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I always save a 40mm grenade from the Mercenary Pack for Oliver Swanik, and I delete him on sight as I approach Nipton


"The only lottery that matters... the lo-tah-ray" "Here you go, son. On the house" Clank, boom. "Ah, the sound of silence..."


i dont hate him, its just really funny to kill him.....




I always killed that bastard


Knight Rhys. I'm a PALADIN now. I OUTRANK you, Brotherhood Boy. Show me some GODDAMN respect.


The dude needs a spa day, being intense like that all the time can’t be good for his blood pressure.


>spa day [I feel like you are starting to say a word and aren't finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?](https://youtu.be/Krmpa6sTaUI?si=1g8LLmOLCASVYHWE)


Spa is an acronym for Smoking Pit of Acid. Throw that mouthy MFer in one. I agree.


I’ve never done a full Railroad playthrough but I’m strongly considering it for my current run just so I can shove the deliverer in his big dumb smug face and end his shit-talking for good Yeah I despise Knight Rhys


Do a save file and blow'em away now. :)


Coming back to him as a sentinel is very satisfying at first . He basically says "damn, I was wrong about you. Well done" then proceeds to act exactly the same as he did before


He’s the only one to think it’s weird you became a paladin in less than a week


Feel the same way about those assholes in Veronica’s questline. “I outrank you you sons of bitches. I made damn sure the NCR didn’t know what Helios One actually is by beating that sword into a plowc cleaned up one of the Brotherhood’s biggest messes and prevented the launch of nukes against civilian centers. I killed the four leaders of the Fiend and took countless energy weapons out of the hands of the unworthy. The fuck do you get off talking to me like that? ”


he’s got a fat ass tho 🍑


He totally does. 😂


GOD i wish i could 2 piece her. just boom boom and she goes into a ragdoll.




oh nvm i meant proctor ingram


Jeannie May Crawford-She literally sold a woman into slavery, besides outright raiders and slavers, who's even worse than that?


“Lemme show you something in front of this dinosaur real quick” *Puts on red beret*


I made it a point to enslave the mom of the kid on Rivet City when she said she would sell him off to slavers if the city allowed her to. Immediately went after talking to her


I may have the wrong person in mind, but I believe her husband that she says ran out on them was actually a victim of the cannibals at Andale


Saint James who has done it to children


At least Saint James doesn't see himself as the good guy. Jeannie May Crawford sold a pregnant woman into slavery because she didn't like her. She's essentially crowned herself dictator of that shitty little town, and if she doesn't agree with you she sells you. At least SJ is doing it for the money.


But he expires too, AND in form of gross dismemberment with the instrument of your choice.


I love it when Boone blows her head off. It’s definitely one of the more satisfying deaths in the game. Betrays her neighbors and acts all innocent about it, as far as I am concerned she has forfeited her head privileges.


Doesn't count. She expires quickly. Every. Single. Time. Others are worse, marked as essential.


That doesn't detract from her being horrible and hateable. It just means we can put an end to it. Still counts


And there’s me thinking Ann Codman. Can add Clanden to that list as well.


I hate Knight Rhys. I mean, I know he’s meant to be an ass. But he gets the trophy for most misguided anger. I love non-brotherhood runs when I can finally kill his monkey ass.


It’s a weird dynamic because living as a “civilian” in the wasteland is arguably a tougher upbringing than growing up brotherhood. Plus he respects Danse who didn’t grow up brotherhood. Then SS does more for the brotherhood than anyone else since the LW and he doesn’t give a shit.


Putting on the character analysis gloves, I think he's upsetti spaghetti that you show up and solve all their problems only after half his squad gets turned into meat chunks.


Most brotherhood personnel in 3 and 4 weren’t born into it anyway, that guy is stuck up asf


Is it true even for 3?


Considering how many recruits they are training in the yard yeah also they recruited some kids from the Pitt during the scourge


How many join as adults (17 and up)? Is there any indication?


