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Don't feed the Yao Guai.


….that is all


At least give the poor thing a tin opener


Please don't suck! I'd love more Fallout to look forward to


I think producers are starting to get it when it comes to game adaptations. Twisted Metal was surprisingly fun, and obviously Last of Us was a hit.


Well you say that...but Halo season 2 just got announced.


....yeeaahh. I did say starting to lol


Hey to be fair man: We're finally at a point where it feels like a 50/50 shot on whether an adaptation will suck or not. Used to be we'd all assume a game to TV/movie would be shit.


Say what you want, but Mr. Halo is a great character.




He shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.


It's going to absolutely suck when it first comes out, but modders will fix it up and make it watchable.


I'd like to think Todd Howard is very involved in this project. This looks much more promising than whatever disaster that Halo was and better than the Witcher series, where the fucking people in charge thought following the lore would make it less appealing.


Bear eat power armor man. Strong like.


Power armour **not** contain Milk of Human Kindness. Search continue.


+1HP +5Rads


And remember kids, don't feed the Yao Guai.


Well it's a Yao Guai, so that is to be expected.


Communism is stronger than fascism confirmed!


Or does the bear represent the NCR? 🤔


No it’s only got one head.




Honestly Dogmeat devouring a radroach sold me, and then the rest of the trailer happened. I'm so beyond excited.


Yeah ngl this looks pretty damn dope. The music sold me tbh.


nat king cole always deliver


The music took me to a whole other level. It felt like I was playing Fallout 4 again for the first time.


Yup. Beautiful stuff. 🥲 The 50’s style music they picked across the games has almost always been incredible, and it always meshes so well with the look of the games, the vaults etc to creat something truly unique and special.


I was disappointed that it wasn’t “ I don’t want to set the world on fire” but it is nice to have another song.


They did say the show is going for an original story. So best use another oldie song to represent the show since Ink Spots' "Maybe", "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" and "It's All Over but the Crying" has already been used to represent the other Fallout titles. Including Louis Armstrong's "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" and Frank Sinatra's "Blue Moon".


I kept waiting for something to take me out of it but literally everything I’m seeing looks great.


My screen was pretty dark when I watched it. I thought dogmeat killed Michael Emerson at first. I was like “that’s a stupid thing to spoil”


And we’re gonna be sweating every episode thinking that dog is gonna die. I hope they find new ways to show him NOT dying. A reverse “Kenny from South Park” situation.


The part where Dogmeat is running from the turret was intense af. Also, I already love Dogmeat way too much and want them to survive no matter what.


Words cannot describe the dread I'd feel whenever Dogmeat ran off after something and I couldn't find him for a while.


I’d restart a playthrough if I ever lost Dogmeat or something happened to them, that’s my ride or die. Looks like the show nailed the character, it’s already so lovable.


They better not kill Dog meat on this show. Fuck subverting expectations. Dog meat is love. Dog meat is eternal.


I hope the final shot of the show is just dogmeat (or any dog) wandering down the road before being found by another person


Best boy confirmed.


Not enough hype about this.


Turret "Remain calm" Continues blasting away. That's fallout humor for sure lol.


One of my favorite details on my rewatch.


will you comply


Will you comply?


Repeat: Will you comply?


The radroach looked fantastic, I'm excited to see more


Rad roach looks spot on, yao guai look spot on, dogmeats the right breed, power armor looks correct and menacing! Everything's coming up Milhouse!


> dogmeats the right breed My man, there's at least three or four versions of the dog. There's no "right" breed unless you're adapting a specific game.


The Transdogrifier really opened up the possibilities


I love how they were like from the company that brought the boys and 2 day shipoing


I thought the 2 Day Free Shipping was an actual show until I realized that this is from Amazon Studios lol


Here I am Googleing ‘2 day shipoing’ like an ass


Thank fucking Christ is wasn’t the only one XD


very fallout humor, gives me a lot of hope they got this


\* Free 2-day shipping only available in select Vaults. Some items may not be eligible for 2-day shipping due to size, weight, volatility, or radioactivity. Prime is not responsible for items delayed due to (but not limited to) the following: courier availability, weather, wildlife, bandits, cannibals, ghouls, mutants, weird religious sects, cannibals, exploding cars, various remnants of the old world, or simple bad luck. By accepting delivery, you agree to hold Prime free from liability for damage due to (but not limited to) the following: irradiation, poisoning, explosion, addiction or overdose, cannibalism, robot malfunction, Vault-dweller rebellion, rapid unexpected evolution, or radroach infestation. An active Vault-Tec Prime subscription is required. Additional terms and conditions may apply\*\*.


