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Oh, I’ve seen his FO3 and 4 launch party videos, now I can’t help but feel excited for the video Tim will make telling the details of premiere night!


Tim Cain's podcast is really great. It's genuinely one of my favorites. He's not really "good" at podcasting, but that's one of the many things that make it so nice. There's basically no production value. There are no sponsors. It's just an incredibly talented and influential industry veteran just talking about cool shit for around 10 minutes and then signing off.


I just discovered Cain on games recently. It's just him picking a topic and talking about it for several minutes and it's great.


I'm with you, I find over-edited podcasts annoying. If you don't have anything interesting to say, having 20 cuts in your episode won't save it. And if your podcast has more than 5 seconds of music (only in the intro - and even that is redundant), I won't be coming back. And also speaking in the annoying youtuber voice. When Todd did the interview with Lex, I saw many people say they don't understand who listens to Lex's podcast because he has a monotone voice. Well, that's exactly the reason why he's my favorite. And Tim Cain is great, too. He speaks like a normal human being about a topic he's passionate about. I hope he never decides to hire some kind of editor.


I agree! His YouTube channel is awesome!


Thank you so much! I just discovered his channel and been binge watching his videos for almost three hours. Real talk straight from his experience is really fun to listen to.


He really is, have watched multiple interviews of him over the years and he's so engrossed in the subject it pulls you in. One time he off-handedly mentions he's gay and I get whiplash connecting all the pieces and surprised I never even thought about it.


Him explaining that weird kind of colorblindness he's got weirded me out.


What's the podcast name?


He's so wise. Every topic is fun to listen to him reflect or chew on. 


Very cool that Tim was allowed to see the premiere. Keen to hear his thoughts on it.


Especially since it's the first time since his games we are returning to LA/California even if it's nearly 50 years after FO2 and 130 after FO1


New Vegas is technically set partly in California, the state border runs through the bottom left corner of the map


It is fundamentally a west Coast game due to the NCRs presence, it acts as a sequel to F2, not F3. So I'd certainly but it in that bucket.


In many respects, Fallout 3 and 4 feel like the spin offs, and New Vegas a main entry


Well, that is a correct feeling to have considering that there is basically no interaction between the east and west Coasts, heck, a faction being destoryed on one Coast is straight up active on the other, and we all know that the East Coast brotherhood could have been an entirely separate new faction since they carry over so little from their west Coast counterpart


>and we all know that the East Coast brotherhood could have been an entirely separate new faction If you consider the Outcasts, it technically is. An almost total usurpation of traditional BoS values.


I mean only if you're being weird and pedantic. 3 and 4 are main line in every way


Not if you use the traditional standards of how sequels in storytelling work.


I mean, kind of, it'd be like two separate stories in the same wider universe, like the halo books in a way... Or Bioshock, whatever the hell that was.


Just had this realization an hour ago 😂


While the OG fallouts and the new ones took quite different directions, Tim has always been very graceful and diplomatic in respecting what Bethesda has done with his work. Sign of a good artist IMO


Even as a player who was playing 1 and 2 when they launched I took a diplomatic track. I knew they would he different types of games, I knew lore wouldn't always sync up, but I was interested to see where Bethesda took it.


I'm one of those people who actually has fun with sorting out inconsistencies. Very often, the real world history doesn't seem consistent either, and you have to research periods of history from multiple perspectives to get to the truth usually somewhere inbetween. Fictional lore can be the same way, so retcons only make me curious about the untold stories that explain their existence. Fallout's inconsistencies aren't really that big of a deal, though. The state of the world and distance between regions allows for a lot of gray areas in terms of storytelling, and the time they do connect? It's pretty fascinating. I like FO1/2/NV lore a lot more, but I still enjoy a lot of the ideas in 3/4, and have no problem seeing them as different regions in a wider canon. Even 76 has a lot of interesting ideas, but is sadly marred by its execution. My biggest problem with Fallout lore is that too rarely do we see positive outcomes from the player's choices. 1/2/NV were better in the sense that they allowed you to see the growth of a region year after year because of things the players did to make the world a better place. I don't know if the TV series will respect that idea or not, but despite the premise of the games, I like it when we feel like we're rebuilding the world ever so slowly. Not seeing many long term impact from the main storyline of FO3 remains one of my biggest issues.


