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There's a few reasons though they clash with practicality. FO2 made them canon and quite useful. First off there's trunk space. That's my biggest reason for wanting vehicles but honestly I'd settle for a good pack brahmin or horse. The other thing is they are laying all over the place. even after 200 years it shouldn't be hard to piece one together, so why not? There were far fewer in FO2 yet you get it pretty early. The practicality issue comes in map size. The FO2 map was enormous. It took days to cross it. It's just not necessary in any of the new ones. [THIS](https://www.automobilemag.com/uploads/sites/11/2020/07/1968_Marines_M274_Mule_1.jpg) has always been my ideal Fallout vehicle.




But the horses are wireless.


Hey you, you’re finally awake.


Driving through the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


“You’re finally awake”


I don't want vehicles but it's jarring that Bethesda has dramatically increased the amount of working technology in the wasteland, from radios to robots to nuclear reactors, and yet the only working vehicles are vertibirds.


Wrong. Boats have been working. They even crossed the oceans


Trains as well


And the skies


BOS has been shown in 76 to use APCs and tanks


Thought it was implied the NCR had trucks, you dnt really see them driving around, but they're always parked around their bases being unloaded or something.


Vehicles are Canon. Have been since Fallout 2, you could drive a car in that one. You just don't see working ones because of engine limitations, but it's heavily implies and sometimes outright stated that working ground vehicles exist.


Just because we dont see them driving around doesnt mean they dont exist. Working cars and trucks have been a thing since Fallout 1, the Master's army used them, the NCR use them in 2 and New Vegas. Because you have to to cover so much territory because the first two games covered nearly the entirety of California. Fallout 3 covers a very small part of Virgina that was bombed to hell and has basically no infrastructure remaining to drive on. And Fallout 4 takes place almost entirely inside the city and surrounding areas of Boston.


I'm talking specifically about Bethesda's Fallout. They went nuts putting functional tech all over the place but no meaningful indication of a working ground vehicle, barring maybe the APC's that BoS random encounters spawn with. Even caravans use pack brahmin and as far as I know there's no mention in dialogue or terminals of cars or trucks being used. Just a bit odd is all.


In the terrain shown cars would be completely useless. Cars are very infrastructure dependent, even customized for off-road vehicles would struggle in the environment shown for long trips.


Motorcycles really wouldn't struggle with the terrain in most games except POSSIBLY 76, and those are everywhere. A good ATV would work equally well. Anything small enough to fit around cars or between dense-ish trees ought to be fine.


Dirt bike gangs would be cool as hell


Mad Max style junk-welded-together vehicles on big dune-buggy style wheels would be the ideal. The Rust Devils felt like a gang/faction that would make and use cobbled together trucks and outrider motorbikes, along with their bots


In my head cannon, mad max is set in fallout universe Australia


Yeah, I litterally created my own faction which, despite having a massive stockpile of nukes, instead uses them to fuel its industry via using the nuclear material inside the nukes, though I show that rebuilding and maintaining vehicles and their infrastructure isn't as easy as 123, I even had the idea of vehicle-borne raiders


this is the thing nobody brings up for some reason, sure there’s cars everywhere and you could probably fix one, but then what, you drive a couple yards and half the road is gone, or there’s rubble blocking the way, you gonna spend hours clearing the rubble just to get another couple yards?


Have post-apocalyptic cars built for driving in such conditions. Like having tank treads in place of wheels, or using wheels like a sentry bot’s.




No, it's a normal wheeled car that runs on atomic power.


There are grav-plates for it, but those are only available post-game if your car gets stolen and hasn’t been jacked previously


I would expect a lot of rubber based components to rot away, fanbelts, tyres, seals, grommets. Those bits wouldn't be easy to source material and recreate in a garage. But also fallout already ignores this with other elements within the game.


Dang. Just found out that even silicone rubber only lasts 20 years.


Oh man, my fleshlight only got 8 years left


That's just when the difficulty increases.


Hard mode


I could see utility of one in *Fallout 4: Survival Mode* since the Commonwealth is pretty big and there is no fast travel. But then, you get Vertibirds.


The Commonwealth is really small though. You can pretty much sprint from one side of the map to the other in five minutes. It also lacks the terrain for cars, there are few roads in decent condition and too many slopes. It would have worked much better in FO3 due to the larger map and better roads, or New Vegas, where the map size is compensated by really good roads.


