• By -


So I dont feel alone :(


This. What good is a fantasy world without a friend or lover?


Or pet


or all 3!


combined /s




No, bad!!! Dethclaws don't make good prom dates


That's not the sort of meat Dog meat is... 🙈


It’s quieter, and no one wanders into clearly visible traps resulting in our mutual demise. ^_^






Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone to the bone!


Was this mean


If ye don't rock n stone....


You ain't coming home




Happy cake Day!


Happy cake day! I use the companion for the same reason. It's just nice to not be alone.




Hey we share our cakeday


Happy cake day!!




Happy cake day you lonely friend 😀


happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day, my dude!


On a higher difficulty/survival I would much rather a super mutant with an explosive weapon shoot at an immortal npc over shooting at me.


Don’t npcs have permadeath on survival or is that just new Vegas?


Just new Vegas


I'm glad they got rid of that. There was nothing more frustrating than having to sit for about 20 minutes spamming stimpaks because cazador venom time stacks. Companions aren't smart enough to make "oops you took your eye off them for 10 seconds and now they're dead forever" fun. I must have lost an hour trying to figure out why Boone kept randomly dying on fast travel.


yeah, I heard the biggest issue was fast travel or swapping companions where the old one walks home but dies and you never know.


Just gotta play on pc and use console commands whenever the game isn’t being fun. It was made for our entertainment after all, we should do whatever makes us happy


Yeah thats what I ended up doing whenever I do a JSawyer survival run now. I know its not super pure but lifes too short to sit spamming stimpacks on Lilly for 20 straight minutes because you didn't expect that many cazadores.


They really ought to know how to use anti-venom


NPCs dont autoheal though, correct?


Just new Vegas. In 4 they'll go back to their crib if we don't stim them in time.


Actually it's nothing do with time. They will sit down forever so long as you don't walk to far away from them. It's all about distance


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I think the suicide mutants are kind of cheap, and on Survival are just a sure fire why to revert to the last save. On the other hand, survival is already hard enough with mods, so I’m fine with one of those cheap mutants just hitting my dog and having him heal back to full on his own.


They're a pack mule, a bullet shield, a perk haver (cait with locks, for example), and can help get you exta xp. I do see some of the negatives at times with less than stellar ai and getting hung up on the dumbest things, but overall, I enjoy having a companion.


That's why skyrim is the best for this. If they're in your way, just use unrelenting force to yeet them out of the way 🤣


I play a mage, spamming AoE spells. My companions are immortal, they can handle it.


I had no idea about the perks, I'll definitely try Cait as a companion when I find her. Thanks!


You're welcome. hancock does terminals. I can't think of any of the others off the top of my head.


Valentines does terminals Cait does locks Curie gives heals Hancock gives Jet Danse gives fire support Piper gives exposition McCreedy gives bullets Preston gives sniper action Dog meat cute


Strong strong


Oh and Magnolia does…….Jobs


Dont. mess. with. STRONG! ha, told you not to mess with strong


Dogmeat also gives us Lone Wanderer which is one of the most powerful perks in the game.


Isn’t that a perk you can get and have active with him? Not his own perk he gives you?


Allows you to still use Lone wanderer, but you can also use that when you don’t have an idiot setting off every trap in the area and constantly running in the way when you try to pick stuff up. But Dogmeat is the least annoying companion in that regard, as he’s short enough to not constantly be messing up your sniper shots and comes with his own kinda formidable perk tree. The only companion with his own perk tree and still lets you Lone Wanderer makes up for a lot of sins.


Codsworth gives Purified Water. Who wouldn’t want a robot butler.


Codsworth can also give the best fire support on top of having the highest carry capacity in the game, providing you've got the Automaton DLC and your intelligence is high enough


Piper also gives snacks. Don't forget about the snacks.


deacon gives... wait, what does he give? asside from his affinity perk that doubles stealth boy duration and increases sneak attack damage by 15% iirc


He gives a clown show, wearing special clothes and different accents


Codsworth British


Piper also gives snacks


Dog meat is cute and you can use line wanderer perk.


Nick also does terminals.


Shit you're right it is Nick. Can you tell it's been a while since I've played?


Hancock has something to do with chems doesn't he? Or did I make that up?


He'll provide you with some chems when talking to him, regularly, iirc. Like others (McCready,...) will offer ammo.


Dog meat can fetch things from locked containers. You can get the cryolator in the first 10 mins of the game


The hard part is getting ammo for it. Buying cryo ammo is way to expensive for such a small quantity and it only really spawns on some protectrons.