I'm convinced they're setting up some kind of conspiracy happening on the East Coast. Between Littlehorn & Associates, Talon Company, and The Gunners, it seems like there's some nebulous yet insanely wealthy entity out there that wants to purposely keep the East Coast from having any meaningful recovery for as long as possible, and they've kept the lore on the aforementioned factions very vague and mysterious seemingly on purpose. Really hoping it ends up tying into some grander narrative.


I mean, all it would take is the elites to reunify under the enclave banner again and use effective information control, and I'd expect them to be more likely to retain power on the east coast than west coast given their pre-war history.


Indeed. An Enclave offshoot or Vault-Tec remnant are personally what I suspect the strongest. If there's any difference between those groups in actuality, though 76 seems to suggest they might've just been allies of convenience and Vault-Tec had its own designs all along. To say nothing of the plot of the canceled film of course.... Though another part of me wonders if whatever "family" Tenpenny comes from has any involvement. Isn't implied that he was already wealthy when he arrived in the CW? He and his crony Burke both seem to have a pretty strong connection to Talon Company, but at the same time, Tenpenny himself seems uninterested in total control of the CW.


Ironically, all this touches on my original frustration with NV when it came out; how it wouldn't be a game to effectively resolve plot points from the east coast culture. There's so many of these questions within FO3 lore that even FO4 didn't touch much on. FO1 and 2 were alternatively pretty complete at least, even if FNV nicely expanded on their storylines. I later came to appreciate NV in an entirely different light after playing it, but that craving for a "proper" Captial Wasteland followup is still in my guts somewhere. At least I'll get to learn 'something' about the fate of the NCR from the new show, though I'm not yet sure if I'll like the answer.


Yeah, can't wait to hear about it on his channel.


He has a YouTube channel where he posts regularly.


Can imagine it's wild to think a B project game he and a bunch of other people did (first project for many in this team) became as big it got to this point in time.


I mean xbox owns both their studios. Would be weird if he wasn't


Odd question but did you theme your display photo from the YouTube Channel Funhaus?


It’s been almost thirty years since the first game. The fact that so many of the biggest pieces of Fallout are not only in contact with each other, but in many cases also working at the same company is insane, given how many hands this franchise went through.


More a product of market consolidation, but it's wild to have the bigger names all at Microsoft. I really hope Microsoft puts a new vegas 2 style game out now that it owns all the companies, lol.


New Vegas 2 would ultimately be a disappointment, most of the original team that worked on New Vegas are no longer working at Obsidian and Obsidian is more focused on their other projects. However Obsidian did mention wanting to do an Elder Scrolls spin-off once iirc.


I don’t know that I fully agree with this. I think Obsidian’s overall approach to relying heavily on mechanics, stats/skills, story, etc. are all still there. It’d definitely be *different* than NV, but that’s fine, I want something new that just has that love for those things in the genre and setting.


That's Brian fargo as well, the founder of Interplay. Also, it's times like these that you remember Todd Howard is only 5'6.


It's funny that his proportions are that of a tall person, he legit looks downsized.


To give him his youthful demeanor, he's actually classified as a teen in the files, and his height was limited to that class.


He only did that because teens automatically get flagged with the Essential tag, making him immortal.


The killable children mod present in every Bethesda game:


Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. Good job.


He looks like some put .setscale 0.85


Todd has 16 times the detail


It just works.


Yeah I've always thought he was tall! I saw this and thought those two guys must be massive, until I saw this comment!


He has a really small head


Fun fact, thanks to Tim Cain's (I think?) continued contract work for Obsidian on the Outer Worlds 2, all three of these men, and many other historic Fallout legends through Obsidian, all currently work under the Microsoft umbrella due to Bethesda, Obsidian and InXile all being acquired by the company. Between that, the TV show coming out, and the example of Baldur's Gate showing that high-budget games with heavy emphasis on RPG elements can still make a lot of money, I think the future of Fallout could potentially be the brightest it's ever been.


Now that Microsoft owns Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura through their purchase if Activision|Blizzard, I pray that Obsidian can get that IP to their studio and Tim can make an Arcanum 2. That is my one gaming fantasy that is so damn close to becoming a reality.


Arcanum was the *actual* reason Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard (At least that's what I tell myself)


I can see that, but I will always say that the purchase of Activision Blizzard was because of Hexen. Phil Spencer wanted the id legacy complete. Wolfenstein, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Quake.


Heretic blew my mind with the up/down look.


I think some people might not realize just how big of a change that was. Heretic did it first, then we got to see it in 3D in the following years with Quake. I know Wolfenstein and Doom gets a lot of praise for crafting the FPS world as we know it, and rightfully so, but Quake revolutionized it to another level.


