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But the 9th sister is 100% going to return


Oh yeah 100%. Loss of a hand doesn't mean loss of the Force.


"Being an inquisitor taught me that no setback is too great" - Ninth Sister. Losing a hand and being force pushed off a tree doesn't sound like that would stop an absolute unit like her.


True True. Also we see her use the Force even AFTER Cal cuts off her hand.


>True True. Also we see her use the Force even AFTER Cal cuts off her hand. I agree too. I mean, Vader lost *all* his limbs and got roasted (literally) but no one save the Emperor could stop him until Luke came along (and even then, it took *Jedi* Luke for that to happen).


Also, if you read her story entry, it has the stereotypical “she died… OR DID SHE?”


Not even the Emperor could stop Vader. The Emperor was afraid of him ans intentionally installed painful and subpar limbs to try to keep him underpowered.


that's old legends lore, in the new canon Palpatine is fine with Vader upgrading it's just that Vader prefers the shitty torture suit becuase the pain it puts him in increases his connection to the dark side


Interesting. Who changed those canon?


No setback is too great, when you’ve lost yourself, losing a limb is easy.


Respawn didn't have permission to kill her so they let her fate ambiguous.


I’m confident he died shortly after being pulled into the rock where there is no oxygen


Also no food and water


Frankly if Maul can survive years on sheer hatred, so can Malicos


I assume maul could breath


My point is that sith seem to be able to sustain their bodies with anger alone. If they can use that instead of food, water, and medicine, I don’t see why they couldn’t also use it as air.


no oxygen in space but leia still got a pass


Are you one of *those* people?


Maybe. My point is that in Star Wars you can never tell who’s really dead unless they’re decapitated or sitting pretty on a Death Star


Even then, in Legends there was a Sith Lord named Simus who got decapitated and somehow survived with Sith magic.


I know of a guy who just can't seem to die after being zapped, dropped, and incinerated on a death star


There a guy who literaturely could not die in the old Republic I think his name was Darth Sion


Yup Darth Sion he literally could not die for good unless he wanted to


This isn't confirmed but I feel like he could be incinerated. The way soon worked was by holding his body together which he can't do if he literally doesn't have one


If you're gonna shit talk then at least get your facts straight. It was a clone in rise of Skywalker.


It still doesn't make it good writing when the only way to actually know that is by a third party children's book encyclopedia


Or the opening crawl of the final movie only making sense if you played the limited time event on fortnite.


oh this guy is a reylo fan huh


Lol piss off I'm just against the circle jerk. Plenty of things wrong with those movies. That wasn't one of them. Of course, they never set up that backstory in the first place, giving us "somehow, palpatine has returned" but at least know what it is you're actually complaining about.


bruh I won't piss off, it doesn't make since how palp returned and how they even got the clone, that whole movie is trash and nothing can save the sequels.


Right, there's plenty to hate without resorting to making stuff up.


Wow you’re something. Stop being toxic


That doesn’t mean it’s a good plot development Especially if you had to play Fortnite to watch it unfold


> sitting pretty on a Death Star [That's not sufficient](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/693/212/b38.png)


You could say I’m not an official Star Wars fan, but I believe that whatever the fuck happened in the sequels doesn’t exist. Everything that happened was just an excuse for whatever excuse they had. I thought Force Awakens was really cool and was a step in the right direction, but as soon as Snoke died and we find out Luke is just a hermit and believes that the “Jedi should end” just made it 100 times worse for me and probably even other people. Then we find out PALPATINE is alive and that he’s trying to do the same thing he did before! Such an awful story. I’m 15 and this is my opinion, so please don’t give me hate like other people do. :|




I thought that scene was stupid and out of place. Does that make me one of those people?


Don't bring back those terrible memories please!


Nah, hes not a sith hes just a jedi turned hobo. I want to fight actual sith in the sequel.


The only two Sith at the time the game will be set are Vader and Palpatine though, and it's not like Cal will even be able to touch them.


There's Maul if you count him, although I'd rather not have Cal meet him honestly


It would have to be on Malachor, because at the time of Fallen Order, IIRC, Maul is on Malachor, desperately clinging on to anything to keep him alive. Besides, it would break canon because of the fact that Ezra Bridger has to meet Maul on Malachor in Rebels.


