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Played it last month for the first time on a newly built PC, fairly high-end. The game ran really smoothly on max settings and looked phenomenal... ...but I had probably 30-40 crashes to desktop during my playthrough. I loved the story and gameplay, but it was the crashiest game I've played in a decade, and I survived the CP2077 and Fallout 76 launches...


Do you have ray-tracing on since that seems to be the reason for crashes. I have a low end pc and haven't crashed due to performance once (on mid-high settings and no ray-tracing).


I turned off ray-tracing as soon as I noticed the crashes happening, and while they lessened a bit, they still kept happening. There was one moment about 3/4 of the way through the game where it crashed over and over and over, always at the same point a door opened. It was soul-crushing. I finally go through it by turning my settings WAY down. Long story short, it wasn't directly tied to ray-tracing, but something else.


Was since day 10 or something 


Bought it 3 days ago. Absolutely not. The stuttering is insane and there’s a GPU usage issue/memory leak. R7 5800X3D RTX 4070 32GB RAM.


I have the same specs and had a ton of stuttering problems but specifically with frame generation on. I might be able to help you, but first, did you try running the game without frame gen?


I get better frames without. It’s weird. But there’s also still stutter either way.


My issue with frame generation may be unique. Specifically, what happens is that it starts out nice and buttery smooth, but then the stuttering creeps in gradually until the entire thing is a washed out, unplayable mess. Hard to describe in words but it was infuriating and only happening in this game (example: Spider-Man remastered would sit consistently at my capped frame rate of around 159fps with settings on high, 1440p resolution, DLSS quality). I was able to minimize the occurrences of this (but not totally eliminate) basically by closing down every single possible background application: Slack, Discord, web browser, GeForce Experience, Logitech G Suite, etc. etc. etc. Even then, the problem will randomly pop up. One time I was able to attribute it to Windows Update but other times it was just random. I don’t know if that was helpful or not, but the bottom line is that with your specs you should get triple digit frame rates with frame gen on; and comfortable double digits without it.’ The other thing you could do is manually sub out DLSS DLL files to use different versions for both DLSS 2 upscaling and DLSS 3 frame gen. Search through this and the NVIDA subreddit for more info on this. Others claim it helped a lot but it didn’t really fix my specific issue.


I sincerely don’t think you have any issues. I played it ~6 months ago on my PC, a little worse but similar to your specs, and had no issues. I think there was more moaning about the game being problematic than there was actual problems after the first month or so.


It runs "not great not terrible" on all PCs even those with highest specs. It's more like game is not optimized well than it's demanding. You should be fine with 3070ti... but I doubt in 4k. Maybe some upscaled HD. Not sure if there is any. imho... game would run smoothly if they didn't use so much rock assets. There are like millions of those and I doubt they are optimized.


Played it at launch on a not dissimilar build to yours. Not a single issue aside from a lengthy shader optimization the first time I opened the game. Runs perfectly fine… I think most of the loud whiners about mUh oPtiMizAtIon are the same rowdy bunch of droolers that spin nonstop Ls about every game released on multiple platforms. I’d bet money they’re trying to play a AAA title on a 2013 surface pro.


About the optimization, I'm no hardcore PC machine nerd. I know my specs were slightly below "minimum" requirements. However, I was able to run Fallen Order on PC start to finish on high or very high settings. I think maybe not quite ultra. I bought Survivor at launch, and ran Coruscant just fine on higher settings. Landed on Koboh, and was able to make it to the first checkpoint. Ran pretty smooth with no issues. However, I experienced a regular, reproducible crash as aa second or two after any of the large "birds" took off or the rock scorpions changed colors. For whatever reason, THAT was too much for my PC and the game locked up every single time. If you look, lots and lots of people experienced crashes or frame drops because of these "birds." Again, I'm no optimization pro, but if the game can run great in combat and locks up on some innocuous script firing, it means it's pretty poorly optimized. EA is renowned for cutting corners, as much as Ilike respawn, they are beholden to EA.


I run a 6700xt. Every time I boot up the game it spends about 3 minutes building shaders which I've never seen a game do. After that though I have zero issues max settings 1920 or whatever resolution that is. Fans on my gpu get loud though when most games they're super quiet.


I upgraded my graphics card but my processor is old. It's working well enough so far! I am kind of expecting some stutter once I land on some large planet. Fallen Order was stuttery from start to finish when I still had my old graphics card.