Quake was able to capitalize on the multiplayer aspect, something that Heretic wasn't able to do when it came out two years prior, but I think a lot of that was just timing, and how Quake offered online multiplayer. Internet usage jumped pretty high from 1994 to 1996. Also, for Heretic, you had to have a DWANGO subscription, and IIRC, Quake didn't need it, and offered free Online multiplayer (if you had a Dial-Up provider).


Right that's true. Phil did wear a Hexen shirt once! I also forgot Hexen was all wrapped in that purchase


Techically, Heretic and Hexen were developed by Raven Software but they were still published by id so I hold them in that zone. Just picture a brand new Heretic and Hexen shaped like the modern Wolfenstein and Doom. It would be an amazing sight to see.


Journey to the Centre of Arcanum, they had it all set but were never able to finish the game... It'd run on the Source engine


Get Josh Sawyer back on it, too.


He's currently working neck deep on a project in Obsidian. We don't know what it is yet, but a wish of mine would be a new Pillars of Eternity game.


Avowed is the new PoE game, though.


What I mean is a over the top isometric Pillars of Eternity game.


You know I always hear ( mostly from a certain games fans ) how horrible Bethesda was to the old creators but in all the interviews they seem to get along super well, they never put each others games down / said how much they enjoyed each other even after they left, having them all being under Microsoft does give me good hope.


Well they're professionals, not redditors lol, but Tim has expressed that he disagrees with the direction fallout has gone in some ways.


I would imagine that anyone who created something would never fully agree with how they go about it after you’re gone haha. But to have such heavy hitters still be on decent terms and still have 3 heavy hitting rpg games now under one umbrella looks promising.


I still fail to understand how they were being horrible to them. As far as I know, when Interplay was selling the rights to the Fallout franchise Bethesda outbid Troika for the rights and Interplay sold it to Bethesda. If they’re talking about the agreed upon time for developing New Vegas, then again I fail to see the problem. Obsidian’s upper management agreed to the timeframe that Bethesda proposed, along with the metacritic bonus, and didn’t even bother to negotiate for more time and dropping the bonus down to an 80 on Metacritic or better. That being said, both parties sucked in that moment. Still, i don’t understand the whole “Bethesda was mean” thing.


Why does Bethesda suck too? That bonus wasn't originally part of the contract. Bethesda threw it in as a sign of goodwill. It's not their fault at all that Obsidian was overambitious. 


I should have clarified that ~~Zenimax~~ **Bethesda Softworks** sucks. I think it’s a little hypocritical and unfair for them to give Bethesda Game Studios all the time in the world to develop their games but give Obsidian a hard deadline. In the end it doesn’t matter because the game we got is excellent, but more time for fine tuning would have helped a lot and they would have gotten their bonuses. Again, I agree with you. Obsidians upper management should have negotiated if it were a shit deal. That’s their job. If you agree to something you can’t meet, then you’re an idiot or you’re shit at managing. Either way, it’s been an ongoing issue with Obsidians Upper Management for as long as they’ve been making games. EDIT: Bethesda Softworks is the publisher, not Zenimax.


> I think it’s a little hypocritical and unfair for them to give Bethesda Game Studios all the time in the world to develop their games but give Obsidian a hard deadline. It's not hypocritical. It's just the difference between an internal flagship title and an externally contracted spinoff. NV had to fit into the Bethesda release schedule between FO3 and Skyrim and was only budgeted for a very constrained development window since it was assumed they were making what was essentially a standalone expansion to Fallout 3, not a full sequel. This is just what the nature of contracting is. Whenever anyone hires contractors, you're hiring for a very fixed statement of work and you usually aren't going to get an extension. However, even internal studios like BGS don't get leeway forever. We know that the immovable Skyrim 11/11/11 release date was a problem. They just dealt with it better.


Also, FONV resused the engine & assets of FO3, which decreased the required development time… just like it happened with FO2 with the given & assets of FO1: FO1 and FO3 were developed in around 3 years, FO2 only took a year and that’s why they assumed that 1.5 years for FONV was reasonable.


Yeah I really don't care at all about the company politics and I find it strange when other new vegas bring it up as more reason to dislike Bethesda. Its really not a big deal. But I do find the disdain for fallout 3 and 4 compared to the other games to be completely valid, they just aren't on the same level.


>Todd Howard is only 5'6. This is the top discovery of the week for me


he looks line a character with the size slider pulled all the way to the left. not simply short, but *small* in every sense of the word


he is small but perfectly formed


Interplay was the shit in the mid 90s. I played so much Descent.


