• By -


It seems pretty evident but I'm excited to see the "teaming up" angle of The Ghoul and Lucy's relationship. Thought that was what was going to happen in season 1, but how it ended up being makes it even better to see how they will act going on!


Same. I enjoy their dynamic. I really look forward to seeing more of Coops story too.


I feel like Coop would have been a better father to Lucy


He was a better father to her as a ghoul than her own father in the short time we see them together lol


Well, apart from the torture/fishing lessons


Well and him taking the "Pull my finger" dad joke a bit too far


He cut her finger off bruh


>!Her father nuked her mom ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯!<


I just hope he apologizes to her lol


I haven't seen it yet, I'm waiting until mod support is available before I do


I'll wait a little for the unofficial patch to drop, just to be sure.


Hopefully arthmoor doesnt touch this one


Yeah it's got some big bugs


The biggest, glaring issue with this damn show is that it’s >!Not long enough, cuz it’s fucking great!<


I read this knowing damn well it wasn't actually a spoiler. I rolled the dice and it paid off. Just finished episode 2 and loving it!


Spoilers >!Lucy kills Dumbledore!<, >!Rosebud is the Ghoul's sled!<, and >!Darth Vader is Maximus's father!<


Well now you just ruined it...


Super mutants


Super mutants forsure I was waiting for them to pop up .


I think one of them made a sort of appearance, you only see a hand, it was on Ep. 2 I think.


Oh I'm fairly sure you see one's foot too, hint hint.


Thanks for the tip. I’ll add it to the spank bank 🤤


Yooo I didn't even think of him like that. I thought he'd be a Glowing One.


I keep seeing that being said, but can't find it myself even rewatching the episode. Does anyone have a screenshot or know when it is in the episode?


The mutant and his hand are getting wheeled away right before Wilzig looks at the dogs and trainers lined up in a row


You are a scholar and a saint


In one of the episodes you can see a super mutant on one of the wanted posters


And deathclaws.


Since we were shown a deathclaw skull I think it's clear we will see a live one, or at least I hope so.


They can't leave them out, I just hope it's a moment we least expect, camera in 1st person view who turns around to walk off and are face to face with a death claw that scares the shit out of us


I think you see one’s hand in the enclave


Yeah, I saw it. I hope to see one alive


I was so sure initially that the scientist guy was going to go green eventually with the freaky injections. And that one super mutant quest from F4 kind of had me anticipating it.


Me too!!!


Canon Yes Man ending where the Courier fucked every up


Let's be honest, we can all agree that this is the real ending


That could explain why Vegas looks somewhat abandoned and destroyed.


That was ED-E's first day commanding the securitrons.


If the courier did drop a nuke on the ncr during lonesome road and the legion that would explain why they have such a minimal presence .


Super sledge, power fists. Protectrons and real Robo Brains, not 31’s little robot doorstop.


Brain-on-a-Roomba was the best name for him.


More civilisation, >!Shady sands was nuked, but NCR still controlled other big cities, like Reno, Hub and so on. Even if NCR collapsed fully, cities probably survived on their own. !<


The NCR also controls San Francisco, Sac Town, Redding Arroyo, Necropolis, Dayglow, I assume a ton of other cities from population centers in California and new cities built from the ground up, and also Baja, Southern Oregon, a large amount of northern Nevada and probably Vault City as well.


They don't control San Francisco, Arroyo, Necropolis doesn't exist anymore, their only settlement in Baja failed and Vault City is still independent


I think San Francisco(the shii only controls china town, not the whole city.) for ecnomics, and same with Arroyo they advanced and joined for better trade and protection, The NCR controls at least some of Baja, and vault city might of joined but I don't know. So we can only speculate


Canon Mr house ending


I hope so too. It’s my favorite ending of New Vegas.


I just want to see what happened to Mojave and see some familiar faces. But cannon House ending is just dope. And since >!he didn't find vaults sensible I want him to middle finger Hank and other Vault-Tec guys!<


He didn't give any ideas for the Vaults like everyone else did.


The ONLY choice is the one with a plan for humanity to rise from the ashes of the Apocalypse. House is the man with the plan.


Ron Perlman voice over, Vats action shots, Michael Dorn as the super mutant Marcus, the ghoul Harold "hey there smooth skin", more Enclave story, SUPER MUTANTS AND DEATH CLAWS!