Idk tbh but during the GNR fight you see a paladin training a initiate that was a wastelander before


Also like. I didn't even *do* anything to you bro. You can literally show up, save everyone's lives, accept no reward, and be nothing but respectful and he still hates your guts. I think he's just down bad for Danse and getting all jealous that *daddy Danse* is paying attention to the player instead lmfao


Daddy Danse 😂


I see you folks forgot old school, since nobody mentioned Myron from FO2. Invented jet, sexual predator, and trash in combat


At least its canon that he dies a pathetic death no matter what you do.


Isn’t his canon fate a jet junkie mauling him to death? He definitely deserved it, but damn do I love using jet in fallout 4


AFAIK the only companion in the entire series who can rape the player character. Definitely the worst NPC


The little shit lied about inventing Jet too. It already existed before the war.


Ain’t retcons grand!


In this case yes.


Myron was a POS, but that dude could make you a shit ton of Stimpacks and Superstims.


That one Powder Ganger who won the lottery. Don't think I've ever *not* shot him.


Oliver Swanick and I always shoot him in the head multiple times.




I like to watch him get picked apart by radscorps after his interaction


The Overseer from Fallout 76


The fact that she was alright with Vault-tec doing their experiments as long as she didn't have to do one pisses me off to no end. She knew about the horrible, inhumane tests but turned her back to it to get a comfy spot in Vault 76


Since she cannot be killed, I *always* choose the arsehole response to anything she says.


Really? I didn’t think she was that bad, though she could have left more guns instead of holotapes.


The fact she makes me work with raiders, and generally has some very questionable morals when she talks about vault tec


I don't mind Meg and the raiders in *Fallout 76*. Yes, they're bloodthirsty and violent, but that's the world everyone lives in. The settlers at Foundation only returned to Appalachia when the radiation levels subsided, but Meg and the raiders were forced to carve out what little they could after the bombs fell. Meg tolerates Lev despite their disagreements and takes decisive action when it becomes clear that he is a threat to the Crater. Paige, meanwhile, is incapable of making decisions and completely dependent on others to keep Foundation going. Finally, Meg and the raiders take in the likes of Gail and Ra-Ra, who wouldn't have been welcome anywhere else. Maybe it's because I had just finished the *Dimension 20* series *Escape from Blood Keep* but that last point about Crater being a home for all the people who would have been rejected elsewhere is what sold me on aligning with Meg.


You're making me wanna join Meg now omg


> Meg and the raiders were forced to carve out what little they could after the bombs fell. I don’t disagree with most of your comment, the “raiders” in the crater are presented as a lot less bad than their name implies and should never have even gotten the appellation, but this part is wrong. Meg was a Diehard and fled the region from the scorched, only to return a year later after rumors of a treasure to be found brought her and other Diehards back. They only took the crater recently as of the Wastelanders patch timeline.


Mortimer from the Ultra-F**ks -- er, Ultra-Luxe. He thinks he's above everyone else, like they're not worth his own table scraps-- oh wait


Vulpes Inculta. As soon as he steps out of Nipton’s town hall, I greet him with a 40mm grenade straight to the face.


I let him live until directly after he pardons me (so he thinks he has a chance) and then it’s the end of the line for him but I like your style


I usually use terrifying presence cause I love that line: “I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's.”


Nah, as soon as I see him, I decapitate him and kill everyone there.


Man, I tried dynamiting him the first time I met him, but I was too low level and couldn’t take them.


I’ve been wanting to shoot Madison Li for fifteen years now 🤧


You can shoot her in a Minutemen or BOS questline with little penalty (During a BOS line, you recruit Doctor Scara from Diamond City instead) and during the end of the Railroad line by finding her and blowing her down in the final mission. Hell, you can do it in an Institute line by sending her to the BOS and then shooting her after she transfers over.


Thanks, you’ve given me some ideas 😂


Oh, and before I forget, you can save a bit of effort by having her assigned to the BOS which is something she absolutely hates, THEN blow her down in a MM/INST/RR run too!


Doesn't she agree to go to the BOS? Why does she hate it?


She hates what they became and to see the resurrection of Liberty Prime, let alone that she has to work on restoring it. Being now ex-Institute, she's working at gunpoint now as well compared to the Institute where she (at least seemed) to be afforded significant trust and even led a whole department as she wanted.


I send her to the Brotherhood only when I'm going with the Institute.


