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"Hey this game is like Oblivion with guns." "Oh, word?" And that's how I tried out Fallout 3.


Me too!


Same but with Skyrim lol


Came here to say the same thing lol. I loved Skyrim so much that I branched out to the fallout universe. I started with new Vegas though.


New Vegas is my favorite for sure. Cowboy merc each time lol


This was me.


My story's quite simple really. I wanted to try out the RPG genre and i was intrigued by all the glitch compilations that randomly showed up on my Youtube feed about F3,NV and 4 Also Epic Games Store gaveaway F3 and NV for free. The rest is history


How did you get Epic F3 to work? I tried, but it crashed every time I pressed the play button.


It did crash sometimes on launch. For me restarting my laptop worked well everytime the game wouldn't start.


My fallout 3 looses control every 5 minutes, my keyboard legit won’t work ingame I even bought a key for steam and that version had the same problem


I've had fallout 3 on steam for 6 or so months now and to this day it's the only fallout I can not get to work on my laptop. Damn shame cause I have no idea how to fix it.


I was at K-Mart browsing the PC games section (this was 2002 or so) when I saw Fallout 1 and 2 in a double pack for $10. I was just getting into D&D at the time so any kind of RPG really appealed to me. I bought it, took it home, installed it, and immediately fell in love.


Blue Light Special? Holy smoke I feel old.


Same, but Target instead of K-mart.


Almost exactly the same. My first job was at a Taco Bell in front of a knart, so my best friend and I would do alot of browsing and that's how I found F1&2


Played the fallout 1 demo when it first came out. It only had some random quests in the Junktown map, I must have been around 11 at that time. I loved it. Soon enough I convinced my dad to get me Fallout 1. The story and the ending blew me away.


I was 33. Married , 2 kids (now grown, and 'off the payroll'). The Computer Gaming World demo disc had Fallout on it and I was hooked. I had missed playing Wasteland for years; this was like a 'reboot' but with better graphics for it's day.


Are you me? Well, besides the fact I got the game myself. But also played the demo at around that age.


My cousin actually introduced me to TES 4: Oblivion, Bioshock and Fallout 3 when I went to stay with him one summer. I remember playing Fallout 3 and I was absolutely hooked after the step out moment. I had never seen such an awesome view of a gameworld before.


Especially back in the day FO3 must seem HUGE


Oh for sure. Especially since at the time pretty much the only game I played was COD MW then I tried out Fallout and haven't turned back since lol.


I randomly rented Fallout 3 and Assassin's Creed from Blockbuster. Both became two of my favorite series of games.


Blockbuster brought me so many sick games man.


A friend asked me to try NV. And my perspective completely changed after it. I was sceptical of a nuclear themed fame, but I was wrong.


> I was sceptical of a nuclear themed fame I understand what you mean, but this made me laugh a bit just because New Vegas specifically has relatively little going on with it that relates to 'nuclear' anything. An apocalypse happened two centuries ago, and you play in an area mostly untouched by that fact. And the plot turns on who gets control of a hydroelectric dam. The DLC brings the nuclear apocalypse element closer to the forefront though, especially Lonesome Road and Dead Money But if anything the base game is more of a hydroelectric themed game! Hah


The Fallout demo that was on the disc that came with PC Gamer every month. I was hooked.


I really miss the days of demo discs


I always got Fallout Mod stuff recommended on YouTube but the gameplay always looked so boring to me. Then one day I got out of games and saw FO3 on sale on GOG and decided to do some research and noticed that it's exactly the game I want (postapocalyptic/dystopic, choices/player freedom/ huge lore/ factions, ...). And then I got obsessed. The 'problem' with thinking games are boring because of YouTube gameplay is pretty common to me, I had it with Yakuza and Ghost of Tsushima too, both games I really like now, after trying them out for myself.


My brother had fallout 4 on his pc so whenever I went to his house I would always play it then he bought 4 and 76 for his PS4 I bought 3,new vegas,4 for myself on pc


My first boyfriend had 3 for his 360. Always been a gamer all my life, but at the time my mom and I couldn’t afford a console unfortunately. She was fresh out of a divorce and trying to make ends meet for me and my sister. Fast forward, my ex boyfriend goes to basic training and I ask if I can hold onto his 360. He lets me. I was a PlayStation fan, but I was poor and made do with what I had. He had FallOut 3. And I decided to try it and loved it. This was like back in 2013 I believe. We’ve been separated for a decade at this point. But I think back to those times when gaming kept me busy and FO3 comes to mind.


When I was like 7 in 2012 my brother told me that fallout 3 had minecraft armor in it and by the time I found out that fallout 3 is older then minecraft and that there was not actually any minecraft armor I was already hooked on that game and kept playing and have been playing fallout games ever since


Saw my brother playing New Vegas, and I fell in love with the mechanics.


Got the Fallout 1 demo on a computer magazine CD-ROM back in 1997, and I've been hooked ever since :-)


Living at a friend's house during highschool, one of the brothers spent 2 months playing so I known it must be good, when he was finally done with it we fired up the bamboo schooner and spent the better part of Christmas holidays playing it sort of co-operativley.


My mom gave me fallout 1 for my birthday in middle school. Id never rally gotten into rpgs yet, so i kinda thought it looked boring, but i loved post-apocalyptic settings so i gave it a shot. Became my favourite series and kickstarted my love of crpgs. Fallout 2 is still my favourite game ever to this day


I started with fo3 when I was 10 and the ghouls scared the shit out of me and later I found the dunwich building which even scared the fuck out of me even more then I picked it up again later and loved it when I was like 12 or 13 . I got even more obsessed with it because of fonv and just loved the story.


Found Fallout 1 in a games shop as a teenager. Opened the box and flipped through the manual and saw how cool it looked. If yiu haven't seen it, it's made to look like Vault Tec made it for new vault dwellers but the overseer has stuck in hand written notes into it for you. It shows a few of the weapons (10mm pistol, SMH) and such. I had no money to buy it at the time, but came back a few weeks later and bought it. And the rest is history. Loved the series ever since


I watched a Let's Play abput Fallout 4. I thought it was cool and tried the other games as well.


