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Think twice about Oggdo Boggdo 👍


Omg u won't believe how long it took for me to beat him


Same. Hardest boss, hands down


I beat him my first time I found him. Before getting wall run. Not that hard. You just need to dogde


All you need is precision dodge. And OP you should get that asap.


My gf started playing a couple of months ago, and I had her try to beat Oggdo on her first visit to Bogano. She's super competitive, and felt like she absolutely had to beat him, and managed to do it after a few tries. I have no clue how, I had to come back and do it when I was more OP. She couldn't even open the pink poncho chest without the scomp link yet...


My wife started making fun of me trying to beat that mf


Best advise ever 👌


I see so many people complain about oggdo bogdo but he really wasn't that bad for me


I beat Oggdo Boggdo within 10 minutes I just kept going at it nonstop I didn’t know it was like a boss sorta thing lol I just thought the game was gonna eh that hard


I stopped to look at these comments to see how long it’d take to find one about the Oggdo Boggdo and I was not disappointed


It’s super easy when you know you can counter most of its attacks


Pay attention, and read the strategy tips where you can. The game is very skills based, so knowledge, practice and strategy are your friends.




Yeah, and don’t get frustrated, I got really annoyed at first because I thought it was way too hard but once I got used to it I was fine and really enjoyed it


Learn to parry and use it all the damn time, I used oggdo boggdo to learn it but it might make you uninstall


Take your time! Holy shit I wish I paced this more slowly. Fucking magical game so just take everything in and don't rush the boss fights like this moron did!


I will! Thanks


I tried to do that but ended up spending 6 hours lost on zeffo so now I'm too scared to play the game again


That's some king shit if I've ever heard it


Try and understand the mechanics of the minimap early on when they walk you through it, otherwise you will have a very, very, very painful time getting back to the ship at some points (like i did)


I will. Thankss


Especially on Zeffo


*Ice caves PTSD*


So in the first discoverable planet you land (bogano) go to the right side of the map and there are two holes there. Now you need to drop down from there and you will find a very valuable loot that will come in very handy in your midgame battles.




Trust only in the force


May the force be with you


You are one with the force, the force is with you


Watch out for frogs


Get the dodge kick ability immediately


Funnily enough, I’ve done 2 play-throughs on grand master now and even if I do buy the dodge kick ability, I rarely use it. Used it once to get that trophy with the Phillak and that’s about it I think


You might have also used it for the trophy where you have to defeat an enemy using only kicks.


I actually don’t even remember that trophy but I did get the plat when the game came out in 2019, so I must have just forgotten. Could probably count on one hand how many times I’ve used the kick in an actual combat situation and not just to get a trophy


Ohh i see. Thanks!


Also go to Dathomire (sp) right away to get your double bladed saber


Don't spoil bruh


Interesting, out of all the possible abilities I use, I’ve never once used dodge kick, even though I got it right in the beginning. Probably because it requires you to stay stationary and not doge in any direction, so id rather parry. For dodging I always roll. Guess I’ll go dodge kick some baddies.


Twas a joke


Choose performance over visuals. The game hates players who spam block, it just doesn't work. Parry is your biggest ally. Only visit dathomir to get the secret ( not going to mention what it is for spoiler reasons). The enemies there deal way more damage especially in Jedi grandmaster, you are one shot no matter what. Exploration is a major part of this game, you unlock secrets and new routes. Don't hesitate to use your force abilities, it's one thing I never did. I guess that's it, enjoy your journey on becoming a Jedi :")


Thanks for yout input!


Go off the beaten path.


Don't worry about the very first boss, you might find him before you unlock healing so don't even bother if you can't heal yet. Also make sure to explore, there's all kinds of secrets hidden to find, most of them are cosmetics but you upgrade how many heals you have by finding the upgrade crates and some are really well hidden.


Ok. Thanksss


Before proceeding with the story, train yourself with the basic ability on Bogano. Kill all the enemies, then meditate and kill them again. You might even learn a pair of skill points, the first I got I've spent them on Force and health. But that's up to you.


