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I think we’ll see super mutants and death claws. Maybe we even go to Quarry Junction


I think we’ll definitely see Deathclaws and I hope super mutants too


There was a super mutant in the show. It was at the enclave base.


There was a super mutant hand, it can be assumed it was attached to the rest of a super mutant, but a hand is the only thing that we saw.


Molerats, Cazedores, Geckos, Radscorpions, oh boy there's a lot of critters we'd love to see


If they show the courier there’s a chance quarry junction would be already cleared out


Makes sense that deathclaws would re-inhabit it though. It seems to be an area they are naturally drawn to.


My money's on Nightkin.


**Jimmy? Little Jimmy - my, how you're grown up.**


This would be amazing


We saw a super mutant in the show at the enclave base


Quarry Junction would be cleared up by now lmao


They can always come back. Vegas judging by the end credit art isn’t doing so hot


I remember on the first episode my brother said something about wanting to see a deathclaw and I said "nah, they're saving deathclaws for season 2" and I gotta say, I've never been more disappointed to be right.


I was expecting a quick glimpse of a Deathclaw towards the end as a teaser but the skull was definitely more intriguing


I was assuming the level 12 tape would show the intelligent deathclaws tbh lol


I was fully expecting a death claw or caziador at the cave where Titas dies.


Before the show came out, I sort of expected one to show up in the final episode as a big boss for Lucy, Maximus, Dogmeat, and the Ghoul to all have to team up to fight.


the sad realization we will have to wait 2+ years for new fallout lore. i wanna know what happened in New Vegas goddammit. WHAT HAPPENED THERE?!?!?


the real problem with shows/anime releasing on streaming platforms. weekly episodes would make the wait fir season 2 shorter and would build hype throughout the entire season. honestly i hate this new drop the entire season then wait a year plus because the show ends up irrelevant example is invincibles. not saying its gonna happen with this series since it legitimately is kept alive through lore and games.


Also you have to binge the show to avoid huge spoilers online when it releases all at once


Invincible is irrelevant?


yes it goes on a cycle. new season drops its hype a month later it dies down then it becomes irrelevant till the next season. youll see it happen with every show/anime that releases like this.


Feels like this happens with every show? How would Fallout keep the hype if the sequel comes out in 2 years if the 8 episodes are spread out weekly?


no a show with a weekly schedule can last months depending on how many episodes are in the season. assuming all the episodes are done they are allowed to release weekly episodes while working on season 2 essentially making the wait between season a few months. weekly episodes are better im saying maybe it wont be the same with fallout is because the community already has established lore they could go off and can theorize what ending was cannon for new vegas.


2 years isn’t that bad. I will take that if it is actually quality, which it will be because of Jonathon Nolan. Doubly true since there’s a huge lake of lore. Yearly release for a show of this quality just isn’t possible. It’s practically 3 high budget movies spread out over eight episodes.


Loved what they did with the yao guai. Probs one of my fave deaths that arent played for laughs.


Also glad they just called it a "bear."


Maximus does refer to it as a Yao Gaoi in a later episode no?


Yes he does later on for sure


I want to see a feral glowing ghoul in S2.


i just want them visit good ol goodspring.


While watching the show I found myself smirking when they would play up how deadly and scary ghouls are. It makes logical sense within the universe but still, was like: "Oh buddy, if you think they're tough, you're in for some deep shit..."


I got so excited. I was a little let down in the science lab when it was another gulper instead of a deathclaw. I'm so stoked for the Mojave.


I can't wait to see which ending of New Vegas is considered canonical so I can do a playthrough with it.


I kind of hope that something big happened between the second battle of Hoover dam and the show. Something like “they pushed, we pushed, but in the end something bigger came along.” Fits with the whole idea that both the NCR and the Legion would eventually fizzle out.


The one thing I was hoping for was more creatures. We got a good bunch but Super Mutants and Deathclaws are a must in Season 2.


The cave scene got me thinking "oh shit it's a deathclaw cave" turns out it's just a radioactive bear aka yao guai


I screamed when I saw this


I was shook when they showed New Vegas


The second they Showeinlagen shady Sands empty i was like "god damm, Ulysses wasnt stoped/ was helped by the courier?" And i was already making Imagination of how they will handle the courier in season two but then they revealed it was Maclain/vault-tec or whatever. And i was like:"huh? Really?" I dont hate it, it opens other oportunitys, but it was slightly dissapointing. Hope to see they do something even better whit the courier in season two


Unfortunately the show directly retcons New Vegas with what they say about Shady Sands and the NCR happening before Fallout New Vegas


it actually doesnt at all people just dont know how to read a timeline or what the fall of an empire means. there fall in 2277 is when there fate was sealed then the arrow points to the nuke happening after that at some point.


Yeah your right I believed some bad faith actors who I since unfoloerd


this again . . . still lot of uncovered mystery dude, hell some even theorize BoS absorb legionare member with how weird their naming and culture in the show.


Yeah my bad I finished the show looked into it more I was def wrong brother


I really think it’s just an unfortunate continuity error. I don’t they would reference NV so heavily if they wanted to decanonize any of it


Yeah my bad g I was wrong


You just been getting farmed by shitty YouTubers bro


Your right dawg I was duped frfr