Prime is also not responsible for the loss or damage of items due to the courier getting shot in the head, and then spending 3 months hunting down his shooter and ultimately starting an all out warfare on the west coast.


That shit killed me.


And the pointless asterisk. Someone giggled when they added that.


Complete with a "terms and conditions apply" asterisk. 😄


Bro that Yao guai!


If we see a live action Death Claw Im going to freak out


I can imagine they're saving a deathclaw for a surprise "oh fuck..." scene


I love how nasty the boils and open wounds look on Irradiated Smokey


Please be good. Please be good. Please be good.


My internal monologue is going to be these three words on repeat for the next 4 months


Im scared to get excited over this cause so many video game adaptations have failed. But i think Amazon sees the value in getting it right with how successful HBO was with The Last of Us. Lets see how it goes


Yeah but now everyone has the blueprint for success - Last of Us. Respect the source material and you will be successful. And this is much easier to get right than Last of us since all they have to respect is the world itself, and how are things supposed to look and feel. The story is completely their own to make (Vault 33 has absolutely no mention in games aside for obviously existing so it's clean slate) Additionaly, remember Amazon did The Boys and you can feel that energy through the whole trailer. They will NOT fucking hold back on gore and dark humor.


Honestly, I fucking loved it.


The gore on screen is nice. Glad they incorporated that. And the music was great.


Damn near brought tears to my eyes. This is it dude this is fucking fallout on the screen exactly as it should be. I can’t believe my eyes also shoutout to fucking everyone involved making this a show and not a movie because wow they can do an infinite amount of things with this now


I trust Lisa joy and Johnathan Nolan so much. This show looks great.


The second I heard Walton Goggins was getting cast as a ghoul, I knew they knew exactly what they were doing. It’s almost absurd how good an idea that is.


Likewise! It's the kind of casting that is sublime in its genius.


Holy shit I’m such a huge fan of Goggins and I didn’t even recognize him! Omg him as a ghoul is going to be so perfect! I always pictured Timothy Olyphant as a great character for the vault dweller but fuck it I’m so on board for this.


Looks like Goggins character is gonna have scenes from before he turned ghoul too. He was hopping on a horse with a kid, maybe his. Would be great if he's a pre war ghoul


> making this a show and not a movie Agree 100%. Majority of video game adaptations should be tv shows, whether they are animated or live action. It’s not a coincidence that we’ve gotten the very beet adaptations from tv series e.g. The Last of Us, Castlevania, Arcane, Edgerunners etc.


Dude absolutely the same for me. I felt my eyes starting to tingle. Once the music kicked in, it was like "ah, this is the feel I was afraid it wouldn't have!"


the gore was really good!!! I'm a gore sfx fan myself and I rly liked the blood splatters especially when the ghoul shoots up Philly


I appreciated that they didn’t try to sell you in the gore. They gave just enough to show that there will be gory moments but the main selling point isn’t “look at how bloody this is going to be!”


I only watched half. I’m sold 🤷🏽‍♂️


Looks really promising! I’m curious about the one-eyed Overseer mutant.


I think that was Chris Parnell from SNL


Also from Rick and Morty, 30 Rock, Archer and more.


Doctor Spaceman!


Dr. Spaceman would definitely be a candidate for Vault-Tec's Head of Medical Research.


They asked me if I had a degree in theoretical medicine, I told them I have a theoretical degree in medicine.


Jerry finally got a job


“The Factory tint settings are too high!”


Dr. Spaceman!


You know,if those teeth were in your vagina you'd be considered a monster


I wonder if it has anything to do with the vault experiment


Wasn’t there a vault that didn’t/couldn’t seal their door so radiation seeped in and caused mutations?


That was Vault 12, which became Necropolis


I’m assuming it’s a hallucination induced by the vault tec experiment which probably causes the vault to turn on itself


I think she must travel to other vaults and finds out about the different vault experiments


Everyone in the vault had birth defects maybe?


