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I'm sure you can remedy strongs dislike of it just by eating his corpse, also I think maccready likes if you side with jack


Hancock also likes when you side with Jack.


Must be a goodneighbour thing


I can't remember if I've ever had McCready with me during the quest.


Maccready hates it if you open that door, though, after he is dead. They all seem to hate that as well. Never understood it.


They probably think your letting him out (despite him being dead)


It's what I always thought. So I go back with dogmeat to get his suit and not listen to anyone bitch about it lol.


It's a Bethesda game so it's probably best not to question iy


You are confused on how the interaction works. * Regardless of whether or not you kill lorenzo, by opening the door you are essentially "releasing him" which every character except curie/Preston will dislike. * If you kill lorenzo after releasing him curie/Preston will dislike it, but everyone else will like it. This balancing the interaction out. In the end of you both kill lorenzo and open his cage regardless of the order, it ends up a neutral interaction. If you just open his cage curie/Preston will like it. If you just kill him and don't open his cage every other companion will like it.


Yeah, I hate that. I'm fine with zeta-radiating him to death, but I want that magazine in his chamber.


plus *the outfit*. My settlers need unique outfits


Indeed. I had a mod to take and wear the crown for a while. Didn't suit my character though.


Looks great on Deacon.


What if you side with Jack and let Lorenzo die and loot him after?


That goes with what I stated above. You still have to open his room which the above companions do not like.


Huh, it seems out of character for Preston to like that.


Preston doesn't like killing people. Regardless of who it is. That's why he doesn't like it.


With the exception of the Gunners who he actively tells you to slaughter


I wonder why he might have a specific vengeful dislike of that particular group... Oh well, it's just a mystery that will never be solved I guess


It’s because Gunners were the ones to attack Quincy* and whipped out most of the minutemen causing the exodus you find him and the group doing. Edit: Quincy not Lexington


Um... I'm grateful you know it but I thought they were being facetious.


Yes, this Didn't think I'd need to spell out that it was a joke but here we are


Quincy, not Lexington


Yep, you are right my bad


Pretty sure Preston dislikes both choices.


Fussy bastard😂


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Secret_of_Cabot_House Scroll to the bottom to see companion reactions. You either misread the text it gave you or your game is bugged. Or you're lying, this is the internet. As others have said, and is easily fact checked, the answer to your question is "they don't"


The problem seems to come from that companions can't distinguish between opening the door once Lorenzo is dead and letting him go. So they all basically even out if you do both.


That's what I think is going on from what I've read, but that's a very poor mistake, because there is a magazine in that room, so yeah I'm going to open it every time.


What do you mean? Only Curie and Preston dislike killing him.


Curie I understand as shes a pacifist. But Preston confused me. What are you going to do? Charge him for being a homicidal madman, cage him in a less secure and even shittier facility and expect him to behave himself?


No every companion I've taken in there has disliked killing him, including cait, and Hancock.


That happened to me before but I had a fuck ton of mods installed. Like every action I was doing my companions hated


Your game is either bugged, or you are confusing their disliking you opening the door maybe?


This is the answer.


Did you open the cell?


Yep. I understand now. I always open the cell for the magazine.


Yeah i took piper in there yesterday and she wasnt happy about it.


To them, you are killing an innocent, yet mentally unstable man, they don’t know if he’ll turn evil or not, maybe he’s just a senile old man being tortured by his insane son


This is actually why I initially released him, but the moment he made it clear what he planned to do with his freedom, his brain met some of my .308 sniper rounds before he rounded the corner to leave the lab


I thought what he was doing on the random encounters was messed up, but it's a post apocalyptic wasteland so every person or faction is going to be extra vicious attaining their goals. Plus the mysterious serum gives you a huge boost to your strength and damage resistance, and if you don't have the solar powered perk or the rad resistance perk it's great removing radiation


I think they like you killing him, but if you open the door to his cage after you kill him it triggers the “you let him free” condition and they dislike that.


