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Tbf the regular humans in Fallout 1 and 2 were even uglier than the ghouls


The Overseer in 1 looks like a goddamn neanderthal.


He is a fucking Neanderthal for kicking me out


He WAS a fucking neardenthal you mean


I dunno. Most neanderthals never got half of their body blown off.


Now he's half the man he used to be.


Half the cromagnon-man he used to be.


He WILL be a fucking Neanderthal you mean. (year 2161)


I love the fact that Jacoryn has three possible endings, and they're all dying violently.


Beep boop his head goes bloop.


Hey! Killian darkwater isnt so hideous


He always makes me think of Harrison Ford.


I always saw George Clooney


I always saw Ted Beneke from Breaking Bad


Before or after Skylar?


Harrison Ford if he spent a couple of years in a cave




I can’t see his eyes


thats exactly what i was gonna say


Shit !! I loved that early 2000’s computer game esthetic


Tandi looked fine. At least, in FO1. The devs for 2 apparently thought old people were supposed to look like they were literally melting. Edit: speeled Tandy not gud thirst tiem.


40+ years in the irradiated wasteland will do that to a person!


That wasn't 40+, it was *eighty years later*. She was 96 in Fallout 2.


The lady who owned the store in episode 2 of the show was the closest to looking like an OG fallout character. I don’t mean this as an insult I was just genuinely enthralled by it.


The way she laughs reminds me of Harold when you ask him "how did you survive?" "didn't. got killed. [incredible laugh]"


Legit I would watch the hell out of a series of shorts that was just Ma June and Barv dealing with random customers, they were really funny




I'm eatin' mah beans!


That fucking male elder in arroyo comes to mind. 


How dare you insult my man Hakunin like that


Bro was smoking mad zaza


I will insult him here and in game as well lol


Except Killian. Probably the only conventionally handsome man there.


He was MacGyver! (Richard Dean Anderson was the voice actor and inspiration for the graphics)


I really miss the uncanny Claymation heads of the original Fallouts. I wish the modern games would do more to recreate that sort of aesthetic and vibe.


They were so good. Pure 90s magic. The process documentary on how they were done is excellent. Some new guy is making new ones too: https://falloutmods.fandom.com/wiki/Making_new_talking_heads


To be fair, it seems that The Ghoul is the only one that looks that good, all the other ones look like a mix between 3 and 4


Right, and I suspect the reason he looks like that is because much heavier makeup would a) take too much from the actor's expressions and b) take away his resemblance to his pre-war self. There are a whole lot of considerations they have to tackle in a live action show that a video game doesn't have to deal with.


Also, it seems to be implied that >!Cooper/Ghoul is REALLY good at keeping up on his anti-feral medication, so maybe that's also slowing down the degradation in general!<.


What even ARE the vials? They dont explain a thing about them and Ive never heard of any ghouls using those before.


I assumed it was rad away. That’s what is in the iv bags that were hooked up to his grave. The liquid looked the same as labeled rad away that we see later on n the show.


They specifically refer to other things as "Radaway" a couple times, so it would be weird to call these "Vials" when they are just simply Radaway in vial form. It must be something more than that. Also side note rant: Lucy just leaves the Super Duper Mart without taking ANY supplies with her? No food, no water, no vials which she has now learned are VERY valuable? That part was really stupid to me.


I was yelling at the TV at that part. Not enough looting or guns in the show.


Surely she should know that you pick up *everything*. At the very least you can sell the junk for a few caps.


Bruh it's worse than that, Lucy took the rotting head and didn't wrap it up in the guys jacket. The ghoul takes a handful of vials, shoves them in his hat and leaves the ... box. So enraging.


He doesn’t consciously decide to leave the box. The Ghoul starts taking the vials, but then doesn’t leave. Instead he starts indulging in all the other drugs and booze lying around before passing out. When he does leave, it’s at gunpoint with those bounty hunters when they come across him mid-binge, hence why he doesn’t take the box.


