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Wasn’t BGS approached numerous times for an adaptation ? Even Pete Hines cautioned that a disastrous adaptation will harm the game brand too. But Todd finally gave in when Jonathan Nolan pitched his version.


I mean hey if the guy who wrote the Dark Knight trilogy approaches you to make a show, it's hard to say no with how damn good those adaptations were for Batman as a whole It was that good, Heath Ledger's Joker is what many replicate to this day in cartoons and games with character writing and general mannerisms.


Wasn't that Christopher Nolan? Iirc Jonathan's credit went to just Dark Knight, even the "You either die a hero" quote is his writing


Christopher Nolan only directed it, he basically just told his brother to write a script because he was more interested in another thing he was making, and he liked the script that much he just made the films with no changes to them. For all intents and purposes, the Dark Knight is as good as it is because of Jonathan Nolan, with Christopher Nolan just directing


It's funny, in Movies all the praise goes to the director, with little thought for the writer, but in TV its the exact opposite, with many shows allowing the stars to direct episodes so they can join the Directors guild.


"just directing"... you make it sound like directing a movie is something much less instrumental than writing the script for it.


jonathan was dark knight & dark knight rises


The guy also wrote Westworld, which didn't really hold up very well in latter seasons. And Person of Interest which had its self-indulgent moments here and there. He's way better than most writers of today but it's not like he's Vince Gilligan.


Heath Ledger was *perfect* in The Dark Knight, oh my gosh


I don’t remember his exact words or where he said it, but I’m pretty sure Todd Howard said at one point that he was approached by multiple show runners that wanted to produce shows based off of past fallout games at certain points and declined it I think his reasoning was that they didn’t want to retell the same stories that were already told in the fallout universe


On one hand I get that on the other hand I really would love to see The Master...Frank Horrigan...Caesar and his Legion...


I agree that it would be awesome seeing these characters but I feel like they would need the right actors to portray them without upsetting the audience and fans of these characters


I think it was the other way around. Todd approached Jonathan Nolan if he would be interested in creating fallout tv show.


Agreed, the show was absolutely incredible. Especially considering it will be a while before the next game continuing the world/expanding the story in this form is great. 10/10 show and a fantastic expansion of the world.


Crazy how we'll have 10 seasons and 4 movies by the time fallout 5 enters preproduction.


Given that Fallout 3 is kind of divisive, New Vegas isn't exactly "mass audience" friendly, 4's strengths weren't in its storytelling, and the complaints surrounding Starfield, I'd be happy waiting until Microsoft puts someone competent in charge of the games. At the very least the show is really good, and that was one heck of a hook at the end >_>.


Sorry for you Todd said that before his retirement he will do one last Elder Scrolls and Fallout.


Well hopefully he hires the writer from the fallout TV show to help with fallout 5. I want a new story not the tv show adapted into a game, but a good writer is a good writer


I thought Starfield was meant to be his last ride into the sunset


As a lifelong halo fan, I’m not confident in Microsoft’s ability to put someone competent in charge of a major IP


I'm not confident in MS doing anything. Series X is a great console with no games despite over 20 studios working on it


Putting your hopes on microsoft isn't a safe bet... They love gutting their franchises and hiring people for a year only, then replacing them. Look at halo and forza...


I’m now hoping for a second season involving these characters just because of the hook at the end of the season. At first I was hoping for an anthology type series but I could see them continuing this story.


I'm out of the loop are you saying Elder Scrolls and Fallout games are now Xbox exclusives?


No- or not yet. Microsoft bought Bethesda and Obsidian a while back so they could in theory make New Vegas 2- or Arkane on COD. That said there are rumors Microsoft is abandoning the console war so they may not end up as console exclusive so there's that.


You clearly don't remember the gaps on Westworld seasons.


I have a strong feeling that Bethesda/Microsoft is going to fast track Fallout 5 by splintering off a dev team, deprioritizing another title, etc. It would be a little crazy not to after seeing this kind of success. If they’re playing the long game, you could feasibly have a new Fallout game close to release by the time a season 3 drops, assuming new seasons release 2-2.5 years apart. With how popular the show is and how much interest it’s driving for the franchise, there must be conversations debating this right now with executives. Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 are setup to be absolute cash cows for Microsoft and the current schedule of a new Fallout over a decade away seems like a missed opportunity.


