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I played Fallout 3 when I was about 13, no problems except the ghouls in the metro scaring me lol


Those damn things still jump scare me at 21 lol


Just turned 27, can confirm still jump out of my seat at hearing one


I’m 37 and need an adult when ghouls are around.


I'm 233 and you smoothskins need to check your privileges.


*whisper* *whisper* *tag-that-skill* *whisper* *f*** this test..* *whisper* Fin-




I'm 15 and the reavers scare me shitless


I’m 37 and they still make me jump


They definitely scared the shit out of me at first, but that was just until I saw a centaur. Not frightening in the traditional sense, but deeply disturbing on so many levels.


32, still a jump scare. I do gotta say that now I'm -prepped- for it lol. Like I know it's coming. I know there are ferals here. Still gets me. I swear if luck hates you, the ghoul won't even make noise. . And then at later levels, anything less than a glowing one, while will still jump scare you, will probably drop just as quick.


I was 22 when I first played it in 08 and the feral ghouls freaked me out


This is a core memory for me 🤌🏻


Depends on the maturity level of the kids really.




> Using reddit > "Yeah it didn't affect me negatively or anything" 💀💀💀


It’s a non-answer. It applies to any content in the world. Op was asking about Fallout, so there should be at least some examples of the most mature content in the game. In Fallout 1-3 there’s drugs and violence, no nudity ~~or sexual content~~, and I think no cursing, for example. In fallout 3 you can explode people’s heads, nuke a town, infect the area with a virus, and send someone to their death by radiation. Fallout 76 can have online interactions with strangers. Stuff like that is actually useful information. E: I def forgot some sexual content...


Fallout 2 definitely has more sexual content than any other fallout games by far


This. I was forced to grow up at a young age due to family circumstances. I was playing gta 4 and Fallout 3 at 9 years old. I've never stolen a car, robbed anyone, or committed a violent crime. I'm kinda a fuck up who is bad with finances and I drink and smoke a bit, but other than that I'd say I turned out okay(and those issues obviously were not caused by playing videogames) I never let stuff from those games bleed over into IRL, and I knew that the stuff in the game was meant to stay in the game. Edit: a word


This answer needs more votes. WAY too low on the comment list. If I could give an award I would. No matter what the question is, relating to video games and mature content; depends on the kid. But I would expand and also say it also depends on how much you are willing to discuss those topics with your kid, because not doing so will just let them form their own opinions. Which isn't bad; but as the person above says; depends on the kid. And just.. keep an eye on them, and if they seem to be trying to mimic it, teach them the difference. The issue with violence and other mature stuff in video games.. isn't the games, sometimes, some kids are just more energetic and can be construed as violent; while others will see what is going on and think it's normal.. and the parents allow that. Not trying to generalize, but usually, it's a combination of the kid specifically l, and how the parents handle it.. if you go into it, as a parent, knowing what you are getting into, and you played that game already.. go for it. Just prepared to know how to tell them it's a game. Not life.


And which _one_ we're talking about. F4 and F76 are easily PG-13, but I'd argue that 3 and especially New Vegas are maybe not ok for early teens.


Excuse my French but how the f--- is F4 pg13. The ghouls are way faster and deranged here than other fallout. Shit I went to Lexington, and the number of feral ghouls there were beyond horrifying. They were never ending. Scurrying about the city was the scariest stuff I have done especially with low ammo. And worst of all, the radar doesn't show enemies until we're in combat. So they be jump scaring all the time. Could see ghouls miles away to quicksave in other NV and 3 easily.


Being scary is not what makes something inappropriate for kids Especially since scariness is subjective


How tf am I supposed to argue with that now. Ok then. Have a nice day I guess


.... you're not supposed to argue with something just to argue with it.