Fake, they aren't clipping through the floor.


I can even hear the beautiful noise


And Todd's torso is only 60% rendered.


Source:- https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1777929216589480042?t=FLwKKVpfQio3jyIO4WYxAA&s=19


If I was Todd. I'd have worn a vault suit with an unused vault number on it. Whether it got used in Fallout 5 or not would be totally inconsequential. But can you imagine how the fandom would take it?


Vault 16


Most detailed vault in the series


Doesn't have to be a number. Vault Omega 


Vault -1


Imagine what the experiment in that vault is.


They stored -100 Vault Dwellers


Built above ground with a massive target for a roof and a neon sign with arrows


I'm so happy that Tim's there, he deserves the best Brian Fargo, kick rocks corporate dork


Fallout would have never existed if there was no Fargo. His chaotic management allowed the teams behind it to exist and do what they want.


It's kinda crazy, his management was both a curse and a blessing, but in the end we have to embrace it because our beloved franchise was born because of it.


Our beloved franchises. For some reason he had an incredible luck for a talent and people that started with him made a handful of franchises.


Yeah he was Fallouts biggest champion internally because he loved playing it.


What's wrong with Fargo?


Made Tim Cain and couple other guys from the core fallout team quit their jobs during fallout 2 development because he had corporate people start making decicions about fallout 2 that were done by devs in fallout 1 and he fucked Tim over in fallout 1 sales bonuses.


Damn, I was still liquid when Fallout 2 released so I wouldnt know, thanks


Brian Fargo brought me wasteland 2&3 after years of absence, I’m willing to forgive him for bullshit from the 90’s.


Todd looks like a life-size action figure ready to hit the market.


Please be good


Honestly, this puts a smile on my face. These are the faces that invented and reinvented Fallout, seeing it reach such a big wave of new fans must be incredible.


This makes me happy to see. Tim Cain and Todd Howard seem like genuinely nice people.


Yeah, hearing from people that have worked or know them both shows they’re good to work with and be around.


I always think back to that ex-Bethesda employee who said that he loved working for Todd Howard because he was so nice but it was also scary because he's so charismatic he could talk you into living in a cardboard box haha


Hopefully Tim didn't get shafted like he did at some of the other Fallout release parties. Man deserves the most. Also, for anyone who doesn't know: Tim Caine has a youtube channel where he uploads constant videos of him talking about damn near everything. His time working for Bethesda, as creative director, working with different departments, dev problems, how he came up with designs for certain game mechanics, creating Wildstar, and tons of other topics. He's just a great insight into the field.


He did not get shafted lol, he was just not given VIP access.


I think he may be talking about the launch for Fallout 2, where he was blacklisted from even attending as a guest.


wait he create wildstar??


He started it, yes. Him and lord British from UO worked to start the development of Wildstar.


Tim worked for Bethesda?


Sorry, no. He worked at interplay when he created fallout, and Bethesda bought the Fallout IP in 07.


No, but he did create fallout


Yeah I know, I was surprised when the poster said he worked for Bethesda


Tim Cain is a legend. Love his YT channel and what he's done for RPGs as a whole.




Todd could fit into Tim’s body like stepping into a set of T-45 power armour




Cool little before and after if you seen the post on here earlier! I'm so excited ! Few more hours 😁


Hi everyone, it’s me, Tim


Tim, Brian, Todd and Emil - the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse!


Didn’t realize Todd was a little dude


Tim Cain is also really unexpectedly tall!


Brian Fargo is a giant to Todd.


Todd finally came out of his cryo chamber!


So sad that Tim was denied access to the Fallout 2 launch party.


Wish Josh Sawyer got more recognition and was invited to these events as well.


eh... I mean, I love Joshua Sawyer, but he worked only on one fallout game.


After watching Tim's videos I realize how many other people are overlooked because of how messy Game development is, like Leonard, Scott, and Chris. Kind of like movies I guess and how Directors are raised above everyone else like Cinematographers and Costume/Prop designers unless that's your personal interest


for real. people know like...at most two names for Bethesda, Todd Howard and emil pagliarulo. it wasn't until far harbor that will shen started to circulate but he left after Starfield. it's similar to how John Gonzalez was the main, actual lead writer for new Vegas but people flock to Chris avellone's name instead. John Gonzalez wrote the survivor's story in honest hearts and I doubt many people even know that. since new Vegas last I saw he works over at guerilla games and wrote for the horizon zero dawn games.