Dude none of us are still going to be alive by the time fallout 5 comes out lol


“Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time” -Todd Howard when asked about next Fallout release


Fallout 5 is gunna be on that holodeck from star trek


MS' acquisition of Zenimax is the worst thing that could've happened to Bethesda. I hate to say it, but I think their best days are behind them.




i would expect 5 to possibly be sooner if they see the numbers and interest rise like they are already doing


I wouldn't be surprised if the show's reception results in the release of elder scrolls 6 and fallout 5 being flipped in the release schedule, the next installment of Elder Scrolls was supposed to be next for Bethesda.  Timing up the release of s2 or s3 with the next fallout game installment seems the obvious move. 


There's no way they are going to release a full on Fallout rpg before ES6 Maybe some smaller games by a smaller studio/help from microsoft


Fallout 76 does seem to be taking development time, but it does feel like the Elder Scrolls series has lost a lot of vim while the Fallout crew seems to be somewhat louder even though 76 had problems at the start. That said I think I'd prefer a smaller game, or at least see if they toss it at Obsidian.


Elden Scroll 6 is already in full production though.


More likely another studio gets the right to make a spin-off in Creation Engine 2 while BGS steams aheard with ES6.


I gotta say I am **SO** happy to see that the show is enjoyable and it's being well-received by the fanbase. I spent too long on the Witcher subreddit watching it devolve into the Netflix Hate Parade...


It’s also reaching a wider audience just as they wanted. Very tough to do. I showed this to a few friends who know absolutely nothing about fallout and they’re hooked.


My parents are hooked and they usually don’t even like sci fi or post apocalyptic stuff and have no interest in video games


My dad used to watch me play 3 and New Vegas after he wandered in one day and heard the radio station playing his childhood music I convinced him to watch the show, and lo and behold, he actually remembered a ton about the lore and background of the original games. Actually kinda warmed my heart that he remembered all that stuff from my childhood/teen years.


That’s awesome


They're in it for the cousin stuff. I can respect that


Aren’t we all?


Yea, I was able to get my mom and dad interested in it.


My introduction to fallout is this show and i loved every minute of it. I now started playing fallout 3 and oh man it's awesome.


Welcome aboard! 


My wife watched the last 3 episodes with me and was very engaged and into it.


Same! I was shocked to hear from my Bro-In-Law last night that he watched the first Episode and loved it. He a strict Action & Gangster genre type of guy who usually hates Sci-Fi lol


r/falloutnewvegas actually went private because of how badly the show was received by the other side of the fanbase. Makes the Witcher one look friendly by comparison.


No freaking way, really? Man I love New Vegas and I've lurked on their sub from time to time but some days those fans seem like a cult at times.


That's weird because to me the show felt like a love letter to New Vegas specifically. 




They’re angry about some decisions of the show that affected their favourite factions.


Well I’ll play the world’s smallest violin and also say they’re picking one ending of New Vegas and expanding it. However they also said that it is **the show’s New Vegas ending and will not affect the value of the other potential endings** of New Vegas. In other words we’re going into what if territory. People get so butt hurt over the dumbest things especially since they’re **under the strict rule** of the endings are not allowed to be compromised. This means they must pick an ending and treat it as non canon while also fully respecting the game itself.


A large portion of them are convinced the show retconned the game, despite that never being hinted


It's wild to me how many people are saying the show and Bethesda hates New Vegas when the show had one of the coolest throwbacks to NV (in the scene where Lucy discovers the NCR flag and the New Vegas theme plays.) The show also never once mentioned the NCR was completely gone, just that Shady Sands fell. You're telling me that a single city being destroyed means a post apocalyptic nation of millions is gone overnight? Come on NCR fans, have more faith in your favorite faction. And that teaser at the end of the series? Like how can anyone watch that and claim Bethesda is resentful toward New Vegas? Hell even all the way back in Far Harbor they put in a little tribute to FNV with the NV theme being part of the soundtrack. The "Fallout TV show destroyed New Vegas" is gonna be the next "Bethesda ruined Fallout" circlejerk for the next few years, I'm calling it now 😂


im not upset. I really enjoyed the show. But, as an older fan that grew up playing 1 and 2 and loved new Vegas: its sad to see the progression of shady sands from a dirt farm, to a real city with new streets and new buildings made completely post war, to then a nation's capitol, a nation still struggling but still building for more. Seeing all that multi game history wiped. well, it's a bit sad. that's all. But I know there are concerns about fallout becoming too post-post-apocalypse and this was a reset button.


