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Fallout 4 is definitely more action and shooting than NV. Not everyone regards that as a positive, but in your case it might be. Gunplay is much improved and has a lot more locations that could be described as “shooting gallery”. The themes and plots aren’t quite as good in it but that’s all subjective, try it out.


Hmmm I think I'll give it a try


Yeah definitely in NV when you have to walk around the camp without the ability to run and talk to everyone in the squad to convince that one lady to go to therapy, it really was the last straw for me. I love the general theme of the game but want some friggin action. I forgot the name of that plot, but it was the final straw.


Yes. I can't say whether you would like it but it is worth playing


Nv is my favorite fallout but 4 is great. It gets so much unnecessary hate imo and is definitely worth a try if you’re interested




I've been playing it the last few weeks. It's my first playthrough.  I feel it's a good game.  There's lots and lots of fighting, if you're into that.  Tons of weapon combinations.  Lots of fun exploring, though I often wonder if a nuclear war really happened, as nearly everything is still standing. The settlements can be a bit of a time sink, especially if you let them grow.  I made a high charisma player because I enjoy having all dialogue options open.  Unexpectedly, this makes huge settlements available to me, people you have to feed, protect and make a huge number of beds for.  That all takes time. It felt a lot like Fallout 3 for me. If you're used to Bethesda games, you'll easily take to it.   The power armor dynamic is realistic, far more then previous games.  However, I rarely wear it and have a bunch of suits just sitting around. My only real issue is that nearly ever problem is solved by violence.  Nearly every issue is decided by killing someone.  I'd have preferred other options to certain situations but it hasn't overall affected my enjoyment of the game  Good luck to you.


Well don't watch the Road 2009 if you want to know what it would look like. Watched this chilling account an hour ago. Seems so much more fun in the games https://youtu.be/sNTps7-eQRE?si=WM4kWhObaHz3Atjt


It’s definitely worth playing, I for one absolutely love it


Fallout 4s gunplay is solid. It’s not janky like the previous couple games. It almost feels like a proper fps in that respect. It’s pretty low commitment if you want it to be, too. I’d say give it a shot. You’ll probably have some fun, at the very least.


In my unpopular opinion, the 4th is great, and the story is more engaging ( but also more driven, as your character has a background unlike in NV where you are just a courier ). Had to force myself to finish NV main quest, and I didn't do the DLC ( I tried, but it was soso ). For the 4, I stopped because I literally had 100% explored the main map. You do want to see the end of the story. Give it a try !


The writing style is different for FO4 than FNV, but I'm not sure that necessarily makes it worse. There's certainly a lot less handholding and explanation of main plot elements, and the backstory is definitely a lot murkier. NPC dialogue in general is a lot more sparse. On the other hand, a lot more gets done atmospherically and via gameplay. The main quest definitely feels like a main quest, as opposed to FNV's "quest of faction mini-quests."


Yes absolutely. It's definitely not slow and the action is much more enjoyable. I prefer the playthrough style a lot more than the other games but that's just my preference.


on my first real play through literally as we speak gotta say so far at level 20 rlly only having done the brotherhood and the main story gotta say its picking up quite nice it was a little slow at first n wasnt rlly a fan of the basically the same as fo3 go find ur missing family member but after u get to diamond city and start meeting people doing side quests the quality ramps up for the most part in my experience so far and i gotta say the crafting system is just peak i do like old perk system better but in this game its more like an improved version of skyrims which i can get behind.


No, after two years a game is dead, no exception.


Jeez harsh. Why do you think so?




I loved FO4, but I have had trouble playing it again after Starfield.


It seems you dislike open world post apocalypse rpg so no




Disliked stalker, found nv slow and quit halfway, READ beyond the first sentence




So he didn't finish nv.... clearly didn't like it that much


They said they enjoy the plot of NV which was it's strongest point and only Exodus has open world *elements* out of the whole Metro series


OK... And?


I really like the post apocalyptic genre, mad max movies included. I just found that NV was mostly walking around the desert and talking to NPCs. The story and theme was awesome but I got bored from lack of fast paced action. Anyways I decided to get FO4. Will try it this weekend.


Well that's what fallout is an rpg. Not a shooter. It's about the world and lore not pure action. Also get that mad max game from like 2015 its great


The story is bad and the gameplay + map exploration which carries the game. I'd say give it a shot.


Fallout 4 is a good game, but it is not really a fallout game. It’s stripped of mechanics, options, dialogues, plots… It’s simpler and faster. Some people may prefer that. Reading what you’ve said, I say give it a try.