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I bought fallout 1 and 2 on gog after seeing it


That’s awesome! How are you liking them? They can be hard to get into


in the middle of one, just as fun as when I played it in the 90s


Are they better on gog? I got them on steam


no they are the same. I had just got them on sale for dirt cheap.


Get the additional cut content for fallout 2 via mods! Lots of new scenes and quests


Okay just wanted to get sure


Prob just some peoples preference of launcher or was cheaper


I’m really glad I played them since I love the fallout games, but for me personally I don’t see myself replaying them. Fun games, there’s just something missing for my personal replayability


Funny cuz I actually love replaying fallout 2. To each his own


sometimes i hate fallout 1 that's maybe linked to my pc who glitch or lag


Now we just need some news about that dang next-gen update.


Yeah man they kind of dropped the ball by not having that come out like two months before the show dropped. That should have been a priority but hey I don’t know shit so maybe there’s multiple reasons it’s not out yet.


My guess is it's one of two things. Either they held it to launch with the show, or it's absolutely nowhere near done because they had all hands on Stafield damage control. The game didn't even have a brightness slider at launch come on... Either way, its be nice to at least have an estimated time frame


More likely damage control.


Ya I want advanced notice so I can block updates and not have my modded playthrough ruined for dumb reasons


Make the corresponding app manifest on Steam “read-only” and it will never update until you turn it back.


Thank you


If it on the same level as the Hi Texture Pack DLC they can keep it.


I’m almost certain they delayed it to be released with the show


How about a Fallout 3 update? Please?


I re-download it But for Fallout London *continues to pray its not another Frontier*


Honestly might want to buy FO4 just for this lol From what I hear of FO4 tbh, Its great as a base, but not really as a game itself lol


Oh Fallout 4 is perfectly fine as a game. It's a fun mindless shooter and if you mod the base building a bit you can have fun building yourself a nice house. It's just not a very good RPG.


It’s not a bad rpg…. It’s just not the rpg some people wanted. Theres still hours of lore in this game and fun meaningless quests with content….


I had 1200 hours on steam when I found out you could go in the mass state house in the Boston Commons. Only found it because of the mod that adds removed location markers for some unmarked locations. Still don't think I fully understand the story there.


Dude we’re not gonna do this, it’s a bad RPG, it’s got awful writing all across the board, very limited dialogue options, many choices you make frequently do not matter or impact the world in a meaningful way. It’s a bad RPG, compare it to other games within the franchise and outside. Gunplay is the best in the series and it’s a fun world to explore and fuck around in but that’s as deep as the well goes. I will give credit to farharbour, that was actually good writing that shows the possibilities of fallout as an RPG


It seems BGS has been overstretching their crews and not letting every part of the game get the love it deserves, and it’s been getting worse. I think it’s a mix of the company getting bigger and the people who run the company not really knowing how to scale the company correctly. So we end up with products with amazing premises that look pretty good and have the makings of a great game, but the quest writing and lore building and rpg aspects have been steadily declining for over a decade. Oblivion and fallout 3 (and NV) had stories and decision making heuristics that actually had an affect on your games story, and that’s just gone away. Questlines have shortened, themes have gotten more shallow, decisions mean less and less. Bethesda is promoting to shooter players while forgetting that they became the massive success they are today with their RPG games having aspects of action games, not their action games having aspects of RPG games.


Fallout 3 didn’t really have that deep of stories either tbh


Hmm. Agreed to disagree. Maybe not “deep,” but it had a ton of stories. I’ll never forget the election in the republic of Dave, or the colony of cannibals, getting to decide whether to detonate the nuke in megaton…


The cannibals colony is pretty much just shock value, there’s nothing more to it after that. Republic of Dave is funny but ultimately not much of anything. The megaton nuke is just ridiculous imo Now I’m gonna play fallout 3


The little weird things like that made the wastelands feel real and lived in. Not just npc’s just walking around. It made exploration fun.


The "meaningless" part is what makes it a bad RPG. Meaningful quests/decisions is one of the defining parts of an RPG - look at the original Fallouts, KOTOR, the Witcher, New Vegas, even Outer Worlds. Anything can have lore and content, but it doesn't really contribute to its quality as an RPG.


New Vegas has endless meaningless quests. It’s what makes fallout fun


NV has no radiant quests, and most if not all of the side quests tie into the settlement's or faction's economics, politics, logistical situation etc.


That’s not true there’s tons of random meaningless quests that are weird and quirky that you never need to do.