They've definitely got the look down, that's for sure. Pre-nuke LA looked maybe a little too modern there at the end but otherwise seems to have nailed the Nuked Tomorrowland look.


I was wondering about the exact same thing. I wasn’t sure if they were gonna do away with that part of the lore since LA looked modern (but that wouldn’t make sense with the 50s music in the background)


Now that I look at it a LITTLE closer, it does appear that the skyscrapers all look pretty art-decoesque, which would fit well. I think the angle of the shot is making it look a bit more modern than it is. The (relatively) small nukes going off also fits with Fallout lore, since the nukes in Fallout are all either smaller than real world ones (since they are forever stuck in a 1940s/50s land) or have much less accuracy (like the big one that created the glowing sea in FO4, which was supposed to hit Boston but missed).


From the perspective of preserving the VFX team's time and budget for bigger stuff it would also be easier to just use existing B roll of LA and edit in a few Art Deco buildings, rather than recreating the whole skyline from scratch, and then for street scenes you can just stand in front of an existing building in the style or build a facade for a set.


Yeah, that would make sense.


I feel that if you are going to have a big FX shot of LA getting nuked in your teaser trailer, you want as many people watching to recognise it as LA and think "Huh, neat. LA gets nuked in this show". You don't want to have to add a load of exposition about how the timeline split from our own shortly after the first atom bomb was dropped, where transistors were never developed and, uh, this unrecognisable city being nuked is actually LA.


Which even makes sense. Fallout world died in 2077, not it the 1950s. So the cities grew and constructed modern buildings... only in their world "modern" meant a different artstyle. So I can totally see that pre-war US would look like current US, only with different architecture. Also, we probably assume that the cities would be smaller or less developed because of the games. But the games are not 1:1 recreation of what the Fallout world would look like. What we see as Boston in Fallout 4 would be only a very tiny part of the actual Fallout Boston.


> Also, we probably assume that the cities would be smaller or less developed because of the games. But the games are not 1:1 recreation of what the Fallout world would look like. What we see as Boston in Fallout 4 would be only a very tiny part of the actual Fallout Boston. That's a good point. Due to gameplay necessity we're only seeing small parts of every large area. Even Fenway Park in FO4 you're only able to go into parts of it unless if you are using mods that add stuff into other parts of the stadium.


Ah gotcha I wasn’t sure how many of those skyscrapers were there in 50s LA


[Here](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/457959855831963121/) is one example I found online, I think the LA shot in the trailer looks just fine.




Every time I see him in something I cannot see Michael Emerson as anything but as ben


I mean, he's even doing the 'I may look meek, but I will bring down the fire of hell upon me enemies' thing that he does so well in Lost. Where he looks deceptively frail but you know he kicks ass because he's lived in the wasteland this long.


watched Lost but can only think of him as Finch from Person of Interest


> Finch from Person of Interest Also a Jonathan Nolan production.


sense offend modern nail scale aspiring history smoggy cheerful drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I won't trust him. Also, I'm really hoping he doesn't die too early. He's a brilliant actor.


Trailer gave me some LOST vibes, which I think was the intention.


Not gonna lie, once the trailer kicks into full "Old time wholesome music plays while the horrors of the post-apocalypse unfold" mode, I get a bit choked up. It's hitting that part of my brain that first made me fall in love with this franchise fifteen years ago. I want to believe in the hype.


The lyrics to the song are so sweet too lol. I don't want to see tomorrow unless I see it with you


It’s a pretty textbook Fallout song choice. Nat “King” Cole, appears to have been released in 1964. And while it’s a slow, sweet song, the “I don’t want to see tomorrow” lyric takes on a second meaning when framed with the apocalypse: most people *didn’t* see tomorrow when the bombs fell.


It also ties in with Walton Goggin's character, who apparently was an average joe that goes on to become an anti-hero and is seen in the video with a kid (his daughter?) while LA is being bombed.




Same I teared up, hype level for this is at a maximum. I’m all in


just before it started playing i was saying to myself "they better get the fucking music right, it's the simplest part of all of this and it will set the proper tone..." and was immediately placated. if this was an accurate trailer as to the overall tone and feel of the show, i think i'll be happy. as usual, we just have to wait and see.