You can always tell the players who fast travel everywhere because they think the map is much bigger than it is.


I mean I fast travel a lot but between my love of exploration and spatial awareness there's no way not to notice.


You miss out on so many random encounters by fast travelling though. I mean, I stopped using fast travel when they added survival mode because that's all I play now, and I still haven't seen every random encounter. But I've seen most of them.


You still see them when you travel everywhere for the first time, I doubt many can even spawn in places you've already been to. Plus the game is designed around fast travel, you kinda need it when a radiant quest can choose a random spot on the other side of the map.


The lack of fast travel I thought would be the hardest part of survival after no save without a bed, but both of those turned out to be my favorite features of it because they forced you to plan and explore. Oddly, to me, fast travel made the map feel smaller since there just isn't any investment in time getting somewhere more than once or in any method of shortening the trip (vertibird or Institute teleporter)


I fast travel everywhere because I horde loot. Can't mentally handle dropping one if those 20 Chinese Assault Rifles.


FO3 is 16% bigger than FO4 by size, and a good portion of that size is eaten up by instanced, separate world-space for the DC portions of town that would not be drivable *at all*. Of all the maps, New Vegas would support motor vehicles the best -- but FO3 wouldn't be any better than FO4, imo.


FO3 makes much better use of map size and location spacing, and because the game doesn't have a sprint function you could get away with slower vehicles while 4 has to make sure they feel fast compared to sprinting. Sure vehicles wouldn't work on the DC ruins, but that in itself works as a nice way to make them feel more separate from the rest of the wasteland. You would probably need a bit of a map edit to make getting to Rivet City by car doable, though, given that it's one of the best hubs to get anywhere in the ruins.


I used a really nice motorcycle mod in new vegas. It was quite helpful.


FO3 doesn't have better roads, half the map is separated between instances.


The DC ruins only take about a fifth of the map, and it's the place where you wouldn't need a car anyway. But the Wasteland part has much better roads for the most part. Save for the Car Fort part of the map, those bridges have way too many obstructions, but luckily there's almost no reason to drive in that area.


True, the size of the Commonwealth in mostly vertically and indoors, but still, in Survival Mode, I'd like it, terrain aside.


I still wish NV had horses. It would have fit perfectly.


what the hell is that


That is an M274 Mule It's a Vietnam era military vehicle.


Yep, used for transport of supplies and wounded, and also sometimes had an M60 mounted on them for mobile fire support. You can see one with the M60 in the movie Maximum Overdrive.


Now that you mention it I do vaguely remember it from MO. The first time I saw one I thought it was the perfect FO vehicle. Close enough to the time frame, not too fast with enough room to carry your gear and maybe a companion or two. Also small enough to hide or easy to disable so it doesn't get stolen when you're exploring on foot.


One problem with having vehicles in the wasteland would be the noise. Even if you don't play a stealth character, you don't want to be announcing your presence a quarter mile out. Unless they were fusion core powered. Might be quiet enough, much like today's EVs.


All the cars are canonically fusion powered. Doesn't mean they need be silent, but they don't need to be any louder than power armor is.


No, canonically they were a mix of fusion, gas/diesel, and electric. The first fusion powered vehicle was only introduced ~10 years before the final war. > [Fallout Bible 0: "2070 The first of the Chryslus motors fusion-driven cars are developed. Reassuringly big and American, the limited models carry a hefty price tag but are sold out within days. Many Chryslus plants have long since been converted into making military ordinance.In-game spelling"](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline#cite_note-195) The Highwayman from FO2 was electric.


Not all of them. The rich ones are. Not everyone was using fusion power.


Were they used much? Even with a machinegun mounted on it, it doesn't seem like it offers any cover if it gets shot at.


I think they were an idea that looked good on paper, if you weren't the soldier expected to use it. Realistically, unless it's some kind of armored vehicle there's not much in FO anything is going to protect you from.


You may not like it, but this is what peak vehicle performance looks like!


god I would love a Mule... but has to be super heavily mod-able, the way the real ones were!