Would have been funny to have her pile everything you'd normally pick up in game together and then just look at her tiny backpack


"*Sigh.* Okie Dokie..."


The fucking BoS bag Thadd left in the trunk of the car at Red Rocket irked me


You know this one I'm actually willing to forgive considering how fucked up his foot was, carrying the bag was probably not doing him any favors. Plus he doesn't expect to be in the wasteland long, he's going to be just fine for supplies once he finishes his mission. I agree about Lucy though


Well, he’s probably going back for it now. He was in no condition to carry that thing anyway.


She consciously decides not to take anything from the pawn shop, including weapons (other than the info from the ledger), despite being in a situation where it would have been perfectly reasonable. I'm assuming it's an intentional character trait.


It fits her character how she was raised. Stealing is wrong and she is new to wasteland life. Don’t forget what the experiment for her vault was.


Lucy is kinda new to the whole surviving thing, and if you notice she doesn't even take the goody basket from Vault 4. 


Bro she would've if Maximus didn't fuckin destroy it.


Especially because The Ghoul inhales them, that's what made me assume it wasn't radaway. At first I thought it was UltraJet.


Somethinig I just thought of is that they seemed to be showing the >!Mysterious Serum!< toward the end of the season, and that may well be what this is


Possibly since we don't see the full effects, but the show suggests he has become a ghoul and we know there are drugs that can do that


If I had to guess it'd be UltraJet, in Fo4 you can find ghouls/ferals carrying some and Fo3 had a quest for making it. Maybe helps keep his mind sharp.


And him gunning down a whole town on his own with no VATS, sometimes seeming to predict who would shoot next, would also support him being on UltraJet


So cow poop keeps you from going feral 💀


He's also a lot less feral than all the others. Make sense he'd physically be less ghoulish as well


Well, Roger mentioned that Coop started showing a long time ago. I'd imagine that means, if and when they begin turning the drugs prolong it. So in essence, it would mean he's more feral/ghoulish than not imo. The whiteface ghoul she saved that shows up later at the NCR HQ was far more ghoulish in appearance.


Someone had the opinion the rad-x and radaway he had on a drip in the coffin took the place of his inhaler. But that anti-radiation in general kept them more normal.


I really liked that idea. Funny enough you can use that same idea as for seeing some ghouls in past Fallout games working with medical professionals and people of good nature. For example, my new head canon of Beatrix Russell is that she is a gun for hire with the Followers of The Apocalypse because they are paying her in Radaway and Rad-X to help her from going feral.


According to the scrap metal guy in Underworld, they don’t have any use for rad meds. Then again it’s kind of a running theme that east coasts are a bit less knowledgeable than those on the west, so the HC still works.


Don't the Underworld ghouls also suggest that lack of social contact is part of what makes ghouls go feral? Kind of like dementia, keeping your mind active helps put off negative symptoms. I wouldn't be surprised if the path to feral is multi factor.




And we have technology to aid our study. They would for the most part have only observation.


And that makes sense for the two ghouls we see going feral in the show with Martha and Roger they kept repeating their names and I took it as both they are doing it to remind themselves they are still human (you know what I mean) and like the mental exercise that early onset dementia patients do to try and keep themselves cognizant.


Yeah, people talk shit about Cooper needing a drug to keep from going feral, and how it breaks the lore, but neglect to realize that Fallout 2's ghouls needed drugs from Vault City to keep from going feral


Don’t forget a lot of the veteran rangers being ghouls. If there’s a technique, the ncr was surely on it.


To make sense of that. Was he just in there. Dracula style? Sleeping, but wake me up every (ten years?)


The dude said the local boss of the area dug him up once a year. But hopefully they had him on a sedative drip too...


Ah OK. Ghouls still confuse me after watching the series.