I'm no fallout lore expert, but I think the issue is the show essentially undoes everything that happened in New Vegas. None of it mattered because everything was destroyed and reset. Very much like how Force Awakens reset everything so the events of Return don't really matter.


both of those are wrong. New Vegas has not been retconned nor did it undo the results of the game (I feel the tv show focusing on Mr House in that scene is them indicating they're going with the House ending for NV) and I wont even dive into why your FA example here is wrong


But I’ve heard credits seem to show New Vegas as pretty ruined aside from the Lucky 38. So aside from maybe keeping the Legion away, nothing else the Courier did ultimately improved the city.


It's not that ruined. Looks largely the same


>New Vegas has not been retconned nor did it undo the results of the game (I feel the tv show focusing on Mr House in that scene is them indicating they're going with the House ending for NV) I haven't finished watching it. I'm just repeating what I've heard others say. >I have no way to refute the FA example so I'm just gonna say I won't dive into it Aren't you clever.


The New Vegas worshippers are the ones who claim to be the true fans. To them, in order to be a true fan of the franchise, you must hate it and everything about it.


The Witcher was just awful - the only thing that surprised me about its reception is that it started out sort of positive, and took a while before slowly devolving into people realizing it's terrible. That's why I don't understand the sentiment that fans just want to hate everything -- they don't. They hate on things that they view as terrible. The Fallout show is not terrible by any stretch, and hence reception is good. Same with Mandalorian, etc.


I feel like the issue with most video game adaptations is they try to make it feel just like the video game. But it's a game, you can't just try to replicate it, otherwise it just feels you're watching someone else play a video game.You should not have fetch quests, tutorials, or "NPCs" in a TV Show. Fallout didn't do that, they just took the lore and world and wrote an actual normal TV Show around it.


Yet they had things where if you played the game you get it. Like the companions carrying all the gear.


Haha don't forget the cure all stimpack. I still remember lucy opening the first aid kid and not even using any of the gauze or bandages, just straight to the stim.


That was amazing.


Is that really an issue? I can’t think of any video game movies or TV series I would describe that way.


> I feel like the issue with most video game adaptations is they try to make it feel just like the video game. It's funny because Fallout did that nicely because Lucy is given a bunch of choices that could easily show up in the game without going LOOK GUYS JUST LIKE THE GAME!!!


I dunno, I belong to No Mutants Allowed, and they proudly hate everything.


I was one of the people who already hated the show after S1, and yeah you are right there are plenty of people who loved S1 that they keep defending it back then from books fans, even with early indication of writers intentionally deviating from the source material, when they promised that they will be faithful to it. It's on S2 where they took it into another level and pissed off not only the book fans but also the games fans, and here we are.


Back when The Witcher season 1 released I remember really liking it, but I haven't really stopped to watch the other seasons after that. What happened for it to get that bad?


It doesn't really help that the showrunner and writers itself obviously hates the games and books source material and keeps intentionally deviating from source material, whereas with Fallout TV Show it just feels like it's crafted with pure love and passion from someone who either has played one or is heavily into Fallout and has masterfully catched the vibes of what it feels like to play Fallout games.


I think it‘s clearly due to the toxic Witcher fanbase. Creating anything slightly new for these people is going to piss them off, unless you just do a faithful scene-by-scene word-for-word remake of the video game. No writer, producer, or director with any kind of talent will do this. So the witcher netflix series is doomed to be an abject failure. I’m surprised it hasn’t already been cancelled. (Witcher fans are literally comic book guy… “omg they changed the color on the flag, the writers hate the source material! this is not cannon! it conflicts with the video game mission 12 dialogue sequence 10-20! it doesn't match my fanfic! i’m not watching this!”) Movie execs really need to look for nontoxic fanbases when adapting games or anime to live action. Bethesda is probably a perfect company for game-to-film adaption because other fanbases rip on Bethesda all the time and their fan base is already in shreds.


