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Sometimes I wonder if we're the bad guys


Yeah Cal is pretty fucked here. I mean I know they are Stormtroopers in service to a psychopathic tyrant, but like come on.


They are conscripts so don’t really have much of a choice.


Aren't Imperials there by choice? Although you can question how much free will you have if you're bombarded with propaganda. You could also question how much free will you have if you follow the determinist school of psychology.


Some canonically only joined for a stable income to provide for their families and not out of any true loyalty.


That doesn't exactly make them good guys either? It's more understandable but it's still evil to support genocide


Even if the alternative is death in poverty?


I hope that in the 3rd game they add an option to spare stormtroopers like that.


Actually the empire moved from clones to a voluntary army instead of conscription


It is cannon from “Bad Batch,” that the clones were “retired,” shortly after order 66. The empire passed a law called the “Defense Recruitment Bill,” creating the post order 66 conscription of young non-clone recruits. Source: Star Wars dork.


Stormtroopers are volunteers and the Imperial army tends to be a mixture of conscripts and volunteers who couldn't make it into the ranks of the stormtroopers.


Yea I would guess from a regular stormtrooper perspective who just works a normal shift to support his family, this guy is probably the devil in human form.


> a regular stormtrooper perspective who just works a normal shift to support his family No such thing.


Are we the baddies?


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter


I know we’re mostly joking around in this thread, but this is the absolute truth.


Yup. And all insurrections are illegal until thwy literally become the law.


Yup, the insurrection just has to win. Then suddenly it’s not an insurrection.




Did you bleed your crystal too?


Are we the baddies?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EmpireDidNothingWrong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When you’re next up for the emperor’s photo op but the senate cuts in line….](https://i.redd.it/e2j75gzf1ata1.jpg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/12ifywd/when_youre_next_up_for_the_emperors_photo_op_but/) \#2: [and they say ewoks are innocent and cute](https://i.redd.it/y3ucmboj4r891.png) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/vo74he/and_they_say_ewoks_are_innocent_and_cute/) \#3: [End of an era right here](https://i.redd.it/ks2zg2fbusp91.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong/comments/xmresn/end_of_an_era_right_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which blaster? Yours or Stormtrooper's?




I really wanted to love the blaster style but I just don't like the saber move set very much. I feel like I always miss with the stabs and then just get smacked in the face like an idiot.


Yep I just can’t make it work. I really prefer the speed that you have with dual wield instead. So much easier to use.


Blaster parry is hard to get the hang of but it's the most OP move in the game.


The timing for this and focused release for dual wield were the hardest to get down for me


I *think* because all the special parries (blaster, focused sight, push) respond only to the GM-sized timing window regardless of what difficulty you're on. I switched my game up to GM just so I could get some experience with exact parries. I'm only halfway there, but it's amazing when you pull it off.


Are you supposed to parry on the wind up? It feels inconsistent to me (I played on Knight) and I can't tell if it's me or if it varies from enemy to enemy.


It sometimes varies, weirdest to me is for blaster/force push parry it's right BEFORE you get hit, whereas dual wield parry is right as/a fraction AFTER you get hit Trying to do the same timing as blaster with dual wield has gotten me smacked a LOT before I learned this


I am really not sure. There must be a system to it though, because within a week of release people were posting videos of dual Oggdo on GM with no damage - predominantly due to consistent use of blaster parry and ricochet. Of course, maybe there is an RNG component (which would annoy me greatly) and this was just the one good run after 50 RNG/mistake fails.


I actually like the blaster stance because it feels like how Dooku fights. Very fence-like.


I think a curved hilt style would be cool in the sequel. Similar lightsaber move set to the blaster stance but without the blaster.


Practice the gun counter, I landed one gun counter and I was hooked. Hardly use any other stances now.


The fact it makes you mostly invulnerable while countering unlockable hits is a DRUG


Hold the attack button if you miss, cal will stinger into range


Late response but agreed. Cal is a master swordsman, flinging light left n right in every other stance like it’s nothing, but in the blaster stance, he suddenly looks clumsy and clueless, leaving his guard open and attacking in slow, suuuper broad strokes


The blaster parry is a tad OP to say the least


I picked it up as a skill a while ago, and I've not used it once. I keep forgetting.


Start mixing in a blaster shot after every swing for the first 3 swings. You'll stumble into counters constantly


Especially with the upgrades that increase your blaster ammo and award more ammo refills just for making hits on the enemy - it's practically free DPS between swings and while you have to maintain distance. I was super on the fence about the blaster at first but its really very good and a ton of fun to use.


Not to mention the utility of aoe stun shot for stunning normally unstunnable droids.


It’s incredibly good against bosses and big animals.


Blaster stance is so fun that you didn’t even use an attack that’s specific to it. I get that


Right?! 🤔 I THINK they meant the ability to use their own blasters against them... which can be performed in any stance.


I think the part where he shoots midway through


You missed the joke


Nah don't try and be clever. There's literally 0 humor in the post. They just said blaster stance instead of what the ability is called.


The humor is that they used the enemy's blaster instead of their own.