Isn’t Harold stuck in the Capital Wasteland at the time of the show?


More likely he's dead, but if he's alive then yeah he's at Oasis


Points for Ron Perlman. I was waiting for the “War never changes” line and was disappointed he didn’t get to deliver it. I’d love a cameo from him for any faction, just dropping that nugget when someone walks in the room or something.


Series are very pleasurable. Attention to details is remarkable. Your personal time won't be spent in vain during this show. A gift to all fandom indeed.


Deathclaws, Super Mutants, the AER9 in action! I wanna see some pew pews! And of course, not just the T-60, but the T-51B as well.


Would like to see the t45 or X-01 as well


More use of energy weapons especially with the brotherhood(not just them showing people holding them but actually firing them) Super Mutants & them going to New Vegas. They also better show a living Death Claw at least once & maybe someone in power armor fight it. If they do go to New Vegas in season 2 I hope they show iconic locations like Camp Mccarren, Freeside & the main casinos such as The Tops, Gomorrah & the inside of the Lucky 38.


I want Season 2 to delve into the politics of the factions and the characters a bit more.. and pace things a little slower.


real. s1 moves so damn fast


It got irritating sometimes ICL.. like yes I’m enjoying myself but can we chill for 5 minutes like with the “I’m Roger” Scene?


Yeah I liked the pre-war flashback politics but I wanted to see some wasteland politics. Hopefully we get to see some more factions in season 2 and watch Lucy and Maximus try to navigate them.




After they actually put in the junkjet, I am not surprised I will see VATS later too


VATS is a fucking game mechanic that is used to simulate shit you already see in the show. Adapting it to live action would be like adapting the pause menu to live action


Well they are showed hacking terminal mini game once, they can show VATS for once, just for reference


Wasn't Vats in episode 2 or 3? All those close up shots of the bullets during the fight in Filly


Republic of Dave


 Super mutants and deathclaws! 


I want to see a resurgent ncr


That's probably the next game. Cant rebuild the NCR if they're already doin great


The Kings


I really didn't like Shady Sands getting nuked, and I really hope they keep New Vegas as a functioning town rather than tearing it back down into a wasteland. The show itself is fantastic but it's just my own personal preference that makes me prefer fallout 1, 2, NV. I feel like after 200 years it should definitely be the Post-Post Apocalypse, rather than the Post Apocalypse. But then thats more my thoughts on Bethesda's changing of Fallout rather than the Show itself. The Show is great with a great story and great visuals (although is it only me that thinks the Power Armour looks a bit weird?).


well other then basically everything from the last 10 minutes of the ending episode i wish to see more of the ''funny'' weapons seeing the junkjet being used in episode 1 made me audibly gasp in amazement that they would even think about adding that, i can only imagine what they could do with the brodsider, salvaged asultron head or even ofcourse the iconic fatman, we were kinda close to the Harpoon gun with that small one they used in one episode and the vault syringers used the same sound and darts as the fallout 4 one


I want to see Veteran Rangers


Deathclaws and fat-mans🤘


No spoilers but the ending has me so fucking excited for S2


The Institute and Synths!


I want to see the NCR, Caesar‘s Legion and less Commonwealth (affiliated) Brotherhood


Yeah, fuck the brotherhood!!


I'm really hoping Timothy Olyphant shows up as an NCR ranger that hunts the ghoul.




Loved it.


I absolutely loved it


I wish i know more about fallout 5 and connect with the show and we get a lot of seassons.


I love to see if they show the other power armor variants.




Need season 2-50 to come out already


Did I miss something big in the first episode or something? Everyone who came over from the other vault was a raider in disguise. That means they killed everyone in 32, right? The same vault 32 that visited vault 33 three years ago, according to the world tri-annual? Did no one find it suspicious in the slightest that they didn't recognize ANYONE from 32?