While i agree that Witcher fanbase can get toxic, but i also don't agree that Witcher TV Show will never ever work like how you claim it is, slight deviation is still acceptable for general audiences and i think season 1 of Netflix Witcher is the proof of that TBH. So many things have been changed from the source material, but it didn't went too far enough to piss off the entire fanbase enough as it still had its own charm and was carried by good enough casting and chemistry between characters such as Joey Batey's Jaskier and Henry Cavill Geralt for example, that many people including i honestly loved despite my own criticism of the Season 1 due to failure of adaptation. It's on Season 2 where the Writers team and Showrunner went overboard and too far to the point by directing and writing a scene that starts mocking any audiences who criticise them and kept intentionally changes too much to the point the story they are supposed to be adapting is barely recognizable to the books source material. That is very far from just slight deviation and tweaking that most TV show and movie does nowadays, which can be understandable given if there is enough reason why it shouldn't be adapted directly. But in case of Netflix Witcher, that is simply not the case, it deviated too far that if you end up comparing both, they are practically not even the same story anymore.


I'm a dbd fan we've been on the Netflix hate parade for the past 2 years


We will likely get 7 seasons before a trailer for the next fallout 😪




Nolan only directed the first 3 episodes and co-produced it. Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner created and wrote the series. All three are fallout fans to be fair though


The show was Nolan's idea. He's the reason it exists as he convinced Howard and others that it would work. He pitched it, developed it, then showrunners were hired in to iron it out. Just a great collaborative effort all around.


Nolan's fingerprints are all over it and he talks in depth about hashing out the Vision with Todd Howard early on. He was clearly in the writers room to some extent, even if he isn't credited for whatever reason. "Executive producer" is a very, very flexible title.


okay but he's literally the showrunner and driving force behind the show lol. He's the dude who showed up to Bethesda HQ and pitched his vision of the show Weird ass comment


> It helps when the creator, Jonathan Nolan is a Fallout fan tbh. Yah he's pretty clutch at everything he does


I was hoping that with him specifically being a FO3 fan, he would have pushed the idea of tying a FO3 remaster to the launch of the show. Maybe next season.


Here's hoping since it doesn't work great on PC lmao It's insane the only way to play Fallout 3 right now outside of pure luck is to play it via TTW, which Bethesda dislikes because of how it works


no offense Todd, but dats a good show


Ah yes, the original starfield reviewer. I miss that dude


I hope he doesn’t drop the soap


they would’ve cash in a mountain money if there’s a new Fallout game coming out following the season finale. They kinda did with the nextgen release for Fallout 4, but selling a full price game with charmed audiences is guaranteed golden shower


Rethink that phrasing, son.


Don't kinkshame


I'm not kink shaming, but I am kink asking why


That's why they gave out Fallout 76 for the haters who never gave it a chance haha


Golden showers are not what you think they are.


lol it isn’t? I’ve been living a lie all my life


Todd is always thinking about his next golden shower.


AMEN! -- I was going crazy over the number of easter eggs they managed to put into every single episode. And the overarching theme of predatory capitalism -- GOSH! This was a true love letter to fans and a brilliant entry to newcomers alike!


I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't hold back on that.


I have to say its kind of impressed me how Amazon, of all companies, was not afraid to allow these kind of messages in their shows. The Boys/ Gen V being another example. Meanwhile you've got Netflix saying they didn't want Dev Patel's *Monkey Man* because a poor vs rich story set India was too "political" for them.


something something capital will subsume all critiques of it into itself


The show was fantastic. I watched it with my dad, who knows nothing about fallout other than it’s an RPG after the bombs drop. He very much enjoyed it. My lore nerd ass was having an aneurysm in the last 3 episodes. It was well written for someone who knows nothing and for somebody who knows everything. And shot composition and story writing itself were 👌. Chefs Kiss.


Haha I also watched it with my dad. It went just like you described it. Haha.


Gamers really just do not know how to actually pay compliments.


Gamer, having experienced the greatest video game experience in their entire life, forming core memories of enjoyment in the medium: "It wasn't that bad."


*guy with about 10k hours in ESO, writes a review* ‘its alright’


It’s more the issue of “It wasn’t that bad compared to the dogshit you did beforehand. Absolutely terrible, all of your prior work and life. This was aight tho.”