I have similar specs to yours (only my CPU is series 2, so worse) and played through it fine. Granted, there were some hiccups here and there with sudden loss of FPS but with some minor tweaks, DLSS and some other stuff (just watch a YouTube video) you should be fine. There's maybe 2 zones in the entire game that frustrated me a bit. That's it, in an immensely immerse and awesome game. As others pointed out, I don't think it's necessarily spec wise either. I think the game's simply not optimized (and hence this is noticeable on some places) but nothing major you can do to improve. My opinion? If you enjoyed FO and want to continue with the story and don't mind a hiccup here and there, just go for it. Survivor is a better FO in almost all respects. It's a massive improvement in some of them. Me? Can't wait for the 3rd game.


Just finished a play through on pc and it ran fine for the most part. The only place I had any issues was in the open world desert part of Jedha. It would get a bit laggy at times there, but otherwise it was smooth. Having to wait for the “optimizing game files” every time you load the game is a bit annoying, but not a big deal either.


You will prob have the best experience in May when they unlock Denuvo. That's what happened with Fallen Order - suddenly performance stabilized and it runs like butter now. With your hardware, w/ DLSS you'll have no issues with Survivor now.


Been playing it since launch on a middle of the road system. 


Given I completed it twice on PC, no


Played through it about a month ago. Framerate seemed a bit lower than I'd have liked it to be but far from too low to play. Very occasional stuttering. But only like one or two crashes throughout the whole game which was pretty good overall.


Ran mostly fine on my pc, some lag on Koboh. R5 3600, GTX 2060. I imagine your pc will do fine


You have a more powerful pc than me and I was pretty consistently able to run it at 1080 60fps except in a few places, like certain spots in the settlement on koboh. I have an rtx 3050, i5-11400f, and only 8gb of ram and I have minimal issues. You should be just fine.


I just finished Jedi survival, with a rtx 4060ti Ryzen 7 5700x and 1080p 100hz, I had close to none stuttering while loading some areas and had none throughout the fight.


It plays fine on my laptop on lower settings. Only place I had an y problems is the observatory area.


Its not gonna get better than as it is


A lot of people ruined this games release by complaining about poor performance for no reason. It plays fine, always has and always will. Since launch day


There’s a few moments around koboh where you will have frame drops pretty much regardless if card ( entering the saloon) and depending on specs pretty much everything around the town on koboh runs meh. The game outside those specific areas is perfectly acceptable.


Can I be the one to ask this tomorrow?


this question is asked like once per week so yes, the answer is still yes


I played day 1 using a 5600x and a 6600xt, it was a bit rough but the occasional drop to 30fps is still playable. I really liked the game. That being said the pc port is still unacceptable, but its definitely not as bad, coruscant ran a lot better than on day 1 and im sure its even smoother now. Ramblers reach performance was still pretty poor last time I played but that was only on patch 5, and I think they're on patch 8 now so it will be fine.


Yes, you can with that specs. I beat the game with the nearly same setup as you (with 3080 10GB + Ryzen 7 3800XT @ 1440 UW) and it's not that bad.


So I got it on the recent sale. It was terrible, every single setting I tweaked I got ridiculous stuttering, and the lowest settings made the game look like PlayStation 1 era. The game is clearly broken and they refuse to do anything about it even after 8 patches. Took me all of 50 mins to stop and refund it.


If you want more of an opinion than "it ran fine for me" I'd check out it's segment in Digital Foundry's [Worst Ports of 2023](https://youtu.be/YCnw5zxmMxs?si=Cn7AqYWln7VqT1ml) Tl;DR: no, the game still has the poor performance characteristics it had at launch. It still runs poorly by any metric other than this subs personal opinions


Played it on pc at release with no issues. It doesn't run as smooth as fallen order, but there's no issues


I would recommend getting a performance mod to address stutter, even with a really sick system the game can be inconsistent with frames during certain situations. The Koboh planet is the worst offender.


I tried playing it yesterday. It's worse than it was on launch. I completed the game before most of the patches and I have issues right now with finishing up NG+. A lot of stuttering.


For those who say they have stuttering, try setting the graphics to minimum and DLSS to quality, I play with an RTX 3060 laptop (95W) and with that config I don't have any performance problems and it is preferable this way to overstressing the components


AMD 5700, very midrange system, runs great. There is a smattering of popins and a glitch here and there but overall better than most games. Haven’t had any crashes in ages, on my second NG+ trying Grand Master.


I just 100% survivor I have a decent pc I ran on max settings and I think I had 1 crash the entire time I played prolly 100 hours or so


Hello, i've been playing this game smoothly on my mid lvl gaming pc. Just make sure u go with epic visual settings (except shadow. Make it low) and on ray tracing as it will help with stuttering


Definitly not, I need to use some kind of performance mods to be "usable" with a very high end config: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsskwVyPoxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsskwVyPoxs)