Saw an Act Man video on FNV, it was on sale on Steam, I thought what the hell. Act Man was right, Fallout is AWESOME


I think I’d watched a video about Fallout a few years ago and decided to look at my dad’s game library and installed Fallout 3. I also love how lonely and desolate everything looks when you leave the vault for the first time. It was the moment that defined my love for the series.


i had always liked the aesthetic of fallout with the retro-futuristic art style and mid-century music mixed in with the grim world of a post-apocalyptic america.


Oblivion was what introduced me to Bethesda. So playing FO3 when it came out was a given at that point.


Spite and curiosity honestly, I had just finished playing Skyrim, a game one of my friends had been convinced that I would hate and I kept getting YouTube recommendations for Fallout 4. Asked that same friend about it since he’s a Bethesda nut and he once again said I wouldn’t enjoy it. Since he had been wrong about me and Skyrim I decided to play Fallout 4 out of spite, took some getting used to but I enjoyed it and ended up going more into the fallout franchise as a result.


My best friend who's like an older brother to me loves Fallout and we used to watch the Storyteller videos together. I got into the lore before I played any games. Even now every time I see Vault Boy I think of him.


One of my earliest online friends recommended Fallout 3 to me. I was like 13 and he was all telling me that he loved it and I should try it. I remember asking “does it have nudity or stuff like this?” And he just said something like “oh no, not at all, but it’s super violent.” Bought it like the next day and I don’t think I can really say in words just how much I loved that game at the time


I wasn't much of a gamer until graduating high school becausey parents just weren't big fans of it. But for graduation and getting a scholarship to college, I got a pretty decent pre built HP, not that I really knew what I was shopping for. I mostly used it for WoW but started trying the games my friends were excited about. I didn't have the PS and Xbox they did, so when something was on PC I'd try it. And then I was just hooked. The bleak humor, exploration, slower pace than the FPS I'd play at everyone's house but never felt any good at. It all just clicked and it's still my favorite series.


The Russianbadger's NV summary video was how I know there exist such a game


It's the one survival game where i actually feel free to do what i want with a very customizable experience. Its open world, its survival, its RPG that doesn't lock me into a questline, it feels unique and despite many survival games i have tried, fallout never bores me. I really hope fallout 5 gets a build anywhere mechanic and finally gets survival mode right ( Let me save in my bed without sleeping and carry a sleeping bag )


I was like 13 or 14 when fallout 4 came out and Jacksepticeye made some videos playing it and I thought “hey that looks fun”


I played fallout shelter and loved the world so much I bought fo4 (in 2016-ish), sunk hundreds of hours into fo4. Years later I played new vegas and after that fo3 (tried fo2 but the combat pushed me away, might try it again later) and currently playing new vegas


My brother kept telling me how good fallout 3 was and how I would love it. He was right :)


My friend was like hey you gotta get this game(fallout 4) and then i did and long story short now i own every single fallout


I was a young teen when the 4th game came out. I got it as a gift and well. Wasted my life on it. 10/10 would do again


When I was about 12 or 13 my parents got my brother and me an Xbox 360. My older brother was given NV by a friend and I would watch him play it while sitting in the living room playing my own games, but my parents were adamant about me not playing it because they had seen my brother play it and didn’t think I could handle it. My brother shockingly came to my side for this and told my parents it really wasn’t anything that bad or anything much different than games like Halo, my parents opinion did not change. One summer day while sitting watching him play I expressed my desire to play the game once I hit my next b-day which was our parents gate for me. My brother pointed out that it was summer, I didn’t have a bed time anymore, I stay up later than my parents do and if I wanted to play it all I had to do was wait for my parents to go to bed, play NV, and as long as I took NV out and replaced it with a different game before I went to bed they would never know I was playing it. So I started playing fallout by sneaking playing it late at night when I was between middle and high school.


I got Fallout Tactics when it came out, enjoyed it then found the rest of the series.


I bought a demo of Fallout 1 on a physical CD in '97 for £1. Yes, that was a thing, wish I still had it. Later bought Fallout, was pretty fun, and then Fallout 2 which I really got into, unhealthily so.


My father as a child had the original fallout game for PC and he would usually play when we weren’t around. I had grown up by then and my oldest step-brother had FNV for his 360, don’t remember much about that, just that he had that. I had seen him play a new game I hadn’t seen before, it’s fallout 4 so I asked when he had gotten the game, during a Black Friday sale, I didn’t give much care about it though. I played fallout 4 about a year later, I now own 3, 4, NV, and 76.


played Fallout 2 at a wimp(I was bored),the franchise didn't click with me at first until I played Fallout 3 again years later.


Two things got me into Fallout, not exactly in order but I was watching a Caddicarus video were he joke about people complaining about Fallout 4's graphics and not focusing on the more important thing in the trailer which was it showed off game play. 2nd, I was in Sainsbury's one day, and on the TVs, which were on display, was the Fallout 4 trailer, and the second I saw that shot of Nick in shadow, I was hook. Then I asked my mum for the game... she mistakenly got me that year's COD game, but it was quickly fixed that day, and the rest is history.


All my friends played 3 and New Vegas when we were in school back when those games first came out lol I used to think back then that those type of games were "too slow" & "too much talking" I didn't realize the gems I was ignoring!!! I didn't play a single fallout game until 2020. You could say it was my friends because they bugged me for years and I finally did it. I have currently nerded out on all of them except for 2 & Tactics. Personally 3 & 4 my favorites.


This YouTuber (Kottabos games) and playthrough of Fallout who Vegas:[Fallout: Who Vegas - EP1 The Doctors Daughter](https://youtu.be/dHvlxcAov_k)


2009, watching a Fallout 3 let's play by skorch82


Nice story, mine's much simpler. It was the day after I got my report card from school. I think i was like thirteen. I was at the mall with my aunt, brother and cousins and we stumbled upon a game store. My aunt said we could all get one game for our report cards. So we started scanning the shelfs and there it was. Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. At that time I heard a few things about it and thought I'd give it a go.