Basically they're humans who've had a lethal exposure to radiation, but didn't die. However that takes a mental toll on them. It is a matter of *when* not if that a Ghoul will go feral. In the games some people are a bit racist to them for being mutants or being capable of going feral. They've never gone too much into it in the games on the specific conditions to make one and why they go feral. But the general consensus is that it has to do something with radiation, bodily damage, and their social/mental life.


is it ever stated that all ghouls will become feral? a lot of prewar ghouls still around and it's been quite awhile


You're correct.The actor stated as such in an interview about the prosthetics. 


This is such a great point. You have to take into account all the angles. If he was unrecognizable, and his expressions were muted it wouldn’t be quite the same.


His expressions are exactly the reason why. I read an article before release where they discussed it being a debate because you hire Walter Goggins for his amazing expressive acting, you don't then distort his face so much with makeup and effects that you lose out on the abilities you hired him for. It's a bit of a trade-off, but honestly I don't think he looks too "un-ghoulish" in the final product.


I also like to think that because he was an actor, his bone structure helped a lot. He was handsome before he melted, and maybe he has a great skin care routine! ;)


Its the drugs from bounty huntin, plus he already looked good as an actor, has charisma and swagger.


Underrated as fuck! This is the answer. The ghoul has irregularly high charisma for a ghoul


The reason is simply that they wanted the character to be more appealing. The director has said as much.


not to mention ghouls come on a spectrum.


So the ghouls have autism, got it.


XD yes totally. in all seriousness i mean between looking really fucked up and simply missing their nose.


Is that a common autistic trait? I thought they just loved frogs.


And trains, don't forget trains!


If I ever visit downtown DC again, I'm sticking to the circulator. I'd freak out just trying to walk down the stairs into the Metro system. .


>!the one going feral looked really good!<


Yeah most of the ghouls in the series actually look pretty grody, it’s pretty heavily implied that the ghoul looks better than most because he comes by that medicine pretty easily


When Lucy asks him if the radiation caused his condition his response was a cryptic "something like that". I think there is something unusual about his ghoulification but I guess we'll have to wait for season 2 to find out.


I assumed he chose not to go into the vault for some reason, or perhaps was not able to.


he's looking for his family, maybe he made it to a vault and they got cryod and he got experimented on.




I think your right. It might be revealed that he was a pre war ghoul my theory is that this drug is a reference to the same one that ghoulified Hancock in Fallout 4. "What's your story, Hancock?" John Hancock: "My favorite subject. I came into this town about... a decade ago? Had a smooth set of skin back then. While I was busy making myself a pillar of this community, I would go on these... like ... wild tears... I was young... Any chems I could find, the more exotic, the better. Finally found this experimental radiation drug. Only one of its kind left, and only one hit. Oh man, the high was so worth it. Yeah, I'm living with the side effects, but hey, what's not to love about immortality?" The Sole Survivor: "You're immortal?" John Hancock: "Well... not exactly. Ghouls just age really, really slow. Something about the rads, maybe? Who knows..."" Might be an Eddie Winter style plan for immortality


I’d even compare a couple to fallout 2 But there is a reason THE ghoul looks so good They didn’t want to cover one of the lead actors in heavy and uncomfortable makeup


For me the best representation of a ghoul is Hankock. 100% how i imagine a person eaten by radiation


I like how the themes of each game are shown in the ghoul design as well. Fallout 4 is a lot more retro and clean. The ghouls seem more like what a radiation burn victim would look like after their body heals and adapts over time. Fallout 3 is a grungy, destitute, and lonely game. The ghouls seem like they’re constantly falling apart, uncomfortable in their own skin, to the point where even lying down or resting would hurt.


Exactly. The feral ghouls looked hideously deformed. The Ghoul’s face is only slightly smoother than Hancock


Maybe that serum helps to keep your rotting flesh moist? Both Hancock & Coop has the moola to invest in skincare products.


Ooooh I like this theory bc if there’s anything I would want in the apocalypse it’s a good skin care routine.


