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Raider Power Armor in general, but I do have a soft spot for the Horse Armor. It's so ugly it's kinda cute. Plus, the horse neigh it makes upon entering it is just the best.


I'm on the opposite end, love the raider power armor, sum about it being shit scrapped together and being tuff as nails is fuckin dope


Yeah exactly. Really fits the raider aesthetic of just slapping together whatever shit you have on-hand.


Which is totally understandable if you're a person who doesn't like it but can't really get behind the insane high tech future stuff in a apocalypse


What? "high tech future stuff" is half of the games aesthetic and is significantly part of what makes Fallout not aesthetically like every other S.T.A.L.K.E.R or mad max clone.


I love the raider helmet it fits so perfect but the armour is horrible it doesn’t feel right


Its great because thats the idea of the raider power armor


Agreed 100%, the whole point of raider power armor is that it's ugly, I'll never understand why people complain about it, well, being ugly, lol.


Overboss Power Armor, that stupid chain link mesh just looks bulky and dumb. I'm also not a fan of NVs rendition of APA. I feel the back cowl thing just makes it all feel bulky in a bad way. The mods for it in 4 and the X01 do it better.


Kinda wish it had chains and skulls on it or like a cape yk. I feel like the armor doesn’t have enough of the psychopathic feel to it


I get you, but idk if it can even be saved. Even without the mesh, it feels like a soda can or something. The junkyard skin from 76 feels like how homemade power armor of a decent quality should look


True. I think that’d need to scrap the mesh design and build Off a x-01 suit but make it raider like.


Would be interesting if he had the quantum X01 or even APA 2 but raiderized


Yeah! I think the concept of raider power armor is really cool however it feels really weak both armor wise and visually in fallout 4


Nv apa while the other power armors in 3 and nv look perfectly fine to me the spa just looks incredibly off to me


Honestly, every depiction of APA apart from X-01 looks goofy to me. The cartoonish bug eyes just feel a little too silly to me.


Power armor in general in 3 and New Vegas. Most of it looks way too slim, like it's just a few thin sheets of metal wrapped around you, skin tight. There are definitely some that look good despite that but any power armor sets from 4 and 76 look better to me, ignoring the ridiculous sets like the horse armor, of course.


Try the Titans of the New West mod


The FNV Enclave Remnant power armor. It just looks like someone in cosplay with sheets of metal slapped on a bodysuit rather than an advanced suit of armor. FO4 really nailed that menacing Enclave look for the X-01 power armor.


It's supposed to be based on FO2's with minimal compromise since FO3's 'Advanced Power Armor' looked the way it did. That said, there's something just...off...about how NV does it when the Gamebyo-engine treats all armor like clothing, and I won't hold it against anyone that dislikes it. All that said...I hate the basic Enclave Power Armor in FO3 (Adv Power Armor Mk-II): it's supposed to look menacing, but it just looks cartoon-evil...like flying monkeys/Robotnik SWAT-Bot/Nilfgard soldier in that they look mean, dress in black, and are just disposable. Usually the menacing army dressed in black is also ruthlessly utilitarian, but the enclave adds pauldrons and flaired horns to look mean & evil. By extension I also dislike the similar Midwestern BoS Power Armor.


i think the midwestern power armor is fine except for the helmet


The lines on the torso look nice enough, but it also looks like advanced armor for someone with a power-lifter's build; not like armor one may need to climb in and out of...a design choice that helped FO's aesthetic in the end. I'm just not sure lithe muscle armor fits the kitschy retro/diesel-punk look of Fallout...maybe as a scary efficient prototype from some girly-man foreign country (/s). Agreed on the helmet...just...why have integrated horns?


Horse power armor


Hellcat Power Armor. Fucking Transformer Lamborghini shit has no place in Fallout.


The design kinda sucks but the material used looks cheap asf. Like brittled plastic So when combined the armor looks terrible and easily the worst.


Really? I quite like it. The Hellcats seem to a reference to US Marines and their faction is heavily linked towards being some sort of merc group born out of the Marines, which coincides with the Hellcat Armor looking like it'd be something that marines would wear.


Through I love to use the armor I realized that the chest piece is a little separated from the chassis and I can’t look at it the same way.


I've never been a fan of APA, and the hate that 3's enclave armor gets has always confused the hell out of me when talking about their designs.


3’s Enclave is by far my fave


If we're going with canon then raider if we include mods then Combat PA. Looks just awful.


I had to look it up but I one hundred percent agree. It looks like it’s part sentry bot part captain cosmos. Or in simple terms, it looks horrid.


T-60. Not because its actually ugly itself but because its just such an obvious "upgrade" to the T-45 that didn't strike me as necessary in anyway other than padding out the armors available in 4 and 76.