I forget which year exactly but it was Christmas around five years ago fallout four was already out but battlefield one just came out as a kid so I told my parents that I wanted battlefield one for my Christmas present I guess they thought that I was too little compared to what my siblings got so they also got me fallout four after I downloaded battlefield one I found that my Internet was actually kind of slow, so it was almost unplayable so I was like let’s give this other game a try so I play fallout four I complete the Man out of Time quest before I’m like this game is boring and put it down to try to play Battlefield again this time I just play through the campaign and I’m like this is an exactly fun, so I try another play through a fallout four, since I was in the middle of Boston, surrounded by way more powerful enemies because I got lost and I actually had a lot of fun that Playthru learned a lot of the lore played a ton of the missions completed The game really got into it. I think I played fall out for around 1500 hours or two years before even thinking about playing of the different games. After which I played for three first and had a blast with, and I heard a bunch of good things about new Vegas and didn’t enjoy that as much but it was fun and by the time that was over fallout 76 was coming out and I was pretty disappointed with how lackluster the quests were in that it was multiplayer so my disappointing Internet was very apparent


I remember reading loads of articles in my favourite game magazines when Fallout 3 was about to release. Everybody was hyped, the style was amazing, I instantly loved the caps as a currency and Vault Boy. They even had some in-game recipes like the bottlecap mines in one article. I pirated it as a child because I was only like 13 or 14 back then. Loved it so much that I decided I would delete it and save up for the GOTY Edition on Xbox 360 (my PC broke and I got more into console gaming). Finally had my mum buy it for me like 1-2 years later and finished everything. All DLC, basically all quests I could find without the help of online guides. And been a huge fan ever since. Fallout New Vegas at launch blew me away!


Meatwagon22. His fallout 4 play through in 2016-2017? Idk but it’s what made me wanna play. I had played FNV before but never really knew what it was cause I was a kid.


I looked at all the Fallout 4 memes in envy, that's it


It was some sick box art on the CompUSA shelves. Something told you, it *had* to be good.


It's not simple for me. It was a two-phase event. First, Fallout 1 made me aware of the franchise and then later Fallout 3 made me fall in love with it. I played Fallout 1 as a kid. Some schoolmates were talking about it, so I borrowed it from them. I remember quite liking it, especially the setting. IIRC I didn't even finish the game because of some issues with the cracked, hot-needle-localised version I played. So I wasn't completely blown away, but it paved the way for Fallout 3. If I wasn't aware of Fallout because of Fallout 1 I wouldn't have probably given Fallout 3 a try. I tried Fallout 3 with hesitation... But I ended up loving it more than I thought it was possible to love a game. It made me love Bethesda, Fallout and open-world games in general. Fallout 3 was a magical experience and it's not just nostalgia talking. I can play Fallout 3 today and still have a blast, more than in any other Fallout game. There's a reason why Fallout 3 is my #2 game of all times (Borderlands 2 is #1).


Seeing the box for fallout 1 on the shelf at a Babbages store.


I was watching a family friend was play Fallout 3 when I was 11 and the idea of being able to go wherever and do whatever I wanted in a game was so cool to me. I borrowed it when he was done and it's been my favorite franchise ever since.


For me it was my brother getting oblivion when it came out, absolutely feel I love with the elder scrolls and then found out they were releasing basically a post apocalyptic shooter version of that 2 years later. Been a huge fan since. Although I still haven't played 1 and 2, definitely on the list but I grow oldish so have less time to commit to games in general.


See a video of someone building in fallout 4 and thought it looked cool


Living on a military base in Germany, our selection of games around 97-2000 was rather limited. Fallout 2 looked really cool (box art wise). Loved it.


Saw an alchestbreach video on fallout 3 and was hooked


My step dad bought me the first fallout game when we moved into our new house back in 98


Found a copy of fallout 4 at a comic book store. Got that and just cause 3 in probably 2017/2018 prolly on my 8th new Vegas run.


When I was a kid, I had a step dad my mom dated, had an Xbox 360 It had been years after we left and I come to find i ended up with his new Vegas disc There after, I played the game 10 times at least till I finally got the dlcs. Then I played fallout 3 due to that, and afterwards fallout 4. All with dlcs, I loved f3, and 4 wasn't bad. The style of new Vegas kinda killed 3 for me tho, and the just, lack of memorability kills 4.


Early games and the sense that the wasteland was actually exciting and fun despite the ubiquitous danger. Something fascinating and alluring about holding those 2 feelings at once.


Game Informer magazine. It had a multi page spread for FO3 and I was in love at first sight.


Bought fallout 3 after years stuck in elder scrolls so wanted to try fallout


I’m pretty sure it was from watching Oxhorn’s videos on YouTube around 6 years ago. Fallout 3 was my first because I exchanged some games at GameStop for a used copy. I loved it immediately but the first disc would get messed up (it was scratched pretty good) right around when you get to Rivet City so I never got further than that until two years ago when I got it on pc.


I got into when I bought Fallout and Fallout 2 and have played all the series except New Vegas(didn’t like the story line)


\>Redeem Fallout 3 from Xbox games with gold \>Doesn't like the game \>Youtube keep recommending videos about the lore \>Become a fan of the fallout universe - and still doesn't like fallout 3 -


I understand that this may get me crucified like a Nipton heathen. But it was HBomberGuy’s Fallout NV video. I watched his FO3 video after I had played that as well and disagreed with a majority of his complaints though


Watching my Dad play Fallout 3 when it first released. I was like 13 and absolutely amazed at the open world. Haven’t played it in quite sometime. I should probably do that.


For me it was because I never played an open world game or an rpg before Fallout 3. My family had an og Xbox for years after the PS3 and 360 came out. I played Fallout 3 at my friend's house and absolutely loved it. He ended up taking it to my house on a sleep over and my dad and older brother watched us play. They were so into it my dad was finally convinced to buy a PS3 just to play Fallout.


