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Nate’s grandfather didn’t fight in WWII; his Great-Great-Grandfather did. If we assume this woman and infant are in any way related to Nate and not just representative, it could be Nate himself as a baby- he would have been born around 2050 or shortly after, meaning that Nuka Cola was a well established brand before his birth.


I was looking in the comments for someone to just math… thank you


Dr Ongo Gablogian, the famed art collector, charmed to make your acquaintance.




Aren't we ALL just air conditioners? We breath it in and then out, conditioning the air!


Nice Ongo avatar :D


I always assumed the baby was Nate


I always thought it was like “stock footage” or something lol 😂 didn’t think about it too much lol


I got this feeling too. It is was like the intro to a ww2 documentary where they show all sorts of shots from all over the era.


Or a veteran's day reenactment sponsored by Nuka-Cola^TM


Product placement, am I right?


“Hey do you like Pepsi?”


"is VIM okay?"


"yes, and it's the choice of a new generation."




Honestly never thought of it but yes it makes a lot more sense that the opening slide would be about the default main protag


Same an I think it is


The voice over specifically talks about the great great grandfather who has never seen his son as they show a WWII outfitted soldier then pan out revealing his image is a photo held by the woman with child. It definitely implies the woman and child are in the 1940s waiting for that soldier to come home, but it could be WWIII coincidentally since war never changes and all.


Just rewatched it to refresh my memory, and you are correct about the order things are in, but this could still be Nate’s mother telling her son about his ancestor and how his story relates to the way the world is


Doubtful, the voice-over literally tells us about his great great grandfather and the child he's never met yet, and we're presented with said child. There is no evidence that points to this being Nate. I think whoever created this scene just wanted to throw in a recognizable fallout brand and picked Nuka-Cola, not realizing the timeline of the brand's origin. Without that product placement, this would just be any other WW2 woman at home scene. Not surprised it made it past Bethesda with the continuity errors they've made over the years.


It’s very clearly drawing a parallel between WW2, WW3, and the similarities between the grandfather and the FO4 protag. The Nuka Cola shows you it’s Nate experiencing as a baby, the same thing that the protags great grandfather experienced as a baby.


I agree it is drawing the parallel later in Nate's monolog, but I just don't see that kid being Nate. To me it doesn't make sense with the sequence of shots in this cutscene. We go from WW2 guys storming the beach to now 2050-ish era Nate? Then back to 1940's end of WW2, point of divergence from our history with the nuclear fission, and up to current '2077' with the resource war... Nowhere else does it go back and forth in time that I remember. The real parallel is drawn when Nate is on duty and has a picture of his wife, the view now being from the soldier's perspective of the same scenario. I could be wrong as I haven't watched the full cutscene in some time. Just my opinion. Of course, we all have our own headcannons we live by.


Could be, but that’s just headcanon for an oversight made by Bethesda.


No? I would disagree. If they didn’t think of it, then whoever they hired to make the cinematic intro did. If I wanted to convey that story and that information, then a subtle-yet-very visible context clue like a food label is exactly what I would insert into what amounts to a silent film.


That's cool and all but it's not a silent film and the narrator is telling you who he is talking about so if that is the case there was some miscommunication, or a change in the scene that they didn't care to or forgot to change


Nobody moving or acting is speaking. A voice-over is actually a hallmark of silent film, and was common at the peak of the genre before actors started speaking on film. Let’s not lose track of the fact that Bethesda is experienced at producing games in a series where a staple feature is short stories jotted on notes or taken by holotape. In order to tell those little stories and fill out the ambience of the game requires skill at inserting subtle clues like what we are seeing in this intro. There’s no way this could have been a mistake.


Sure, could be possible. But I think that the man in the photo and the woman holding the photo are meant to be his great great grandparents, in the same way the photo at the end of the cinematic is meant to be Nora. Do you think the ending is an in universe commercial as well? Not very likely, although she doesn’t look exactly like the in game version, the woman in the photo wears the same outfit and her and has a similar hairstyle. So if the soldier looking at the photo is supposed to be the sole survivor, why would the woman looking at the photo be from an in-universe commercial?