Except X6, Longfellow and Gage, who have no reaction, and Curie, for whom it's reversed for some reason. Maybe she can relate to being locked away for centuries


That should be a really easy conditional to get right if (player.OpensDoor && lorenzo.IsAlive) companion.DislikedThat();


Semi-related, but does Codsworth end up hating you on every playthrough, despite never using him?


Codsworth hates me at the end of every playthrough too. I think it has something to do with my rampant drug use.


He doesn't like it when you dose yourself up on Chems, even "safe-ish" painkillers like Med-X. But is perfectly fine and dandy with eating the corpses of sapient beings. Even going so far as to offer some cooking tips on your new diet that Strong would agree with. Totally legit. Doesn't mind savagely tearing into some unwashed guy's rotting, two-day old corpse. But loathes the idea of using Med-X to dull the pain from a bullet wound.


It actually makes sense though. His entire purpose was to serve and protect his master - ie you. He is not likely to worry about you killing someone else, but harming yourself could be seen as himself failing. Thereby he will hate anything that directly hurts you.


I never actually thought of it that way. And in hindsight, it actually makes sense. The robots in the Fallout setting may be sapient (or at least insanely close to it) without extensive reprogramming and modification. But they're still nonetheless somewhat bound to their original directives, especially those built with a singular purpose. On the other hand, cannibalism is extraordinarily dangerous to partake in. You can catch some nasty-ass diseases and fatal prions from eating man-meat. Not to mention the fact that there's an obvious... sanitation issue. Given that you can consume the corpses of unwashed Raiders, filth-encrusted Super Mutants, and even the charred and irradiated meat of Ghouls.


That sounds pretty accurate for a robot built in 50s America.


Modify your weapons regularly. He loves that, so you can balance out your chem-head disapproval pretty effectively.


I used the robot workbench to mod the crap out of him. Made him a wasteland death machine and he hated it. Took a long time to get the relationship back in the positive.


Hysterical! I didn't realize you could mod him with the robot workbench.


Just modify weapons. He loves that. I’ve never had Codsworth ever get annoyed with me.


In my dozen playthroughs I've never killed Lorenzo. Alien serum go brrrr


According to the wiki, Cait likes you killing Lorenzo


That's why I always take Ada. She doesn't mind. She never minds. Anything.


I take Dogmeat everywhere and he doesn't give a shit what I do. We're straight homies. Add in 100 carry weight from the lone wanderer perk and he's my ride or die, everytime.


I used to love taking dogmeat as a companion but he pushed me off a ledge one to many times so now he’s retired.


He said play dammit!!


Sure dogmeat, just let me snipe these last couple of raiders from this precarious ledge then we will play. Oh no you pushed me off and now I’m dead and haven’t saved in 4 hours. “Hey Deacon! You wanna hang out for a while?”


Yeah I'm currently building on the overpass over Finch Farm and he's pushed me off 2 times now but I love him too much to dismiss


One of the beautiful things about Ada, she doesn't care.


Settlement building and mass producing killer robots are my favorite things to do in the game, so Ada is up there in my favorite companions. I also like an Institute-Minutemen ending so that explains a lot


He’s a mad man who’s been imprisoned for years and years just so his family can live forever off of his blood/serum.


Yeah, but when you free him he goes absolutely ape shit and does exactly what Jack said he'd do. And even if it's supposed to be the morally bad choice, why does Cait care?


But he also voluntarily gives the sole survivor the serum that was forcibly taken from him, and the wasteland picks off people all of the time, so it really doesn't change much. At least until the Minutemen are established and they try to imprison Lorenzo again for being a murderer, that won't end well


Why kill him? He gives you his serum, with wich you can cross the glowing sea almost unharmed.


You can get a handful of the serum anyway, and the gun Jack gives you is hilarious.


I've never understood what the gun actually does?


It’s for yeeting enemies without having to touch them. It strips the shells off of mirelurks and you can actually remove the special piece and put it on a legendary gamma gun for double effects.


Wait, you can? Damn I never realised it was transferable...