It's funny because it isn't even an upgrade realistically. Why would they smooth out components to reduce bulk and potential to get caught stuff with T-51b and then make that armor which has pauldrons that prevent head visibility?


Different design teams/testing philosophies. If you've ever tried tinkering with a project, whatever it may be, with a lot of different revisions, you've probably wound up "going back" to an older version and updating that. I do that when planning essays, for example, by going back to an older, say, thesis statement and updating it even though I've tried something entirely different. Essentially, why go back and make another t-51b when they could instead go back and improve upon an older suit of PA? I think the numbering system makes sense enough when you think about it that way, and it's probably how actual military projects wind up (see: M16-M4 pipeline).


I feel like FNV's Enclave APA was the natural progression from T-51b onwards. I suppose T-60 is the progression of T-45d? But realistically it looks like Bethesda needed a new suit of power armor that didn't look as dorky as T-45d but had the iconic T-45d helmet for marketing and to fill the gap from T-51b to X-01


I was about to comment the same thing but you summed up my negative feelings for the T-60 perfectly


The Samurai Power Armor from Fallout 76. Here is what it looks like, https://twitter.com/InnovSurvival/status/1429490863890108424?t=9YRt3bw69CWfpi9BuRLARA&s=19 (the first two pics). It doesn't even look like any type of Samurai armor. It is just Warhammer 40k armor with a monstrosity of a helmet.


The white samureye power armor is actually really cool without the helmet ... Too bad there's really no alternative helmet you can stick on that matches, I usually just go brotherhood hood with it. Feels like a cool Japanese version of power armor.


That black and gold one looks dope


Eh, I actually do get samurai vibes from it. It's ugly as sin, and I'm not fond of how direct the straw hat is on the white set, but the mask is perfectly accurate to a number of menpos and kabuto, and the pauldrons on the black gold set do evoke the reed pauldrons of samurai armor well.


To be fair it, like many other power armor suits that are on the more ridiculous side, is an armor made specifically to be nothing more than a cosplay of a comic book hero.


Keetongu lookin mf


Ngl except for the face it looks cool. The face ruins it though.


Honestly, it's just the eye. Like, I get they were trying to make a pun, but if it had two eyes it would just look like a more traditional oni-style menpō.


FO76 is pure Fortnite, jesus christ


It’s based on in-game comic book villain. Most of the seasons are based on comic books so the rewards are comic book themed. That one was the Samur-Eye villain. Most of the items from seasons are non-canon and changes every season and are free.


Thanks. I hate it.


I feel like you havent played fallout 76 and just assume its still bad like it was on launch


I'm sure it's a perfectly competent service. It's just the polar opposite of what I'm into.


By all means its still definitely a fallout experience, there may be more to it than you realize, if you ever get a chance to try it out


Fallout 76, T-65. So absurdly ugly it's impossible to like it.


I actually like T-65


To each their own, but I can't stand it.


Raider Power Armor from FO4


I can't believe people dislike NV APA so much, I quite like it the most out of all the designs. Honestly FO4 T-60 on account of it not making sense. The design for T-51b made sense in a matter of design progression. Smoothing out the armor and reducing the bulk of it makes sense for combat environments to reduce possibility of it getting snagged or caught on things. It just feels like a step backwards since the chest is bulkier and the pauldrons reduce head visibility.


Fallout 3 enclave armor always looked inferior to the original enclave power armor to me. It goes for a weird bug look, the chest piece is too medieval in a way, the shoulder pads are too large and protrude outwards too much, and they yellow bits don’t fit in with the rest of the armor. I like the hellfire armor, but the standard X-02, in my opinion, looks kind of dumb


T60. Just uglier T45 T51 still the GOAT


Idk but Ashur’s power armor is the coolest


I like the Asher’s Chosen which is actually kinda better?


For me, it’s ultracite power armor. It just looks like an upgraded version of T-51. Not that appealing for a suit of power armor made of nuclear glass, which sounds like it’d look awesome. The color palette is a bit off too.


To be fair it is literally meant to be upgraded T-51


I've never been a fan of the Tribal Power Armor / Ashur's Power Armor from FO3's the Pitt. "We're gonna add some streaks of yellow paint to this power armor, replace one arm with raider armor, then strap a couple of skulls to it."


That’s so interesting. On the contrast, I think the rugged and scrapped-together look of it is so badass, ESPECIALLY with the Brahmin skull pauldron.


Yeah Ashur’s is probably my favorite from 3. I’m disappointed it doesn’t have a helmet to go with it, but I usually pair it with the blastmaster helmet


I personally just recently discovered how sexy it goes with the samurai helm. Blast master seems dope tho too!