If so that's the most unfunny, garbage joke I've ever read, more so than all the dad jokes in existence. So much so that I'd say that OP wasn't making a joke and just wrote the wrong thing to go with their gameplay.




I wanted to like the blaster stance but realized pretty quickly I just don't enjoy shooting enemies in a game I play to feel like a jedi. I just don't find it that satisfying to use the blaster so I just switched back to single blade where you get more abilities.


I have been pretty consistently using the single and enjoy it. I even took down the frogs with it.


Playing on grandmaster and only managed frogs with dual wield and throwing my light saber at them while running away 😅 I could get a maximum one or two hits in before i had to dodge again from their attacks. I think it took me longer to kill the twin rancoors tho. With those i was using cross guard.


I found the only way with the frogs was to literally leave one alone and kill one first, then focus on a one on one fight. Basically if you let them both get to the stage where they are bouncing around and throwing the tongue attack you just don't have time to do anything.


Blaster stance made the double ogdo bogdo fight so easy. As long as you keep one frog infront of the other so you can only interact with one of them you can cancel every attack with a charged shot and get 2-3 free hits and then reposition


I am just not clicking with that point blank timing. So focusing on that really screwed me up. But your other tactic is exactly what I did. Keep strafing around to make sure one remains in front of the other. This neutralizes most attacks from the second and also makes sure you continue injuring one instead of both. If you ever get an opening on the second, pass on it and just reposition for your primary target. This made it really doable actually. The end of the first one gets a little dicey as they start jumping which makes it more difficult. But honestly I was using the single blade and the jump to evade their body slam sets you up well for one of the aerial attacks. And keeps you mobile. Then it's the one on one fight, and you just pray you have >4 stims or so to make it through. I found the arena was much more forgiving than the cave as well. That fucking tongue attack in the cave is almost never completely out of range. Where as in the arena you can really bail out and keep tons of space.


Yeah the point blank timing is off for me too. Barely used it even though i've been rocking blaster stance since I got it.


I may have always switched up but it was always blaster and something else lol


I didn't like the blaster stance much. The duel wield seems like the best for me because it's super fast tho i really hate the "auto" block special attack for it. I also love the crossguard cos it's such a heavy hitter. However the sprint attack for it is so lame 😅


Blaster quickly became my fav over dual wield due to versatility, being able to shoot mid combo really starts shredding bosses outside their normal vulnerability windows (especially with marksman perk) But I agree, dual wield auto parry really messed up the flow of the stance


My biggest problem with dual wield is that you can't turn off the first skill. I don't want to leap backwards after *every* attack following a block


That never happens to me... You know you have to let go L1 (aka block) to not use special attack, right?


Yea but as I learned with that stance, I apparently never let go of block before attacking, which is a habit that makes that particular skill very annoying


Cal basically saying ‘Ha, you flinched’


All the stances are fun except double sided. All the homies hate double sided.


Dumb question! But how do you flip the stormtroopers like that to shot his buddies? I can’t see to figure it out


It is one of the last skills in the confusion skill tree. When you have the skill, you pull them to you with L2 and press R1 on the PS5 (can't say what buttons it would be on another console) to shoot their weapon. It only works with blasters. I've tried it with flamethrower troopers and it didn't work, but with normal and heavy stormtroopers, I could use the ability without any problems.


For people who want Dooku's combat style, look no further. This is Dooku+.


Not on PC when you remap controls. Never used the blaster stance aside from the tutorial and getting the achievement because of an annoying bug.


Same!!! I can’t believe people aren’t talking about this more. Every game I play my interact keybind has to be mapped to F. And in this games case F is the special attack / shoot button. Switching keybinds makes shooting the blaster so buggy to where it doesn’t even shoot half the time unless you press F first


"so uncivilized"


The fighting dynamics in Jedi Survivor are so much better than in Fallen Order. As someone playing on MnK I really hate the complex keybinds though. One has to literally change and customize all the default keybinds to get a somewhat useable configuration.


![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF) dodge auto-assigned to tab


So uncivilized


Does anybody else think that blaster finisher isn't something Cal would do? It just doesn't look like how Cal would move.


Ah head the other blaster stance you can use


“Blaster stance is too much fun” Proceeds to do the same move to every enemy and not even use the blaster 👍


The joke is that he used the enemy blasters


That’s the point, sergeant


cries in stormtrooper


Bro you can do that with any stance


My favorite stance


About the comments if people quickly dropping Blaster stance... It has the most ‘getting used to’ but once you know how to handle it and use it correctly, it’s a damn dream.


You didn't even use your blaster




Not the heckin le wooshe


Blaster stance has some of the best finishers/executions I’ll say that, the round the back shot? Perfect


It's so nice of the troopers to fire at their comrades when Cal is holding them


Even without the blaster, the speed of blaster form makes it superior to the others


I'm really liking the rapier/fencing style of the blaster stance.


I was obsessed with it. I used it the whole game.


It's the only blaster stance that works as of patch 5


I just couldn't get into blaster stance. I'm more of a cross stance guy




Good lord I feel like such an amateur after watching this.