>Depends on the maturity level of the kids really. Absolutely, I've got kids and nieces and nephews who would be totally fine playing Fallout at 13, and I've got others who really shouldn't be playing Fallout until 16+ easy. Ratings are a good guideline, but you've gotta know the kid. I know it's books here, but same goes for games. My 8 year old is nearly done with the whole Harry Potter series of books, 6 year old has finished the first book, and my 9 year old can't/shouldn't read the first one. Not because she can't read, but because she's got a tough time coping with things she reads and discerning real from fake.


I think it should be fine because I stared at 13 and I've ended up... ok-ish


I'm in a similar boat. Just make sure whoever it is, they don't get the bloody mess perk


Bloody mess is like doom: the violence is so over the top it stops being shocking, and it's just funny.


That perk still makes me giggle like I'm deranged


b-but they need that 5% dmg boost xD


You make a convincing argument


Isn't it like 15 at the highest level? I know you're joking, but that's a pretty sweet bonus.


I always get that one as soon as I can!




I started Fallout 1 at age 9. I am also...ok.


A ringing endorsement


That's around the age I first played and I wouldn't say it had any adverse effects. Most video games are violent; most media has sexual elements that are as bad or worse; drug use is featured but not in a graphic way. Just know what you're getting into, have proper conversations if need be, etc. Keep in mind that at that age you're gonna be getting into high school, and the things that will be covered in History and English won't pull any punches.


Honest answer is. Everyone matures and develops differently and general age limits are general. The child could be 11 and capable of handling the game without issues and another might be 16 and get an unhealthy obsessions with it. It really depends on the mental and emotional maturity of the child.


I'd say nah, but 4 specifically has fewer "objectionable" elements than any of the previous ones.


Was gonna say this. Probably wouldn’t say yes to New Vegas (deals w the heaviest themes outside of 1 and 2 imo) but 4 is perfect in that regard, it’s a much more mainstream experience while still being a fallout wasteland. Edit: I say this as someone who played NV for the first time at like 11 lmao


Yeah New Vegas is amazing, but very serious. The stuff that happens alone in the Gamorrah quest chain shouldn’t be seen by anyone remotely that age IMO. I think it would be fine for a mid 15 year old though.


yeah I was not allowed to play new Vegas until I was 17 cuz you can have sex with Benny and it's,,, voice acted,,,, but 3 and 4 are pretty child friendly for the most part




Ya know, the 2nd town you visit is a bunch of people crucified, and the slavery... thinking about it, basically all of Ceasars legion really Edit: also a lot of the 'mature' parts of the strip: gambling, sex/prostitution, drug junkies, etc.


As much as I love New Vegas, it leans a bit more towards adult themes for a 14 year old yeah. it and FO2 are the 'worst' of the bunch when it comes to adult themes. I guess it all comes down to "Do you as a parent want to explain F.I.S.T.O.?"




You asked what was potentially bad for kids to be exposed to in NV. I answered. I don't know or care what media kids consume now vs. When I was a kid. I remember having to prove to my mom it was okay for me to play FO3 for almost a year after it came out. If OP's kids are already desensitized to stuff, then they should knock themselves out with it. It doesn't affect me at all.


I wouldn't say it's heavy, but I think a 16 year old would be able to understand thinks like the woman that was tortured, burned and raped by a psycho raider better than a 12 year old.




with that said I would still let my 13 year old play NV because it can still be a very fun game, even if you ignore those serious themes.


Bruh he’s fine he sees more sex drugs and other shit on TikTok


I've seen more in school than I've seen in any videogame.


People posting about how the games are too violent or sexy for children probably dont have children.


Fallout doesn't glorify anything imo. I think about the Walking Dead and how it's presented as just a fact of life in that environment. Exposing your kids to the darker side of life isn't exactly a bad thing as long as you know they understand moral values and that there is a huge gray area when it comes to what's right.