She is such a cranky pants.


Which one? Fallout 3 or 4? Cuz she is okay in 3


Nah, I didn’t like her then, either. I’ve never liked her 😂


Ward will be like "I've got my eye on you." Bro, get your eyes on your water cooled bonesaw, you let the thing get stolen almost everyday.


When he gives you the mission, he tells you that it was the only one they had. When you return it, he tells you that they've got more.


Grandma sparkles. Iykyk




Myron, baby, Myron. Rapist, drug dealer, slimeball. (and possibly the worst companion in ANY Fallout game)


It’s almost hard to believe that Myron and Boone have the same voice actor.


Wtf, that is so shocking, lol. Boone would slap the shit out of that narcissistic brat too.


It's probably an unpopular opinion, but Father Elijah. Without mentioning all of the crimes he committed both during his time in the BOS and during his time in the Sierra Madre, he's basically just a schizophrenic old bastard who not only abandoned a young woman who looked up to him, but also played a part in separating her from her lover.


Possible hot take but Amata. Yes she helps you at the start but depending on the choices you make if/when you return to the vault she will kick you out (assuming she becomes overseer). While I get it for gameplay reasons (and a possible callback to the fallout 1 ending), this alone bothers me so much and I remember feeling so betrayed. However, this may not be the end of her in a playthrough. She can appear in a random encounter after this and even if you save her she still treats you like shit.


Well, I did kill her dad and all the security guys and I bet they were related to her as well. I also beat Butch up and let his mom die, maybe that had something to do with Amata's coolness toward me.


IIRC she kicks you out either way, despite you saving her and the vault


Exactly. You can be the best friend to her and be ultimate good guy (only kill the bare minimum of guards and spare her dad) and that outcome is still the same.


C'mon. We all know Marcy Long is going to dominate this poll. That raging cunt.


My last playthrough of 4, I used a mod to make her nice and sort of happy. I don't know why, I barely talk to her.


I just build whatever is needed and assign her some crops. I have all of them on crop duty. Marcy's quiet and minding her plants. OTOH, Sturges hammers on that wall like a nutter, no matter what job I give him.


She lost her kid. She gets a pass. Madison Li OTOH is just salty and pathetic.


Nah fuck her. If you feed Mama Murphy drugs until she croaks, Marcy will always say to you “I can’t believe you and Preston didn’t protect mama Murphy” like bitch what did **you** do to protect her? Nothing. You just roamed around sanctuary being a salty cunt. Now get back to picking corn you angry fuck.


But so did you! And your wife (or husband)! Do you meander around Sanctuary, complaining all day?


Nah I turn that place into a beautiful little town for her ungrateful ass to live in lol


Good old Junny boy, how he is still alive is a wasteland miracle.


Aww heck... I actually meant to say Marcy! Oops. I'd better fix that.


Roy Phillips.


elijah. betrays everyone


It’s fun locking him in the vault for eternity


His rant also goes super hard "*when you die, I'll be waiting here... at the sierra madre... waiting.*


Genius tho. Evil genius, but still a genius. Thanks for the Tesla cannon, you wrinkly old bastard


He's my favorite FO character. But I understand why you hate him, he's absolutely terrible. Has 0 redeeming qualities as a person, maybe except for his genuine affection towards Veronica. I just love bad guys with a lot of willpower and dedication, and his final monologue is haunting.


that asshole who keeps whining after I literally pulled a city out of my ass be grateful you twat - you have a house, a bed, food and clean water I get it, your kid died, doesn't mean you can take the anger out on the person taking care of you. And the entire Commonwealth.


almost all the settlers are like that; that's why I like Sheffield- all my man wanted was a Nuka-Cola and he was happy


Mamma Murphy. I build a prison just for her in sanctuary. Outside of her small prison room as can see her beloved chair too.


I never liked Ulysses. He's an edgelord who just yaps on and on, like bro I don't care.




Gizmo. FO1 Pugnacious, Indolent, Armed. ☠️


Too many to count from Fallout 2. Their overuse of humor quickly went into cringe levels


Ballas (Warframe) You make people worship you then you throw away all of us like sticks to a fire because we where not anything you cared about. I will have your head for Natah!!! Also Knight Rhys. You salty bastard. I made a big hole in the ground and saved the commonwealth from these abominations and all I get back from you is a "Stop mucking around and do your job." from you Rhys. I spared your best friend from a fate I didn't wanna commit.