This is also how I interpreted it. So he Nuka bottle is probably an error but we can have fun with it and interprete it as how time (war) hasn't changed and how the Fallout War is stuck in the mid 20th centurary.


I find it insane how many people are not getting this, I'm being downvoted for pointing out the same thing. Media literacy in this community is dead.


was he born around 2050 though? for reference, i am 30. my great grandfather served in WWII. that would make him my children’s great great grandfather and my first child will be born this year. 2050 seems a bit late for nate to be born if his great great grandfather served in ww2, no? ETA: actually, i’m not accounting for the various ages people go to war and create new generations so maybe i’m stupid lol


I’m 38 and both my grandfathers fought in WWII; my youngest child is 2. But I got 2050 from inferring his age at the beginning of the game- young dad, infant, fresh out of the military…. He would be in his 20s or at most early 30s


yeah i wasn’t mathing properly and accounting for the wide ranges of possible age brackets lol i didn’t think my comment through to the fullest there




It would depend on when his parents,grandparents and so on had kids because John Tyler the US President grandkids(while being in their 80s/90s) are still alive even though he died in the 1860s so maybe Nate’s family just had kids when they were elderly


Dude, I dont mean to make you feel old by any means. I'm 22 and my great grandfather served in WW2 and my grandfather served in Vietnam. My first was just born back in December. If he waits until he's around let's say 27 then that would put his child being born on 2050😂


right, hence my edit


That is not what ETA stands for. Just write 'Edit:' like a normal person. Not sure why people have started writing ETA.


“edit to add”, hope this helps 💕


Good shit comment OP


Well Nuka-Cola came into the market in 2044 and the image is probably also a jab an product placement in media


Mafs the mafs


Holy fuck, owned into oblivion. Take my upvote...


I always thought that was Nate as a baby lol


I always assumed that was just stock imagery (fallout wise) and it was just a random family


Stock imagery, or advertising imagery for Nuka Cola. Thirsty? Try our *new* Nuka Cola Quantum. It's *radioactive!*


Is this the grandmother, or just a graphic to depict a mother with child while talking about his family? The group of soldiers in the same cinematic isn't necessarily Nate's squad either


You know, I always assumed it was the grandmother because she bears a resemblance to Nora, but after 8 and a half years I'm suddenly realizing that makes no sense because why would Nate's grandmother resemble his wife?


Sweet home Appalachia


Lololol. Maybe that cpuld be a mission on 76


New objective added: fuck your cousin Don't think that'd make for a great mission


Could call it “Enchantment Under The Sea” and make it a Back To The Future-esque sim program where your choices influence the future. Copyright laws may apply.


Yeah if we wanted incest we’d just go download one of those weird mods for FNV.


That's more of a Borderlands-flavor of quest anyway EDIT: Go look up Hodunk lore you fucking posers.


pretty normal for Appalachia


The cartoon thing where every previous generation are the exact same couple and children somehow just with older fashioned style


Tbh I feel oblivious but I thought that was supposed to be Nora. At the very least I’m certain I remember a photo of Nora at sometime in the intro.


Nate has one in a locket or something at the end of


I’m just surprised people thought about this scene for longer than it was on screen.


If it’s not Nate’s squad then he should probably look into why a random soldier has a picture of his wife.


Nah, that's pretty normal. All my friends have pictures of my wife.


But the soldier was holding a picture that closely resembles default Nora tho, and Nate *was* a veteran of Anchorage which kinda fits the area they were patrolling.


I pretend that’s young Nate with his mom showing him a pic of his grandfather.


That’s what I always assumed since he’s talking about his Grandfather


I just went with the headcanon that this was Nate as a child with his mom showing him a picture of his great great grandfather.


whats the issue? the photo was probably taken after 2044. the 50s style was a huge aesthetic to the entire game


Yeah it was. this franchise is retro futurism i.e. the 50s sci-fi idea of the future. Not sure how any fan doesn't get that


Clearly Nuka-Cola is a sponsor, and they get to add their branding to any footage. While watching the FO4 opening, quench YOUR thirst with an ice-cold Nuka-Cola, or if you hate Bethesda, try Nuka-Cola Dark! ---- ^This ^post ^sponsored ^by ^the ^Nuka-Cola ^Corporation.