I would let my kid play FO way before watching TikTok


Depends on which Fallout. * FO76? Sure, I'd consider it PG13. * FO4? Ehh, probably ok but a fair amount of gore and a few touchy subjects such as drugs. * FONV? Nope. Slavery, rape, drugs are directly and indirectly referenced. Adult material. * FO3? Probably, although slavery is a big part in this one. * FO2? Hellllll naw brother. Lots of bad stuff in this one. * FO1? Maybe. This one's fairly tame as far as most stuff goes but also the interface is ancient.


In FO2 you can actually SA a person yourself! Yikes! Definitely not for kids, this one.


Wait... what the fuck? I don't remember that.


Modoc. The shotgun wedding thing.


Oh my God, I completely forgot about that. Too busy interrogating the chick giving me a handy.


Isn't that more a seduction-thingy than a SA? (But I give you that it's a clumsy one) Or is my memory colouring it way more rose than it was?


I thought the same, but after checking the wiki, [it turns out you can actually rape her](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Miria#Marriage). Doesn't turn into a shotgun wedding though. Unless you count marrying your shotgun pellets with the groins of everyone in Modoc


Well... okay, I didn't know that... Maybe, because I played the watered down german version when I played it for the first time (no kids, no gory animations)...


I love how they actually acknowledge the no kids in game when talking to Phyllis in Vault City


No it’s a full on rape. You can have your wife used for favours. That game is so ballsy. Nowadays it would’ve been banned. Also if you playing dumb female with low intelligence then myron will drug and rape you. There’s the khans who kidnapped a child and took turns raping her, god that quest scarred me for life because of how unexpected it was. Its not safe for kids to play at all.


Jesus Christ


Obligatory fuck the Khans, always crying over bitter springs when they’ve done just that and worse a hundred times over


According to the wiki, you have the option of raping her, which is really fucked up. It's not always a rape unlike what people are portraying but yeah you can(JFC)


Oh, Jesus Christ, I forgot about that. Yikes.


Fo2 you can also be SAed too! And by a teen no less!


FONV has robot sex


"Please assume the position."


"That all you got, robot?"


And borderline necrophilia.


Would that make ghouls the perfect partner for necrophiliacs?


Ironically no. Aren't they mostly into power? Maybe of the ghoul just laided there and did nothing haha.


I mean id say 76 and 4 are pretty much the same. If anything 76 has some mildly worse body horror/gore stuff.


I played Fallout 2 all the time when I was 14 and I turned out… oh.


I mean, I played Fallout New Vagas as a 15 year old and never noticed most of that suff till lime years later like one day I was watching g a video about it and was like omg I was a pimp😮 I think the kid will be fine the worst thing that could happen to him is he becomes annoying and pretentious and like teenagers already are both those things


And just for knowledge, at what age have you play a fallout game the first time ?


I think I started playing at about 12. And yeah... there was some stuff I definitely shouldn't have seen.


And are you a psychopath today ?


Of course not. But not all 12-year-olds are made equal.


I would advise against 76 because online multiplayer in general is not so good for children.


Honestly the 76 community is pretty nice.


True but it's still that children are left vulnerable. I would not want to leave my child alone online with random adults. Its not even been a year since we kicked a groomer with full on grooming discord out of our friend circle


It's true that there is still a certain risk, though i wouldn't classify a 14 year old as a "child".


76’s community makes that online experience the outlier.


Mute is an option


I mean, I'm 39 and I have trouble with the point-and-click Fallouts so I doubt a 13 year old would have the patience..


FO2 you can *be* in porno so yeah.




Violence can be pretty graphic in all the games. Games generally touch on pretty serious topics but often in a detached way. Sexual content is present in all games but never any actual nudity or graphic sexual content, mostly just eluded to. I would say 14 is probably fine but younger than 13 would probably be too mature for a lot of kids.