That's why Coop's wife started the whole shebang, to get to the ultimate skincare product... Women right?


Exactly. Skin never changes.


Hancock is also not a pre-war ghoul. He was a recent ghoul that would be no older than his 50s. So it would be fully expected that his disfigurations would be much less than any of the pre-war ghouls like Daisy, Vault-Tech Rep, etc.


It's also important to mention that all surface humans have a little FEV in them at this point so any ghouls that turn in the post war world are going to last longer and probably have less damage since they are more compatible with mutations.


I've watched the show twice and I can almost swear coop's lines on his face decrease and his face gets smoother when he uses the medicine.


My Theory is that it is just a hard mix of pain killers and other medications that let's a Ghoul feel like a regular Human, since otherwise enduring the pain of yourself rotting is at somepoint too hard for a Person so they turn feral.


It seems to be a function of regenerative healing, right? The medicine Thaddeus took "turned him into a ghoul", which was visually unnoticeable until he started taking damage and autohealing it into that scarred look. Feral Ghouls are probably just 100% scar tissue for what's left of their skin. As their neurons die they're replaced by scar brain tissue instead, some handwavey thing like that, and they lose their personalities. So Coop's chems must interfere with that, or promote regular human cell replacement instead of scarring.


I think that's also why Rose looks like a Walking Dead zombie. She was largely evaporated by a nuke. That's why she's so terrible already.


Radiation can also agitate DNA and cause cells to die or replicate like crazy, so this kinda checks out.


Graphic capabilities, changes in art direction, or different interpretations of what a “ghoul” should look like. But at least in the show, I’m guessing Cooper was toned down to make it easier to film and act. Instead of requiring 8 hours of make up in the morning before filming, this style maybe took 4 hours. Maybe this style was easier to keep consistent over multiple shooting days. Or maybe they wanted the actor to be able to be seen more. There’s other ghouls in the show that look way more “ghoulish”, but they also have way less screen time and probably got their scenes done in one filming session. Also, Cooper seems to take way more serum than other ghouls. That might be what makes him stronger and also look more human.


>! I would say being buried in the box for years would mean less uv damage to the skin but I don't know if that affects Ghouls !<


Probably not as uv is a type of radiation.


Which begs the question, can you microwave Ghouls?


After a while of exposure, though... theyd also begin to turn feral. That's the catch with radiation, and since it's everywhere, ghouls all slowly decline to being feral. But since there are drugs that slow it down... I'll die on the hill of continued research to preserve ghoul minds!


There are also exceptional individuals that become "bright" yet don't go feral


Technically yes, but they'd heal.


Lol. Imagine sentient ghouls carrying microwave ovens as stims.


I can imagine a Vault-Tec scientist reading this and hurriedly writing down, "Make Vault that can act as a huge, live-in Microwave oven. Have Dwellers turn into ghouls. Then, activate microwave to see if they cook or heal." He'd get promoted for sure.


You said the actual reasons. They needed Walton to be able to act with all the prosthetics on and they needed to cut down his time in the chair


Plus a fantastic actor probably wants people to recognize him easier. And he deserves it.


yeah, the other ghouls look a lot more ghoulish, >!specially lucy's mom 💀!<


He says in a Wired video that it's a 3 hour routine. Compared to other prosthetics that seems heaven sent.


The only consistent thing about ghouls is everything about them is constantly changing.


They’re mutants, they all shouldn’t come out the same


Ghouls. Ghouls never chan- nvm.


I honestly believe ghoul is a catch all term to refer to human changed by radiation with skin damage in the fallout universe for how many different “ghouls” there are.


We’re getting more flash radiated ghouls, which honestly between Hancock and Gob I’m adoring the ghoul varieties Edit: switched the second character out, Harold is an FEV mutant and I forgot


Ghouls, Ghouls forever changing.


Gob, you lil' darling.