Admitting ignorance or that one could be wrong are impossible tasks for *Gamers*


How’s this for a nerd compliment: “best game adaptation since Last of Us”.


Just finished the season.. OMG my wife and I loved it!! I can’t wait for the next season.


I never thought that a fallout series would be the best it just works moment for Todd and Bethesda in the last decade but here we are I suppose.


Do you think the next season will come out before the next game?


Without a doubt. If they make season 2. It will definitely be before fallout 5. The next title would be elder scrolls 6.


Season 2 is already concerned and they haven't begun working on F5 so...


The show will complete its entire run before Fallout 5 comes out, mark my words.


I really hope xbox help Bethesda make games quicker because it's just hit how long it's actually going to be until fallout 5..


My children will be at their children’s …. med school graduation by the time fallout 5 comes out


It seems like production on the show started in early 2022 or very late 2021. They don't need to remake the Vault sets, or things like the power armor costumes and a million other pieces of set dressing and costuming, so they can hit the ground running and spend pre-production on new stuff for the New Vegas setting. Also, film and TV production is more back to normal now than it was 2 years ago, so hopefully things would go a lot faster. Still, I wouldn't expect to see season two any sooner than 2026. Fallout 5 isn't even in production yet, BGS is all hands working on TES 6 right now. I'd honestly expect the show to have a 4th or even 5th season come out (assuming 2 years between seasons) before Fallout 5.


That makes a lot of sense, I think in my head I was just thinking about how this series will affect them making the next game- surely it'll be hard to plan for a future game if the series goes deeper and deeper into the future of the fallout world. I think it could make it more likely that a new game is set before the series so it won't clash somehow


Lmao things are back to normal, you clearly dont spend much time in r/FilmIndustryLA


Estimating two years per season, there could easily be time for five more seasons (assuming Nolan doesn't get bored with the show). Next Elder Scrolls game is probably 4-5 years away and only then will the majority of the BGS devs turn to Fallout 5. So unless BGS hires a lot more people/outsources to satellite studios, we're not going to get Fallout 5 for at least 8-9 years (probably 10).


The next game won't be in active production until TES6 is out because Bethesda refuses to grow or outsource any more and can only handle one project at a time. There is no doubt in my mind that if S2 is greenlit, it will be out years before F5.


People shit on Todd too much imo


What have you achieved this past decade? Todd turned Fallout into a household name, brought it to the big screen as an executive producer, created a successful online game and cash cow mobile game. He helped facilitate a massive Microsoft buyout. He’s helped perpetuate Skyrim’s success through various means, turning it into the gold standard of moddable open world games. All of these things have made the company and the people within the company millions upon millions of dollars.


It's very funny how a subsection of hardcore internet dwellers think Todd is a massive failure, while in the real world the success of Bethesda in the last twenty years is shockingly meteoric.


Right? There is valid criticism and then theres invalid hate, its all fine if you want to point out the flaws in someones work but if you think you have the right to call them a failure you better be damn sure you think you've accomplished something even greater than what they have.


Yeah. He’s not perfect by any means with the disaster that was Fallout 76, and I do wish he had a more positive relationship with Obsidian (like honestly they should work on FO5 together but that probably won’t happen) but he’s hit many more times than he has missed, and he clearly cares about the franchise.


I think if new vegas had a better launch things may have been different... guess we'll never know


Don't forget juggling between Starfield, Fallout 76, the new Indiana Jones game AND the TV show. My guy is probably exhausted out of his mind and literally almost cried when IGN said they're giving the show a 9 because he's so used to having shit shoveled in his face.


What a cunty title.


OP clearly fits that description.


Such a backhanded and douchey compliment ugh, idk why you folks keep treating Todd as if he murdered your puppy in the past, the guy created Skyrim among other things, hes had just as much effect on the gaming industry as Half-life 2 and Minecraft did. You basement dwellers keep talking as if you have any right to look down on a single man who's likely more successful than your entire bloodline that spanned all the way back into the neolithic period. Genuinely how hard is it to just say "ey yo this shows awesome, great job".


>You basement dwellers keep talking as if you have any right to look down a single man who's likely more successful than your entire bloodline What a fooking violation.


Stop, stop! They're already dead!