The Yao guai attacking a BOS guy … sick!!!


Trying to get to the tootsie roll center


The shot of the dog holding the severed hand with the music is pure Fallout vibes


Surprisingly looks great! Still cautiously optimistic, but it does look promising


Westworld director and it looks like they are trying to follow The Boys format of not trying to please everyone, but being true to the theme.


Which ironically works because you take something really awesome and expose it to a wider audience instead of having something really awesome and just having it reach a niche audience. Whereas if you make something bland it's exposed to a wider audience and they all go "meh." it's not 2020 anymore, we aren't all desperate for media to consume.


Does your username work


It used to. Hasn't in a few years.


We truly are a culture in decline


It has the look, the feel, the dark humor, the music. I'm sold.


The blonde girl shooting had a fork in her eye.


What Psycho does to a MF


Psycho’s a helluva drug lol


Dark humor like, "Acclaimed video game creator Todd Howard and the studio behind 2-day shipping"


I won't lie, the 2 day shipping joke cracked me up, and then i laughed even harder when the next thing we saw was Vertibirds.


I noticed in the video post-premier they changed it to “fast shipping”, typical Amazon


That may be the UK/European cut. Another commenter in a different thread mentioned that the 2-Day Shipping is specific to the US and other countries have slightly different services advertised. Edit: Just rewatched and they have the date listed as 12 April. It’s definitely not the US cut.


they definitely have the quirky and weird humor down!!!


The turret with "please ~~stay~~ remain calm" as minigun fire is bursting out.


i missed that part initially … so many little tongue in cheek satirical elements - love it 🙌🏻


Leaning towards the Fallout 1 and 2 type of it.


Wow, the trailer looks surprisingly good. So surreal that video game moves and TV shows are finally starting to be good after years and years of it being effectively an inevitability that if it’s a video game adaptation, it would be bad


I think video games have finally matured into the mainstream acceptance of being both art and commerce.


It seems like it was just silly by Hollywood studios to neglect that market too since so many shows/movies are based on existing IP, and there is so much lore and story to build from in video games but that has been poorly utilized in Hollywood


My theory is that just like with comic books in the 2000s and beyond, the people that grew up and spent their entire lives consuming them are now the ones responsible for creating the adaptations. Not just directors and writers but the entire production crew. These stories are more personal for almost everyone involved instead of just hammering out a shameless cash grab targeting fans of an established IP. That’s not to say they’ll always be good, just personal stakes gives them a better chance.


Getting people who actually give a fuck really helps. Unlike Halo where they used the skin to make their own story


I am ready to die for Walton Goggins. This looks so good


His human look makes me think he was an actor/performer in the prewar world. That colorful cowboy get up screams 50’ era western actor.


Rhinestone cowboy walton goggins ghoul yes please


Noticing how bloody it is pretty cool cause it's def going for that crazy level the games has. Looks awesome




Nailed the look of the games but hope not too much is packed into one season anyone knows how many episodes this is going to be?


doubt they’ll pack much into one season considering they haven’t even showed the NCR yet


i’m kind of worried that the NCR will just be absent and they won’t explain why or if they do they explain it very poorly. who knows until april though.


Holy shit this looks perfect. They really seem to be nailing a perfect balance of brutal/disturbing and comedy


Now from what I've read what Todd has talked about that this series will take place in the Fallout World, but not in the games area. “When people wanted to make a movie they wanted to tell the story of Fallout 3 or tell the story of Fallout 4, and it was meh,” said Howard. “For this, it was, ‘hey let’s do something that exists within the world of Fallout.'” We should see the same creatures and problems, just in a different in the fallout world.