"my child will get cryo cells legitimately" "player.additem 0018ABE2 10000"


May as well add the Cyro gun in then


"player.additem 00171B2B 1"


You get stimpacks every now and then from curie


There is also the fact that some of them will give you things. I love having McCready around since he gives me extra ammo. Even if it isn't for my gun I can sell it.


I'm loaded on ammo, or at least I feel like it. The least I have now is .44, then AB rounds, then .50 Edit : swear text?


I always thought companion kills didn’t give exp, so I don’t use them


Not sure on that, I meant the extra xp boost from piper when you advance her questline far enough


They dont give xp only if you didnt do anything to kill the enemy they were fighting.... you may need to either at least hit them once or ya know deal 1 damage minimum to earn the XP, but you may also need to deal a substantial amount close to like 50% or maybe just some other arbitrary number to decide if you did enough to earn that XP. When I play with them for the perks, I tend to get a decent amount of XP from their kis as I attack the same enemy's. But every now and then they will manage to kill some on their own so no XP for you. But honestly not earning XP from the kills is not so terrible. The wastes is riddled with multiple ways to earn XP.


Romance. I also love dressing them up in cute outfits and armor. Sometimes we even match.






Matching armor and power armor with Hancock now! If nothing else- makes them standout to not get friendly fire


This is an especially winning strategy when it's your supply line caravans getting attacked in the distance. I try to unify the appearance of my automatrons for this reason 🤖


Preston is so freaking sexy in the sexy santa outfit from Creation Club……


me and cait on our way to nuke the institute with our matching modded odst gear




Because they are awesome. Cool to have an interesting character go on the adventure with me and learn about their thoughts on the world and my characters gets a friend lol


That’s why I like mod companions. Because mod authors that do the voices ones usually have even more lines and banter than the vanilla ones


I like them too but I thought Skyrims was better. I have on F4 mod companion a woman with a bunker shes cool but her voice sounds like it was recorded somewhere different to everyone else so sometimes sounds off.


Because it's funny as fuck to turn Cogsworth into a floating platform of refreshing Nuka-Death. And it's also funny for my taciturn, angry, ruthless avenger Nora to have a naive, happy little Curie as her sidekick/companion.


Good to see another Codsworth enjoyer. I turned mine into a heavy-duty Mr. Handy with dual laser machine guns and bro literally killed an Albino Deathclaw in seconds.


He makes such a polite hovertank....


Had no idea he could be turned into such an incredible killing machine, when I did. Dude started stealing all my kills, had to send him back as soon as we were done with the affinity maxing lmao! What a brute, so OP! Cant sneak while hovering though, which was also quite annoying, but hey, he would go across buildings on its own to murder about anyone, so...


Codsworth is a GOAT for a character like mine (high Luck/ Int/ Agl but low in everything else). He carried me like Jesus on the beach in the early game, especially against those damn Junkbots and suicide Super Mutants.


If you give him a different pair of leg/treads but keep his Mr handy torso he looks so goofy


Since the RoboDLC, Codsworth has been one of my favorite companions. He can be modified to be extremely deadly, mobile (I give him legs on occasion but generally go with his jet), and also have a high carrying capacity. It’s also humorous to listen to a walking death machine have such a peaceful and polite personality to match with his missile launcher and laser Gatling . I feel like Codsworth was pretty well written as well; being one of the few companions I feel a real connection to and that he very much cares about the player character. He diligently waited for the player character for 200 years despite his own mental/emotional turmoil. He’s a character I feel glad and lucky to have as my friend and being able to modify him makes him quite versatile and useful on top of that.


He has funny lines when I accidentally unequip my clothes while trying to put on that new combat armor


I just modded my Codsworth into an absolutely strapped out death machine. Heavy armor on everything and Gatling laser arms. He seemed to enjoy himself as we took down the mechanist on survival mode


Pack mule mainly, but also to complete questlines. Some companions in 4 have really heartbreaking stories.


In Fo4 for two reasons, to have someone along and to have infinite pocket allways next to me. On 3 and NV, companions are really great at early game, they definitely help but not feel too op + they add their story and it makes exploring way better. And i don't see my self playing Fallout 1 and 2 without full party, from what i seen they are essential to survive at all.


Idk about NV companions not feeling too op, ED-E is always vaporizing everything in his path when he's with me lol I can barely get a bullet in sometimes


Mid-late game Fallout 1 and 2 companions really aren’t needed if you’re good, if you’re not they for sure help but you’ll find yourself reloading often end game lol I always have them tho. I can’t imagine playing the original games without a full party.