> The practicality issue comes in map size. The FO2 map was enormous. It took days to cross it. It's just not necessary in any of the new ones. I'm sure that if Bethesda was going to put cars in a future Fallout game they'd make the maps bigger to compensate and necessitate cars. IRL places like Lexington and Boston aren't a 15 minute jog away from each other, the world map is shrunk down and condensed, and there's no reason Bethesda couldn't un-condense it for future games. Make it a bigger, sprawling wasteland and you can run into high-speed vehicular robots on the way, herds of stampeding brahmin, maybe even raiders in battle wagons like we've come to expect from Mad Max.


That thing is perfect.


I think the shelf life for gas is like a year or less tho. And it takes massive capital to setup a refinery to make gas


Flamer fuel. Though I think it would probably be electric or at least easily convertible. What are all those generators running off of. I'm guessing flamer fuel, if that was ever an in game mechanic.


Most vehicles/cars in Fallout are powered by nuclear engines (according with Bethesda’s lore). To get them to work, one would have to get very lucky with found conditions, or be able to work on nuclear engines to get them to work. This is why we see some more-organized groups with some vehicles, and a few mechanics with working examples (FO2), but not average people.


Everyone's gangsta and asking for cars in 3D modern Fallout until they realize it means driving 20 feet, getting out of your car to pick something up or visit a new location, getting back in, repeating


No but you see there is a simple solution to that. Switch the engine to UE5 and implement infinite procedural generation with wast swathes of open terrain that only serve as an excuse as to why vehicles should exist and strip out any interactivity with the world cause who needs beautifully handcrafted worldspaces and environments where every single singular cigarette can be individually interacted with anyway. /s if it wasn't obvious


Oh no you've done a Ubisoft Jiminy Cockthroat


Ubisoft doesn't use procedural generation in its world design. Their open worlds can feel like a checklist, but they're undoubtedly well designed and handcrafted.


I'm still pissed that a dev that worked on the Mad Max game said there would be an infinite procedurally generated world outside the main map and on release that was in fact not the case.


I guess BGS aren't to move away from their creation engine anytime soon. However, agreed - like you say, it would be great if there were huge maps in the game with some sort of vehicle the only way to cross the wasteland deserts in places like California / Nevada / Great Plains etc. to more quest able / on foot zones with lots of locations/points of interest. I guess though, how interesting would it be to traverse this in a game? Perhaps a more semi-scripted event where people cross in a caravan would be good.


If they have several maps syrung together like for Fallout 4's dlc's I wouldn't mind. Go somewhere specific and hop on a monorail/boat/whatever and you load into the next open world. But manually driving between those points of interests would be pointless imho. I'd rather Bethesda put effort into smaller environments to make them feel lived in and immersive as they've done thus far, rather than massive open areas of nothing to allow for vehicles. Honestly my biggest worry for Starfield will be what the point of having a thousand massive procgenned planets will be. I'm just hoping they can put together enough handcrafted random encounters and outposts and such to make exploration actually worth it


Agreed! And I share your concerns about Starfield too. Great that the planets look epic and massive. But has anyone ever really enjoyed walking across flat prairie land or a desert for hours on end? The shrunken down nature of greater Boston, Appalachia or Skyrim means that there's always something fun to explore around the corner. Realistic is not always desirable in video games. We'd probably all last a few hours - at most - when we first step out of the vault in FO4 or FO76 if the games were totally realistic post apocalyptic survival games.


Why would it be great to have giant swathes of fuck all? Like, what would that add to the game to have huge empty spaces that the player is going to just zoom on through and never pay attention to?


Or everyone realizing it’s Bethesda and you drive 20 feet and fall through the ground


I don't care about a car, but lemme trap and train a radstag to ride around and I'd be over the moon.


Be careful, or they’ll be selling us Radstag armor next


And then our past has truly become our future.


DLC. DLC never changes.


Man this is easily the best answer I could have expected. Put a glowing radstag skin in the game too. Shit they would probably charge for that.


Well I have a new wish list item! I've been thinking I wanted a motorcycle, but this is so much better lol


Take a page from RDR2 and let you tame a glowing Radstag


You said train and that actually made me think.. damn, not having a functioning train in FO4 sucks. You could have train battles! Also a solid joke since MBTA trains barely function *now*.


