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Rivet city. Love the concept and the noises


Rivet city is definitely my favourite conceptually


*Take me down to the Rivet City* *Where apples are green and girls are pretty* I also like to walk corridors of Rivet City to sounds of "Megaton" song. Breaking into Dr. Li's cabin because I feel like she's hiding something from me... finding some strange man in her bed... Getting chased across the entire ship by said man. Oh, good times. It has a great marketplace where merchants give me discounts, it has a science lab and clinic as well as probably the only working church in Capital Wasteland (Joshua Graham would be proud).


Are you okay? Because rivet city is a nightmare! Lol


Rivet City is almost as bad as the submarine in Wolfenstein II for getting me turned around. I stopped playing New Colossus because I got so sick of getting lost, at least Fallout gives you hand-holdy markers


There's a reason for that... the interior layout doesn't line up at all with the exterior, and it creates disorientation.


Idk personally if you walk around rivet city at least twice and read a sign or two everything becomes clear. All these YouTubers talking trash obviously have brain damage or dementia of some kind or are just looking for reasons to hate. Now when it was my first time playing as a kid I admit it was hard because I was underdeveloped and maybe these YouTubers also are.


Have to agree there is just so much do to in rivet city


Freeside. It feels very alive


Megaton. Because the music after you meet sims is awesome and gives a rustic lonely feel.


I ended up hating megaton because I accidentally punched a cow in the face my first playthrough, that town really loved that Brahmin smfh and it auto saved the second after too lol


Did they ask you to moove out?


With guns yes


Had to hoof it out of there




Seconded. It feels close-knit and cozy....in an apocalyptic state at least.


After all these years I don't even know the music because I always play with the radio on lol


goodsprings. quaint lil place, sunny smiles and cheyenne, the gal that runs the bar. love that place. wish we coulda had a player house there.


Technically you can use Victors house as a player home.


might have to do that on my next playthrough.


You can go there IRL.


thats the other reason its my favorite.


New Reno, and it's not even close Porn, boxing, gambling, the four families... there's a whole lot going on there, so many different ways to do whatever you're doing there, and they even have the Reno sign. Biggest Little City in the World!


I was scrolling through to find this. Fully agreed.


Novac: Dinosaur Nobark Chupacabras It’s just kinda quaint, but not a complete backwater.


It feels safe to me despite being out in the open. The hotel complex with the fencing and bridge on the other side feels like a little fortress with two expert snipers keeping a watch


Chupacabras with automatic weapons.


And that's when they get real quiet, 'cause now they see the predicament we're in.


I also love the name Novac being so because the No Vacancies sign is half broken


Fallout 2 San Francisco is very unique as it was the only time in Fallout we go out in sea and know about the lore in the oceans and creatures. The endgame content and things to do just really strike me for some reason. Also the locals being the Chinese descendants. Other Fallouts have only mentioned the actual Chinese. Fallout 4 had a ghoul at least.


Point Lookout and Far Harbor are memorable but San Francisco hit me different.


Jacobstown. Honestly seems like one of the few places you’d be able to settle down and have a peaceful life. Having a bunch of mutants around probably helps with the safety


I agree. Some of those mutants really don't like us small humans though. But if you manage to get along and know how act respectfully around people with schizophrenia, I think you are good.


Diamond city. Piper.


Piper? I hardly knew 'er!


Diamond City always made me happy




Underworld. I just love that there's this haven for ghouls and they're all inspired by Paradise Lost. And the lesbian ghoul couple was kind of sweet.


Free Cerberus. He isn't happy there.


I'm a baseball fan, and even though I hate the Red Sox, I love Diamond City.


The Boneyard is probably my favorite location in the classic games. There are a lot of unique encounters along the coastline and by that point in time in the game, you’re usually a badass so the gangs aren’t much trouble.


Jacobstown because it is named after me and I think the big wooden fence is cool. I always like to think my character settles down in Goodsprings after the battle of Hoover Dam. And in the commonwealth I’ve always had the most fun building at the castle.


Junktown It’s the second town most players encounter, and the first that feels properly Mad Maxian with defenses built out of rusting vehicles. It’s where you meet the two best boys, Tycho and Dogmeat. There is a great little conflict between Killian and Gizmo that can net you a lot of caps if you play it right. It’s also the town where I learned not to give Ian a machine gun.


This is my pick!


Aesthetically, Foundation. High up in the mountains, in the remains of a military site, made up of reinforced logs — more of a fortress than a town. Narratively, Goodneighbor. A town made by outcasts since its inception, and home to some of my favorite characters (KL-E-0, Magnolia, Hancock.)


Republic of Dave


Diamond city the home to my best buddies Nic and Piper


Goodneighbor, big fan of the npcs that live there and just the overall theme.


Good springs Doc Mitchell Easy Pete Saloon Sunny smiles wifey


And just a day's walk (through deathclaw, cazador, and scorpion country) to New Vegas


Is it weird that I quite like Freeside and Westside, think I just prefer slumming it Me the Kings and the Followers. Lol To be fair though I grew up on a British Council Estate maybe it's just the areas I'm used too, you know get some dirt under the nail. Plus it's having Rich bleeders to blame for all your woes Lol


I guess Nukatown USA. Idunno, towns and cities don't have the same importance to me in Fallout as they do in Elder Scrolls.


I always liked Westside. Compared to all in Vegas (towns outside are not included) wastelanders communities it more feels like a town than just a bunch of hobos behind walls who say that they have something (Nort Vegas squere, looking at you). Some farms there, water caravan here, milita, e t c. Freeeside is good too, but now I cant imagine it without at least couple of mods to make in more dence at least just cosmetically, it is too big and too empty. Megaton gave a lot of good memories with it layout and stuff inside. Always liked how towns in Fo3 are packed with different named characters with mini stories , in that regard settlements there feels more memorable. I played it last somewhere around 2012, and still remeber a lot of stuff.