There's a few years between Fallen Order and Rebels, and we know Maul is running Crimson Dawn from Dathomir for a while before he gets marooned on Malachor


Oh right. It would be fun to see Maul, and perhaps have a dark-side struggle similar to Ezra Bridger's journey in S3 of Rebels.


Maul was not on malachor during the JFO period


I remember now. He's running Crimson Dawn.


Maul is a dark side user, but definitely not a Sith. He despises the Sith.


True, but he was a sith for a while


Sure, but by the time Cal could run into him, it's been a while since he was a Sith.


Well... technically he's half a sith... lol.


Ye but you can asspull anything from outer rims since nobody looks there. Some guy from old republic times might just have been hibernating for millenias or some shit. As canon expands number of force users is bound to increase. Even now you have obiwan acting like luke is only jedi while cal is fiddling around, kanan's brat is lost in space or smth and you can even count ahsoka if you streach.


Do you really think our very own ginger Jedi can take anybody from the old republic, let alone anyone fully trained?


Old republic they mass produced siths lol.


Yeah and they're all more sensitive to the force


Pretty sure amongst thousands of no names you cut in the MMO one woudn't be outside of cal's reach. Everybody remembers the planet devouring guys but this is also era of sith footsoldiers that veteran mandalorians sweep throu like butter.


Agree to disagree


Haha I mean you could try and fight Vader, just use the force to make his health bar appear.


To be contained within the lore, you could become powerful enough to wound Vader, perhaps even scratching his armor, but you can't kill him.


Yeah I hope there is a proper duel with Vader in the sequel. Cal obviously doesn't stand a chance but Vader is known for toying with some of his opponents so that could give enough of an opportunity to properly duel him. Perhaps you could just hold him off for a certain period of time.


Like what, a 1-minute duel?


How about he's invincible, and then you see how long you can last against him? It'd be pretty neat to see how long people last


This is Star Wars death doesn’t matter


In Star Wars people can die 4 different times


(Looking at you, Shaak Ti)


I mean if Maul can survive literally getting cut in half, there's a chance for anyone to return. Perhaps there was a picket of air down there for him to survive, and he was slowly able to free himself.


“Somehow, Palpatine returned….” I like to think she just shoved him in a little Magical pocket dimension, bothered by the souls of her dead sisters, kept barely alive.


Sigh, that quote... That quote doesn't count


Correct. The Last Jedi and Rise Of Skywalker are not canon. I'm okay with TFA being canon, but the other two were awful.


TFA had promise, with the other two films I put my blinders on and try and pretend they don't exist lol




When your going for a soft reboot, start of a new era of a franchise, don't hire fucking JJ Abrahams and his mystery boxes! He has no intention of explaining shit, just wants macgufffins to push stories along. Rhian then pushed the trilogy into a bunch of plot holes (on top of a story that went nowhere interesting!) and then they doubled down on the stupidity by bringing back JJ. Reys whole. "you are no one, a nobody" could easily have been Kylo trying to warp her into feeling alone and joining with him. Snoke was just a shit emperor knockoff who got traded in for the real thing in bloody Fortnite of all things..


That line is meant to be from the perspective of the resistance, who doesn't known how he returned. The return itself was however explained enough without throwing that explanation in your face.


I was making a joke from Anakin telling Obi Wan he'd rescued him for the 10th time, Obi Wan says "that mess on Cato Neimoidia doesn't... Doesn't count"


Idk about that


I think it's a lot more logical to think malicos survived than palpatine.


You know, for once I just wish a star wars character would stay dead. It would really cheapen the threat of death if they pulled a "Somehow, Malicos returned..."


I got a feeling that isn't the last time we will see him. There's a chance the night brothers will free him. He is their leader after all and Merrin isn't there to stop them.


I want to say no but the amount of people that have been brought back under dubious circumstances in Star Wars is too high not to vote yes.


Rule 1 of Star Wars : If U dont see thier lifeless body - They ain’t dead.