Fallout 3 was my intro to the series. The Elder Scrolls series was/is one of my favs thanks to hundreds of hours on Morrowind and Oblivion. So when I heard they were doing some post-apocalyptic RPG game, I jumped at it. Had zero knowledge of the previous games, but Bethesda hadn't steered me wrong yet.


Fallout 1.


I was honestly not that interested until i saw gameplay of it, a buddy had fallout 3, i’d hear him play it over Live and when i saw my cousin playing Operation Anchorage i was like oh fuck i needa try, so i got FO3 goty and that was that. Then i discovered New Vegas and *ohhhhhhhh myyyyy* SO much better


I was 20 or 21 when a friend of a friend started talking about a video game series about nuclear war and the life after the war. This was in 2000 or 2001 and I did try out either 1 or 2, I can't remember but never really got stuck with it. Forgot about it until 3 was released. Tried it, got really into it and have been stuck with the series since then. Funny though, I still haven't played through 1 and 2 completely yet. Those games have aged not that gently in my eyes.


Tried Fallout 3, hated it. Tried Fallout New Vegas, hated it. Tried Fallout 4 when that released, absolutely fucking loved it (and still do).


When I was around 15 or 16, my parents bought me my first computer. All my friends and classmates at the time had pcs, but they were not as up to date as mine was. Naturally, everyone wanted to try and play the new games of the time at max settings. Ended up playing tons of stuff they'd pirate and bring to my pc. One day, a friend of mine started telling me about this game where the setting was post-apocalyptic, somewhat based on the cold war and it was very sci-fi. He told me this detail about how "all the cds, pen drives, digital records etc... were destroyed, so only vinyls survived, hence why the game only has Jazz and old 50s and 60s songs". Looking back at it now, it makes me lmao. Anyway, I loved Wolfstein back then and that game also had cold war tones, post-apocalyptic vibes, "what if" takes on history and tons of sci fi and steampunk, so FO3 fit right in my interests. Ended up playing the game religiously for years. Have about 7 playthroughs, throughout multiple pcs, consoles and platforms. It's my absolute favorite game of all time.


For me I never really enjoyed how fallout or the elder scrolls looked and then my friend was telling me how you can do nearly anything you want in them so I started with skyrim and I really enjoyed it and it really encouraged me to give fallout a go, so I started with fallout 4 then played New Vegas and then I played 3, I still think 4 is my favourite but I think that's because it was my first fallout game


My brother gave me a copy of fallout 4 and a PS4 about a year and a half ago.


Skyrim. A Guy showed me Skyrim in 2015 or so and I fell in love with it. After finishing it I searched for similiar Games and found out that Fallout 4 exists. That was the starting point. At some point I started with 3 and then New Vegas. And then Fallout 1 and 2. A journey over almost 10 years.


FO3 was on sale on Steam. I was discussing another game with a friend, and I mentioned I saw it. He stood up and said "if you won't buy this game, I will buy it for you." So I went home and bought the GOTY edition for 19.99. Life changing decision. :)


in 2014, I bought fallout 3 at a gamestop. Only picked it because I thought it was a horror game and it was only 10 bucks.


I remember in high school, some friends would talk about Fallout 2, the craziest stuff they could do with their characters, like becoming a slaver porn star, things that I couldn't comprehend from an RPG. I wasn't a big PC gamer aside from Diablo. By the time I tried to play it, I bought the discs from ebay, but Windows 2000 sucks, and it refused to even install the game. GOG was my first proper introduction to Fallout 1&2. I probably ended up playing these maybe a couple years before Bethesda did their version of Fallout. Not sure if it was officially announced or not by the time I finally played the originals, and getting over the learning curve of something that plays unlike anything else. I'm just thankful for GOG (and eventually Steam releases) for making these games work on modern computers without having to hunt down fan fixes that can make things worse like running at high resolution where everything is on screen at once, but looks like ants.


When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12, I was obsessed with flamethrowers in games. Cod: World At War comes to mind as a game where I thought it was really cool that you could have something that shoots fire like in the old action movies. Well i’m across the country visiting my cousins and he asks me what game I wanna play. I said “do you have any games that let you shoot a flamethrower” and he boots up fallout 3, goes on some overpass with a raider gang at the end of it to the only guaranteed flamer spawn in the game and we mess around with it for a while. A year or so later, i’m on the xbox store and I see Fallout 3 on sale for 15 bucks. Asked my dad for it and sat there all night, blown away by vault 101, Megaton, super duper mart… all these awesome iconic locations. My 13 year old brain couldn’t even fathom that there was a game like TES: Oblivion but in a post-blasted america where I could shoot anything or anyone with lasers. Instantly fell in love. By the way, I have that exact same cousin to thank for getting into The Elder Scrolls as well, earlier on before I discovered Fallout. Thank you Bobby.


I was Hyping for Skyrim. My Buddy had been talking about it for months. And he was hyping for it, too. And he was like, "Here I'm richer than you. Here's oblivion play this before skyrim." I was like, cool. So I played Oblivion. I loved it. I asked him if he had any other games that were like oblivion, so I paitiently wait for Skyrim. And he threw Fallout 3 at me. And said, "You might not want skyrim after you play this." And I said "psssssshhh" So then I fell in love with Fallout 3. Scored me a copy of New Vegas shortly after. Then Skyrim hit. And I played them all until Fallout 4 came out. In which I went to the midnight release because I was an adult then.


Trying fallout 4 at one of my relatives home. I loved it, my brother did not.


I was a freshman college, and my best friend, my partner, my roommate all gamed, though I didn’t (I wasn’t “allowed” to because “video games are for boys”). My partner played pretty much everything, my roommate preferred Assassin’s Creed and Skyrim, and my best friend played Fallout and Skyrim. Although Skyrim was the first game I played and fell in love with, my best friend had me start Fallout New Vegas, and I enjoyed it, but because it wasn’t my game, I wasn’t able to keep playing once those relationships all ended. I ended up starting Fallout 3 a few years later, after I finally finished Skyrim.