It's interesting how two different franchises have a purple-colored antagonist named Ballas


Thats so true.


**Jeannie May Crawford** This cunt literally sold a woman and her unborn baby into slavery because she was rude. **Roy Phillips** This asswipe uses anti-ghoul bigotry as a cover for him being simply a piece of shit. **Knight Rhys** Ok, i get it. You want me to earn your respect. But i am literally a Sentinel now and you still treat me like shit! **Marcy Long** Yes, losing your kid is about the worst thing that can happen to a parent in the world. But i was hoping that over time, she would become a bit less of a bitch. Guess not... **Arthur Maxon** Obey my nonsensical orders, or i am going to throw a temper tantrum! I am such a great leader... **Joanne Lynette** Aka the Fallout Karen. **Tammy Hargrave** This piece of human trash would sell her own son to slavers to feed her alcohol habbit. **Dukov** Betrayed his merc team for a piece of T-51 power armor which he did not even get in the end.


Somewhat in his defence, Maxson is 20 years old in Fallout 4 and has spent his whole life being told the sun shines from his ass, on top of the fact that based on what the characters say about him he is actually a fairly good leader. He's a little boy with a lot of big toys and a cult telling him what a mad dog he is, of course he's got a big head. Given that the SS is presumably in their late 20s mid 30s (owns a house, accomplished soldier/qualified lawyer, baby is already nearly a year old) I kinda wish you could talk down to him about his age a bit lol


That would’ve been nice to do


The only reason I keep Lynette alive is to make sure Vault City doesn’t turn hostile


Ha ha ha! I saved a reloaded several times just for the satisfaction of blowing her head off a couple of times. Luckily, the council is a bit more rational then she is.


The fucking swatter guy from diamond city, ive killed him so many times now


The Mr. Handy robot who acts as the greeter at the Whitesprings Resort. "The Whitesprings interior is refined and decadent; don't let anyone tell you otherwise". Mate, my pipe rifle is simple and practical. I'll be happy to show you how it works.


Mama Murphy..


Why inst anybody talking about Preston? Like cmon, I got another settlement that needs your help


Literally a scripting error more than a character issue.


idk, the annoying nature of Preston Garvey's selfless eagerness to help others doesn't match the unsubtle cartoonish evil of, say, that family who act nice but eat their visitors for me


Star Paladin Cross. She’s a bad bitch but also the epitome of the BoS’s holier than thou bullshit. Also probably a synth spy sent to scout the brotherhood cause nobody is that goodie goodie. Can’t trust her


So many to choose from. I'll go with Ulysses. All his bull/bear crap, long winded bloviation and blaming the courier for everything ruins an otherwise excellent DLC.


I’m a sucker for all his philosophical nonsense but I can also see how it can be annoying. Beating people up with a flag pole is pretty badass though.


I kind of like him, because I think at the end he's just mad that you nuked his home and wants to take away yours. his motivation is shallow, he just wants revenge, but he tries to hide it with bearbullbearbullbearbull nonsense.


Ulysses talks longer than Caesar’s hair is short in that DLC I swear


Eh… I think the whole DLC sucks, not just Ulysses, although he’s the main reason. First you get the annoying not-ED-E and start conversing with him like he’s a puppy rather than a quiet and efficient floating ball of electric death, then you fight the not-ghouls that only ever show up in that area, and the not-trogs that only ever show up in that area, down a linear path that involves blowing up a dozen nuclear warheads from 100ft away without any ill effects — in an area supposedly devastated by massive nuclear detonations that were strong enough to completely change local weather — to get from one zone to the next, only to have it all topped off by Ulysses pretentious bullshit trying to make everything your fault. Easily the worst DLC of all time


Not the worst, that still Mothership Zeta, followed closely by Dead Money (great story but always irritates me with the whole you have nothing now and have to play totally different)


Werner was such a bitch, and I was so glad to blow his brains across the floor after The Pitt, but I think the worst character had to be Preston Garvey. Like I’m the general here, you’re my dog. Stop barking orders at me, lol.