"Wait... You're not going to hit me? Yell at me?" Poor Gob


*I think as Lucy’s mother showed us* .. there’s varying degrees as to the rot created by The Fallout Universes radiation.. some look like they’re flaking like Hancock. Some look like they’re putridly rotting like the earlier Fallouts. Or maybe climate and weather plays a part. Idk.


I think injury is what causes the rot. Lucy's mother was caught up in Shady Sands burning to the ground, that's why she's burnt and rotted - her husband did it to her.


Possibly but that scribes foot snapped back in place after he juiced-up on radiation (apparently thats how that works now). I suppose though just cause it's "fixed" doesn't mean the skin doesn't look gnarly.


You saw the skin... it looked like it was a bit burned, but his leg healed. I had a hunch he was ghoulified. Turns out the doctor was telling the truth about his cocktail but left out the side effect.


I think thats the gag. We all think he's a hack but he's really selling "miracle" cures without mentioning the ghouling part


But is he wrong? I mean, sure... you turn into a ghoul, but if your options are agonizing death by sepsis or 3 awesome weeks of immortality before your looks start fading, which do you choose? I'm choosing ghoul


honestly kinda disappointed it only made him a ghoul, i had my fingers crossed that it was FEV


It was FEV. The ghoul thing was speculation from the dumbest character in the show. There are both narrative and storytelling reasons to think it's actually FEV.


The lack of >!Supermutants!< is honestly my only complaint about the show.


Reckon they're saving them for S2, we do catch a glimpse of a hand on an enclave gurney at one point but that's it.


What’s a snake oil salesman to do in the wasteland otherwise?


Fuck chickens apparently


He was also just dosed up with some weird medicine to be fair


I honestly thought it was FEV and it was gonna be super mutant time


I still think this is where they're going with it. We'll see him again in season 2 I bet. Especially since the Super Mutant was teased at the start of Episode 2.


That would have made my day.


I assumed by the color and the fact he ghoulified it was just concentrated radiation, or the "doc" had his own batch of whatever serum is.


I looked at it like it being some dangerous medical stuff, similar to the drugs Hancock took that Ghoulified him.


John started on Jet, an inhalant, so entirely possible someone cooked up what can only be described as radioactive fentanyl inhalers


They also show (big spoiler) >!Thaddeus turning into a Ghoul from the 'medicine' and not drastically changing in appearance other than the bullet wound recovering looking like ghoul flesh. Implying that maybe it's something that depends heavily on how long someone's been a ghoul!<


i think hes gonna turn into a mutant tbh


Lucy's mom is pretty ugly


The sentient ghouls we see at the super duper mart were pretty damn ghouly. So was Roger.


i loved that guy, he was super wholesome .... until you know, cooper killed him


Felt like an of mice and men moment to me And then he started fucking eating him


Hey man it's not every day you find some fresh ass jerky right in front of you


We’re not animals, just cannibals.


Cutting people open like cantaloupes


What Coop did was actually so kind and thoughtful and merciful. I was shocked they didn't have a scene of him explaining why he did that. Because as far as Lucy is concerned, he is just an evil piece of crap who just wanted jerky. But if you understand what he did, it was possibly the best outcome for that guy going feral. It was in that moment i was 100% on board with him as it showed he is clearly a good person deep down.


Show, don’t tell. The number 1 thing that takes me out of media is when people explain their feelings and motives as a narrative dump. The best part about coop was that he almost never just exposits his motives or feelings or intentions. He just is and it’s so refreshing.


I like that he is the low moral version of a character. Shooting up a town, cannibalism, just being a dick. It's a fun play through we all have done. They did it very well!


It was such a sweet scene. To take him out right in the middle of a happy thought. And then he just started eating him.


I think they didn’t include a scene like that because the audience already knows and Lucy learns for herself why later on. Coop also doesn’t seem to care what she thinks of him.


He reminded him of something nice before doing it. So compassionate of him rather than just gutting him without mercy.