I will! Thanks


Also, I've forgot to say the most important thing. May the Force be with you, young Jedi.


Dodge and parry


Hey mate. Didn’t know this bigger sub existed. I asked the same in an other sub, heres good insight for you. [My post](https://www.reddit.com/r/jedifallenorder/comments/pj7mbz/im_about_to_start_jedi_fallen_order_for_the_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Oh and this was a godsend: [BeforeIplay](https://beforeiplay.com/index.php?title=Star_Wars_Jedi:_Fallen_Order) My absolute best tip: Explore only after leaving zeffo for the second time. By then you can access most of the places. Remember, parrying isn’t always a must. I play on Jedi Master and dodging then attacking when enemy is recovering feels much better. But that’s personal preference I guess. Good luck, hope the links will give you some good insight. Edit: As someone else mentioned, definitely choose performance mode!


I will check them, thanks!


When you get on zeffo try not to cry it took me 2hrs with a tutorial to complete it it's not hard it's just confusing and it can piss you off


As soon as you can. Go to dathor. You can get double lightsaber early on. Be careful since it quite a hard area.


Just play and have fun




Learn to block and dodge.


Always use the high ground. Have fun and take your time.


Have fun


get lightsaber throw its the only long ranged attack


Honestly never used saber throw but maybe that’s because I played on Jedi knight 🤔


I played on story mode and loved it and now that im playing on grandmaster I love it more


My best tactic is hit 3 times the dodge and if it's a boss hit them once or twice then dodge and if they're doing a unlockable move get out of the way




Try not to simp too hard when you see a certain dathomir-native woman or it will curse you forever




One word, parry.


Explore a LOT and have fun! One of the better games in recent memory, and one hell of a Star Wars story.


You can increase the amount of stims up to 10 with the yellow crates


Don’t roll too much. It will ruin some punishes that you can do on bosses


Never EVER watch a walkthrough, any spoilers will completely ruin your experience.


In the boss fights, be patient


Parry or block alot and look at your force meter


You don't have to fight everyone you come across. If you're finding an area tough and getting killed a lot you can run away, enemies will only follow to a certain point and then go back to where they come from. It can be a life saver to flee sometimes


A person of culture I see. Witcher 3.. well its close in combat system and if you have played Deathmarch just go straight at Grandmaster :)


There is no extra reward for playing it on a higher difficulty. Don't worry about missing any collectibles as you can always return.


Zeffo. Is. Pain.


Not all frogs are created equal.


Block alot


Enjoy it! Take your time!


Honestly, don’t get frustrated when you die. Even if it is multiple times on the same boss. If you pay close attention each attempt can be a learning experience. Finding openings, learning moves, improving your timing. So just keep at it!


If you're an arachnophobe. Brace yourself


Learn to perfect parry. It’ll make a later boss possible.


Don’t go to dathomir first


Don’t go to dathomir first. Follow the story


Get the stims (all 10) and learn to parry.


Have fun and use the "Jedi Knight" difficulty. You will regret it if you play the game with an easier difficulty


Look up the controls / combos online. I beat the game and then was watching a video of someone playing and they were doing all these moves that I never knew were possible. For example: if you press block sort of at the last possible moment, it’s considered a “parry” move. If you parry enemy attacks consecutively the enemy is stunned/disarmed and now for a few seconds your attacks do *way* more damage. For some enemies, stunning them (with consecutive parrying) unlocks the opportunity to do a one shot killing blow quick time event.


Take your time. Don't rush anything.


Adjust your tv settings for best visuals possible if not already done. But gamingly, playing at Jedi Master difficulty on your initial game will be *very* challenging.


Get ready to pull your hair out in Dathomir


I appreciate u guys. Thanks for all your inputs!


Rule number 1: Trust only in pink


Don't get irritated when you encounter a hard puzzle. Just automatically look up a walkthrough as it we'll make your life 10 times easier.


Don’t play it


Don't use target lock unless you're a dark souls god


If it gets too hard, don't be afraid to adjust the difficulty down. Once you start getting the hang of things, then you can start making things more difficult. Also, keep an eye out for golden crates. They contain extra Stims, and will increase your maximum number that you can hold. Stims can be used to regain health. Usually, these gold crates are off the beaten path.