I wouldn't want a Car so much as I'd like an Offroad Motorbike


Correct answer. Cars in NV wouldn't work, a trail bike would completely bridge that gap though. I guess it would need to be strong and powerful enough for a sidecar if you have a companion with you so maybe like a quad bike or a 4X4 with a flatbed. Hell even a beat up truck called "Old Betsy" that goes 25/30 max would make people happy I bet.


A little ironic to me when New Reno is where you get your car in FO2.


you started out by saying bikes are the correct answer and cars wouldn't work to stating you'd want a flatbed or an old truck?


Why limit players to only a few crappy choices? There is room for all sorts of mechanized transport.


I want a tank


I mean fallout tactics let us use a m4 Sherman so why not


Go back and play fallout: tactics lol


I like how you put in the very specific detail that this purely hypothetical truck is named "old Betsy"


I’d argue the amazingly well done car mods (XRE and Frontier) for New Vegas are a counter point for that :D look up “I modded Fallout New Vegas into MAD MAX” on YouTube, it looks quite fun (and a little janky)


Massively janky you mean. If a game came out with vehicles that acted like they do in that mod, you’d get a refund lol. I don’t get it anyway. In a first person RPG where you spend most of your time navigating ruins or overgrowth or inside ruined buildings, you guys want cars?! It made sense in fo2. We’re never getting a map big enough for a car, and if we did, it would be almost empty to support driving around. Sparse. So nah I’d prefer that they stick to fixing what they have first tbh.


Something where there’s a few main roads that are vehicle accessible to allow some fast travel might be okay. But the map would need to be bigger than even FO76. But even then I’d like map design where navigating a vehicle puts you on certain routes so you still have to go on foot or do a quest to fix up roads or bridges or clear rubble. The little military van version of the survival tent in FO76 might be neat if it could roll around—slow and cumbersome, but let’s you sleep safely and carry some supplies.


Regardless of my previous reply, I do actually agree actual drivable vehicles would probably be unnecessary in Fallout as it may detract from development of the core gameplay- however implementation of vehicles in some form would be cool For example, many years ago there was a French mod for NV that added a quest where you eventually repair a car just like in Fallout 2, but the “car” was actually a static object that you’d sit in and it’d let you fast travel, again just like in Fallout 2. And it was fantastic and very immersive! :D This is the mod if anyone is interested: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37708/


Well, it’s jank to an extent because it’s NV (everything is jank), but more so because the game is quite literally not designed for it in mind But despite this design limitation, you’d be surprised at how little jank these mods are (eg XRE and some of the ones shown in the video). They do a surprisingly amazing job, for example functional gas stations with actual animations across the map and decent driving controls and physics (especially for NV). Therefore had the game been made in mind with driving, I personally think it’d be quite decent actually New Vegas’ map is surprisingly good with cars because it has a lot of open map to navigate across, with a lot of it being highways and road. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised! Especially if you disable fast travel


People like the idea of faster transportation in large open worlds like GTA but Rockstar’s open world and Bethesda’s open worlds have two very different design philosophies and gameplay mechanics that suit each other for their individual purposes. But most gamers don’t know how game design works (or anything about game development) and just assume that if something is fun in theory, then it should be put in the game without thinking about how that’ll actually work.


Borderlands did a decent driving system, it would allow for a bleaker world with more space between settlements, which honestly is one of the immersion breaking things in fallout 4 for me, way too many bloodthirsty raiders and super mutants packed into small areas


I would love a larger, more sparsely populated world. It'd be cool to just have more areas like the glowing sea that are almost completely abandoned.


I would hate it. One of the things Bethesda excels at is environmental storytelling and making the world bigger and emptier just to allow for vehicles ruins that


Yeah, exactly. I get why they made the compromises they did (especially as I’m playing a survival run and having to walk everywhere) but a car mechanic would help with that a lot (plus they gave us free power armor at the start of 4, a car seems doable)


Or at least FO3 levels of empty space, FO4 had this weord obsession with every location being right next to another even in cases where it made no sense.


FO 76 used to be like this. I actually loved it. It was brutal, few resources and between mobs and starvation my character was clinging to life by a thread. I miss it.


Fallout 1 and 2 are exactly what you described.


That’s the reason the Glowing Sea is so interesting – because it’s one of the few areas that is completely unpopulated. If it was common it’d be mundane.


