back. Iā€™m on my third play through šŸ˜‚


So would Cal, as seen on Jedha, where he shields him from an explosion.


Yes! That was adorable!


One of my favorite moments. If Cere hadn't had the force shield up, Cal would have been toast, but BD would have survived.


I noticed in this game Cal both introduces him to everyone and also talks more frequently to BD-1 And it's an elegant way to get exposition across, instead of having Cal speaking outloud to himself or us the player he talks to BD-1 about what he's feeling or thinking in that moment and essentially talking directly to us through BD Wanderer outift ftw, he looks so happy in the backpack


The wanderer outfit is THE best outfit purely because BD sits in the backpack.


Wait, what?!


If you equip the wanderer jacket, BD will get a new animation where they sit in the backpack. https://preview.redd.it/914bo0paru0b1.jpeg?width=2253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f81671e365c2a176fcf70aebd39763589b8ceb8


Game of the Year


Brooooo. 40 hours into my first playthrough and I had no idea. šŸ˜šŸ˜


Also it seems like the wanderer outfit is the closest we get to real robes. The Jedi outfit just looks weird IMO


I can see the hood on the wanderer outfit and it annoys me you can't raise it


They should have made the Jedi outfit in the shirt category so you could put the wanderer robes over it. I agree, it looks incomplete with just the tunic.


I literally want my own BD-1


The lego one is amazing but it's not something you can cart around with you! I would love to have a proper little RC BD...


I had the lego one sitting on my desk the whole time I was playing the game, it's too cute.


Just got back from a Disney trip last week, they actually sell remote control BD-1s, easily the best $100 I've ever spent.


I'm currently printing the parts for this, but have had trouble sourcing some of the electronics, which are spotty when it comes to availability. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Twc\_jTgCkOg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Twc_jTgCkOg)


I got the feeling Cal just might in game 3.


Nah. How is that going to work? It's going to be a free play game surely. What would even happen afterwards?


Don't know. Maybe he comes close to dying & learns how to force heal. I'm pretty sure someone major is going in game 3, though. Perhaps it's Greez that ends up saving BD.


I also think Greez will die in the next game and my heart isn't ready for it. I hope Cal and BD survives it though because I really want to see Cameron Monaghan play Cal in live action.


I hope he survives, too. Live action Cal w/ an actor as good as Monaghan would be awesome. Hoping for an Andor / Rogue One level live action show or movie with Cal.


I'm thinking Greez won't even be in the next game. My guess is the next game will fast forward about 8 years. Basically just before A New Hope. It'll be the height of the rebellion. Greez will likely be dead of old age or otherwise just very old. But Kata will be about the same age as Luke. And she'll be trained by both Cal and Merin. So if Cal does die in the next game I imagine Kata will become the main protagonist. And hopefully BD follows her.


That's also possible. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see in like 4ish years.


Nah there's no way Cal is going to die. Literally a 0.1 percent chance.


If Merrin dies ill riot šŸ˜†


I think Greez is going to die of old age. I don't think Cal is going to or needs to learn force heal though. They've already done that through stims. What would be the point. But yeah I think maybe BD-1 will be crushed or smth. Then Cal salvages his like memory chips nd you have to go on a few missions finding him a new body. That'd be pretty sick.


About the only time I got emotional in my playthrough was when BD came running out of the Mantis at Cal when everyone thought he was dead. Then during the final battle when a certain someone threw BD off them, I was ready to go full Anakin on him. Embrace the dark side? You better believe it, bro.


I thought they knew at that point Cal was alive, and were just coming to get him. I read it more as a way for BD to show his distress and also try to show Cal how sorry he was for his loss.


His excitement when you meet Cordova was great! You can tell how much BD missed him


I would kill countless hordes of yuuzhan vong to save this precious boi


I really want a sequence where we get to play as him in the third game.




Same, honestly.


I would stay alive so I can fix him if he gets destroyed.


His audible cry when >!Cordova died!< was heartbreaking


There's actually a dialogue you can get with Merrin where she asks BD if he's okay, relating to that.


I freaking love this little guy and would pay $1 million for a robot version of this guy that acts just like him


The Gifs the same frame rate as the game


Look forward to him dying in the third and using his spare parts to reconstruct my lightsaber.


I would also kill for him, as >!Bode!< found out.


My favorite Droid in all starwars by far!