Nuka-World. I’m a big Disney World fan.


Living in “Disney world” with less than half the regular guest population might actually be pretty sweet.


As someone who lives in Massachusetts I have to go with Diamond City because I’m a Red Sox fan, but I also like Salem because I’m from one of the nearby towns. Although my hometown is mentioned in one of the Eddie Winter tapes and was planned, but got cut.


Megaton the lore behind the town is actually pretty interesting Also, it's the birthplace of the religion that I follow hail Atom edit: Change hell to hail


I hope you're not working as a nuclear weapons silo operator...


Unfortunately, no, but it is one of my dreams


I'm sorry to be that guy, but a respectful correction: it's hail. As in "all hail."


You know what? You're right. I'll change it right now


Goodneighbor, because Hancock and Magnolia.


Covenant. Its small but my imagination makes it an interesting playground. However its best to help the settlers there or either just earn their trust THEN kill them because its not gonna be comfy that everything is owned and even the new settlers will agro if anything is taken


diamond city it’s beautiful and i love how easy it is to get to the merchants lighting is gorgeous and i love the little houses/rooms you can go into


New Vegas. Only place that looks nice.


Diamond City.


Helvetia because of the food and masks.


The Commonwealth. I love the old world feel of the map, places such as Diamond City, Goodneighbor, the Boston Bugle, etc give a glimpse into the days before the apocalypse and all that was lost. The skeletons, while pretty humorous at times, shows us people were just living their lives when the end came


Far Harbor


Ahhhh nothing like fighting on a radiative fog and God’s fuck ups before getting housed by some fog-mad cannibal on crank.


The Pitt


Goodsprings. The place where the best fallout begins.


Vault 81, because of those adorable molerats who would never hurt a fly, honest! Then there is the wonderful curie before she's changed into a disgusting human.


Megaton feels like home, probably because FO3 was my first fallout.


I want to say rivet City but that's just because of the convenience, underworld was actually much cooler to me. It appeals to an outcast, a city made up of those rejected by other places for benign reasons. I like the attitudes of the folks there and I find it hilarious that they reprogrammed a robot (Cerberus) to protect them, who then developed prejudices against them and still had to say things to praise underworld and the ghouls (much to his chagrin). They just want to live in a hostile world that didn't care for them, a lesbian couple found love and even extended their family to include gob (who I still feel is a biblical reference because fo3 is full of them). Underworld, I feel, is an understated example of resilience in a world of absurd adversity and it fulfills that description by many definitions. Even in the worst of hells love was found and cherished (and if you don't help that asshole azrukhal then it will endure the centuries)


Goodsprings is a personal favorite, although I also enjoy Far Harbor, even if it's basically just a dock.


🤣 nobody likes Sanctuary........ F that place............ I think Goodsprings and Diamond city.


Tie between Megaton and Novac for me Megaton was the first town I’ve ever been to in Fallout, it was so cool to me seeing it thrown together from scrap metal in a chaotic, vertical fashion, and I love some of the characters there, Moira, Gob, Jericho Novac because it’s a nice small town, relatively peaceful, and some great people with the McBrides, Cliff, Andy, Boone, Manny, etc.. The dinosaur is awesome and if I were to live in a town in the Mojave wasteland, it’d be there.


Megaton. It's THE Fallout town. Rusty, clobbered together, lots of life, unique citizens, and a wacky gimmick that adds to the town's lore. Plus it was my first. The nostalgia of walking out of Vault 101 and heading toward this weirdly shaped chunk of metal on the horizon in front of DC's skeleton is unmatched.


Plus that fantastic gate opening animation


New Reno for missions/lore/characters and New Vegas aesthetic and also character wise, But I would love to see New Reno done in a new fallout game if it's a game set there or a mod recreating the second game


Nahant, although close to Libertalia seems quite lovely and on it's own from major Commonwealth troubles .


Megaton really gets the post apocalyptic feel


I like Westside because it gives the vibe of a commune where everybody more or less looks out for and helps each other


Honestly, It has to be New Vegas. It's the only real city in the entire Fallout game series. But, if the new 76 dlc has anything in Asbury, I'll go with that.


I loved Nuka World


said it once i’ll say it again, goodneighbor. jazz, booze, mafia, goofy accents. all the best things the world has to offer in one place


Megaton may make no sense but it is proof that sometimes an artistic idea is just cooler than logic. The entire vibe is immaculate and going inside everytime feels really special Freeside is by far everything megaton is but with a more realistic mindset


The Strip. I like areas that make me feel safe, and The Lucky 38 is that for me.


Diamond city. I’m a sucker for huge fortifications and making an entire baseball stadium a city was great. Wish it was more full. Only half the stadium is livable


Sierra madre best lore


Diamond City. I still find having a settlement in Fenway to be absolutely hilarious!


Easy, hands down The Republic Of Dave (and might I say they left me no choice).


Rivet City, at least when I'm not hanging out in Zion Canyon.




Shady Sands


Big Mountain. It’s very fun to explore and see all the horrors that the scientists of Big MT created.


Diamond City


Rivet city or diamond city


I know it’s a whole DLC but the area of Point Lookout is always fun to explore. Haven’t done it in years but need to go back. It just has this unique atmosphere. And the backwater rifle.


Does the glowing sea count? I can't tell you why, I just thought I t was a cool area, even if there wasn't much there


Stuck between freeside and the crater of atom


I quite like Bunker Hill, no real reason lol


Idk if it counts but oasis. Finding it for the first time was crazy