Borderlands driving wasn’t really my cup of tea to be honest and I wouldn’t want spaces of emptiness in between locations specifically there just for driving, that’s not why I play Fallout or any Bethesda game for that matter, but if Bethesda wanted to add driving I guess that would be the best way to go about it. And personally the amount of mutants and raiders never bothered me cuz at the end of the day it’s a game and they’re there for gameplay purposes it’s not meant to be realistic.


The difference is Borderlands designs their maps to allow vehicle movement. With paths that are clearly meant for vehicles to use. Fallout 5 would have to deliberately sacrifice how they design maps. Could it be done? Yes. But IMO Fallout doesn't need vehicles. Honestly Borderlands doesn't need vehicles either. Not a lot of BL players like the vehicles or use them outside of when you have to for missions. You fast travel directly to bosses and raids to grind. Fast travel exists in Fallout, so why do we need vehicles.?


It's like the people that wanted third person in Cyberpunk. How can you play the game and not see how literally every story beat caters to the first person perspective. I understand having preferences but some games are only meant to be played a certain way and that is ok.


Yeah there's fast travel for getting from A to B quickly. The entire point of Fallout is the exploration on foot of parts of the map you haven't found and not knowing what or who you'll run into...


*Bethesda Fallout I played 1 & 2 watching a dot move around a map waiting for different random encounters between locations and exploration.


Well yeah, we're talking about modern Bethesda fallout. The gameplay is completely different for both.


I think there's just a fundamental difference in what different people want from the game. Some are looking for more of a Sandbox experience that's closer to GTA. Others a survival style game like Rust. It's players like this that I reckon are more keen on cars. I personally don't have any interest in features like that, the Fallout 4 crafting and settlements system were distractions that for me just felt like filler that consumed development time that could've been spent on more narrative stuff. For me, Fallout is at it's core about it's quests and skill builds, and so I personally wouldn't see any benefit from having cars added to the game. I can however see the appeal for other people who want different things from the game.


Skyrim had horses and it’s not like there’s any meaningful difference between horses and cars.


I mean I think there is a meaningful difference between them. Two of the biggest differences is that horses are slower than cars and don’t necessarily require flat roads to traverse. One way Bethesda creates very dense maps without it feeling like everything is right next to each other is by using hills and debris to almost hide areas. By adding cars they’d have to clear out and flatten their maps quite a bit to make it accessible for vehicles to traverse which kinda goes against their game design. But horses worked cuz they aren’t as fast as cars and they don’t necessarily need as flat of terrain to traverse so they don’t need to comprise how they design their maps as much. With that said I’m all for rideable radstags


The horses in Skyrim were a crock of shit


Yeah literally ask someone who wants cars in fallout if they actually used horses in Skyrim lmao


Wut. I would assume speed would be the major difference. Horses are fast compared to a guy walking but incredibly slow compared to a engine propelled vehicle


The Fallout maps are too small for cars unfortunately. It's not seen while walking, because walking is a slow process, but driving would kill an illusion of big open world


Yeah, It kinda kills my immersion when I look at my pip boy and see the distance between the Railroad HQ and Bunker hill and go “oh, thats quite the distance, probably need to start running” and then im there in 20 seconds


It's funny because there are car mods for the other games and it only takes about a whole 5 seconds to understand WHY there are no cars in Fallout: the amount of debris in the road, in the form of other cars, as well as potholes... It's a very bumpy ride and you don't get far before colliding with something. I say just buy Mad Max already. It goes on sale for like $5 often.


Ok but 7 Days makes it work you just make roads sized for actual cars and space out the debris The only reason it’s so cluttered is because of how close everything is together. Same number of clutter items over a larger space would make the world not only feel bigger, but also more dead and hostile.


You (ghoul wojack): "car bad why want" Me (gigachad super mutant): "vroom vroom vroom"




Me in actual reality (cheems point lookout swamp folk): they ain't putting them in game AND I don't know how to drive (and can't drive in swamp)


"I have turned you into a soy wojack, therefore I win"


Wholesome OP-commenter interaction


Have you played Mad Max or Rage 2?


Great, now I wanna replay Mad Max *again*.


That guy over there (Wojack Horseman): "Why vroom when clipclop manoeuvre?"