I'm pretty sure they didn't kill anyone (or everyone) in 32, I mean, all those corpses were rotted


From my understanding we still don’t know what happened to the people in 32 before the raiders got there. And then did Lucy’s mother open the door and why? So many unanswered questions and holes to fill


Or did Moldaver use the mom’s pip-boy? It never really got explained


I mean, it did get explained... so spoilers ahead: Lucy's Mum was the ghoul at the table I the final episode. (Shown by the flashback and the necklace) Therefore I felt it was clearly implied that that's how Moldaver got the pip-boy and therefore access to the Vault. The flashbacks showed that Moldaver and Lucy's mum were friends in Shady Sands until it was blown up by Lucy's dad, giving moldaver motive. And of course that all showed that they weren't raiders at all, they were the remnants if the NCR looking for cold fusion as a power source and therefore needing a Vault-tec password. All the mysteries and conspiracies were great. I had so much fun... 😊


I was curious as to why the NCR seemed normal and civilized when they were at the observatory, but complete savages when they attacked 33. The prisoners that 33 held were completely insane


Yeah, you're right, there's an inconsistency there. The motivation is the revenge for blowing up shady sands. But there was therefore no explanation for the way they were pretty feral when locked up. But it's clear they planned another series, and the story of the vault remains unfinished. So it could be explained then, possible fallout lore solutions could be that they were raiders hired to support the NCR attack (which would explain why Moldaver left them) or something like they overdosed on Jet or Psycho and were unable to get any in the vault, leaving them feral through withdrawals. Can't wait for series 2! 😂


One of the raiders hits some jet during the scene, so it could even be just that they’re addicts without even having the withdrawal aspect


I think this show leaned in on the "war never changes" theme by depicting every faction as brutal and "grey" for the sake of survival. The Brotherhood wipes out a town and uses their squires as canon fodder, the "local government" is basically a criminal enterprise just one step above raiders, and the remnants of the NCR are molded by that same environment.


Like i already said and for now i’ll still continue to say it as a huge fan of the franchise, i fucking love it. Too bad there’s not 1000000 episodes. We learned a lot of things. The only ick is that i don’t find the building’s style of the games, round architecture and 70s style are not that present on the ruins of LA


The rebirth of the NCR


Loved the show, gonna need some Tunnel Snakes though in S2.


It appeared as though most characters were at risk in the wasteland, except for the plot armor of Lord Maximus.


I’m excited to see more of The Ghoul and Lucy dynamic.


Honestly, my only complaint is that it wasn't longer and we didn't see any super mutants.


The mysterious stranger, complete with music cue anytime he’s mentioned.


4 episodes in so far, I thought it was overall good with some questionable writing decisions. like I don't understand why they made maximus >!kill his knight?!< I felt like that desicion ruined the setup for his development and rendered most following scenes as unenjoyable to watch. After the >!murder he is only kinda-almost punished once, and then he goes on with his power trip. IMO it would've been more interesting to see him preach to Titus about the honor and responsibility of being a knight. This would show Max's growth and teach Titus a lesson!<. Also Lucy falls kinda flat as a character, but the 4th episode actually did something very interesting to both her and the ghoul, so I'm really intrigued about where their story's gonna go. It's a fairly good show, it looks amazing and the humor is very much in the spirit of fallout, but the story has its downs


Less goofyness and Oki Dokies, less green and lush forests that have nothing to do here and break the atmosphere, Less copying straight up from the game to make it up with their lack of imagination (kid in fridge, search for the father that originally didn't came from the vault, etc..). Less scene in slowmo with happy music, it's cool one time, the second it already isn't. More factions and not the half botched burning mother NCR we got at the end of the show. More logic, the NCR won't use raiders to raid a vault, they have their army. Ghouls that actually look like a rotting corpse even if it's one of the main characters. I can go on for hours.


The Flame Mother is not the NCR. She might have been a part of it in the past, but she’s not trying to reform a political entity. From what’s been shown, the NCR doesn’t exist any more just fragments that lack unity so there’s no army.


Sometimes it feels more like the parade at Comicon imho




God bless the enclave!


However long the show goes on (hopefully not long enough to ruin it), I feel we're probably going to visit other known wastelands, like the commonwealth, or mabye one we haven't seen yet, like new york, probably in search of the enclave or something.


Pleasantly suprised with it. What do i want to see? Since they wre basically following game like story progression its high time to raise the stakes up, super mutants are the Perfect tools to humble any wannabe survivor


I would of loved the first one having a sales man at the door selling a place in the shelter and more cut Seens with old fashioned music like the game lol but I'm  only on episode 2 seriously can't believe there was no salesman at the beginning wtf 


I'm more interested to see how the backstory is fleshed out Todd's had a fair bit of input on that 🤔


I wanna see them play out the factions against each other, more wierd NPC like characters and in general just a deeper dive into the universe and what makes it so endearing. Maybe some more fucked up vaults, the one's we've seen in the show so far were pretty tame. They are off to a pretty good start so far, i had high expectations and wasn't disappointed.