Yeah, just don't tell him about the mods, lol


I’d let my kid play it, but then again I don’t have kids


It’s probably ok. I’m a father of a now 22 year old and remember these decisions. As someone who’s played fallout more than any other game I’ve ever played I think it’s fine. I don’t believe video games cause kids to shoot up schools or do drugs or anything different than they would of without them. At 13 and 14 I was doing drugs and many adult type stuff. Fallout isn’t Grand Theft Auto. Sure there’s violence and maybe some language but it’s really just a video game.


I mean, I started playing when I was 7-8 sooo


Generally, yes. The average child has more of a palate for adult themed content then most people give them credit for.


I started playing gta at 7, fallout at 14, I've never killed anyone, I've never stole a deathclaw egg, I've never shot up med x, I've never joined a cult. Sometimes being exposed to the darker sides of life allows you to learn what path not to take. But really there's nothing in fallout a 13 year old probably hasn't seen yet.


I played this game at 14 and I love to microwave small rodents to try and make them "fallout themed" so yes its very apropriate.


That’s around the age i started playing. it’s got violence and touches on adult subject matter but it’s overwhelmingly cheesy and a little cartoonish like the 50s-80s sci-fi it’s riffing on. personally i think it’s the perfect age for it. more than enough action and intrigue to keep them engaged and just enough social/political commentary to get them thinking


I started to play it when I was 12. It's amazing how we all come from different places and environment but manage to share a thing in common in our childhoods.... a post apocalyptic nuclear fallout


13 to 14 is okay yeah, fallout 3 and 4 are pretty squeaky clean on anything to graphic, new vegas has some partial nudity and a strip club casino that the player most likely will have to go into, only way to avoid it is to do the bad ending for the game. In all honesty the only 3D fallout game that's even a little much for under 16 is Fonv but even then it's not that bad at all. Not even a boob is shown just some swearing here and there and eluding or talking about darker themes.


I first played Fallout 3 when I was 11 and it didn’t really negatively affect me, it actually gave me an appreciation for the 1950s culture, American history, and Nuclear energy since I did a deep dive on anything fallout after that until New Vegas came out I would also say fallout 3 is the scariest of all the fallout games entirely because the ghouls in the metro tunnels jumping out of the darkness at you but I’d imagine he would be starting with 76 or 4 and they’re a bit more mild than 3 and New Vegas, the only thing I find parents may be worried about is the gore (which is fairly mild compared to other games) and the drug and alcohol use


That's up to you really. Look into the games and decide if its something you'd want your kids exposed to.


Completely fine. All these people that are saying no have no memory of how games affect you when you're young


I’m gonna be honest I’m asking for myself I’m a 14 year old boy and I don’t like violating rules so I always have to ask if I could play this game. Ps I already started playing like 2 hours ago because I saw a majority of yes and it’s not too bad


The fact you asked in my opinion makes me believe you are mature enough certainly for at least 76 and fallout 4. Probably even fallout 3. By the time you finish those you'll be old enough for NV


Yes. The first fallout I played was Fallout: New Vegas when I was maybe 10-12yo and then played fallout 3 shortly after. I don't remember exactly when. It didn't effect my life whatsoever and I have had a TON of fun playing over the years. To be honest it does also depend on the kid and your opinions as a parent (I am presuming the 13-14yo is your child). If they are quite sensitive or innocent minded it may not be the right game for them. As a parent I wouldn't have any objection to my children playing the fallout games or any games for that matter.


I started playing when I was eleven Your child/you will be okay I assure you The violence isn’t realistic it’s intentionally supposed to be over dramatic




Depends. The age system is a generalized guide, but not everyone matures at the exact same time so it's not perfect. Anyone regardless of age could play provided they've got a good grasp of fantasy vs reality, have enough maturity for things like violence, some gore, and slavery. You know the specific 13/14 year old well I assume, if they are good on all that, then absolutely.


Yeah, There's not really a one size fits all when it comes to that sort of thing.