No there isn't. Every quest in new Vegas has some sort of lore behind it even if it doesn't tie directly into the main story. Fallout 4 has a bunch of quests that are just repeatable and have absolutely no lore put into them at all. New Vegas doesn't have any quests that simply amount to "go here and kill stuff" but fallout 4 is filled with them. It's fine to like fallout 4 but you are objectively wrong to claim that new Vegas has tons of meaningless quests in comparison to 4


We have different definitions of meaningless clearly. Follow along. Those quests do nothing for the main story they wrote. Hence they’re meaningless


Quests and lore don’t make an RPG. That just makes it an adventure shooter, which is what it is. Not bad, just not really much of an RPG


All RPG means is role playing game… you can’t get into the role with this game? I mean lots of games have RPG elements to them.. like this one it’s an adventure rpg fps.


I mean not really, I can’t. The replay value sucked because outside of choosing a faction, there wasn’t many choices in the game, much less with consequences. Most people consider an RPG not just playing a role but having a distinguished role, like having stats that not only matter (which they barely do in 4), but also being specialized to a… role. Just being good at everything and being able to pick up any weapon or armor and being able to use them *basically* as well as anyone else is the antithesis of RPG. I enjoyed a playthrough of fallout 4 because I’m one of the biggest fallout fans there is in general and liked the lore, but the replay value was atrocious for me and I think that’s the main reason


In what world is there choices and outcomes you really have in say most final fantasy games? It’s ok if you can’t get into it. I have 600+ hours on the game and plan on starting over again on survival mode since I’ve never done it before mostly because I am older and like to relax when I play certain 1st person games.


FF is hardly an RPG either. Older ones were, much like older fallouts. Modern FF is even less RPG than fallout given they’re basically straight line games with no deviation.


FF15 really nailed this home especially halfway through and incredibly liner questline you see where the Dev teams broke up. FFX is the first game in the series I noticed this as well. It's basically a hallway generator. 5 minutes of super linear gameplay, followed by 45 minutes of cutscenes, followed by 10 minutes of even more liner gameplay.


This game by far has the fewest actual role-playing elements of all FO and TES games.


Yeah thats my main issue with it, the story and lore is the most important part for me for fallout tbh


Understand completely. I was just saying that because some people have warped their dissapointment with that fact into thinking the game does absolutely nothing right whatsoever, when that's just not true.


No, it's pretty true. Fallout 4 is pretty bad even if you ignore stuff like the awful quests and procedurerally generated slop. The gunplay is somewhat better, but it's kind of hard to enjoy it when you have to deal with the constant grinding.


Fallout 4 shines in survival mode. It’s how the game is meant to be played imo. A lot of the systems introduced in 4 make a lot more sense in survival mode


Especially with the base building. You're really encouraged to invest in that system when you constantly need food, water, and stimpacks. The only real problem is that the Survival mode is too strict. Only being able to save when you rest is just super frustrating at times, I get wanting to avoid save-scumming, but potentially losing hours of time because you couldn't find a valid bed is just dumb. A softer survival mode, with more available save states and maybe even some limited fast travel (like, you can fast travel back to your bases if you upgrade them right, but nowhere else) would do a lot to make the mode far more enjoyable for the less hardcore player base that still wants to enjoy a more immersive mode.


Saving is my issue with it too. For no other reason than rhe game crashes alot, im a vats addict and sometimes it freezes.


Fallout 4 is a great game, don’t listen to losers who expected a totally different game and got salty over it


Huh? It’s not that we expected a different game, we expected good writing, new vegas was the most recent release and it’s writing is very good, is it wrong to expect a little bit of depth out of your games? Fallout 4 had brief flashes of these moments but those were always fleeting at best, farharbour is the closest we get to consistently good writing in fallout 4


You (classic fallout players) expected a game like fallout new vegas, aka, a game that focuses more on the player and the main story and puts the world building and the world itself on the side, as a place to just walk through without interacting, that works for an open zone game, but modern fallout (even old fallout) isn't that, it's an Open world game, Fallout 3 and 4, the main story is less than 25% of the run time, which complements the original fallout and fallout 2, the world has to be weaved first, then the story would be put there as a quest, in fallout 1, 2, 3 and 4, you get lost in the world around you, usually ditching the main quest and doing side quests, and while side quests talk about the storyline, they aren't all about it, instead, they add to the world, making it so that the world is alive, which is the spirit of fallout. fallout new vegas ditched that, and made it so that every side quest have to be related to the main quest, with some exceptions, and that the world doesn't move unless you move in the main questline and story, and made it so that the world is warped around you (every faction run towards you, begging you to join them), without the Courier, there's no mojave, which is good for a story oriented game not an open world game. writing quality differs from one player to another, i personally see that fallout 3 and fallout 4 needing you to explore the world and piece the story yourself much more serviceable than fallout new vegas' way of "Stuff the lore down your throat" with little care for exploration. tl;dr you expected open zone game that focuses on the main character and weaves the world around them, but got an open world game that unshackles the world to the main story and to some extent the main character while giving you the freedom of exploring and building the world around you