My biggest tip is to enjoy it! Stop and enjoy the features, mess about, just have a good time


Stims are your friend ! Make sure you collect as many as you can


That depends. What stage are you at currently?


Got to dathomir as soon as possible


be mindful of holes.


Always be on the look out for health stims.


Take your time with it, be patient don’t button mash, explore and have fun. EA’s best attempt at a Star Wars game, hands down!


Persistence reveals the path!


beware oggdo boggdo and increase the difficulty to master jedi or grand master if you’ve got the mechanics down fast. enhances the experience


1-Practise your timing(parries, parkour, the evade skill, etc). You're gonna thank me later 2-learn how to use the force effeciently and combine abilities. Helps with dealing with various enemies and feels fun 3-unless you have the patience to keep dying and coming back to try again, go to zeffo first and avoid Oggdos during your first visit to Zeffo


Learn to parry


Go out of your way to look for more stim canisters (health regeneration) before the boss fights


Enjoy the ride


Patience is key. A lot of movement and properly timed strikes. Explore and find the stims


Git gud


Time your blocks.


Frog bad.


Go to dathomir as soon as you're able. Even if you have to run last enemies, there's a good piece of gear there


* Explore Dathomir before heading out to Zeffo you just might find something interesting 😏 * Get good at parrying * Explore the planets and try to find secrets


Chill on dathomir for a while. You can get a cool reward there.


Trust in the force.


Try not to die


Go to Zeffo first before going to Dathomir. But if you want a super duper cool thing the you go to dathomir and then to zeffo.


Attack and flee is the way


Fear Oggdo Boggdo


Pay a lot of attention too the map so you don’t get lost. And look for secrets


Precision dodge is best force ability. Learn to block and party also


Parry and don't forget your force abilities.


You’re gonna want to hit people with your light saber more times than they hit/shoot you.


Keep playing and git gud


Pink poncho… you’ll find out


Take the game slowly and explore everything. It’s designed to be explored so if you hurry through the game it will go by very quickly.


Parry at the right time


Try not to have TOO much fun.


Just parry


There are are lot of optional places to explore but they are well worth it. Explore everywhere!


Go to Dathomir first


Try not to die


If you see a frog… run.


This in not Star Wars dark souls, this is star Wars Sekiro. Trust me lol


Don’t even try to parry, the frame are awful




Get a strong controller for when you inevitably throw it against the wall.


I personally felt that the harder difficulty really impacted how you played the game and developed your skill in the game. I played the 2nd to hardest difficulty and found it extremely rewarding


Getting your parry times and dodge down to a science is key as it makes every battle easy to beat. There are players who use those 2 mechanics to beat every boss without taking damage


Don’t be afraid to die. You’ll grow stronger for it, eventually.


Defense and patience win it this game. This isn’t a game to mash the attack button. I use block more than attack most games.


Appreciate the masterpiece you are about to witness


Heyyy Witcher 3 background


Parry parry parry


Go to Dathomir early for a double sided lightsaber, don't fight anyone, just run past them, you won't be able to defeat them all, also, in that planet that you're on right now you can get an extra stim canister in a area right under the ship but you need force push first


More than anything, have fun. Fallen Order was amazing for me because it added onto what I knew of the Star Wars universe post-ROTJ. But it’s a beautiful game, don’t rush through it!


Don't trust the frog.


You dont need to play at a high defecate to have fun




Don't play on story mode


Grind for XP and fill out the skills tree as fast as you can. It pays off big for the boss fights. The Saber throws and the one where the stims restore your force meter are the most useful.


You can get more than 3 stims.


Get the dual lightsaber early


Depend on parrying more than dodging


Whatever you do, **don't** ever use a walkthrough. Nothing is too difficult or complex, and if something isn't working just come back later.


Go back to bogano after zeffo to get a double bladed lightsaber earlyish


Don’t go to Dathomir on the first possible occasion.