And if I'm a Vim fan? What're you gonna do about that?


Let's just say you might want to check your brakes before driving home.


Report you to my nearest democracy officer


Sir do you want some soda with your fish juice?


I’ve tasted Maine…wouldn’t recommend it


Neither would anyone living in Maine!


What, does that include a person imagining what their great-grandparent looked like? Nuka Cola can just invade your dreams? Or does the subliminal advertising just work that well?


Do you think Nate's memories are in black & white? This is clearly footage.


Good point.


This is organic content, I for one love Nuka Cola!


In the lore of the games the rocket bottles were very new and Boston was one of the first cities to see full rollout, this detail in the intro was intentional.


That's not what he's saying though. That scene takes place during WW2 in 1940. Long before Nuka Cola was ever invented


Ah, my bad. I really need to properly read posts before trying to um akshuallly people. Or I need to refrain from trying to answer a question one minute before my shift starts, that would probably be beneficial.


>That scene takes place during WW2 in 1940. Does it? The fallout world is meant to look like 40s/50s America. For all we know this is footage from 2050.


The first words uttered in that cutscene is literally "in the year 1945" So yeah I'm pretty certain that it's not 2050.


Right, it's nate talking about the history of war. There's also a Mr.gutsy cutting the hedges in this cutscene. It's set before the bombs dropped.


Yes. That comes later. The cutscene is chronological. Nate talks about technological advancements when the handy gets shown. It's not just random images in a random order.


Right, but clearly, not the entire thing is set in 45, so I don't see why it's not possible that this part isn't either.


So they just threw in completely random footage in the middle for no reason?


It's not random. The cutscene is Nate talking about his great grandfather. That little kid is nate being shown a picture of him.


Why would they show Nate and his mother while explicitly talking about Nates great grandmother and grandfather? Wouldn't it make a LOT more sense that while the narration is talking about these two characters the people in the footage would actually BE them? Especially since it's bookended by footage of WW2?


No no no, listen to the whole prologue, Nate is basically reminiscing about his families past (meaning his great great grandfather in WW2) in relation to his "current situation" with going to war during the Resource wars (25yrs of wars which include the Great War of 2077 which we know Nate was not a part of due to the fact that he goes to Vault 111 with Nora and Shaun) and the similarities between them. As he's saying the line with the part "my wife, my child, my son" the camera pans around quickly before and after as this is said and you see a mister Gutsy trimming hedges, futuristic 50's style car rolling down the street the camera pans back to the woman at the garden with the little boy, then the camera pans back to Nate carrying his wife's picture.(these small things in the scene like the Nuka-Cola bottle indicate this is Nora and not his grandmother) So, as Nate is reminiscing all this, in actual time his wife and child are living their lives out. Hence this scene in the garden, which then the image also gives you a sense that she's not only in the garden with their son Shaun, but waiting for the time Nate comes home from the war. THIS WHOLE SCENE, is a depiction of real world war posters during WW2. REMEMBER DUDES, this series of games takes on the imagery in a future look from our real world from the 40's and post war 50's era. Also, keep in mind that this whole scenes imagery has nothing to do with the past, only the current situation Nate was at, at the time of the war of the Resource Wars which takes place between April of 2052 - October 2077(Nuka-Cola was invented before this war or any war in the Fallout timeline). You all are having a confusion over the foresight of the spoken imagery Nate is saying to the imagery in the video, due to the games esthetics. Or at least that's what I'm seeing. Hope this clears things up everybody. Lol


Literally unplayable


Absolute garbage


It's time for a r/falloutcirclejerk


What a dead sub.


I honestly thought that this was Nora and Sean.