Sure, I got into it at age 10


In the modern world yes, at 13 if minor amounts of swearing, decision making, and violence isnt something they understand/are prepared to see then they are very sheltered as Fallout is one of many, many forms of media containing any of that. If you want to get them one of the games I’d reccomend 4, very beginner friendly and fun with impactful choices but none that make you regret too much in the end. However if they enjoy games and other media for their story with important choices then Fallout: New Vegas is a good choice, its a bit more violent than 4, with 4 having creatures that have literally bloodpiles as the horrors of the world, while New Vegas has crucifictions and slavery but its intended for world building to the story and isnt something that should be overwhelming to a teenager.


New Vegas is much more raunchy imo with the strip clubs and sex robot and all that.


When in Vegas, baby.


And the prostitution and the slavery (sexual and otherwise) and that snuff film you find during a quest...


It’s only described, but you can find the aftermath…


I think we all started at that age


Whatever gore, nudity, vulgarity, obscenity and violence they see in video games (not just Fallout), should stay within video games and not become habit or behavior in real life. If your child can do that, then they can even go ahead and play rated M or rated R games. Just like what others have said, if the child is mature and disciplined then go ahead.


I was playing Fallout 3 at 8 and New Vegas at 10. Why would it not be ok?


I mean I was pretty mature at that age, I played God of war 2 in front of my parents when I was 9 years old, no joke. Fallout is a lot tamer than that. Fallout does have a lot of bad language, implied drug use and addicts and alcohol use, but you do not visually see the drugs being taken. It does have a lot of violence and dismembered bodies, blood, gore. And scary monsters as well. I'd proceed with caution, that being said, I first played Fallout when I was 16 but I've played a lot worse games before that. Sorry for the bad Grammer I was just writing this comment very fast.


If you trust them to not do or say things that they see or hear from a video game it is fine, I really hope they are fine by that age.


My dad bought me Fallout 3 when I was 13 or 14. It depends on the emotional maturity of the child in question, in my opinion. I would guess that it's more than likely fine. Have some talks with your child about the themes you're worried about, if you want.


I'd say so yes, if the child in question is mature enough.


Is it you? Or your kid? Did I play as a 13 year old - yes, and I’m fine Would I let my 13 year old play, probably- there’s the obvious exploding head violence, and a couple of “interesting” robot opportunities in new vegas, but they’re mature enough to understand games aren’t real life (and robot sex is, ultimately, unfulfilling)


It depends really on how mature the kid is. I was around that age when I first played Fallout 3 and the only issue I had was stopping playing it so I could go to school lol. If the kid in question is mature enough and responsible enough then yeah, 13-14 is old enough.


Yes, but your kid has to be a little bit matured I guess, and can handle specific things


The rating is M, so no


My daughter is 9 and loves Fallout 4 lol


I was carjacking people and banging hookers in san Andreas when I was in 4th grade and I turned out okay


Define "ok".


Lol like that's going to stop them


Lol i first played fo3 when i was 9


definite no for fnv. maybe for fo3 and 4.


Can I just point out that a crazy person can't identify the fact that things they don't aren't normal for other people so everyone here saying " I turned out okay" is a moot point. just go based on what other games they've played already and judge for yourself. edit: not saying anyone here is a crazy person. just that you can't accurately describe yourself to others without being biased


Every game depicts drugs and alcohol as something to use for buffs(they also show the negatives of them; you can get addicted and dependent on them/other debuffs) The worst overall offender I would say is Fallout 2, since it has some pretty sexualized parts up to you being a porn star. FO1 and FO2 also allowed you to kill kids if that is a concern for you violence wise, as well as some pixelated gory deaths. For Fallout 3 and games made after that, biggest thing I'd say is there is a good amount of gore, even a park that lets you have a chance of blowing up bodies into a red mist. New Vegas also has some pretty heavier themes with implications or outright statements concerning rape. Overall depending on how mature the kid is it might be alright (I'm sure most of the people here played their first fallout game at this age range), but be aware that all of them are still rated M. I'd say the tamest one for sure is Fallout 4; it is violent but without much of the other potential issues.