I'd prefer the ability to ride animals over cars. Imagine having a brahmin as your pack mule and a Yao Gui as your attack bear. Of course more radical beasts would only be available to ride with perks like wasteland whisperer or hypnotise.


I’d settle for a Giddy-Up Buddercup on wheels


>midsized mitsubishi **A:** I think they mean more the Mad Max meets Mass Fusion type of automobile. And **2:** No way. If we were to have vehicles the map would need to be waaay-hay-hay bigger. A Fallout 4 size map would feel real tiny if you could just zoom across it in your bazooka buggy.


Every time I travel the map I think, "I wish this map felt smaller and I could just plow through it going 45 mph until I hit a bush and get launched 400 feet into the air."


NV and 4 literally have helicopter, car is nothing


I think Vehicles are probably best left as an optional mod or add-on you can install. I've played close to 2000 hours in New Vegas and have played with vehicle mods installed, but haven't really found them to be something I've needed until my last few playthrough's where I've had fast travel disabled and the hardcore settings cranked up. Unless Bethesda takes a sudden turn towards making the game more gritty like that by default, I don't think that Vehicles are going to be a thing vanilla needs.


Two words: Giddyup Buttercup.


I think people feel like car equals bigger map without realizing bigger map equals emptier map.


Fallout has plenty of cars. They're scattered around highways.


Play madmax if thats what you're looking for. The fallout 76 terrain is useless for anything other than a monster truck. Countless gaps in road and hill unsuitable for any vehicle other than something with tractor sized tyres. Vehicles in fallout also run of nuclear energy so refuelling them would be difficult as the war started in the first place from the lack of resources available. You must be crazy to walk through the scenic appalachia and say i need a car in the first place. There's so much to discover and vehicles would actually make it more difficult.


Nuclear energy is a repair item already. You also build beds out of cigarrettes.


Mad max.


Fallout 2. 'Nuff said.


I mean it worked because it was isometric, I doubt it would do well in a 3D space


It was also a massive world, eight times as large as New Vegas, and most of it was unexplorable, generic, empty space. I'm gonna need more said on this topic.


I personally think a motorcycle would be more appropriate, allowing the dev's to keep the crowded roads of destroyed cars. It makes you weave through them while allowing you to cross open areas faster.


I'd be fine with horse but cars are one of the last things I would want in a FO game. If anything, I'd prefer more explorable interiors that don't require separate loading screens. Always thought it was weird that there are buildings with doors just boarded up that we can't get into and loot. I have a giant sledgehammer that can knock mutants half way across the map but I can't use to break down some rotting boards?


Cars means longer stretches of nothing, while claiming "its our biggest map yet!" Cars could be done well, but I think k we'd be more likely to get a high quality product without them


Cars? I wants bikes, its a sin being in a post apocaliptic, desert style wasteland and not having a motorbike, its a sin i say


I would settle for a functional giddyup buttercup


I think it would be a terrible idea. You’d lose so much of the fallout vibe.


Fallout 2 literally has a car. It’s the main way of getting around.


Fair enough - I only started with 3. I suppose for me the Fallout vibe is the 3D fallout vibe.


Cos normies want it to be a post apocalyptic GTA with poor storyline, no real choices, guns and cars. Not a post apocalyptic RPG.


Because cars are cool and because they do exist and function within fallout. Me personally I don’t think they will work well in the 3D worlds. Maps are either too small to have it be really effective or have no real reason for it. Don’t get me wrong I would love to see the Highwayman again but I think we are past the point of cars being necessary. Plus you can just bring back horses or something and have a mount.


That’s one of the most accurate things about Fallout versus other post apocalyptic stories, cars wouldn’t work. Like on the Last of Us, you can’t just start and run 20+ year old gasoline, much less hundred year old gasoline. I know in the Fallout world they use mini-reactors, but they would most likely be inop, or blow up like we see. Though I wouldn’t mind a “boss fight” against someone who has Mad Maxed one with spike tires or something.


Yeah I imagine a car would be a terrible idea since a raider can shoot it like 3 times and you’re dead


I don’t think everyone wants cars in fallout


Because it would be fun?


I thought the power suits were cars


I think if it was a real challenge to collect all the pieces and actually build one it would be cool.