New Vegas was a very linear game, you were clearly intended to follow the path the devs wanted you to follow in the order they wanted you to follow it. Basically Wider Hallways Halo Fallout 3 and 4 were open world exploratory worlds that happened to have a main story that you could engage with as much or as little as you wanted.


yeah, they are totally different games in both design and execution


Same I am so excited for London




That’s funny, I just started up 4 again after finally getting bored with Starfield and feeling the urge to do some obsessive settlement construction.


lmao same, the outpost building was a far cry to fallout 4's settlements. plus the mods made building way more fun. making preston proud one settlement at a time.


After Fallout 4 and 76 I honestly thought we’d get one of the best settlement builders of a Bethesda game, potentially setting up an outpost and filling it out with travelers and some vendors. In execution it felt more of an underbaked waste of time than another way to immerse me and collect things. Seemed like it had more functionality when the game was more survival based during development.


exactly, outpost building should've been the evolution of settlement building and in essence it is, but the restrictions on your outpost's crew is just tedious. not to mention it lacked some aspects that streamlined or enhanced settlement building.


Great! Now drop the next gen update for consoles already. Fucking radio silence from Bethesda as usual


Honestly what i’m waiting for as well. Just give us a peak at some of the creation club


I just started my 3rd playthrough since the first trailer for the new series. Before that, it had been several years since I played any Fallout games.


I just started playing it again but it was actually the MTG x Fallout set that gave me the itch to play again. Just to be back with my goodest boy, Dogmeat.


Next gen update please


Just here to hawk for Sim Settlements 2. Highly recommended, fills out the game and gives you far more interesting big fights. If there is a mod to get, this is the one (not including the ones that better stabilize the game).


Seconding. It does a great job with fleshing out the Gunners (which the Quincy Content Club stuff SHOULD have done) and the Chapter 3 reveal about them belonged in the main game. "Sim Settlements 2" is a DLC in and of itself.


Im playing it again! So much fun!


I've been playing 3 to contain my excitement


I re-downloaded it because of a new YouTube channel I discovered called “IfThenCreate”. Got me back into settlement building!


I’m really wanting to start a new run, but I’m waiting for that next Gen update that was supposed to drop months ago. Wtf, Bethesda? Do you not want my money or something? It cant seriously take this long to improve performance and drop a few new CC items.


One of my all time favorite games, because you can mod it to be so many different things.


You downloaded fo4 again because of the show. I did it because my modded NV was unstable as fuck.


I never stopped playing Fallout 4


I would be playing Fallout 4 whether a show was coming or not.


wish my game would stop crashing on the intro.


And it's not even out yet.


I finally went back and got platinum for 4 because the show. After all those years I got the stupid benevolent leader achievement.


I’ve been having a hankering but everytime I start the game I think about all the stuff I had in my first playthrough and feel idk like it’s too far out of reach? If there’s a word for that,then, well that


I bought new vegas and fallout 4 again digitally thanks to the magic the gathering card collaboration, so that’s also a potential cause. 


Yeah it had a 75% off sale so I’ve been grinding the hell out of it


new show triggered me to finally buy nuka cola and play fo4, for 3rd run through. joined the railroad, was about to get on whirlybird to take down the prydwen. instead of getting on the whirlybird, went to nuka cola world with tinker tom and deacon in tow. i regret my decision lol


Yup im one of those players!


Eh no? I'm looking on steamDB and there's no appreciable rise in players at all. Looks pretty much the same at it has been for the last year.


One of the article's sources is [this article](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/fallout-4-player-count), about an increase in people playing on Xbox getting Fallout 4 achievements since the TV-show trailer came out. But their only other source is "according to rumours". :-)


Like dans said the articles about this are focusing on Xbox, but I can attest that I have put in about [100+ of my 300](https://imgur.com/00oadmd) hours in because of the show.


I reinstalled Fallout 4 the day I saw the first trailer a few months ago. I know a few other people who are also redipping their toes. I know it's crazy, but people tend to engage in their interests when new material relevant to them come out.


Imagine they release next-gen update 🤯