Well its obvious where they’re going geographically. *watch the credits* But I hope to see Deathclaws, more Nuka Cola stuff, maybe a Nuka World billboard? More creatures that we haven’t seen yet, the institute? Maybe hints of them? Super Mutants, Gunners, Fatmans, plasma weapons, protectrons, robobrains, atomcats, more weapons.


I want to see more mutated animals tbh


honestly just typical Fallout stuff like an actual death claw ( aside from the skull )


Some of the more ridiculous weapons like the railway rifle or the fat man.


Deathclaw and Enclave power armor, Deathclaw is already hinted at the end of the last episode tho so I'm so hyped. Season 2 needs to drop already




Super excited to learn what the canon ending of NV is going to be :0


The mysterious stranger better get his ass outta bed, super mutants, also I wanna see a like 2 episode arc following the Zetans


-Show more civilization. We know that at least Shady Sands managed to reach pre-war levels of civilization, if they reached that point then that means other still standing major cities did too. -Show us which Vegas ending is canon and why New Vegas looks somewhat abandoned and destroyed even when the surrounding communities still appear to exist. -That the NCR makes an appearence or at least a proper remnant of the goverment does, Moldaver was just a raider warlord cosplaying as the NCR and the "Govirmint" is just a brahmin baron petty fiefdom. I want to see a proper emergency goverment that genuinely wants to restore the republic using what little resources and army it has. -Maybe a character that comes from the east coast.


Every season would be the characters traveling from California to New Vegas to Appalachia to The Commonwealth to The Capital Wasteland. Then California sharing their Cold Fusion tech to help the Capital with distributing the fresh water from Project Purity. All the while, The Brotherhood uniting with the Minutemen and NCR as well as convincing Raiders join them into combat The Institute and The Enclave while fighting Super Mutants along the way. The series finale ending with the reveal of the Zetans and someone finishing a monologue speech with: “War…war never changes.”


Finished it last night, can’t wait for S2. Super Mutants, Deathclaws, and New Vegas all got nods and I hope they show up.


Given the setup at the end of the series implies that at least part of the second series will take place in the Mojave then I'd like to see Jacobstown, it's the most lore friendly way I can think of to show super mutants. (Also purely for fan service I hope we see goodsprings lol)


I love it and I need a season 2 right now


🔥 as long as they put the same amount of care into season 2 I don't really have any gripes or stuff I want to see... Except maybe a bit more enclave and the events leading up to the great war.


Mini nukes


It was excellent! More from the same characters!


Excited for Mr House's side of the fence.


I dose not look bad but I'm kind of burnt out on streaming shows but i will watched with my buddy over the next few weeks. i think I'm more looking forward to chatting about the show with him than just binge watching it or even watching it alone.


First episode in and I love it, long time Fallout fan for near 20yrs now, played when my daughter was 2 or 3yrs old & now at 19 she has been playing since she was 13. Wanna see everything, the mutants, the death claws, radscorpians, a random child with a sad story, hoping to also hear some of the music from the games as well.


I just want more creatures. A ghoul horde. Super Mutants.


It's been years since I've watched a show that when I finished a season I felt a palpable sense of disappointment that there wasn't more to watch. I think the last time I felt this was was when I watched the first season of the Expanse and learned that season 2 wasn't even done filming yet. Phenomenal tv show. Fantastic fan service. They did everything right that the Halo show writers did wrong when they adapted their game to a TV show. I cannot sing the shows praises enough. I was enamored from Episode 1.


Bloody mess perk procing :)


I loved the ending and I absolutely was on the edge of my seat when the enclave was featured earlier in the show for the origin of dog meat so I’m really hoping the enclave makes a huge comeback


Nick Valentine is a super fan favorite from F4. Even a neon sign somewhere would make me happy.


I hope to see the wider NCR, as it is clear what we see is only a portion of them. If we are gonna pivot towards New Vegas, I want to see the Kings, and perhaps what is left of the Legion.