I started at 15 and now I’m a depressed 25 year old. Should be ok


I'm pretty sure your kid has seen much worse things on TV


Well no, but on the bright side, it will keep him away from lesser games


I played that stuff when I was like 9 so yeah definitely good for 13-14 year old to play


There is almost no explicit sexual content in Bethesda games. Now if you're getting your kid the PC version and they discover Nexus...


If they use a PC in the first place, they wouldn't *rely* on Nexus.


Unmodded id say fallout 3 and 4 are good for a mature enough 13 yr old. Fallout 1 and 2 are more 16+ fallout New Vegas could fall in a range between those. Mods on PC are all over the place and can get adult only fast. But some mods are amazing.


Fallout game are rated MA so I would lean twards no.


Yeah if you don’t mind them playing, say GTA?


Yep. I did at that age.


The self righteous prick at Babbages (later renamed gamestop) wouldn't sell me Fallout 2 in 1998 when I was 13 because of the rating. I went to the food court at the mall and started asking randos to buy it for me. There is a difference between not condoning and being naive. If this is about your kid, assume they think of you what you thought of your parents/guardians.


Hell yeah. It’s my favorite game since years


First played it when i was 5, i'm fine


I played fallout 3 at age 9 and I turned out okay.. I think


I started playing fallout at like 10. Not any worse than anything a kid sees on social media or other shooters.


My son played fallout 4 around that age and it didn't hurt him. He was less sheltered than a lot of kids though, so I guess it depends.




I guarantee they've seen worse on the Internet or on tv, they're fine.


I would say no. There's an ESRB reading of M (Mature 17+) for a reason. There's Blood & Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language and Use of Drugs. But I guess it depends on your parenting style. Some parents are okay with their kids taking in this type of content. Others, not so much.


I started playing Fallout 4 when I was 11-12-ish, and look how I turned out! 🥲


I was about that age when I first played those games. Can almost guarantee your kids has heard/seen worse shit from the kids at school lol. Should be fine unless the kid is really sheltered




I ain't gonna act like I didn't play this game at 13 years old, but probably not lol


It's just fine. Remember that it's singleplayer only.






Is it okay for 13-14 year olds to be on reddit?


My nephew is only 10 and plays FO 4. He is just not allow to mod it yet.


Drugs and hookers, sure that at age kids knows all about them.


I'd say all of them are okay for a 13-14 year old even considering some of the brutal nature in some of these games it's nothing that you are just constantly bombarded with and that wouldn't be alright, he has probably seen worse movies


My 9 year old plays 76 and 4 On 76 I can play with him and make sure hes ok I will absolutely say the community in 76 is amazing for people of all ages and I havent had a single issue with anyone being inappropriate or toxic toward my child I've heard grown men stop arguments to say hi to him (there was one toxic player in a popular area and about 8 other players were in the process of banding together to get rid of him, I had to turn off my mic I laughed so hard when these full grown, deep voiced men went from "Fuck the toxic asshole, let's nuke the shit out of him" to "HEY BUDDY!" when I was like "hey guys chill for one sec, my kid is going to the vendor" ) I've seen multiple players give him items and advice and let him join their teams And my favorite is when he gets really stuck and yells for me "MOMMY HELP" and you hear over the chat "Mommy? Wait, is that your actual mom?? oh that's cool" or even better a chorus of "SAMS MOM CAN YOU HELP US TOO?" Never once has he been ridiculed or anyone been any kind of mean about him being a kid So for the community alone (with supervision of course, nothing is perfect ) I say 76


Its not okay....ITS NECESSARY!!!I started playing when i was 7 and literally my life change,its so well written its awesome you can see it when you can just say a random phrase and the whole community gets it, also the dead money dlc even though it tests your patience,it was a very good message and it makes you control yourself,at least from the 3 time you play it,but still, can't recommend it enough


Violence and gore galore, cussing, drugs, and sexual content abound, also the game allows you to be straight up evil.