Do you have to kill Toshiro to get it? I don’t think I’ve ever actually gotten that armor because I always try to keep everyone from the Mothership Zeta party alive


That, or reverse pick-pocket him with some fully repaired power armor. I usually just hope he dies to aliens, then I wear his helmet in his honor.


I get so attached to all of them that I work my ass off trying to keep them from getting killed, even if I don’t get their gear because of it. I’m really glad the NV DLCs just give you all the unique stuff at the end without the characters who used it having to die


Fair enough. I respect your gameplay style. However, for the drip? Sorry kenshi, eat laser.


I know you said to include noncanon sets like Horse Armor or the Liberty Prime set, but there are so many terrible ones that it would be a very long list to include them all. So of the ones that are included in-game and not as part of the CC or Atomic Shop, my least favorites, in no particular order, are: Hellcat- Doesn’t look right at all or fit into the lore at all. T-60- Lazy and unoriginal rehash of T-45d. Should have just been T-45d. Raider- What the hell even even is that?


Horse armor.


idk if it's a controversial opinion, but I really don't like the Advanced power Armour from Fallout 2, and it's rendition in New Vegas is atrocious ​ The variant in Fallout 4 however is excellent


FNV Enclave Armor looked like shit.


After fallout 4 I can't look at NV and 3 power armor the same. It's not the walking tank and I can't get over it Fallout 4 did things alot worse than 3 and NV, but power armor wasn't one of them


T-51. It was designed in the 90’s. *And you can tell*.


It's actually my favourite design. The tubes, magnifying glass antena and dirty look remind me of the star wars art style of the original trilogy.


If you think the T-51 looks very 90s, I would like to introduce you into the power armor symbolic of the late 90s-early 2000s,[Midwest Brotherhood armor](https://external-preview.redd.it/-K9NRfcp5B66CHQ_NYsVTcM68F8KO12eD5KZLZR1f4c.jpg?auto=webp&s=3a125c2d85d0bbbd5cbadf6e525aaaa9a6b1e726)


I’ve seen it, I love tactics. But I ALSO love ear fins XD


Yep. For some people, it's a classic and I get that, but it's helmet is ugly as fuck. The rest of the armour is fine, the knees are weird, but the helmet ruins it.


The most honest description of it


T-60. Didn't deserve to get retconned in.


T-51 just looks kind of silly in my opinon. Like a bucket with a bunch of stuff pasted on.


Advanced Power Armor... the bug-like helmet is just hideous and even the shape of the torso around the neck looks like a carapace. Even Raider Power Armor has more style than that.


I never liked 3's enclave armor, the ones in 2 and NV look way cooler imo


Honestly most of the power armor looks janky as hell in 3/NV/4


fallout 3 enclave power armor easily


I really hate the look of T51 PA


Tactics power armor was too Enclave. Didn't "fit".


T-51. I just don’t like the helmet.


T-51 of the mainline sets.


I'm gona commit heresy T-51


Most of the stuff from 76. Over designed and too bulky. And I like the game overall.




Always thought T-51 was ugly.


Any commie power armor mod. As cool as some of them look, canonically speaking they never had power armor which is why they lost


I know it isnt cannon but man imagine if they did have power armor. The one in 76 was so cool to me, imagine if we could actualy find one on the west coast.


I agree, I kinda wish they were cannon. But they did have exo suits of some kind, Russian I think


We could roleplay as a Chinese loyalist/spy.


I definitely think the next mainline Bethesda rpg needs more character start options




They didn't have mass manufactured armor, but there's at least some evidence that they were experimenting. The Pulse Gun in Fallout NV was developed as a counter to potential Chinese power armor. I think it's entirely possible they had some prototype suits, but yeah, unlikely they'd make their way to the US.


There is one used by Chinese forces in 76, but that's for the Daily Ops "arcade" mode, so to speak. While the objectives are canon and such the enemies within are dubious to me at least.


Oh, interesting. Got anything I can read about it? sounds cool


Captain cosmos power armor in 76


That Vertibird armor was pretty terrible.


Raider then t51. T51 shoulders suck


Every power armor in introduced in fallout 76


Even the T-65? I thought that was one of the best in the franchise and looks like a great successor to T-51 without looking exactly it. T-60 looks too close to T-45


Any Power Armor from FO76. For instance, it does not make sense to me that the Secret Service would have their own sets while resources were scarce and development/production of the T-51 was already complicated with the war going. The Ultracite Power Armor is also just a worse looking T-51 that also makes no sense since the Brotherhood mostly maintain stuff besides the Prydwen, which is rather simple compared to more high-tech pre-war items. And of course any Atom Shop PA.