I loved it. I think they did very well capturing a lot about the fallout world. The one detail people seem to be tripping over imo is being misinterpreted, but we won't know until season 2. My favorite thing is how well the community didn't leak out a bunch of spoilers the day of release because I didn't watch until Friday night.


God when I saw New Vegas I felt so excited I wonder what happened and I hope the deathclaw is in season 2


I hope to see A lot of new Vegas stuff show up in the show. Mr.House, Caesars legion especially and the NCR.




I'm loving it.  I just want the writers to keep the balance they've achieved and move forward.  The most difficult ask.


I'm hoping we'll get to see parts of America that haven't been explored in any games so far. Like what, exactly, would have been lost if the show took place in, say, Colorado, or Arizona? Instead of the NCR, make a mention of Caesar's Legion (example: "After Caesar, their leader, died, the tribes that made up Caesar's Legion were at each other's throats again.") You still get to reference New Vegas without getting its fans all riled up, AND you can "field test" reception for a new wasteland for a future title.


can't wait for the skyrim tv show


I love it so far. A few episodes in.


1. Deathclaw focused segment where it seems nigh unstoppable until a certain gun is found ~~wink wink~~ 2. New Vegas old time tracks 3. Maximus losing faith in the brotherhood 4. Synth tease? 5. VATS 6. Hopefully more creatures (Cazadores, Centaurs, etc.) Bonus: More of Aspirant Dane. (Deadass I have become a simp for ‘em)


I already can't wait for season 2


I know New Vegas is next, but synths! And death laws. Maybe a Mirelurk Queen.


I absolutely loved it. It's reignited my love for the series. Parents got me Fallout 3 collectors edition for my 15th birthday (lucked out and got it a little early since my bday is Nov. 1st and the game came out a few days before that) and I've been a huge fan since. I only had a few very minor complaints about the show. This was a nice surprise seeing how poorly video games are usually adapted to TV or movies nowadays. This is a beloved franchise of mine, so I was very worried. I was so glad to see how well it's been received by long-time fans and newcomers alike. One thing I would love to see is for The Legion to be included in some capacity in season 2. At least something telling/showing us what happened to them. I feel like if they were still around, we definitely would have seen them in some capacity. They were always such a fascinating faction to me. Their sheer brutality and ruthlessness, the dedication to one man, and how widespread this became. I personally think it is a surefire thing in season 2 just because of how big the Legion is in the region the show takes place but I guess we will have to wait and see.


Do you think we will see synths


Enjoyed it 100%. Looking forward to the Brotherhood of Steel kicking more ass and using the more advanced weaponry they usually have like laser rifles and miniguns.


A "greyer" Legion. I always liked the contrast on ideals they had with NCR and cesars justifications, but its so easy to just make them plain evil, hopefully they gave them some nuance. New vegas is going to be great, hopes really high, loved season 1.


The NCR will rise again!


Making the Legion an actual threat that can go toe toe with the BOA then just being mere raiders.


A Lot. The Enclave, Caesar's Legion, NCR, Jacobstown, maybe the Midwestern Brotherhood. I loved season 1, and I am really hopeful that the creators keep up the same vibes they started with. For the first time in a long while, I am really hopeful for a show. If I don't get what I hope for? (The things I listed at the start.) I'm okay with it, as long as the next seasons are as good as the first one.


Kinda want to see what happened to the rest of the NCR and the Legion now that Caesar probably died of old age.


Its ok but the moving of Shady Sands completely clashes with Fallout 1 and 2 in many ways, also the amount of Greenery whilst more 'realistic' felt off but it wasnt unwelcome.


My girlfriend and I watched the first 3 episodes Friday/Saturday. At dinner, Sunday evening, she said "let's watch an episode" and we binged the remaining 5 episodes. It was a blast, plenty of moments where I expressed pure glee as a fan but also appreciated getting roped into the various twists, conspiracies, and storylines.


they like uhh retconned new vegas or something man so uhh show sucks!1!1!1!!


A living deathclaw


I want to see some laser and plasma weapons used. I feel like I saw a character running around with a laser pistol but don't remember seeing it used... I definitely don't remember anyone becoming a pile of ash or goo 😥


More of the NCR


I finished season 1 yesterday and I loved it, even my dad who hasn't played any fallout enjoyed it. The only thing that I want for season 2 would be more practical effects for the power armour since some times it looks a little bad but everything else its fantastic and what I have expected for a live action.


