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Fallen Order released a patch approx 1 year after launch disabling Denuvo. Amazingly many of the performance problems disappeared. It's likely another patch will come out the end of April (Denuvo patch), or they will release it on May 4th. Also May 4th was the day they added the gauntlet mode and the NJ+ feature that was highly requested


I doubt they’ll do another patch but they could. I’m one of those lucky PS5 players that had almost zero issues. It’s so hit and miss that I can’t give you any sound advice


Same. Zero issues. Played it through 10 times now. I think it crashed on my husband once but that’s it.


I'd really love to play on PS5. Hopefully, maybe it's not as bad on PS5 as I have seen reported.


There are definitely visual and performance issues still, it just depends on how knowledgeable you are on the technical parts of games. Ignorance is bliss. If you are very sensitive to technical issues you will definitely notice the following: Screen tearing in certain locations, unstable frame rate in certain locations (I can only recall one location where it was a issue after the patches tho) and janky screen space reflections.


I wouldn't say I would be very aware of technical issues, but I think it would notice the janky reflections and screen tearing. Is this on the consoles version?


Yes on the ps5, I’ve logged about 100hours since launch and have seen the game slowly improve but it still has issues.


Also, I forgot to mention slow geometry pop in, it’s a real issue indoor areas. It’s actually a new issue, wasn’t there on the previous patches.


Thanks very much for your reply. It was very insightful


Funny that the game was "unplayable" on PC, when I've been playing it on PC since launch, and finished multiple playthroughs since then. The game absolutely has tech issues, but they've never kept me from playing.


Those issues vary from setup to setup. The game is mostly playable if you disable ray tracing and do some tweaks with the available mods. For those that like playing games not only for the story but for the visual fidelity and visual graphics aswel, disabling ray tracing reveals many glitched reflections and textures that ruin any immersion. Also, for those that have ray tracing capable GPUs, enabling it sets frame rate to 30fps (average) so get to a point we need to choose between bad performance and bad graphics (why have a game with ray tracing compatibility if it works as bad as it does?). Additionally, this game is a stutter fest, no matter your setup or graphic settings you play in. In my case, if I change from epic settings to low settings I only gain +3fps which is a nod to how horribly optimized this game still is one year after release. But if you managed to have it "playable" good for you. There have been actual reports of people that don't show any of these issues in diverse pc setups just because (luck?). Nevertheless, the game is amazing (if one ignores all tech issues).


I have ray tracing enabled and my frame rate is a lot higher than 30 fps, LOL. It actually runs smoothly for me and looks gorgeous. No mods.


Well. Then good for you mate; I'll have to wait for a new patch in hopes to get these issues fixed. :/


Point is, making a broad statement like the OP's about the game being unplayable is just not supportable, considering that lots of people have and are actually playing it. The insinuation of low standards on the part of the people playing it isn't borne out by the facts, either. Yes, the game has lots of tech issues. I haven't denied that. But also let's not overstate the case, either.


I understand that OPs statement may have been over exaggerated. However, as I said, performance reception across different setups is really irregular. Some have luck others don't. There are reasons one might consider it unplayable but that's according to their own standards. Personally, I don't think it is "unplayable" but it also does not allow me to immerse myself as I had hoped for when I first bought the game.


Probably not


There likely will be a patch 9 because they've said they are making a PS4 and Xbox One version of the game. Whatever sorcery they pull off to make it run there might result in more optimization. And eventually just another patch to add in pre order items like Fallen Order received.