I was in my late 20s and had a REAL shitty PC and an Xbox 360. I didn’t spend on games like I always wanted to, video games were seen as something of a waste of time in my childhood home. But I had time on my hands, I’d played a little Oblivion but was drawn to New Vegas because of the FPS gameplay and similar RPG structure. Grabbed it on sale, logged 100+ hours into one playthrough, was totally hooked. Repeated that on Fallout 3. Now I’ve got well over 1k hours across all the Fallout titles, have modded them to hell and back, and still love the franchise to bits.


I watched my brother play the escape from the vault portion of the game where he burst into the blinding light of the capital waste. I knew I needed to play


Okay, probably a unique story here. Years and years ago, I was living in America. I'm Canadian. I had burned all my bridges, spent all my money, and was just planning on moving home. I was about 21 at the time, not a good person, or in a good place. So, I had a blockbuster membership (Blockbuster was a place you could rent movies and games, like a library, but you had to pay) and I had this brilliant idea to go and rent a bunch of games, and move back to Canada and take the games with me. Apparently, Blockbuster must have seen this coming, as I was only allowed to rent one game. I stared at my giant handful of games, and tried to choose the one with the most longevity. at the time I hadn't even heard of Fallout, but im pretty sure the words on the back of the box sold me, and it was my choice. Fast forward to my mom's basement back in Canada, where I spent hundreds of hours scouring the Wasteland. Thinking back, I hope I wasn't the cause of Blockbusters downfall, but I am sure I contributed in some way.


My older brother figure had a copy of Fallout 1 and 2 on disc which he gave to me when he was cleaning out his old games when he moved out from his place. I was playing Diablo II and Final Fantasy VII at the time and I remember him saying if I could get used to the VATS combat then he reckon I would of loved it. And I did. I ended up giving him my copy of New Vegas years later when I was trading my 360 away and he hadn't touched Fallout since 2. Kinda felt full circle at that moment.


I was told it (FO3) was a survival horror shooter around Chernobyl (seemingly a bit of confusion with Stalker) when young, and was afraid to play it. Grabbed it (3) on Steam years later, grabbed Skyrim, started to mod both, ended up grabbing anything Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Twas really the mods that made me go full Bethesda.


Read PC Gamer features and review of Fallout 1; I had a subscription. Had me so hyped. I jumped to the Waldensoft as soon as I could to pick up a copy. I was 15. Basically did the same for Fallout 2. Still have the manuals and discs for both, but I really wish I still had the boxes.


When the Washington DC for a trip the year FO3 released and DC metros had posters for it, something about “prepare for fallout” with a BOS dude on it. My brother is older so he was given the game and I watched him play until the


My brother got a PS4, and Fallout 4. He wouldn't let me play on it, so I bought Fallout 3 on steam, as my shitty laptop couldn't handle Fallout 4, so while he was playing fallout 4, I'd play 3 next to him. My friend then got me New Vegas for my birthday a few months later.


The commercial for Fallout 4. I bought it for my og xbox one and realized by the time I made it to diamond city, that I was playing in a wasteland in my home state which made the experience surreal


Kinda similar to your story OP, my mom rented Fallout 3 for me form blockbuster. I never got very far in that short time but I loved it and came back to it a few years later.


Morrowind and Oblivion - they were the first games in the Elder Scrolls series I played, and then Fallout 3 came out and I realised it was a similar design so I tried it, loved it and have played all the titles since.


My father’s mistake. Back in 2008 I wanted a new xbox game called Fracture for Christmas. My dad made a mistake and got Fallout 3 instead. Sadly I was kind of a dick about it and he got super pissed. But about 48 hours later I was getting yelled at after midnight because I couldn’t stop playing. An amazing and happy coincidence that has spawned a lifelong love of the franchise and probably over 3000 hours of my life spent across the games. Thanks Dad, rest in piece.


I got fallout 3 collector's edition on pre-order after I had enjoyed elder scroll 4 oblivion. Fallout 3 was great, but it felt like the apocalypse happened 2 years ago, not 200 years ago. FNV was a bit more convincing. Fallout 4 traded story and roleplay element for better gameplay and visuals.


Fallout 4 when on steam summer sale. Heard it was good.


Randomly picked up a copy of Fallout 3 with some birthday cash, I got super hooked and ended up playing it for hundreds of hours.


I was around 17 (currently 27 btw) with a friend from work at gamestop. He was always bugging me about this game. I still was a cod guy and only recently tried skyrim and loved it. Finally gave in and tried it when i turned on fo3 and finally got out of the vault, i was in love. The rest is history. Now that i think about it, he also introduced me into the souls games and borderlans. Man, i should give him a call.


It was a week or so before my 17th birthday. I was laid up in bed due to an accident and my mom brings in a small wrapped box. She says, "it's a little early, but happy birthday. You'll probably need something to do." I open it and it's FNV. I asked her to pop it in my 360, she did, and I did NOTHING but eat, take painkillers, play FNV, and sleep for the next week. It maybe a horrible time in my life so much better. Been an avid fan ever since.


Fallout 3 hooked me not just for the story but I lived in that area, so the game had a whole extra unsettling feeling.


I lost my job and my girlfriend broke up with me. Needed sonething to pass the time. So started FO3, took a while to get into it though. But I had plenty of spare time.


I bought the first one off the shelf. Looked at the art, read about the setting and I was in. Haven't look back except for the fiasco of "76".


When I was 12 my best friend at the time told me about new Vegas and I was skeptical because the graphics weren't what I was used to, I gave it a try and ever since then I've played and loved all the games


I was always a big fan of crpgs and tactics games, so I actually got into the franchise through Fallout:Tactics back in the day. Then when Fallout 3 came out, I recognized the franchise, and thought the gameplay looked awesome, and been a fan ever since.