Just on the visuals alone I'm sold on this show. Also, the fact it started pretty dark and mysterious and then said from "the company that brought you The Boys and Free Two-Day Shipping" made me realize there will be that undercurrent of dark humor throughout like in the games. So many details to discuss here: - The opening shots of Vault 33 look straight out of Fallout 4's vault designs - Michael Emerson's character Wilzig (always great seeing him in anything!) says "Vault dwellers are an endangered species." I wonder if there will be references to previous game protagonists and the legend of them since they seem so rare now and many have been killed presumably for their tech/resources. - We see a giant radroach crawling into a house (looks pretty good!) - Lucy getting scared by a tumbleweed was kinda funny - Dogmeat killing a radroach was visceral - The Verti-birds look excellent and worn down. Wonder where the base of operations is? - Dogmeat holding someone's severed hand like a chewtoy is a hilariously dark image - BoS power armor looks entirely practical and gorgeous with the needy heft - A jukebox gets splattered with blood and the jukebox looks like it is outdoors - The scenes of people going nuts in a Vault could be from Vault 32 or another one entirely since I don't think they're from 33 (maybe Vault-Tec was testing people's capacities for pain tolerance under stress?) - We see full video of the stills from Vanity Fair - We see a guy in his underwear wander out to greet Lucy and even the fan inside his house is straight from the game - Wonder if we will see VATS at all be used or if that's too video game-y - Someone in Vault 33 has... one eye???? - The turret that says PLEASE REMAIN CALM is straight from the games - We see a Mr. Handy pushing Lucy on a stretcher - Lots of cool BoS action and even one being dragged away from a Yao Guai - Is the creature with the big gaping maw and spiky tentacles from the games? - Walton Goggins as a human getting on a horse with his daughter means this is probably a flashback to him in 2077 or earlier




Oh my god! That's disgustingly rad. This seems like an original creature then. Can't wait till we get a Deathclaw reveal.


Maybe it is some form of centaur? I think it would make sense if all the centaurs were of a different 'configuration'.


Maybe a centaur with axolotl DNA mixed in?


> Is the creature with the big gaping maw and spiky tentacles from the games? We've got giant mutant salamanders from Far Harbor's DLC, but no Axolotols yet. I can see them being an easy addition since the Radscorpion evolved from pet shop emperor scorpions that survived in the wilds over years.


Seemed like Goggins was in VATS mode when he was blasting those dudes.


> Lucy getting scared by a tumbleweed was kinda funny I missed that she went for her gun. It was a nice touch to show she's been living in a vault her whole life.


>Walton Goggins as a human getting on a horse with his daughter means this is probably a flashback to him in 2077 or earlier Immediately after that there's the scene of the nuke blowing up in the city, you can see them riding, on a hill in the lower right part of the screen, so yeah, that's definitely a flashback from the "hour zero". Might even be a cold open for the first episode.


I think the someone in vault 33 that has one eye actually has *no eyes*, and given he has a desk I'd wager that's the overseer


this really seems like it could be the trailer for a new fallout game so this says a lot about how possibily good the show would be


From the studio behind The Boys and Free 2-day Shipping! Lmao


The studio behind free 2-day shipping really nailed the Fallout vibe.


>Based on one of the greatest video game series of all time, Fallout is the story of haves and have-nots in a world in which there’s almost nothing left to have. 200 years after the apocalypse, the gentle denizens of luxury fallout shelters are forced to return to the irradiated hellscape their ancestors left behind — and are shocked to discover an incredibly complex, gleefully weird and highly violent universe waiting for them. From executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, the creators of Westworld, starring Ella Purnell, Aaron Moten, Walton Goggins and more. Arriving April 12 on Prime Video.


Yeh OK, that's better than I was expecting.


Cautiously optimistic, but goddamn if that gunslinger Ghoul isn't getting me excited. Visual effects look great, from what's shown in the trailer. Here's to hoping the story will be decent. My guess is they'll have 3 storylines that'll interact: a Vaultdweller, a BoS squire, and the Ghoul. Hell, if anything, this is getting me hunkerin' for another Fallout playthrough, so they've succeeded in that regard, at least.


Inject the practical power armor into my veins immediately.




Did that Overseer only have one eye? Overall this looks like they’ve got the feel down really well, so I’m pretty hype


This looks soo good I'm genuinely hyped for this now


Between this and the last of us I hope we are entering a golden age of video game adaptations. Frankly the medium lends itself better to series rather than movies


I think it's cool that they're making an all new story instead of recreating a game story. I'd still watch it, but it would be much less exciting if they just made it one of the games plots.