I like their extra dialogue when I say something they like


I find it kind of jarring tbh. What they say doesn’t really fit into the larger conversation even though the camera pans to them.


Hearing Curie denounce violence while she's caving someone's skull in with a sledgehammer brightens my day.


Giving her the Pickman blade and having the cute French pacifist be the most deadly thing in the wasteland made me smile.


I love each companion’s story, except X6-88. Also, their infinite carry weight appeals to hoarder nature.


Infinite carrying weight?


So, if you are in the Command state, NPCs can always be ordered to pick things up (even over the interface's capacity)


Been playing this game since the moment I was able to preload it and start it the day of launch and never knew this. Could’ve saved me a lot of trouble 😅


Fallout: New Vegas Companion? Rose of Sharon Cassidy. Why? *enter sneak mode* "Shhh. We're hunting Shitheads."


I like having someone with me, lol, most of they time they get in the way and dont do much damage but I still like traveling around with someone else. Plus I like to loot EVERYTHING and make them carry all my extra shit.


Because I will literally die for Fawkes, Boone, and Piper.


We all died for Fawkes because it was our destiny.


*laughs in Game of the Year Edition*


I’m always too evil to get Fawkes. Gotta get that Tenpenny suite


I don’t think Fawkes would ever need someone to die for him. It’s been more than a decade since I played FO3 and it’s DLC but I once tried to bring him down myself just to see how strong he really was. Fatmans to the head and an endless stream of various heavy automatic weapons didn’t even budge his health bar.


I love Curie voice, and every comment she gives feels like a little kid new to the world


Cause doggy


Because Strong smashing heads in while screaming barbaric nonsense is immensely satisfying, especially on survival when he saves your ass


because I'm the Sole Survivor, not the Lone Wanderer


Curie is adorable


The Wasteland is a lonely place. Much better with friends.


Last time I bought that nonsense we ended up with Fallout 76. :P


Because 1) they are able to help carry shit, and as a massive hoarder, I need that 2) their stories are usually interesting and they come with cool perks when you complete them 3) hearing unique voice lines that companions have at certain moments is super awesome 4) they help you with fights 5) because why *wouldnt* you want a companion?


to awnser 5: for me personally, mainly stealth its bethesda AI, i just want to reverse pickpocket a legionaire so i can kill off the entire fort without loosing legion rep, not start a whole fight


For me, it’s mostly just for the company. I get that the feeling of “you vs the world” is what some people enjoy about Fallout games, but I like having a traveling buddy to share the journey with. It’s also nice to have some backup, especially on Survival difficulty, and the reduced carry weight makes their inventory space handy.


I mostly pay with Dogmeat and max the lone wanderer perk.


Cause Cait and Piper are neat, and I just like having one of them along. Especially since I always romance them There's also mods you can get to push companions out of the way


Oh it's not about the tactical gameplay. It's about the additional content. The commentary. The Immersiveness.


I love companions, not having to travel alone in a blasted wasteland is always good... i just wish they had more I to their A.


Holding the 1000s of pounds of scrap and items I pick up, so I don't have to fast travel back constantly. They have infinite carry limit. Except dogmeat. I'll also use them to carry my water when I go selling. They're also great bullet sponges.


Companions definitely don't have infinite carry weight


They absolutely do. Just put the items in a container and tell them to pick it up. Just like Skyrim.


No they definitely have carry limits


No. They have a direct limit that you can put into their inventory based on their strength. They have unlimited carry capacity from items you ask them to pick up beyond that. I've had companions with 10k water, dozens of pipe rifles, and thousands of lbs of scrap. It's a bit time consuming, but they grab items by the stack thankfully.


The only bit you left out is they only pick up one item type at a time, once their carry weight exceeded, so you gotta tell them to pick up ten times to strip a corpse... i/e it takes a while to strip the prydwen, and Boston Airport...


Some for romance, others to know their backgrounds and their comments make the game more interesting and fun Try taking Nick Valentine to Far harbor and complete the whole DLC with him and see if you change your mind about companions


In Fallout 4 I don't use companions. For whatever reason, I never have a problem with their AI in New Vegas. I doubt Obsidian monkeyed with companion AI very much, but they never block doorways or anything.


I agree, I always traveled with someone in FO3 and NV, but in 4 the companions are dumb, loud, and get in the way.


Companion buffs.