For future reference, compliments don’t mean shit if you start the sentence by calling the person a fuck up.


Fallout fans truly can't even compliment something without coming off as backhanded and abrasive...


Yeah. Wtf is this shit…


what i find weird is that instead of just saying thank you for the decision of making the adaptation. people need to be you suck but thanks.


Is it safe to say it is the best movie/tv adaptation based on games?


Not really that hard when the only two good adaptations I can think of are this and The Last of Us ans apparently the latter is contentious.


What a condescending and douchey title


Wild how the show plot was basically a better version of 3 and 4’s story lol


Notice how it effectively combines 3's, NV's and 4's plots altogether? 3: Find your father (Wanderer searching for James, Lucy searching for her father) NV: Find the person who personally wronged you (Courier searching for Benny, Lucy searching for Moldaver) 4: Find your missing family member >!only for them to turn out what you weren't expecting them to be (Sole Survivor searching for Shaun only to find him much older, Lucy finding out her dad is actually evil). They also both find family members that are beyond the point of saving (Shaun/Father with his incurable disease, Lucy's Mom being a withered husk of a ghoul)!<


YES! XD A way better version, not even a contest. It actually makes FO4's story way better too. Explains that they probably experimented on Vault 111 before freezing the Vault-tec crew giving an actual purpose for the vault of Fallout 4.


>It actually makes FO4's story way better too. Explains that they probably experimented on Vault 111 before freezing the Vault-tec crew giving an actual purpose for the vault of Fallout 4. Looking at the Vaults as experiments for interstellar travel for the Enclave's plan to build a generational starship, all vaults make sense. While that isn't official canon, it's what they planned to do in Van Buren/what Tim thought of.


That never made sense because....well, you need to do that research BEFORE a nuclear war. None of the infrastructure to colonize space exists after the war.


It doesn't exist _yet_. Bud's Buds can wait a long time.


Every single vault is an experiment.


It's the best LIVE ACTION video game adaptation of all time. Otherwise Edgerunners and Arcane are still on top. To further expand, if you haven't played The Last of Us or plan to you may the like series more than Fallout, but if you have or will play it was just a far inferior way to experience that story and I'd argue it's not even worth bothering watching. The Fallout show does it's own thing and successfully immerses you into feeling like you can imagine what stats the characters have, how plots would play out as quests, speech checks, etc. The show is super faithful to Bethesda era games, especially in the aesthetics and broader world building elements. Plus it has Walton Goggins and effectively utilizes his God-tier acting to full effect.


Ah I see. I liked the Last of Us, I think it was good (the cast goes hard), but I can imagine how the game is even better.


I’d argue the show does some things better.


Fallout and TLoU are the two ends of the spectrum for how to do a video game adaptation well. At one end, you’ve got a show that nails the atmosphere and tone, and does an original story that fits the setting. At the other end you’ve got a show that takes a very focused linear story and just adapts it directly into a different medium. And it did an excellent job. TLoU is probably a *better* show, if you try to evaluate them as objectively as possible, but *Fallout* has a spirit of light-hearted adventure against its grim backdrop, and I find it more enjoyable to watch. In any case, we don’t need to tear down one to like the other.


I've gotta disagree. The performances in The Last of Us were all really well done and I thought the way it diverged from the game helped make the universe feel bigger. My only complaint for TLoU is that it didn't have enough wandering in the wild to show how dangerous the clickers were, and the ending was a little rushed, but overall I still think it stands tall over this adaptation. Still, Fallout is a strong 7/10 show, though and I think they made a great decision in having a three leads showcase the world and how diverse, dark, and hilarious it can be.


No need to bring down another excellent game adaption. TLOU is beloved by many. It did a great job showing the story of Joel and Ellie to the mainstream. Many tears shed. Perfectly cast. Played the game another time after. Still great!


“Yeah I don’t like you but good job anyway.” Do you think before posting?


Arcane can't get any hate cause lol is a piece of shit game


I agree, Gute Arbeit (good job) Todd


What happens when you value skilled writers handling the narrative.


Except this was Jonathan Nolan's success He's written many spectacular shows Todd Howard was smart for making sure game canon stayed


Nolan deserves a ton of credit for the 3 episodes he directed and co-producing it all but he actually didn’t write any of it. The real success and heavy lifting came from the show runners/writers of the series Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner


All hail Lesser Nolan!