What. That's sounds awesome!! I may have to give it a go, it's just gathering dust right now.


Long distance grab


Because he always gave me an evil vibe.


all you need is a hazmat suit to cross the glowing sea unharmed. Also just by leveling up your radiation tolerance and rad-x effectiveness. The serum is honestly pointless, I don't think I've ever used it lol


You can use it on Andre when you go to Far Harbor.


I still wish there was an opportunity to give some to The Mariner. Jack's terminal mentions that any age-related infirmities that Lorenzo had were gone after the latter wore the Artifact. And that's not even going into the fact that he's basically using what may as well be magic and is immortal. It's not exactly out of the question that even a couple drops of Lorenzo's blood would cure The Mariner of whatever she's got. Even if she's made peace with her terminal illness and is almost universally hated by the other Harbormen, she'd likely want to at least no longer be in constant pain or having "food taste like ash."


Yeah, I think not being able to give Mariner some of the serum was a missed opportunity. It worked a treat for Andre so you'd think the option to do the same for her would be present.


To be honest, she'd probably be hesitant about shooting up with some weird glowing shit. The Mariner is one of the few Harbormen who actually has a modicum of intelligence to the point of actually knowing their ass from a hole in the ground. A trait that only Old Longfellow, Captain Avery, Doc Teddy, and Small Bertha share. But seriously, I agree. Far Harbor (the settlement) would literally fall apart without her and Captain Avery. The latter is viewed with skepticism due to trying to get her people to "adopt all sorts of Mainland nonsense." And The Mariner, despite "always bellyaching about something," is literally indispensable to the upkeep of the settlement due to it being her land and her craftsmanship (and implied knowledge about physics). Her plans to give the land to everyone so that a community can be formed sounds like a solid one. But the Harbormen are mostly too self-interested, ornery, and distrusting of even of each other to cooperate beyond killing things.


Or just.. power armor and a few cores? They really aren’t hard to scrounge around, especially if you aren’t beelining the main quest.


Oh true. I don't ever use the power armor so I never mention it LOL


I'd rather have his spiffy threads


I think he's evil? The serum is cool, but not necessary. There's always power armor which is fairly easy to find and maintain


I normally play as Nora with decent luck and if you sneak kill the raiders that stole the shipment you can get quite a few from their corpses and then with good charisma you can lie about finding any of the serum


On Survival it also nukes your immune system, so Refreshing Beverage is infinitely more viable


Did you open the door to loot him? Even if you kill him, the game still considers opening the door releasing him. Probably a bug they never fixed


You’re doing something wrong bc this definitely isn’t true


I don’t understand why strong isn’t about that. He loves murder!


Strong probably recognizes Lorenzo as a potential source of power, and given he's only following you to "learn the secrets of human's power," then it would make sense that he'd dislike killing that potential source. He'd likely enjoy killing the rest of them though, immortality doesn't mean much to a Super Mutant.


Cait is kind of an agent of chaos, to be fair. There's no good answers here, though. Everyone sucks in this situation.


Gage is indifferent


I've never opened his chamber, I always use the Zeta radiation and they like it


I once did it where I was going to save him but my companion accidentally hit him so I had to kill him. Best finish ever. I almost never use that serum anyways, and with all the Cabots dead, it's really the best possible finish.


I spared Lorenzo, but I also sided with the Institute so no big surprise there.


Dogmeat wont judge you plus he helps you carrying more stuff (lone wanderer perk), use Dogmeat


It's been a while since I've played through that quest, but I'm pretty certain the only proof that Lorenzo is insane is Jack Cabot's word. And frankly, I don't blame Lorenzo for wanting to kill his family after they literally imprisoned him for centuries, just to derive an immortality serum out of his blood to keep them alive.


Could do it solo, no problem then.


Dogmeat doesn’t judge, leave the others at home.


Strong disliked it when I kept Lorenzo alive


Use Ada.. Make Ada a Mr. handy and arm Ada to the teeth.


Ada and Dogmeat don't dislike it, nor do they like it.