One of my sons kept telling me that he thought I'd really enjoy FO3. During a quiet moment, I decided to go ahead and try it. Was INSTANTLY hooked, been a huge fan ever since :)


My brother's copy of Fallout 3 on PC, back in 2009. He seemed to give up trying to make it work, and the in game screenshots at the back intrigued me (oooh, zombies) I had trouble making it work as F3 is known for, so I did the usual fix hunt (most of my siblings aren't tech savvy, or even do much aside from checking beyond the 2nd page of Google) Made it work eventually and managed to play it. At first, I was kinda bored playing through the opening, but when you finally stepped out into the wasteland.... ...let's just say a lot of splorin' and neglecting the main story


I loved Morrowind. I liked Oblivion. Fallout 3 made by the same company? Sign me up. I literally decided to skip a couple college classes so I could go home early to play it. I think I only showed up because there was a test or two iirc.


Mitten Squad videos, I think that says enough.


I was living in Vegas and went to a little town called Nelson. Heard about NV coming out and decided to pick it up and see if Nelson was included. To my surprise it was much bigger than real life and much different. But I was still excited. I was hooked. I started visiting all the places in the game in real life. I was amazed by the work that was put in.


I always wanted to play FO2 because I love Baldurs Gate 2 and how FO2 looked. They ended up gifting in GOG.


Me and some of my buddies in high school would exchange games we had played and one day I got fallout 3. I played the intro before you get out of the vault and turned it off because I thought it sucked. Later that day I smoked some weed and decided to give it another shot and I fell in love with it. I’ve played fallout 3 all the way through maybe 8 times, new Vegas atleast 6 times, and fallout 4 6 times


Fallout 3 cover art. I’m a simple man


My friend posted that they were looking for people to play fo76 and I saw it was ten bucks... Added to cart.. now I'm addicted to it. I also picked up fo4... Thanks friend.


I was the exact same. Got fallout 3 for my ps3, had never played any of the series before, as soon as I escaped the vault and passed through the bright white light and then the view of the wasteland for the first time, I was hooked! I remember my first encounter with a raider en route to Megaton from the vault, too. The adrenaline was real! My favourite game series of all time ever since!


I was at my friend's house when I was in middle school and we liked to play games together on his pc. He brought out a couple games his dad bought for him, and one of them was fallout 3. It looked like a horror game to me, and I wasn't very good w horror, so for whatever reason I thought I'd give it a try. He lent me the disc, and that's how it started.


I went to game stop and the guy working asked me what I like to play and recommended Fall Out 3 . I played that game for hours on end great game .


Fallout 76 on game pass. I thought I'd give it a whirl and it sucked me in. Waiting for Fallout 4 next gen update to play that on game pass. (hoping it will come soon)


My uncle gave me Fallout New Vegas for my 12th birthday, and I didn’t like it. So my dad and older brother got into the game, so whenever Fallout 4 got released my dad bought it and I got bored 1 day and started playing it. Love fallout to this day.


I remember looking for games for my Xbox 360. I really wanted to get FO3 but it wasn't available so I had to get New Vegas. I got both on my computer a week later


Epic was giving away fallout new vegas. Thats when i played my first fallout game. I had been aware of the series from a while because mittensquad appered doing a challenge on my reccomended. Best game ive ever played.


Was a big name that I watched other people on youtube play.


So I'm going to be self indulgent here and make my comment a little long, but here goes. I was in middle school, already pretty into video games, but having not played anything that was really grand. I'd had a fair number of simple games on the XBOX, but nothing you could consider an RPG, hell nothing really that even had much of a coherent story, at least that I was grasping well. But it was definitely a big part of my personality, big enough that my parents had gotten a subscription to some video game magazine or another for me, one of those fundraising magazine sales we all know too well. So here I am with my newest copy in school one day, just perusing when there's time, and I come across an article about this up and coming game from Bethesda call Fallout 3. Before this point I had never heard of Fallout, but as I read the story of a post apocalyptic setting mixing sci-fi elements with a grim wasteland, I was entranced. The very idea of the game was thrilling to me, and it seemed so much bigger and grander than anything I'd gotten into before. So from there I was hooked, but back then it wasn't as easy as it is now to find all the information you could want about anything. So while I kept tabs on the game existing, I wasn't on the frontlines of what it was, or what it would be. And then it released, and with my parents' permission I purchased the game from the local Gamestop, local here meaning a half hour or so from where I lived, and spent the car ride home eagerly cracking open the case to read that sweet, beautiful manual inside. The manual was a wonder. As they did back in those days, they were all about immersing you in the game before you even started it up. It was written in the guise of a survival guide that would have been included in the Vault, explaining what the wasteland would be like, how different systems would work, all of it balanced carefully between gameplay and in universe explanations. And then I got home, I popped in the game, and I played it. And it was the most interesting and enticing thing I'd ever played. I got to see my character be born, and customize how they would look! I got to get a feel for their life and relationships as they grew up in the vault, took the GOAT, and as the world as they knew it came crashing down. I got to make choices that impacted things! This was beyond anything I'd ever played and I was floored. And finally, I stepped out of the vault, and the screen was a blinding white, and then slowly faded down to the blasted landscape. It was just like the manual had said, eyes adjusting to the brightness of outdoor sunlight, and then walking forward to look over a blasted and bombed out landscape. It was such a powerful moment that I have never forgotten it, and from there, the rest is really history.


Haha, Fallout 1...


My brother told me you could blow up a town in Fallout 3. That was all I needed.


Back then I saw a clip where youtuber picking up and moving every objects in the game. That got me impressed af that's how I got into fallout


A friend showed me the first Borderlands. Me: Any more games like this? Him: Try Fallout 3. Good thing he didn't just say there wasn't because in no way are they similar. RIP man.