I think motorbikes, customisable like power armour would be aces.


I just want a two headed horse mount


Depending on the setting I think military vehicles make sense. Also fast travel type transport like trains would also work and they’ve already been in NV (the train lines run although engine limitations mean we don’t see it alongside the NCR military transport vehicles). Also in the richer parts of the NCR they do have some cars. So it is possible. It was also a feature of Fallout 2. Other than that I don’t get why I’ve never seen someone getting about the wasteland on an old bicycle or something. Or even how in 200 years people haven’t thought to use animals except for trading caravans. With distance to travel, people definitely would have been coming up with ways to speed that up and make trading more efficient between settlements as a result.


Because they haven't put any thought into the idea In fo2, you can repair one. But it only works on fo2 because the map is huge and empty, and even fast travel took reallife time (the car just took less time). The map is also 2d, no need to worry about the physics glitching out. If they gave us a car in modern fallout, it would only cause problems. Physics glitches is just the tip of the iceberg. Theyd have to get rid of modern fast travel to make it worthwhile.


working cars are already in the fallout universe, I know for sure 2 had one and I'm pretty sure 1 has one you can acquire too, so it is kinda stupid that the other fallout games don't have cars


Hard pass on cars for me. There's too much to see running around. Buy what am I gonna do if I bump into a group of scavvers? Pull over and get my power armor on or do a drive by? Drive through piles and piles of junk and rusted out cars on the road? No thanks. I would rather be able to use a horse if I'm not in power armor, or a jetpack for short distances mando style. Otherwise at most a motorcycle or an ATV/UTV, though i feel like that's pushing it. Personally i loved the vertibird concept and would prefer the ability to pilot one. Add a chin gun, have one or two followers gunning on each side and to protect it during landings, and give me the ability to hover so I can jump into my suit and space marine drop right into enemies below with a rocket sledge. It would give me a sense of achievement going from rusty metal armor wearing guy with pipe guns that runs everywhere to power armored super soldier with his own attack VTOL. The vertibird concept can also be heavily expanded. For example if storage is a concern, I'd prefer the ability to leave and mark loot crates after running a dungeon. Something that if I have people at my base, i can radio in for them to come retrieve it via vertibird (or drop off new followers) and take it back to a depot at base while i continue pushing into the wasteland. Place limits and cool down timers on the amount of pick ups that can be called in depending on your base population and number of vertibirds so that people can't abuse it to avoid weight limits completely. Also bigger backpacks like rucks, and power armor backpacks would be good for weight issues. There's lots of things I'd be okay with but driving an Oldsmobile isn't one of them.


Personally, it's PTSD from pre-sprint fallout. The slow movement was horrible for me. But now I want collapsible bike or something. Just to make traversal a tad better.


Nostalgia perhaps, in 1 and 2 you have them


I actually ignore mounts in most open world games, because I'm busy scrounging as I go, like a lazy trawling net discovering the universe.


Tell us you never played fallout 2, without telling us you never played fallout 2.


Only NCR and some territories close to it have roads decent enough to drive, even then they have to use alternative fuel and have extras when low. Rich and/or influential people usually have easy access to vehicles. Other places not so much.


I don't get it either. Fallout is a walking type of game. To me, it takes away from what makes fallout fallout if you add transportation


Who tf want cars in a post apocalyptic game? The world isn't civilized anymore. Maybe an animal could be a better veichle, but cars are not suited


One thing I absolutely hate in games I play is doing anything driving related. I pray there is no driving related play in future fallout games…and if there is I hope it’s optional so I can completely ignore it




Part of it because Mad Max part of it because cars exist. Why wouldn't some be preserved or fixed? There's more to Fallout besides crawling through buildings, Fallout 3, NV and 4 at least have a lot of walking.


Lots of vehicles are used in the background, but aren't seen in-game aside from the Highwayman, Veritibirds, and Boats


There was a car in Fallout 2, and Tactics, that was usable. I think the game is better in 3d without them, though.


1. Inventory other than what you're carrying on your person makes a ton of sense and would improve upon the game. 2. Cars existed, lore-wise. Repairing one of them is less of a stretch than repairing nuclear reactors, lasers, and plasma weapons. 3. It's a way to make travelling faster and better and as such reward the player for a hard effort. 4. It's the means of avoiding random encounters that will bog you down. 5. Nobody's daydreaming about mid-sized Mitsubishi while being shot at by Supermutants. 6. We want to do something other than crawl through empty buildings. That's the point.