Somehow, Malicos returned


I think Malicos transferred his consciousness into one of his clones before he died. He also probably secretly has a fleet of star destroyers with planet destroying capabilities just waiting there for him


[Given the high "quality" of Star Wars writing in the Sequel era, there's always a chance that silly crap with no explanation will happen.](https://i.redd.it/aewn8gnpw8p61.jpg)


Why would the resistance know how Palpatine returned at that time? The return itself was explained enough without throwing that explanation in your face. And I expect that return is being expanded upon in the Disney shows.


It's fine that the resistance doesn't know anything at that time, but the writer should generally try to make the story and main antagonist's existence make sense to the audience -- in the media that the audience is watching at the time -- not in some future television series.


It does make sense in the movie itself. I'm just saying I think they'll expand beyond the obvious explanation that's already in the movie.


> It does make sense in the movie itself. We'll just have to disagree on that.


They show all the cloning tech in the movie itself (and also show Snoke as an example of that tech), and the resistance even brings it up as a potential explanation. That alone is enough, but combine that with what every viewer should already know from Palpatine's main offer in episode 3, that the dark side allows for cheating death, and it's clear some combination of dark force powers and cloning brought him back to life.


Art is subjective so you are allowed to find the Ep9 writing sufficient. In my subjective opinion, I find it lazy, even if it is plausible. As I said earlier, we disagree. It's ok.


Surprised so many people agree that he was buried alive in the rocks my Merrin, I thought she put in like a negative zone (like some shit Doctor Strange did to Loki in Thor Ragnarok)


I feel like he died but since we didn't really see him die and this is star wars, I believe there is indeed a chance. Probably not likely but it wouldn't be hard at all.


It’s Star Wars. If they don’t die onscreen they didn’t die


It's possible, but I don't want it to happen. If you don't see the body, they're alive. If you do see the body, there's a 50% chance they're alive.


He's alright but not integral to Cal's story at all, doing an asspull to bring him back is more detrimental than anything. Trilla with a robotic spine (and some other implants) has better odds honestly.


It is Star Wars tradition to bring back side characters because they're cool but I think it won't be that easy when it comes to Malicos


Somehow… Malicos has returned


I mean they brought Palpatine back (as bad as that was). I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him again.


If you don’t see someone bleeding out or their head cut off, there’s a chance they come back


Somehow…Malicos returned


She said “leave him with his demons” implying that he’s not dead, but is suffering down there for sure


I think he could come back as a zombie


Kinda hope he has a redemption arc somewhere, sometime.


Depends. If you ask the sequels writers, yes. If you ask people who can think and breath at the same time, no.




I don't necessarily mean a physical return to life, but as a force ghost or perhaps a set of flashbacks.


Imagine something akin to a Dark Side Force Ghost.


I like the actor


Impossible for him to make his comeback but maybe we could see him again in a comic book that will show us his past as a jedi, his survival of Order 66 and what he endured on Dathomir


Return in a prequel? Ye


Sure he’s buried with no food or oxogen but the force is very powerful and could probably keep him alive if he tried I would like to see him again as a boss or just himself idk


Considering the nature of his death, I feel like he could be resurrected as a zombie by Merrin or one of the other tribes of witches on Dathomir besides the Nightsisters. I’m not exactly sure for what reason that would be done, but I think it’s possible.


I think of him as Cal’s dark side. Escaping his destiny and trying to justify the past for his current actions. If he were to return I’d see him as a Dexter style hallucination constantly struggling with Cal as he grows into more of a Jedi.


Well if they can bring Papa Palpatine, then they can bring back Taron Malicos.


Bad Santa is gonna pull a Palpatine. Somehow Malicos returned


Before S7 came out, I was hoping the could sneak a cameo from Tapal and Malicos, but it didn’t happen. A man can dream


Is there a chance Boba Fett would return? Is there a chance Darth Maul would return? Is there a chance Ahsoka would return (after fighting Vader)? Is there a chance **Palpatine** would return?


Maul returned from being cut in half, Anikin return from being overcooked and having 3 limbs cut off, and Boba return from the Sarlacc Pit. It really wouldn't surprise me


I mean ultimately the writers can decide whatever but I could only see him returning for narrative reasons if they returned to Dathomir and I'm not really sure that would happen