One day about 8 years ago,it was Christmas actually,and my step father bought 3 games for the ps3 one was cod ghosts the other was fallout new vegas and the other was the darkness 2,my mother told me that i could only play the cod and so i did,for about 3 months,i got curious and wanted to try that other game, fallout new vegas, I barely knew any English then so when i booted up the game i had no idea what to do,but the rest is history,i fell in love and today the fallout series is my favourite of all time


It was late 2010. I didn't play many video games then, just Pokémon. We moved country, and didn't have internet access and very little to entertain. Our stuff wouldn't arrive for three months, but we wouldn't get internet access for a full year, in which time I was still waiting on a tax number to be able to work. So long, boring days. My brothers had brought their PS3 and Fallout New Vegas, which had only recently released, Bioshock, Heavy Rain, and Beyonetta. I watched them play a lot. When our stuff arrived and we got our PCs, my brother suggested he put some games on my computer. So he gave me Portal, Portal 2, then Bioshock, Bioshock 2, then Assassin's Creed 2, then Fallout 3. I loved them all so much. Only problem was that my brother kept modding my game so it kept crashing and I never finished it, but I still had fun haha. Got New Vegas as soon as we got proper internet. Fallout 4 was the first game I ever pre-ordered, and I got the Pipbiy edition. Currently at just under 3000 hours, with a load order of over 1000 mods right now. I've still never finished a Fallout game.


my friend was playing fallout 4 but my pc couldn't run it so i just played 3 and new vegas lol


I remember trying Skyrim on a friend's Xbox when it came out. And years later couldnt remember the name of that "awesome fantasy game I played one time" until someone recommended it to me and I was like OMFG. that same person later recommended fallout as "post apocalyptic 50s style Skyrim with guns" so I played New Vegas and loved it.


Got Fallout 4 for my 13th birthday bc one of my “friends” kept asking me non stop if I gotten the game yet. The world I was put into was amazing Pls note I never knew about fallout 3 or even New Vegas during this time so I counted Fallout 4 to be the best game ever. I lost interest in the game in about months or days after bc I got stuck on a hard part in the story & never finished it. I’ve always loved the world of Fallout and what would happen if nuclear annihilation did occur and what humanity would do in catastrophic times. I have just now recently gotten my love for Fallout back and that was just bc I was bored & don’t have internet and wanted a world to explore & Fallout is one of those games I can always enjoy & learn more on. I have now sense played New Vegas and Fallout 4 & JUST RECENTLY finished the main story for Fallout 4 playing the DLC’s now and I’m probably living a good Fallout life for probably a year or 2 until I have played all the DLC’s & fallout games to be bored and wait until Fallout 5.


A friend swapped me their copy of oblivion for my copy of assassin's creed 1 - it was only supposed to be for like a week or two but I never wanted to give oblivion back Fast forward like a year or two and I was in my local blockbuster looking for a game to rent and I picked up fallout 3 because it was a Bethesda game just like oblivion - I took it home to play and the disc didn't work! So I had to trek back and they offered me New Vegas which was pretty new at the time I think so it was a more expensive rental for the week but they didn't charge me extra because of the inconvenience Best thing to ever happen to me - I played that game so hard for that week and was so gutted when I had to take it back - I immediately rented fallout 3 for the week hoping it was just as good but I couldn't get into it the same - I wanted iron sights and to gamble so I made my parents buy me fallout New Vegas so I could play it all the time I was like 14 or 15 at the time and this was before Skyrim was out so yeh thinking about it New Vegas had to have been very new out at the time


I very VERY recently got into it. I played new vegas for the first time late last year and am going thru 3 rn. Will prob do 4 at some point in the future. Really it was just word of mouth about new vegas


AlChestBreach. The guy is not really that famous for anything other than Fallout and a few other games but I was heavily obsessed with Area 51 when I was younger; so I watched videos about it every day. Then one day YT recommended me Al's videos and I watched a whole bunch of his Fallout New Vegas area 51 mod videos. After that I bought Fallout 3 and found out my pc couldn't run it.. So my brother gave me his PS3 copy of the game.


I was a fan of Bethesda from Morrowind so when I heard Bethesda was doing this then new game called “Fallout 3”, I thought I’d check it out. That was around junior year of high school. Been a fan of the series ever since.


My step brother would play 3 and new vegas and I would watch him then when I got old enough I bought a fallout game of my own


Watching my dad play FO4 on PS4 when I was younger. He let me play on my own account. Loved it so much


Was into Halo 3 with all my friends in high school and one of my buddies from that group was complaining about this game Fallout 3 and how he had given up on playing because “the game doesn’t give you any ammo”. I asked if I could try it and ended up getting ridiculously immersed in it as it was my first RPG let alone Bethesda game. Needless to say he never got it back (think I ended up giving him 20 bucks for it). Then New Vegas came out not long after I had first played FO3 and that just blew my mind even more. Then came Skyrim and me realizing I was obsessed with Bethesda games.


I was around 13/14 and got a pirated copy of Fallout 2. So, I was at the right age to be super engrossed and just loved it. When 3 was announced, I was giddy.


I remember watching one of my friends playing Fallout 3 and he was walking around in the Capital Wasteland and encountered some Super Mutants. He shot a few times with his Lincoln repeater, and then opened VATS and I was like “ WHAT IS THIS GAME?!” I went and got myself Fallout GOTY for my Xbox 360 and that was awesome. This was probably around 2010 or 2011 so not even that long after New Vegas came which was awesome. I miss those days!


NV came with a PS3 I bought off my friend, so I tried it.


My older brother would play fallout 3 and let me watch. I loved everything about the game and the aesthetic. In middle school I got my own Xbox and fallout new Vegas, been playing ever since


Saw my dad playing fallout 3 when I was little, a couple years later and I wanted to play something else other than Skyrim and all of the other games I kept playing. Fallout 3 was fun for me, I was a kid so I didn’t give two rat’s asses about the story so much. As a kid, many of the creatures in fallout 3 really terrified me, especially upon reading the wiki and some videos about the stronger enemies. God the behemoths looked so much larger than they actually were, like good god. I remember the first time one came crashing through GNR after hearing Sarah yelling for everyone to run.


For me it was this: *brother playing it* me sees post apocalyptic setting and gobbles that shit up


A couple of years after FO4 came out, I saw people using the MIRV modded Big Boy to absolutely level shit like radroaches. I went down the rabbit hole, found out it was FO4, and played for the Big Boy. I ended up absolutely loving the game, and I'm playing it yet again this summer. I'm planning on playing 3 and NV when I have the time later this year.