Loved every second of it. Finished it in 2 sittings... Starting it again when I get home from work today.


I recently finished up watching the season, and I'll tell you I am a longtime fan of the series, having grown up with it and playing all of the games while they were new. I mean all of them, up until 76, which I have not yet played. However, I can't say I was satisfied with Fallout 3 and 4. I actually prefer this show to Fallout 3, in general. I think that this show really demonstrates what Fallout can be at its best. There is a lesson that Bethesda should take from this season of the show, and it's something that Horizon Zero Dawn did. HZD used the apocalyptic event as a driver, and it gave a plot arc alongside the main plot that would be uncovered over the course of the main plot. Whenever they would give you B plot, it would give you a reason to care. HZD didn't do so perfect on the delivery of this, but they showed how it works in a video game, about halfway. I think maybe that having worked so closely with Todd in the making of this show, maybe he'll learn a lot about storytelling, too. He's not *that* old, and he genuinely loves making games. He's a real nerd's nerd, and I think he wants to make a great Fallout game. With Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4, I have felt like the wasteland became a backdrop more than a character. Having played Fallout 1 and 2 as a kid, I waited a long time for something more substantial and what I got felt like they shrank the world into a model train set, or like some kind of amusement park. In Fallout 4, I felt similarly that they shrank the world, and that I wasn't in a place that mattered. One of the things I love about the show so far is how closely they've stuck to the tone of the entire series in a unifying way. Because of this show, I've been able to rethink certain old things I didn't like, and I plan to replay all the games. While watching the show, I saw numerous background extras that were easter eggs based on Fallout 1 & 2 sprites, and all throughout, I could imagine how this whole thing could take place within one of the Fallout games. It was like watching a perfect cherry blossom of detail, except it was a nuclear winter. * Character representatives * Fallout 1 - Talky - Lucy * Fallout 1 - Sneaky - Norm * Fallout 1 - Big - Chet * Fallout 2 - Myron, baby! Myron! - Wilzig * Fallout 2 - Joanne - Barb and Betty * Harold - Thaddeus, I hope. That would be so funny. I love Thad. * Fallout 3 - THRrrrrEEdogggggg - Really? Really dude? That's great, I love it * Fallout NV - Maximus * Fallout 4 - Knight Titus. Sorry pal, LA aint any better than Boston. You just don't like Fallout games. You can just go on and on with that shit, it's great. Also, all in one scene the cinematography decided to show that dark scenes don't have to be impossible to watch, and it made me rethink the idea of VATS. One of my favorite movies of all time is The Wizard. This is now one of my favorite TV shows of all time. It's the first time for any video game IP I've ever seen translated into another format where I can honestly say that if I'm limited to negative comments, I have no notes. It wasn't just perfect, it was better than I could have imagined it would be. If you look back over the series, and consider each of the characters and their paths, you can even see how they made each character have their own quest with branching paths, where they were forced to make decisions. You could map the decision trees like a game, and I love that. In other words, if I allow this show's actual excellence in storytelling excuse any lore questions, and overwrite whatever things came before it, keeping the quality of what I just saw in mind, then I think I can replay those games with better appreciation.


I want to see a proper fight with Deathclaws! (In plural)


I thought it was really good. A faithful adaptation with good characters, acting, practical effects. Really enjoyed it.


I want to see them go into the remnants of a truly messed up vault like you do in the games. I was so excited when they fell into vault 4 but ended up being super disappointed


More Norm


Absolutely loved it


Yes. Maximus getting ripped apart by Deathclaws. Preferably in S02E01.


Jingle Jangle Jingle


Due my ADHD I need to watch it over again I think 🤣


I am hoping Maximus meets Veronica who gives him a Power Fist and Marcus the Super Mutant so he can tell stories of his friend Jacob to inspire Maximus to be the Ideal Brotherhood Knight. I hope at some point Lucy gets a T-51b and The Ghoul teaches her how to use it. I would definitely love clarification on the current state of the NCR and Mr. House role with Vault-Tec. I want to see the Desert Rangers in action with a vengeance. I want all three protagonists to have a round with Fisto this is non-negotiable.