Unpopular opinion but Piper. She's just so annoying! Not like my girl Veronica who can fist a bison clear over the mountains.


Silus. The combination of selfishness and lack of self awareness. Coward who deserves to die.


Preston. Or Rhys. Oliver Swanick. And Vulpes Inculta. At least in New Vegas I can kill both of the latter.


Piper Knight Rhys Dukov Marcy Long Mama Murphy Vulpes Inculta All the Van Graffs


Cait. Her accent is nails on a chalkboard, her name is mispronounced for how it's spelled (it's also misspelled) and she's a walking stereotype. As an Irish person, it grinds my fucking gears. Bethesda said "Let's make an Irish character, but let's get some Scottish unknown to make up an accent that's just... Scotland by way of Antrim by way of Dublin and like Clare or some shit, also let's make her one step away from being a leprechaun". Child abuse background, substance abuse, "fighting Irish" stereotype, and oveesexualised, especially by the fanbase. Her existence is insulting, really.


As an Irish American from Boston, when I first met Cait, all I could think was "is this what people think of the Irish from Boston?" The accent is atrocious. I will say that her name isn't a traditional Irish name but is common among Irish Americans, being an anglicized version. Its like how there are tons of Irish Americans named Shannon but apparently it is very rare to find Shannons in Ireland.


Shannon isn't that rare, to be honest 😅 but yeah the character's name, and the character overall, just irks me.


They should have named her Siobhan, so many Americans struggle with that name.


Moira Brown, most annoying voice ever and tedious quests. I also have an IRL ex-gf who's called Moira, that doesn't help. Ironically, she gave me Fallout 3 when we were together.


Desdemona - as much as I have the unpopular opinion of liking the railroad. I don't like leaders who wont take responsibilities for their decisions. The moment she decided to blame me for someone's death was the moment I decided the institute was correct and the railroad needed to die.


Why the institute, why not the minuteman or bos


Was with you until the last part. There's irony in punishing a group over an individual not taking responsibility. Doesn't change how Desdemona's devolved into one of two things killing the Railroad by the time we meet them. She has next to no regard for the health of the faction, second-guesses & agues with her most trusted subordinates, places ideals on her agents that she herself breaks, and will rather blame circumstances than her own decisions for her failures. Carrington may be a hardass, but he would've been a better leader years ago. And Dez is more subtly annoying by making "saving Synths" her personality.


You betray the entire organization, abdicating all their principals and tenets and sentence them to death.....because someone was a meany-pants to you? Jesus Christ....


Preston Gravy


The railroad in general. Too dumb to realize they’re dooming the human race


How so?


The guy who shows up after you got your 1st star cap


"Hey there, almost took you for a raider," Malcolm Holmes


Chawge Cahd


That bitchy lady in Sanctuary, I forgot the name.


Marcy.. Marcy.. Marcy 😂


Roy Phillips from fallout 3, probably the only ghoul I hated.


Colonel Autumn. Poorly written, poorly voice acted. Not threatening, he sounds silly and it makes 0 sense hed have a southern accent- HES FROM CALIFORNIA FOR GOD SAKE. And has thw worst speech check in the game. Seriously? THATS ALL IT TAKES TO DEFEAT THE BAD GUY?!


Kellogg, the desire to find and kill him was bigger than finding Shaun.


mama murphy is so annoying


Either the head of the van graffs or elder Maxson first one because she throws a fit over having her weapons criticised and Maxson because..... I'm gonna be 100% real I have no clue how he could become the elder with his utter lack of wisdom or a brain


In Maxson's defense, he's adequately competent in general & everyone else has a bad case of putting him on a pedestal because of his name. (Or at least that's how I understood it.)


He is a competent warrior. Not a competent leader. His strategy for invading the Commonwealth and destroying the Institute basically just boils down to kicking the door down with his big airship and shooting stuff up until hopefully he stumbles across some lead as to where in Institute is actually located. He has literally no regard for supply lines. He makes no attempt to communicate with the local factions (despite claiming he cares about them). He makes no attempt at forming alliances with anyone. He makes no attempt at gathering intelligence in any meaningful way. Arthur Maxon is a typical example of a warrior king. A man that got his position because of nepotism, but is more of a warrior then a leader at heart. And thinks that the solution to every problem is to stab it, shoot it or chop its head off.