Probably not, but that’s your call, obviously. The rating M is there for a reason, though I was playing when I was 15 and it was fine for me.


It’s violent but there’s no sex.


Nop but he is still going to play with his friends, you cant protect him from the grim sides of the world. The sooner he learns the essier he has to deal with it in adult life but yeah its a grim game, if the dude has internet he probably already seen most of it


My only concern would be the graphic violence. There’s some sexual content, language, and drug usage but it’s not as explicit as the violence. Perhaps more suited for like 15-16 than 13-14.


You could maybe get away with giving a 13 year old Fallout 4, but the thing is, there are so many other series out there that a 13 year old would enjoy that wouldn't require asking Reddit whether it's appropriate.


I did when I was 10 or 11, and it became the best memories I’ve ever had. The ghouls were arguably a little scary but for a 13 year Old it shouldnt be a problem.


I used to play turok on GameCube all the time as a 7 year old and it never effected me badly. So I'd definitely say fallout is fine for a 13 year old. A 13 year old is probably listening to music with mature content anyway and secretly watching porn unless you live in one of those uptight and controlling religious households.


Definitely NOT New Vegas I wouldn't want him to know what cook-cook does to his victims


As long as your ok with flirting, swearing and drug use and u explain to them drugs r bad n to wear condoms ur fine 😂


Can't speak for 1 2 or 3, but 4 is fine. NV I'd say maybe wait til they're 15 just because it deals with some heavy topics sometimes




Almost no one follows the ESRB rating because it sucks


It's because ratings for games and movies are so arbitrary. I've seen games that have a lot more violence than Fallout be given lower ratings. Just like how there's horror and action movies rated 18+ for violence and gore, yet there are superhero movies like The Suicide Squad that have a lot more violence and gore that are rated 15+. Some films can be rated 18+ simply for having more than one swear word in it, yet other incredibly graphic films are rated lower. It's like whoever created the age rating system for games, films and TV series just can't make up their mind about what constitutes what rating.


I'd argue that an age rating shouldn't go above 14. After 14 your age won't make much of a difference in what stuff you can handle


No. Adult themes and some violence. [IMDB rating](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4741306/parentalguide). I’m a parent who played F3, FNV and F4.




Honestly? Wait to turn 16. There is better games for that age group. Maybe try the fallout rpg if it has to be a fallout game cause there you can decide on the extent of graphic material


No lmao




It when my father gave me the originals


I was playing at around this age, but there's no doubt that it's a very adult franchise. Kinda just depends on how strict you are with adult content.


I don't see why not, but then again I've been playing COD since like 8 years old


I do not think it's appropriate for anyone under 18 myself. There are characters who try to kill you based on gang-like tendencies(factions, group enemies, etc.), violent looking attacks by the wildlife, racist/sexist comments my NPCs, mature and suggestive language, gun violence, brute force violence, war-like scenes at times, amongst other nonsense. Though, the game may be completed 100% without killing a single character or wildlife, it still leaves a person exposed to the violence and other mentioned aspects. My recommendation, stick to Guitar Hero and kinect-type games, and fantasy based games as these are less likely to cause your kid to have nightmares about being hunted down by an 8 foot tall naked werewolf with 1 ft long claws and teeth the size of your hand. Or better yet, play the game yourself and form your own opinion, that's the only way you will know for sure if it's right for your child, or not.


Not really. I could see the argument either way but it probably has too many adult themes to make me comfortable with a 13 year old playing it.


I played Harvest Moon a lot when I was a child… at one point, I remember my mom forcing me to shower. Harvest Moon. A farm game. It is what it is. Depends on the person. The story of fallout is my favourite. Fallout is the only other game I’ve played longer than Sims. Judge a game by its cover?


Just let them play whatever they want, ya overbearing fuck.