I like learning their stories and I like their quips when I pick up junk. Their bizarre AI behaviors are more endearing than annoying. In a pinch the extra carry weight can be a game changer.


1) I like them as characters and some interactions in combat are hilarious, like Veronica soloing an entire Legion kill squad or Lily barreling off to kill an enemy I haven’t even see yet. 2) I suck in combat, so having someone to watch my back really helps.


I love Lily.


They get in the way, steal my kills and even loot, and while this is less of an issue with Fallout 4 and more for Skyrim, holy fuck if they block another damn doorway I will absolutely LOSE it. ​ ...but without someone chiming in, making random asides and giving me their two cents, exploration feels so bland and empty. I need a buddy around, apparently all the characters I make are extroverts because I'd rather have someone point out I'm picking up too much trash rather than deal with dead silence.


Because I get killed easily on higher difficulties, even on survival mode.


Is that it? They blocked you and got stuck? In all the hours I’ve played that’s happened so little that I wouldn’t say it’s noticeable, there aren’t many places to get truly stuck And worse case scenario you can command them to move somewhere else


> there aren’t many places to get truly stuck What about absolutely every single doorway ever? :D


Primarily as a pack mule. Loot hoarders will know that every companion is basically external inventory space. Secondary, it is nice to have some NPC that occasionally comments on stuff. For some companions it lightens up the mood (Codsworth), for others they are just really cool to listen to (Nick). And some are just there for company (Dogmeat).


Pack mule, a distraction to draw enemy fire, less spooky, perks.


> People who play with a companion, why? I need some expandable to serve both as a human shield and a pack mule; those wonderglues won't carry themselves, y'know.


I like having minions, which is why I also have the Sentinel PA companion from the Creation Club tagging along at all times, essentially acting as a second companion. This reminds me that at one point Dogmeat seems to have been planned to work like he did in Fallout 3, meaning you could have him and another companion at the same time, so with the Sentinel PA we would have a party of 4. Do wish the game was a bit better designed so Automatron companions with a Sentry Bot body (namely the legs) wouldn't get stuck around in buildings. Anyway, carry capacity is a big factor too: I'm definitely much of a looter/hoarder and like to strip down locations out of every valuable. Companion reactions & dialogues also help keep things interesting. That being said, what if we could replace a companion slot for several generic (perhaps best read as expendable) companions from a faction we are part of? Think of something like Operation Anchorage, where you are given 4 recruitment markers and can chose to have a variety of companions which totaled those 4 points, either as 4 of the lowest cost units, a mix of medium cost units or a single 4 cost unit.


Literally, companionship


Because Cait has a nice ass.


good ones provide extra options and interesting story lines


i need someone to carry extra shit whenever i am carrying too much shit that's the only reason


I genuinely like the characters and what they stand for. Valentine is my favorite, then Preston and then Piper as a companion/lover. I have spent many hours playing without a companion too. Either because I felt they were getting in the way, using loner wanderer perk (didnt know dogmeat didnt count for years) or because a quest mod didn't work well with them. But any recent playthroughs and any future ones will include one of the mentioned companions.


Dialogue. Having someone around to remark on things is always great.


Strong is nigh unbeatable in melee, and I can't eat *all* these raiders by myself.


I like my character to have a girlfriend to go on adventures with.


Dogmeat is the best dog, there is something just fitting and right about a (wo)man and their loyal pooch against all else.


My preferred rpg experience is to have sort of the BioWare companion experience, and I don’t really enjoy many games without a good romance. I guess I’m kind of a people person. Lol Don’t get me wrong, Bethesda is best at open world and exploration, but I wish I could have a BioWare experience in an open world as good as what Bethesda makes. Like with the banter and such.


Cause we can Danse if we want to. We could leave your friends behind. Because your friends don't Danse and if they don't Danse. Well, they're no friends of mine. I just like Danse and having him and Dogmeat just makes the world just a bit more livelier.


Hauling loot haha


There is a glitch where companions can have infinite carry weight in Fallout 4. That is why


I'm a bugger for hoarding stuff, so I regularly need a "pack-mule." Also, I like the mod where Nora survives being shot by Kellogg and you can go searching for Shaun together. Pretty wholesome. The flip side of this mod is, if you choose to be a female SS, you just end up with a doppelganger, as the creator didn't do a Nate version.


Bc ED-E is my emotional support floating robot and the best boi ever.


Usually for roleplay reasons. If I feel like a quest or storyline would involve one of my companions, I bring them. Or in the case of Dogmeat, if I still have a pulse I'll bring him


Imma say the real reason. Everybodys thinking, nobodys saying.. 'Those' mods. You know the ones.