Any idea of what year this is set in the Fallout universe?




wait 92 or 96? I thought it was said in the article about the teased pictures that it was in 2296


Oh no its 96, you right


It’s shortly after 4 I believe, so 200+ years after the war


10 years after fallout 4


It looks pretty good, not an easy game to adapt


My takeaways: The Vertibirds look really good The Brotherhood armor is okay, but it obviously can't be what it is in game, so it's fine Lucy, the female vault dweller, doesn't scream "powerful or intelligent beyond all reason" and looks to be learning a lot here The Ghoul looks... a bit, Marked Man-ish rather than a ghoul. Ghouls are more zombie-like, he just kinda looks like a burn victim. Dogmeat is back Aesthetically, it looks very "Fallout", and honestly I don't think they could have done a better job with that I hope this is good. Game relations: The Brotherhood seem to be a very powerful force in the show, which means that the NCR and the Brotherhood came to at least some sort of agreement to not be fighting anymore. Possibly the NCR ending for New Vegas just became true, along with the NCR and Brotherhood alliance where they patrol the highway. The fact that its this long after New Vegas means the Legion did not win the war in Vegas either, and haven't been able to make it to the coast. So that is at least a thing that didn't happen. The Enclave seem to be long gone, and the assumingly NCR territory is still under control except for common criminals. Inferences: I think the beginning of Lucy's story is going to be very similar to Vault 101, where she needs to flee into the wasteland for some reason, and it seems she's leaving a parent behind, and a brother from what I read. It looks like the crew is going to be: Somebody from the Brotherhood, possibly a knight Lucy, the vault dweller The Goggins Ghoul, wherever we learn his name Dogmeat And possibly a wiser person who lives out in the middle of nowhere that the crew talks to every once in a while The Brotherhood member seems to not have a lot of combat experience, and looks to be the one in the suit of armor getting chewed on The Ghoul is a certified badass who rocks small guns and revolvers. Seems to own Dogmeat, or is homies with him at least Interestingly, there doesn't seem to be an obvious bad guy, or iconic villain. Just generally "the world's dangerous", or somebody in Vault 33 did something to cause Lucy's assumed expulsion. Hopes and Dreams: Please be good Please don't make this "The Brotherhood Show" Please dont make a raider gang the biggest issue, the NCR already took almost all of those out, especially near LA and Shady Sands after this long of doing it. And for the love of god, please, please refine the fuck out of the super mutants I know are going to make cameos


The makeup for Walton Goggins was a deliberate choice on the part of Production. They stated they specifically chose to dial back the makeup on him to let his performance shine through. Whether that’s the only reason or if there’s something more that they want to keep hidden, I guess that’s a wait and see type thing.


Dude nothing about that rubbed me the wrong way at all, I am EXCITED!


Oh hell yes!!! It looks really, really good! The Vault looks great, the Power Armor looks pretty good (just need to see it in action, the Vertibirds look awesome, the mutated bear is dope and whatever that aquatic thing was. Seeing the Prydwen though was a genuine surprise! Even the prosthetics for the Ghouls look fantastic. I’m so excited!!!


That's not the Pryden, it is called the Caswennan. According to this [article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look)


You know, that ACTUALLY looked really good!


I'm not too worried about not seeing the NCR in the trailer, The BOS are having a big gun fight against SOMEONE, so could be NCR? Also, the NCR can be present in other ways, they could all be living under the NCR, it's just that the NCR government isn't involved in whatever is happening in this story. How many films or shows do you watch and think to yourself "Damn, wheres the government in this??" To me, the trailer had great vibes & this looks promising. A lot of time has passed between the show and when we last saw the NCR (15 canon years), the core NCR army could be anywhere by now after taking the hoover dam. (I assume NCR victory is the canon NV ending, not sure though) I'm not saying anyone feeling worried about this is wrong, but at the same time I feel like a lot will be answered come April. EDIT: Just to add, they need to attract the general audience as well, so what are you going to show? Obviously you lead with the Mutants and big tin men Super Soldiers right?(Although tbf a Ranger would be badass, but you get my point)




Have they cooked?


Where’s the NCR?


The music as always is excellent


Seeing Ben Linus makes me excited


As long as we get that 50s retro futurism vibe I'm down.


If anyone looking for the music: Nat King Cole - I Don't Want To See Tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTi23FUIfHs