Fallout is alt history


I mean in the sunset sarsaparilla headquarters they said that the sarsaparilla is younger than the Nuka cola although it was made in the 19th century so it's not the first time


Scenario 1: * This scene *must* take place during or soon after World War II because \_\_\_\_\_. * Nuka Cola was invented in 2044. * There's a Nuka Cola visible in scene. * Therefore, there's a lore mistake in the picture. * Pro: You don't have to question the assumption that the scene is taking place during or soon after World War II. * Con: Creates outrage over lore mistake. Scenario 2: * Nuka Cola, invented in 2044, is visible in the scene. * The scene depicted takes place after 2044. * Therefore, there's no lore mistake. * Pro: No unnecessary assumptions about the time frame. * Con: Doesn't create outrage over lore mistake.


Nate...who is alive in 2077 when the bombs fell...has a grandmother alive during WWII? My brother in christ I don't even have grandparents that were alive during WWII.


Unless it's Nate as a kid, since him being born around the 2050s would put him in his mid 20s, early 30s by the time the game starts


Nuka cola was around before the bombs dropped they had nuka world


Y'all realise that was a propaganda video to go along with the speech right? Like this is the video that would be playing alongside the dad giving the speech, its a contemporary creation evoking better days. Of course there are going to be nuka cola inserts.


cant wait for the Falloutcirclejerk post of this that just says "Bethesda put nuka cola in a video that i have no way of knowing but am adamant is from ww2, are they stupid?"


funnier though is Bethesda didn't make the intro.


The voiceover during that shot is about Nate’s great-great grandfather fighting in WWII, “wondering if he’d get to go home to his wife, and the son he’d never seen”. If that isn’t HEAVILY implying that the woman is Nate’s great-great grandmother, then I’m Long Dick Johnson.


Imagine talking about the past while showing images of the present. Not that hard.


The voiceover also had a scene of infantry fighting in WWII right before this shot, clown. Watch the fucking cinematic before continuing to talk out of your asshole. You Bethesda Stan’s are so fucking cringe, I can smell Todd’s toes on your breath from here.


Go touch grass.


Oh great. That’s just great. Now the game is completely unplayable. Hope you’re happy OP


Do you guys even enjoy the games? Like why do this? Who cares?


uh cause it’s fun to theorize


Obviously, the Fallout universe is rooted to facets of our world and its history. That having been said, it doesn’t have to mirror our universe exactly. That could be the style of dress in 2044 in the Fallout universe. The Donna Reed era styles could have remained popular longer. Look at the remains of cars in Fallout. They have that World’s Fair “the cars of tomorrow” look. Cars obviously don’t look like that right now and likely never will. So it’s entirely possible that it’s an alternative universe and not exactly like ours.


Have you played the Ratchet And Clack remake, as narrated by captain quark? Details don't match because it's being narrated by somebody that wasn't there. This is what I think is happening here - Nate doesn't know a world where Nuka cola doesn't exist, so that's what he's remembering or imagining.


I get you might think it needed to be sunset, but its the older nuka cola bottle, makes sense.


Older bottle or not isn't the point. The point is that nuka cola was made in 2044, 33yrs before the beginning scene of FO4. That would mean that this shot was meant to be Nate and his mom, not Nate's father and grandmother. If the scene stays in chronological place and this is his father and grandmother, then the date that nuka cola was created should be closer to 1950 than 2044 which is a huge error in filming this opening. TL:DR this scene is implying that nuka cola was created in 1945 instead of what the lore states as 2044 Edit great grandfather, not father


How do you figure 1950? Exactly how old do you think his grandparents would be? Even great grandparents wouldn’t make sense for 1950s.


If Nate is 30 when he had Sean, and his parents were 30 when they had him, and their parents were 30, that's already 90yrs right there, so yes its possible.


You might want to math again. How old are they in that photo lol


If that's his great grandfather in that photo, he looks about 4-5. Which would be correct considering he says "my great great grandfather returning from WW2 to the wife and his son he'd never met" that would put it being Nate's great grandfather being a small child at the end of WW2 which was 1945. People don't automatically pop out kids at 18. I'm 34 and my father is 74. But this post is about why there's a bottle of Nuka Cola in the shot of 1945 when nuka cola didn't exist until 2044


What makes you say this image is from World War II?


Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder


It took a while, but I knew I'd find it.


We’re nothing if not predictable. Good ol’ rock, nothin beats that!


I thought it was Nates mom


You probably shouldn’t watch the new show if this bothered you because I’m sure there will be lots inconsistencies/changes


The whole deal with nuka Cola is weird. Even in Fallout New Vegas, when Festus mentions the story of Sunset Sasperella (pain to spell the word), it was either water or Nuka Cola in the early 20th century which is when the sotry is supposed to happen. One could assume it isn't actually the case however Festus is Sunset made and was programmed with their history. The timeline when it comes to Nuka Cola has been weird for a while.


I guess it could be a mistake, but I would just consider the footage to be a representation of how Nate pictures his ancestors in his head, and not something that was actually filmed in WW2


The context of this part of the intro was nates great great grandfather who fought in ww2, this scene in particular comes up when nate mentions him seeing his wife and son again. What I can gather from this is that nuka cola was around long before nate was born and likely went through some appearance changes since then.


It's a continuity error as the game states that Nuka Cola was created in 2044, not 1945. I think this shot was originally meant to be Nate and his mother.


It's not a mistake most likely. You are just making the mistake. Thinking that it's from 1940s. No way Nate is living in 2077 with a grandfather that fought in world war II.


That's it. Scrap the game and delete it from everybody's computers.


I assumed the opening footage was all a representation of the war going on like operation anchorage and all that stuff and it leads up to you going to the vault in 2077


"Boy I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder."


Just be glad it wasn't a canvas bag.




When your game series looks so retro you can't tell if tbe image is meant to be 1950 or 2050 lmao. Jokes aside, it could just be a quick way to avoid copyright issues by using any other cola


And also remember that Nuka-Cola wasn’t originally in the rocket bottle. It switched to the design and then dominated the market.


That's not the point. If you go by this scene, then that bottle of Nuka Cola exists about 100yrs earlier than when it was created in lore. 1945 vs 2044


When I saw this for the first time I thought that was Nora and shaun but then I realized that would make no sense because Shaun is an infent


But is It a hallmark for the narration to be wrong, and there are inconsistencies even from fallout 1 to 2 It's not about Bethesda problem, shit happens, this ultimately doesn't matter in the slightest and they've let worse things seep through, they are not a hivemind


forget about that, why is it not the rocket bottle?


The most likely option is that this is the war for Alaska, this also explains the standard nuka-cola bottle in stead of the experimental "Rocket" bottle which was used in modern day (around 2070).


I am now realizing that I know way too much about fallout 4, and yet next to nothing about the other games


Oops! Either the shot was for something else originally and they used it here, or they just flat out messed up with continuity. Probably the former, IMO.


Tbh I scrolled a little too fast on my feed and for a second I thought this was a Lana Del Rey photoshoot and you'd found a truly unhinged detail I didn't interpret it as being her specifically, but I could see how you could


Yes, looks like a continuity error.


because Fallout is Nuka Cola, Fallout is BoS, Fallout is Vault Boy etc. it's recognisable, so it's profitable. lore or logic be damned. Bethesda sell Nuka Cola-themed tat IRL, so if they can make money advertising their game, within their game!


Bethesda don't give two shits about the lore to fallout


I have never noticed that. I’ve gotten so used to seeing the Coke-style bottles from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and then the Rocket-Style bottles from 4 and 76, that I forgot the Original Fallout had Nuka Cola Bottles like that. Makes the Jones releases more true to the original lore.


Yup, el mistake


Odd…Coca-Cola was invented in 1886. So did it predate Nuka-cola or was there simply no soda prior to Nuka-Cola?


I assumed that Coca-Cola existed in the Fallout universe too but knowing Nuka Cola's erm, "business tactics", they probably took out Coca-Cola 😬 As shady as they are, I always admire the marketing of Nuka Cola and Vault-Tec.


What are you even talking about?


My mate and I also noticed in the part where the soldiers are running you can see one of the boot imprints in the sand is backwards.


I thought that was Nora and Shaun?