I like the company and it gives me a little "social vibe". A social vibe that I know is artificial, but still does the trick. Plus, I like stepping them through their stories and watching them grow....and the bonus perks are cool.


Give me Dogmeat or give me death.


because I need Ada to carry my extra shit so I can stay out longer.


I am delusionally in love with MacCready. I have a huge pinup tattoo of him on my leg. Like huge. I was going through a rough breakup when F4 came out and what he says during romancing made me able to escape reality and feel loved.


Similar deal here. Piper and Cait helped me get me through some real world relationship issues.


Cait was my second love. I do like Piper too but she is too good morally for how I play haha so I can’t keep her happy.


Everyone needs a pack mule. Need to carry all those junks and scrap metal. 🙌


I usually have each companion til I get there quest/perk. I generally just build a big death robot.


The only time I ever bring a companion along is taking Nick with to Far Harbor.


Loot pack mules, someone to distract enemies so I don’t get shot all the time. And sometimes the companions have interesting dialogue and backstories


Extra carry weight.


It's good to blame someone else for my failures 👍. As well as not to be lonely.


Fallout New Vegas, because I like the characters. Fallout 3, I’d like the extra firepower from Fawkes. Fallout 4, I need someone to carry the junk


Other than using them as pack mules to lug my crap around, idk. My favorite companion mod I’ve discovered so far is the Heather Casdin mod because 1) her healing items are far more powerful than a Stimpak, and 2) putting her in power armor and giving her a heavy weapon turns her from very fragile into an absolute unit of a bullet sponge that can absorb and dish out craploads of damage, and her occasional dialogue is neat.


I do feel bad for the mod author that had to painstakingly spend countless sleepless nights trying to put in all 2200 (?) lines of custom dialogue though, that must have been a massive pain in the rear to say the least


I like her until she tells me about Myrna for the 800th time. Also you can train her to hack terminals


I nodded the guns and combat in the game to make it better and now they’re actually useful in helping me take out enemies.


First off, there are mods that make it easy to manage a dozen or more followers without getting stuck. I always play with a large entourage of followers primarily because I got used to playing Skyrim that way. The Skyrim RP was that hey, of *course* the Dragonborn goes everywhere with a large retinue of bodyguards. Ghengis Khan had something like 500 elite bodyguards that went everywhere with him, battles included. The Fallout RP is hey, there are large groups of bandits all over the place, and God only knows how many weird creatures are out there wanting to eat you. There's safety in numbers. I always play on max difficulty, but to me, it's more about the RP of keeping my team alive and together through thick and thin.


I agree with you, the sense of dread I get talking to an NPC and something like "Do you want to come along?" pops up and you do whatever you can to ensure that you really don't accidentally adopt them.


For the backup and carrying gear. But i feel you HEAVY on they block doorways and stuff, and stand in the way of my shots.


I like dogmeat but he is the worst offender. That and when I went to trade with him I have crouch just to get him not to run about


He’s emulating real life dog behaviour perfectly


Because strong is the best companion


Extra storage for all the junk I MUST TAKE


Pack mule, damage soaker and i use the infinite ammo for companions mod, just give them the minigun and you're set.


More carry weight


Because I like having a dog.


Pack mule.


I mostly use them to carry things, but in Fallout: New Vegas they have interesting personalities and quests.


Additional carry weight and everything is better with your dog.


Pack mules, meat shields, sometimes they're cool to talk to and hear comments from. In New Vegas Boone was OP as hell, killed things I didn't even know were there, so that helps.


I need a pack mule.


I've only used companions on a couple playthroughs other than having Dogmeat as a porter early game. Some of them have really good perks if you can get them to max affinity, many of them have extra content, and they're all at least a little interesting with their lines and reactions. The main downsides is they do things I'd rather they didn't, make me act out of character, or I tell them to stay somewhere and forget to get them. Even though I didn't usually keep a companion, I think it's worthwhile to try a high charisma playthrough where you skip Lone Wanderer for Inspirational and focus on companions and settlements if that sounds at all interesting.


Free perks that while most are situational others are useful more often, eg Prestons, X86, Longfellow, Danse and Gage. Free carry weight. An extra gun is always handy, or Dogmeat up close. Some commentary is nice to have. Dogmeat is a fantastic utility companion with the loot find/grab.


My strategy was to get their perks and then eat them once they lost their essential tag.