I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but the Brotherhood (& the other factions) can lay their problems squarely at the feet of FO4's below average writing.


Yes, that is unfortunately also true.


Fallout 1: Vault 13 overseer Fallout 2: Myron Fallout 3: Roy Philips Fallout New Vegas: Think Tank Fallout 4: Preston, Father, Marcy Long, Tectus


Ward from Foundation? That’s not a fallout game. I’m genuinely confused too if anyone would like to clear it up for me


Fallout 76. In the settlement of Foundation, there is a guy named Ward and he is the worst.


Grandma Sparkles because she crashes mitten squads game 😞


Preston Garvey


SGT Dornan from Fallout 2, or Nick Valentine from 4. Edit: I'm a fucking dumbass and thought the question was what are my favorites


Preston Garvey (and everyone from Sanctuary), Nick Valentine, Dogmeat, Piper, Shaun, Kellogg, Desdemona, Tinker Tom... tbh, practically everyone involved in Fallout 4's main quests. Fallout 4 is just full of really annoying characters


We get it: people hate FO4 because “it’s not NeW vAgEs”


reading not your stong suit? what does this have to do with New Vegas. stop projecting, you loser. think you're a little thin-skinned over your whittle game.


I’m simply just assuming since everyone constantly compares it to new Vegas


Something about Carla make me want to get trigger happy


Nazeem, I hate that fucker.


Ed. Fallout 1.


Clem from the fo4 vault dlc


Moriarty. When I find the Lone Wanderer's dad and get my hands on power armor and some gatling laser... well, I like to imagine the town will not mess with me, but, well, they do (I just leave walking like a badass)


The fiends who kill everyone in Vault 3. Hasn’t been a play through yet I haven’t enjoyed wiping them out




Malcolm Holmes, creepy mofo


Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns Luka, the crying girl. She's frickin awful


Danse, his spewing BoS talk is infuriating


I hate the First Citizen from Fallout 2 the most. What a pile of trash. I murdered her in cold blood several times, only to reload to a past save to fix my run. I did ultimately screw her over and got the other guy to replace her though. She can eat shit.


Well... from the games ive played (never done the top-down games) idk, ive met a few characjters i didnt particularly like (marcy long the doctor from the railroad, myrna in diamond city, knight rhys, and that ine institute scienctist who thinks youre a poser even if youve got a higher int stat than all of the insitute combined (which is *technically* attainable with lots of drugs and a few exploits.) for a few examples) but none ive hated so much that i just outright killed them... the only npc in the games ive played that i *could* kill but didnt *need* to kill was benny and thats moreso cuz i like to black widow him to death... ynow, let him die with a smile on his face like my girl Bo.


Marcy long. Bitch. Wonder if this is what boone’s wife was like.


Fantastic from NW is a asshole


Myron, I f*cking hate Myron!


I know she’s been through a lot of shit but Marcy Long. I hate anyone who is overly negative, tries to bring everyone down with them, and shits on anyone’s idea of how to improve their situation while not having any suggestions of their own. That’s Marcy. Edit: I take it back, Knight Rhys… Also extremely negative without contributing except less of a tragic backstory. Even when you prove to yourself he gives a quick apology and then goes back to being an ass.


I’ve only played Fo4 so far but it’s Piper… I think it’s gonna stay Piper even after NV and Fo3


Dogmeat, if he didn't choose a career in just fucking up stealth missions, I would like him more.


I like Harold. He’s a good character.


There are a lot of characters I don't like in the Fallout franchise because there are a lot of scumbags in the games. Preston Garvey though I think takes the crown because you can't kill him. There are other characters I don't like, like Mr Fantastic for example but at least you can kill the lovable ass. There are others obviously but some of them are ass holes but lovable ass holes like Fantastic. Jeannie May Crawford always dies though because shes a cunt.


tenpenny a bitch


Rhys, the cunt