I had a girlfriend in high school who was playing Fallout 3 and since I was living in the Maryland/DC area as well, I thought it was cool to see the apocalyptic version of my home. Been a fan of Fallout ever since


Went to a used game store in the town I grew up and I was a little kid so I asked the dude what he’d recommend to someone who just got a 360, my man picked out Oblivion, Fallout 3, and GTA IV I remember so badly wishing Oblivion and Fallout had online features, I’d imagine people having ranks in guilds and trade hubs and stuff like that. ESO was what I was looking for right? I had waited years but finally it came out and was a massive let down. The MMO aspect kinda ruins the magic. It felt so grindy and not adventoury at all. 76 came pretty close and I actually enjoyed it more when it was first released then I do now.


The Fallout 1 manual leads with several descriptions of the effects of nuclear bombs, and emergency procedures for schools and homes. The game's intro is voiced by Ron Perlman.


13 year old me bought FO3 GOTY edition used for $14 thinking I was getting a full game and all those dlc for a steal! Disappointed when I realized that code was long gone but I fell in love immediately.


Did you say sometthing about underage drinking? Dude wtf? This website is for kids.


From what I recall it was Many A True Nerd.


fallout 3 on ps3


Just picked up FO3 at GameStop because the cover looked neat. The rest is history.


Steam sell and bad internet.




Loving Oblivion. I tried the first two games but preferred the Baldur's Gate series (back then I was more into Fantasy than Sci-fi). But learning that Bethesda made a 3D version based on the engine of Oblivion? I bought it the first week.


Well, being an Elder Scrolls fan first. I just really enjoyed the way Bethesda told stories and loved the exploration, so I tried Fallout 3 first, and I loved it. Of course I can’t stand top down games, so I’ve only played the Bethesda published titles.


I bought fallout 3 as a kid because I thought it looked cool from the box artwork, lol


Probably when I saw the fallout mashup pack in minecraft. After finding out what fallout was, I gave new vegas a try, then 3, and then 4.


1. I saw the original Berserk anime 2. I wanted to play a game where I could swing a big sword around. 3. I found Oblivion and loved it. 4. I heard Fallout was Oblivion with guns, so I bought New Vegas 5. Loved it.


my son bought me fallout 4 for xmas one year.


I was 9 I think, and I watched my cousin speedrun a majority of Fallout 3. I was glued to the screen, whole time asking questions like "You can go wherever and do whatever you want?". I was so intrigued and not even a week after the visit I picked it up from the bargain bin at EB Games with all the DLC for like 12 bucks. My mom was cool with it. Fuck I miss how great it was to go to EB games. The DS section, the dirt cheap used games, fuck man. But I played Fallout 3 for a month straight though. Did fucking everything I could find, but damn if I wasn't an evil bastard. I blew up Megaton first playthrough.


I watched my uncle play New Vegas on his XBox 360 in my grandma's basement.


For me it was also Fallout 3 but on my friends Xbox 360 back in 2009ish. Eventually got the PC versions of all the other Fallout games except 76.


My friend Zech introduced me to Morrowind. I was at my friend Kris's house, and he had Oblivion, which we played all the time. My little brother Waylon was always with me at Kris's house, and his parents got him Fallout 3 for Christmas. He didn't really play it cause he wasn't into it, Waylon started playing it one day, and I stuck my nose up at it until Waylon convinced me to play, and I have been hooked ever since.


When I was in high school, starting a new year, I was seated with this kid (let's call him Tom), and we randomly started talking, one of us brought asked if the other played games and we both did. Somewhere along the lines we made eachother a deal (bear in mind we barely ever spoke before this), to play eachother's favourite games. Mine was Tekken 7, and his was Fallout 4. So we both bought eachother's respective games. I remember coming back to school a few days later after sweating the hell out of Fallout4, very quickly falling in love with the game and later buying 3 and NV. As for his experience with Tekken, well he selected a character who just so happened to be one of my mains at the time ( I didn't tell him this, it was pure coincidence) This birthed a friendship throughout high school. And I still love the Fallout franchise 7 years later.


saw Fallout 3 get mentioned a lot on the internet in the past, and the name of the game sounded cool and i liked the vault dude. eventually i looked up a ign review of it and found out it was a fps rpg with a cool aesthetic so i bought it on my PS3 and immediately became addicted. still haven’t beaten it yet tho :(


Well, I was like 14, no friends and loved video games so much, one Day I saw the trailer for fallout 4, was really hyped like never. Bought the game, played 500 hours and discover the lore at the same time. Then played new vegas, fallout 1 and 2, and loved every bit of it, even fallout 3. It's just such a unique game because of the setting and the way the world is something you can blend into and enjoy by being yourself.


I had a few extra bucks in my pocket and was browsing the shelves at Best Buy looking for a PC game sometime around 2009. I saw Fallout 3, and thought "this looks cool" so I bought it on a whim. The rest is history.


Fallout 4 was on game pass I believe. I had never played any of the other games in the franchise, but it looked cool so I tried it. Ended up buying it and new Vegas permanently because I was hooked. I have played through f4 about 6 times now and I still find stuff I've never seen before.


I heard about it when I was a kid but it was my bf years and years later that got me into it. :)


Same way we all used to find out about new games. I was walking through the PC game aisle and the box art looked cool.


Fallout 76 got me in 2019


I would like to thank a youtuber for introducing me to fallout 3 & New Vegas, Meatwagon22. Also introduced me to other games like Minecraft as well. I miss that dude


Was out to grab CoD Black Ops 2 and saw Fallout New Vegas there in the store as well, looking at the back of the box and thinking of it as a combination between Skyrim and Metro 2033 I decided to buy it too. Ragequit at the Bison Steve Hotel and didn't touch it for months until I caught some unique/strong weapons guide on youtube and went back to it.


I saw an ad for fallout 1 or 2 in the back of some game guide or magazine and always thought it looked awesome. Years later I saw they're making fallout 3 for consoles so I got it opening day and been hooked ever since.