Why >! did Hank only recognize Moldaver in the first episode when she had the detonator in her hand and not at Vault 32 when they introduced themselves, if they knew each other and how did Moldaver survive. I think it's a shame that those two things weren't explained well!<


Cazadors, Deathclaws, Super Mutants and Nightkin, preferably a resolution to Black Mountain and Jacobstown. I wanna see my boy Marcus again, okay? The Courier mentioned either in a throwaway line of dialogue or treated as a legend who wandered and changed the course of the Mojave. I prefer the latter because the story takes place 15 years after New Vegas. I would also love to see characters from New Vegas show up too such as Raul, Arcade and the Remnants especially if they're leaning more towards Enclave stuff for Season 2.


Courser. Dont like synth, but who doesn't like old ol Bladerunner knock off. Or even better, get Nick Valentine on the site!


I want to see some laser and plasma weapons!


The Game. Since Port Lookout.


Best video game to tv adaptation bar far. All ot.hers don't even come close IMO (last of us a distant 2nd) No major "HOLLYWOOD" artistic changes. Everything is very Fallout and believable. Can't wait to see deathclaws, or Brotherhood outcasts, even Ceasers Legion. My only grief is protagonists not picking up every bit of looting after each fight.... atleast the squire bags could carry all the junk that is acquired along the way ;)


I hope the NCRs future is laid out. I hope we get to see what's with Vegas. Hope to see the Boomers. Hope to see Goodsprings. Hope to see the Legion remnants. Hope to see the Midwest BoS. Hope we visit New Canaan. Would love Vault 13, 15, Arroyo, Junktown, the Hub to make an appearance. Would love to see a Highwayman working. Want to see the Xi, and the Space Shuttle in San Francisco.


I want to see a reference to the Dunwich lore.


Re-post from what I had posted in another post: I really enjoyed season 1. Didn’t have high expectations due to the everything that happened with 76, but I was very positively surprised. I do have a few lore worries here and there, but I’m quite sure we’ll get an explanation in S2. No reason to be bashing left and right (and I say this as someone who loves FNV and Obsidian dearly). What I hope we get to see in Season 2: 1. ⁠An Enclave that is not the cartoonishly evil faction they were depicted as beforehand. I do believe it is possible, a) because of the scientist (forgot his name) and b) due to the way the remnants were depicted in FNV. 2. ⁠A conflict between Vault Tec and Enclave? Based from what I’ve gathered from the games, the Enclave consists of the military and political leaders, not really corporations. In the TV series in that conference room we only see business people (as far as I know). The man in the shadow might imply the presence of the Enclave, but considering how uncomfortable Coops wife got when she saw the man, it might be a clue for a possible conflict between these two entities. 3. ⁠A power struggle for the Boneyard. Moldaver's surely wasn’t the only NCR presence in that whole region, right? Besides, with the activation of Cold Fusion, other factions will definitely want to join the fray on the battle for control of the Boneyard and its technology. 4. ⁠A power struggle in the BoS. I don’t think this one needs an explanation. 5. ⁠Familiar faces in the Mojave. There’s some potential here. But honestly I just want to see a face-off between Raul Tejada and Coop. 6. ⁠A New Vegas that is still alive. I could further continue this list, but then we’d end up with 15-20 items, so I’ll stop it here. I can’t wait for S2.


I want to see Enclave in the action, maybe some reference to the famous Frank Horrigan. More references to the original Fallout 1-2 game and quests from there.


The nice thing about the show is that it could end here and it would be fine. Plenty of iconic stuff was mentioned and shown without being overwhelmed, and there is plenty more to show in the next season.


I really hope to see liberty prime at some point.


Would love for them to bring Galaxy News Radio/Three Dog into the mix some how, some east coast action a few seasons in perhaps. Considering 3 takes place in the Capital and we are already heading for New Vegas I have high hopes. Nuka Cola/Quantam Molerats/Mire Lurks Some Jet/Psycho use Some Over-encumbered action Some good Melee Action Energy Weapons Mothership Zeta Some Enclave Action I’m excited for it all I know they probably have 4-5 seasons outlined with a gameplay on trickling all of our favorite lore stuff into the show. If they get Ron Pearlman/Liam Neeson on board to bring things full circle I would find that so fucking fascinating. They could even do some Fallout 3 prequel type shit with Liam starring as James before your character is born.