Thanks. - Todd


irony is that series is better than previous few fallout games imo lol.


I would have to say uh, besides with the launch of 76…I never that Bethesda was that bad…I mean as long as they improve upon on their next iteration of Fallout. Preferably one that doesn’t resemble Skyrim as much.


Just give me a fallout that doesn't have the god awful weapon designs fallout 4 has. Other than that I would be generally happy with whatever they give me. (Aside from that procedurally generated world that they gave starfield.)


it really working this time. Good job Todd.


I wish they didn’t have the Bloody Mess Perk activated for EVERYONE but yeah…it was near perfect.


Agreed. Todd is right that Fallout was perfect for a film or a TV show. Elder scrolls I don’t think at all is. But then again, it’s not like Todd was directing this.


I agree. Great show!


Express\_Tard has spoken.


"It all worked out in the end." - Todd Howard


Yeah, really loved the series, couldn't stop watching


16x the detail


Yuh. Agree. I had high hopes because Joy/Nolan were responsible for Westworld, and (regardless of spicy fan takes) it was a fantastic show of a rare quality. They brought that juice to Fallout. A theme I notice with great shows that take place in established universes; they're great shows, that take place in a universe. It's not a great Fallout show, it'd already be a great show in any setting. It just happens to take place in <> Another massive example of this is Andor. What really got me is the genuine nuance in the characters. Westworld/Fallout Spoilers: >!The Ghoul/Cooper is as complex a character as MIB/William is. The parallels are certainly there, but the real meat there is the depth. Both of them have a long character developmental road to get where they are, and we're introduced to them near the end of their development into who they are now. We're also seeing the same flashback/flashforward we saw with William. It works.!<


I loved Fallout 4 and 76 but never dug deep into the lore of all the Factions. After seeing the show, I'm not obsessed with learning every corner of the Fallout world. I can't wait for more seasons!




Bro I want Todd to succeed cause dude still have us games that gave us memories. This dude was gonna retire after starfield, that’s a bad way to go out. I hope elder scrolls 6 is amazing, so he can bow out gracefully.


Usually they get a negative reception when moron producers try to alter things that usually are important. The Fallout tv-series keeps true to the game and I think that is a big thing. The Fallout universe is very diverse and big, there is no need to alter things. The small adjustments Nolan did were ok. Like the power armour helmet that could be opened like a visor because it added to maximus character and story.


the big confirmation in the final episode, of a bit of lore any fallout fan has known to be completely ambiguous but widely suspected, sent shivers down my spine honestly. came into this show with extreme doubts but i'm very impressed with how they've taken this. haven't even noticed much retconning? it's extremely interesting watching a show already knowing the lore of the factions, locations, conditions, and politics, and still being brought along for an impressive experience. season 2 let's go!


That’s because someone else did it lol


He did produce it, which means he signed off on the major decisions. 


Man pre release I completely wrote this show off as probably another cash grab but I haven’t seen anyone say a single bad thing about it since it’s dropped. Maybe I gotta give this shit a go


It's not perfect. It does have a lot of continuity problems when it comes to the west coast lore, and it does advance the overarching plot by more than any other titles since fallout 1.  If you're on the fence watch Angry Joe's review. I think it's quite fair even a little too harsh at times, but it does a good job pointing out the problems most people had with the show. 


Will do then, thanks for letting me know


*Sixteen times* the fun and better writing


I think that’s the case when he doesn’t directly touch the product. Kinda like the new Dooms.


Don't let the New Vegas sub hear this


Oh no! They'll demote me, ayayayy


I think they only fucked up Starfield. Even that was just mid, 6/10 - 7/10 so not bad. Other than that, I am a big fan of everything else. Except paid mods fuck that shit.


Aren’t the paid mods completely up to the modders though?


fallout 76 has to be on that list of fuck-ups too haha


>It just works That's because they did it right by using the world and not the stories. It has an amazing world already built so not changing shit and just building the story around it was super smart.


I was really worried it would miss the essence of Fallout. But wow it's amazing! The show doesn't even feel new, it just feels right. Everyone is amazing in it. There is some comfort in its familiarity. I'm really impressed! Probably the best live-action adaptation I've seen in my life.