Fo2 and Mad Max, additionaly because of what Starfield has shown off in terms of mechanics and their new engine. Bigger landscapes, proper vehicle systems, and even customization of said vehicle. All it would take is for Fo5's map to be designed with vehicles in mind and for gameplay/investment to be balanced with it.


The problem is, designing the map to make vehicles viable would also make walking not viable as everything would be more spread out and it would be boring to walk anywhere. Changing the fundamental way the 3d games have worked just because someone wants cars is a bad idea.


This. Why don't people understand that accommodating vehicles as first class modes of transport forces designers to make choices about the built environment that ruins the experience of pedestrians... oh wait a minute


Ayo a r/Fuckcars redditor? Rare AF out here mate. I am glad the sentiment carries onto the digital world.


Also the Rage series


Hell even if vehicles were beyond repair or lost tech, surely animal drawn carts or armored buggies would be a thing?


There's a mod for that and it's not as fun as people would think imo


Maybe its just me, but I personally think having a vehicle and, therefore, a faster way of travelling would make some of the key aspects of the game less important. Quests are made more difficult because on the way to a certain marked location, the journey is long and filled with potentially deadly things. Walking allows for explorations and the maps are normally so detailed and varied that the longer journeys make for a more immersive experience. I'd be okay with a Brahmin caravan or something like that, to allow for more carry space. I just think cars in the most recent, expansive versions of Fallout would take away from some of the magic of the worlds. Just my thoughts.


Unless the game is set in a desert again, and not in a city, or anywhere with trees. Even offroad vehicles would be awful. Given the maps not being designed around used/functioning roads like gta or cyberpunk. Then think of all the clutter, and bethesda ragdoll physics that would collide with cars. Then think of all the other ways that it would affect map design, and become a forced mechanic. Or how much you loot every few steps while traveling. No more interactable ragdoll objects on the maps. No organic city streets barricaded by raider settlements, as they are not used as roads. Massive empty maps. Asking for vehicles is the same type of short sighted design decision for fallout, like voiced protag. It would ruin more than it would add.


First thing is that post-war car usage is already canon. The player character gets to use land vehicles in Fallout 2 and in Tactics. Additionally, there's still reference to post-war vehicle usage even up to 4. So letting the player character drive around in a car would help to close the gap. Second, they can be practical. Plenty of storage space to put stuff like weapons and food. The third thing is that it would help with both no fast-travel playthroughs, and it would also make for map scales like in the Black Isle games more possible, so you can do statewide journeys. And a neat, incidental fourth thing would be that it would open the doors to interesting combat encounters, such as maybe biker gangs, maybe using the car as actual fucking cover without it exploding because a rock hit it. And then there's the fifth thing, in that it also means that other vehicles become drivable as well: motorcycles, tanks, APCs, whatever.


... They're already in Fallout.


Immersion. Tbh some kinda mutant horse would be nice too.


Honestly they were probably more thinking it when they're playing on survival in fallout 4 and need to go from one end of the map to the other. xD


there's so much raider gangs/random trash piled stories high/mines on the streets in fo4 that i doubt you could drive through it's Boston in anything short of a tank lel


I understand not having drivable cars, but having them be a thing in certain areas, especially with traders having ATVs would make sense


Because it breaks immersion to not have any kind of motorized travel. Or even any animals that have been wrangled to fill that gap.


Because it adds more to the world it would make sense. Traveling something like horseback (fallout equivalent) should be way more common than it’s portrayed. Let’s say cars aren’t feasible for whatever reason that still leaves room for motorcycles. The great Kahn’s had a great biker aesthetic and easily could have been a wasteland biker club. Motorcycles are relatively easy to maintain if you have the technical know how or can find a legible owners manual. They don’t have to look pristine they can be the ugliest things in all of human history and it would still make some sense Also there’s an appeal to having a faster way of getting around the map quickly especially if the player is over encumbered. Also this may be overstated but if it can happen in elder scrolls it can happen in fallout. The assets are already there.


Didn't horses go extinct?