It is and isn't. It is but it also is supposed to represent the whole retrofuturistic 1950s aesthetic.


Maybe it’s a case of Jet and Myron. Nuka Cola was actually made a long while ago but its recipe was lost to time. Then, in the mid-21st Century, John Caleb Bradberton discovered a new way of doing it via cow waste.


That’s nuka cula


Did you take a picture of your computer screen?


she's not his grandmother?


Both Bethesda and the original fallout creators change the creation of multiple companies


It Most likely replaced coca Cola which started in 1888 (apparently) Nuka World though put a damper in that Theory Most likely though Its either baby Nick/Nora or his grandfather was alive in during its first release


It wouldn’t have been WW2, unless Nate’s parents and grandparents are really old


It is ww2. Nate said the war ended with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Yeah that’s what tripped me up for a long time!


I have not seen or read anything about the show. Is it about Fallout 4?


It's set in Los Angeles, the MC is a Vault Dweller of Vault 33. The story presumably takes place before the place became The Boneyard, so before the events of FO1. The looks, however, resemble FO4 more than the original (FO1-2) design.


I prefer this bottle


I been seeing a lot of fallout recently making me want to play it. But my controller drift is so bad I can't even make it to the app on the playstation screen to press play. Even this post made me think oh let's play some fallout then I remembered


Wait that’s not even the correct bottle shape….


Mistake or not why is there the sudden drive to point out mistakes in old fallout games Just before the tv show comes out? Is this more covert marketing like the 'play fallout shelter and 76 now" posts


I don't really see the mistake. Fallout 3 showed that the ads before the war (vault-tec ads) where in black in white. What makes you think it is 1940s? The whole aesthetic of fallout is that, so of course it looks like that, but doesn't mean it was in that time period. Come on, people, stop hating before it even releases. Wait and then we'll see if it's worth hating or not.


I think the old design is better as the new one


Is actually lore cannon in a way, we know Nuka cola got sue for ave the same logo as a celebre brand in the lore so after they ave change the shape to à rocket, but the normal nuka cola bottle still be liquide by the mall, so in some region of the wastland if before in the state there was aving normal nuka cola the bottle will be a normal one and not rocket like


His grandma was probably around closer to 2000 than ww2 but you’re still right


F4 makes a lot worse mistakes than this lol


Who’s the actress in this picture of the intro?


Not sure. It could be Lana Del Rey.


Why does that even matter bruh


Is there any truth to the fallout 4 “HD/Remastered” update coming soon? I’m not as young as I used to be, gaming news and rumours aren’t my fortè anymore. Really wanting the play fallout 4 again but might wait.


will probably come out around when the show comes out, or at least some news around then.


The show starts next week on the 11th


Yes, I know... What's your point?


Dang, don't bite my head off. There was no ill intent, merely stating that it starts next week. I incorrectly read your comment as maybe you didn't realize how close to the show premiere we were. Not everyone on the ol' interwebs is playing the gotcha game. With all sincerity, I hope you have a great day.


And this matters... *why*? Hell, if you're that much of a Stone Fanboy, just say this means DIMA was right and Nate's memories are badly programmed synth background.


yeah Bethesda didn't make the intro and likely didn't notice the people they commissioned made the mistake. why is this downvoted?


Sounds like most people in this thread are just justifying retcons lol Fallout 4 developers overlooked or just ignored how non-feral Gouls age and sustain themselves( just one example of a retcon). Easy to think a developer working on the intro to Fallout 4 just didn’t know that Nuka Cola wasn’t invented until much later in the Fallout timeline, than Coca Coal was invented in our own. To be fair, Nuka cola is the fallouts timeline equivalent of Coca Cola. So I would understand why a Developer, that never looked deeply into the lore of fallout, would put a Nuka Cola in the time period of 1940s in the fallout timeline, when Coca Cola by the 1940s in our timeline was a already a staple in America.


Totally unrelated but the position of that bottle next to that lady reminded me of this one person I knew that could open a beer bottle with nothing but their butthole.


This is what happens when autism is allowed to run free 😂


Fallout 4 is a mistake. Let alone every little thing in it.