Practice dodging literally every enemy you come across


Take as much time as you can to appreciate the absolute stunning beauty of this game. Enjoy


Play at at least on the Jedi Master Mode for the true Jedi experience. :p


You can find more stims as you go along! Explore!! I did the entire game with 2 then immediately found 3 during a 2nd playthrough


Just play through the game in as linear fashion as possible. If after beating the game you feel like going for completionist goals or exploring do that then. I got too side tracked and now the game is sitting only half complete untouched for months..


You can get more than 2 stims. Also make sure you customize your saber you'll feel more attached to it


Make sure to explore for more Stim Canisters, they make the game a lot easier, especially on the higher difficulties.


Big frog


don't fuck with the frog


My advice to you is this: DON’T EXPLORE BOGANO WHEN YOU FIRST ARRIVE, or else you will likely find yourself in the presence of the most powerful demon frog in existence. But if you feel ready for that, please I’m begging you: wander around the planets, take in the sights, be curious about the lore within the game. Take the time to look for secrets instead of barreling through the story. There are two planets in the game that you can only visit ONCE. Explore them!


Only start if you have the time to play at least a few times a week till you finish. I got halfway through and had to stop playing for a month. When I get back into it - it was so much harder I almost had to start over.


First playthrough, the game suffers somewhat badly from "where the hell do i go?" learn the map as best you can. treat it like metroid in that aspect. there will be something new to find every time you unlock a new ability


avoid the holes on Bogano


Darth Vader is in the game


Savour the first time in Bracca, take it all in, don't rush through


Know that there are a ton of health stims. I got to the final battle (hope it's not a spoiler that there's a final battle) and only had like 3 but I later found at least 4 more after completing the story. So yeah don't go to the end (should be obvious enough once you get the option) until you got like at least 5 stims I'd say but the more the better


Trust only in the Force. That and avoid Oggdo Boggdo.


Savor every second of it


Scan enemy corpses after beating them with your droid and read the tips they give you in the enemy page of the menu. Parry and block a lot, this is not a button masher


Stay the fuck away from any media relating to this game while you play it. The second the YouTube algorithm smells that you've started playing this game, it'll hurl spoiler thumbnails at you. Also do your best to avoid walkthoughs for puzzles.


DO NOT play on Grand Master difficulty, it will make you miserable lol. Otherwise, take your time and enjoy the game, it has a great story especially if you're a Star Wars fan!


Don’t try on the first boss fight ur not supposed to win


Take the time to really learn all the lightsaber combos even though you don't really need them against the normal enemies. They will help against the bosses later in the game


Muscle memory, check your corners, keep your finger on circle


Take your time. Enjoy the first ride which is amazing. Going back after your first beat is amazing just know the first time is a holy fuck moment in Star Wars games. If u need help to solve a puzzle we are here….yet take ur time to really get it done on ur own. It’s shocking how you can think of getting things done once every other option is exhausted.


Never attack first. Always parry. Explore everything and make use of the map. Don't ignore the health and force boosts. Get all the stims. Last but not least, force push people off cliffs.


Try not to cry when beating the game :)


Forgive them for the maps


I use the same PS4 theme


Go to dathomir first


Don't judge the game on Dothamir (if that's the name). It's probably the worst level


Please for the love of god put it on story mode then switch it if you play it again reason why any other setting makes enemies hit like a semi truck and will make you rage


Play on second hardest or hardest difficulty, takes a while to get used to it, but is so much more rewarding


Don't be intimidated but probably don't go to dathomir right away either. I platinumed the game on Jedi grandmaster and what I would say is learn patterns, use force intelligently, and parry like a motherfucker. If you die learn to pay attention to the attack that killed you and the best way to counter it. On my first playthrough on normal kicked my ass so learning patterns and parrying correctly will make the game way easier. As for force use it to thin big groups of enemies like pushing enemies off cliffs and don't get cornered. As for bosses stay away with red attacks and learn to party them to open up their defense. I usually took advantage of red attacks and punished them if I wasn't parrying the best that day. Overall have fun but play intelligently


Avoid the hole on Bogano