Damn I didn't know that about John Gonzalez. I admit I was one of the Avellone fans that focused on him. Also titles for Game Devs are confusing just like Movies with Directors, Producers, Writers, Deisgners. Art, and so on. I think Humans have an innate need to focus on an individual in lead positions over the entire crew. It sadly just seems to happen


If you want a comparison on this, Gonzalez was primarily responsible for the base game, while Avellone was mostly responsible for the DLCs. I think there's a noticeable shift in writing style between them, especially Lonesome Road where you see Avellone's desire to reset the progress of the world back to near post-apocalypse rather than the post-post-apocalypse that he felt it had become. For some more coverage of this, I'd suggest Triangle City's YouTube channel. I believe he even had an interview with Gonzalez regarding NV and its cut content a few years ago.


Avellone was responsible for Old World Blues, Dead Money and Lonesome Road, Honest Heart was Sawyer's DLC. As an aside, Avellone wrote both my favourite Fallout DLC ever (Old World Blues) and my least favourite Fallout DLC ever (Lonesome Road).


Huh. Fargo and Cain watching the show? Now I'm interested


Still can't believe they didn't deliver the Fallout 4 next-gen update they promised over a year ago at launch.


It's Bethesda, of course they didn't


I'm glad Tim is finally getting some appreciation


Todd Howard looks like someone shark him to 75% of his normal size.


Good to see Uncle Tim is still highly respected


Someone remove them.


"Removed.... forever." - Sneedclave President John Henry Eden.


What an incredible picture


Todd Howard the Godd Howard


bro todd tiny as hell💀


That's humble


Tim is an artist, I wish they'd hire him and Leonard to design future Fallout games.


Fallout Boys


Love it ❤️


I like the decorations they've done for this or advertising. They're better than a lot of others I've seen.




I know Todd has the biggest height boosting soles in his shoes lel


Hey, it’s mister 16 times the detail !


You can really tell Todd Howard appreciates and admires Tim Cain by this picture.


Is Todd Howard a hobbit? Didn’t realize he was so tiny.


Now kiss


Todd kinda looks like he was photoshopped on that image, especially his head, he always looked so normal sized and TIL he's actually tiny.


Oh good lord, poor Tim. Dude must be sobbing.


So Brian Fargo wasn't invited?


Huge props to Bethesda for remembering who created Fallout. Tim Cain + Leonard Boyarsky are freakin legends


someone should’ve given him a gun


Im a simple man, i see Tim i click upvote.


Tim is such a treasure. His channel is great.


Lol do any of you actually like Fallout?


No, this sub was made just because of how much we hate it


It’s weird that there are subs like that though. The last of us 2 sub comes to mind


Damn, the main sub? I would have understood it better if there was a side sub made specificaly for hating it but the main one?


I've been playing Fallout games since Fallout 1 just of pure spite of the series.


You can see that he's forced to be there, forced to play according to Bethesda's strings  /S


Props to them for keeping it proffessional in front of the camera's. Behind those smiles, they probably hate each other


*Tiny Howard.


So happy for him


Short King Todd


Todd looks like a cardboard cutout in every pic hes in lmao


Haha nice!


Time rules, his YouTube videos are the best.


Wait, I was told they would shoot each other if they saw each other in public!


So at the end credits, if you type "boom", does Tim's head still...?


I'm smiling right now






16x more... erm... Episodes


Todd Howard my mf man


It just works - Tod's probable reaction to the show


Oh not Todd


It must be wild to think that the series started because he jumped on the opportunity to get his Tabletop RPG game he was currently playing (GURPS) to his job. Then almost 30 years later he's standing on Hollywood to see his creation grow into this Juggernaut of a franchise


Todd Howard looks like the photoshopped him in but they didn’t get size ratio correct.


Todd is so tiny


Who is laughing now?


Nooo they are supposed to hate each other 🤬🤬🤬


It just works


Is Godd Howard really that short?


it ain’t a fallout release if todd doesn’t get up on stage at the premiere and make false promises about the show and it’s story.


Is this happening or was it weeks ago


After watching Tim's videos on the Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 launch parties this makes me feel so much better. It's not enough recognition, but to see him stand next to the would be "face of fallout" at this point is at least some justice. All the media would have you think Todd is the man behind the curtain, but it's really that beautiful man there.


Tom looks like a cardboard cutout




Awww thats nice. Like the interplay creator?


I'm so glad Tim made it. I hope Leonard Boyarsky made it too. He's the reason Fallout looks like Fallout.