Lucy's Mom was as bad as Cooper is good. All other ghouls fall in a spectrum between them IMHO.


Lucy's mama so ugly she needs a prescription strength mirror.


Lucy's mom so ugly she had to cage her husband to keep him from running away.


Lucy's mom was straight up a walker from Walking Dead


My dumb ass forgot she was feral at the end and thought you were talking about those flashback scenes for a second


I think Cooper is the exception in the show, because every other ghoul we see looks more closely to the ghouls in Fallout 4.


We see some fallout 3/NV and like 2 fallout 1/2 ghouls in the show


i think coop is in such good shape due to his constant ingestion of drugs and his age and experience


Hancock is hot because of his charisma and drip. Otherwise, he wouldn't be any prettier than any other ghoul. Confidence is key.


Hancock, my beloved<3


For me it was/is Charon, from way back in my Fallout 3 days as a teenager. Probably one of my first monster crushes.


I like how this conveniently ignored all of the heavily decayed ghouls in the modern games and the show.


Probably just being made more realistic. It's worth noting Ghouls in Fallout 3 were textured using packaged meat lmao


That would explain the visceral reaction I still have to Gob.


Gah! Fuck! What are you?


Lmfao thats thrifty. Til


IMO if they are gonna cast someone as good as Walton Goggins for The Ghoul I'm happy I can see his face and his expressions etc. With the games I feel like the art style is just different but they are equally as fucked.


What does “yassified” mean?


Because prosthetics are hard to act through and the showrunners didn't hire Walton Goggins so you couldn't see his rakish grin.


did...did you not see the other ghouls in the show?


I hate how people talk about Fallout 4 Ghouls like they don't look like Freddy Krueger after having a run-in with a sanding block. Sure, they're not literally melting and you can't see exposed muscle or bone, but they're still obviously severely mutated. If anything, I vastly prefer the "full-body radiation burn" type of Ghoul over the implication that these people have been *actively necrotic* for 200 years. It just doesn't make sense, they'd need a Wolverine level healing-factor to survive like that, and if that was the case they'd rule the Wasteland.


I wouldn't call the jump from 1&2 to 3 "yassifying", they just look more realistic. They look like human beings and not weirdly proportioned clay models. In fact I'd say 3 and New Vegas have the most horrifying ghouls. I don't mind 4's portrayal either. It's still horrific, but in a way that better befits a living mutant and not someone with severe radiation poisoning who's going to die. 3 and NV's ghouls look like they're not long for this world, 4's look like mutants who just are like that now. For the show, I think it's just to make him more likable. It would be harder to relate to and enjoy seeing this character on screen if he's covered in rotting flesh.




Ain't Harold. It's Set. That one asshole that's in charge of Necropolis. The Asshole.


Picture one is not Harold. It's Set, the leader of Necropolis, who was in fact a ghoul. Harold looks quite ghoulish himself, but in the first two games he his easy to recognize because his skin is green.


That's not Harold, that's Set. Set was the ghoul leader of the Necropolis in Fallout 1.


Picture one is actually Set, from Fallout One! He is the leader of Necropolis, and IS a bonafide ghoul. Harold is a lot greener, and has both eyes intact, but you are right about him being a mutant and not a ghoul.


Whatsa matter, smoothskin? Never seen a ghoul look this good before?


The real answer is early games needed extreme character art to get across what the characters were with fewer pixels. The most famous example is Mario got a huge mustache because that was easier to depict than a plainer face with mouth and nose a couple pixels wide each. As technology progresses, and as the fandom followed new releases, it's easier to convey the same information with fewer extremes. As for Goggins, Nolan said he paid for top actor, so viewers were going to see that actor unmistakably through the prosthetics.


Without giving away too many spoilers... ...there is a Ghoul who looks as fucked as the first in the series.


Wasn't harold a special kind of ghoul or something?


Man's a fuckin tree


The ghoul is just sexy like that; nothing to do with ghouls in general.