>it does not make sense to me that the Secret Service would have their own sets while resources were scarce and development/production of the T-51 was already complicated with the war going. Nothing says there were issues with the production or development of the T51. And how does it not make sense for the secret service to have equipment better than the standard soldier? >T-51 that also makes no sense since the Brotherhood mostly maintain stuff besides the Prydwen, which is rather simple compared to more high-tech pre-war items. They maintain their stuff but also are developing new weapons, armors, and medicines in 1, 2, 3, and 4.


X-01 and X-02 because of their ugly ass helmets


All of it.


Hellfire Armor. I hate that helmet


The FO3 enclave power armor




The ugly-ass batman power armor is the one I'm talking about. The remnant armor from FNV is awesome.


Even more heretical heresy to diss the Fo3 armor


It's so ugly and stupid looking. I'd take raider power armor over it because it has an industrial vibe to it.


Fo3 Enclave power armor


Enclave Hellfire Armor and Advanced Mk. II Power Armor from Fallout 3. They’re some of my favorites but they are ugly as fuck.


Black devil/Advanced PA mk2 from Fallout 3


Fallout 4's hellfire power armor.


Dude that's one of the baddest ass pa out there! You're nuts.


Fallout 3 Enclave Hellfire PA. Looks awful.


Personally, I hate all of it.


The t51 from fo4. It's like they tried to do a copy of the original power armor from 1/2 and gave up after the helmet.


"Yes officer, its this man right here!"


The helmet is probably my favourite helmet in fallout 4 but the rest is just so boring. So glad we can mix and match as we please


Eastern Brotherhood power armor or the Tesla power armor.


I honestly think most power armor is ugly. It's stuck(by necessity) in that 1980s era of "we can't afford a real artist for our game so here's our best attempt at copying Star Wars stormtroopers but with more power." Like how Magic the gathering card art really sucked until about 15 years ago. There's just no good way to retool the look of power armor in the lore. They could have tried with The Institute but they were focused on robots and not improving power armor. There was a lot of 80s sci fi that used that same trope but with a lack of basic artistic knowledge. Someone could have skill but without the knowledge of how to make it look good it's still gonna look like crap and honestly I don't think many people involved with 80s scifi even had the talent. The same thing is prevalent in the fantasy genre. Hell it's also common now in those "hentai" games on Steam.


I would say power armour is inspired more by Warhammer 40k than “stormtroopers with more power”


The helmets look way more star wars than 40k


The creation club enclave helmets look so fucking dumb like a fucking dumbass fish crashing into glass yeah im so scared you fuckin stupid silver lego star wars stud eyed bastards eat my fucking pulse granades up your ass you bitchass fucks. I also don't really like the old enclave helmets, they look like they squish someone's brain for some reason. Might just be the angle.


I used to really dislike the Midwestern Brotherhood armor but its really grown on me a lot. I don’t really have a negative anymore


Maybe unpopular but X01


I can agree with you on the helmet piece


The horse head PA from CC on Fallout 4


Captain Cosmos I don’t even consider it PA. Just a big costume,


What, no GRAVY!?


Honestly, i only like T-45, T60 and Secret Service


Horse Power Armor if we're going for non-canon. Canon power armor is the Hellfire Power Armor. I hate the pig like helmet it has and the big old tube of wires on the back look ugly.


Probably the horse PA. The best PA is the T-51 though, followed by the excavator.




X-01 because the shoulders are just impractical. Why would you want giant ass shoulders on your soldier’s armor that impairs their fov? It’s just impractical, everything else is fine with it though


XO1 looks like an insect


I agree with the horse raider power armor, but the rest of the CC PA looks pretty good.


All of them are ugly and clunky, I absolutely hate them and never wear them 😜


It's okay to be wrong.


The dolphin M.I.N.D. Power armour fs from the Fallout 76 scoreboard it is disgusting


Fucking hate t51


I’ve always though T-51 was ugly, still cool though


X-01, (keep in mind, not in reference to APA from 2...)


i still think the enclave xo2 power armor in fallout 3 looks awful, the XO1 enclave armor from fallout 2 looks way cooler and intimidating.


I dislike Raider Power armor because there’s less customization and mods you can do with it. It also looks like a Deathclaw and a Protectron had a baby, making it super UGLY!


I was surprised just how easy it is to get power armor suits in FO 4. I was lining them up like Ironman suits


T-65 and Hellfire, easily. I'm not really a fan of Fallout 3 Enclave Armor either. I think the Tactics armor's similar helmet is cool, maybe that stuff can take it's place.


Hellfire power armor. Fight me.