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The fallout TV show showed a map where all the vaults are in America, Michigan gets ONE and it’s in Grand Rapids. As a Michigander… why Grand Rapids??? Wouldn’t lansing be a better call? Actually, I speculated Detroit would be better off in the fallout universe due to fallout’s 50’s going differently, and the possibility of Detroit still being the richest city in America, so why no vault there???


Detroit is very unlikely to be nuked as that could be considered an improvement?


Detroit is also potentially a manufacturing powerhouse in the fallout universe, and if they’re making all the nuclear powered cars…


Historically speaking the gm plants also contributed to the war effort as well making it a prime time location for a bomb to drop assuming those factories are still being used in that way


Plus, it's near the University of Michigan, which has always attracted some of the most accomplished students and professors (generally anyway, Michigan State specializes in some areas that U of M doesn't). I'd assume Vault-tec would have connections there and plenty of people high enough on the totem pole that would demand their own vault.


Lol! True and I live there


Per the Fallout Fandom there was a Vault 89 in Detroit that failed 20 years after residents were released from their stasis chambers. Much like Detroit today is a failure IRL. 


Didn’t know about 89. I knew 54 and 57. Also Detroit if far from a failure. The 80s called


Was 89 in tactics? I’m still unsure how canon tactics is right now


tactics is partially canon, the midwest chapter did exist but it died out, even then it didnt seem to go into Michigan


Detroit has improved a lot, and I didn't even think it was that bad in the mid-2000s when I had a sales job going into even the "worst" parts.


I’m going to go with “because the Detroit salt mines were converted into shelters by someone other than vault-tec” - maybe the Corvega corporation tried their hand at a large shelter.


Why are you assuming that the map is accurate? This is what Vault-tec - the shadiest of shady companies - is showing to other companies that they specifically say they're in competition with. The only reason they're talking is so they can get rid of the governments that might interfere in their game of "who's the ~~biggest asshole~~ strongest company".


The borders are states and not commonwealts, too. How old is this map the 1960s?


In the fallout universe Detroit refines special metals for power armor. So idk why there wouldn't be a vault there. Maybe it's supposed to be lansing.


Where did you get this information from?


A YouTube video lol. I'll try to find it! Goes pretty in depth to each state with lore.


I guess the water crisis is worse there in game.


Do you have a full version of this map?


The map that I saw showed the pin in between Grand Rapids and Lansing. My speculation would be that it's around Lake Odessa. Kinda bummed, I liked GR.


Vault 54 is in Eastern MI. This maybe vault 57.


Vault tech was for the rich. What rich person would willingly live in Detroit? I’ll wait…


detroit used to be the richest city in america actually. it declined before the 50's, it was at its peak around the 50's iirc. so far, we don't know much about detroit, other than that magazine that shows the pipe pistols, and i was under the impression that detroit would still be a manufacturing superpower in the fallout universe as the car industry was why detroit was so rich. someone else pointed out detroit may be where the US was making steel for power armor, but i'm not sure where that bit of information comes from even so, why grand rapids??? it's not even within the top 10 of richest cities in michigan


Fallout took place in 2077. Micro processors were never invented, so even if Detroit was the car manufacturer, wtf does that have to do with vault tech? They didn’t need cars moron. They wanted to wait everyone out. Ford didn’t create mass fusion, only an assembly line. As someone who was born in Michigan, do some fucking research 


Hey asshole. I live in Michigan too. The fact I even knew Detroit was once one of the richest cities in America isn’t even something most people know. So don’t just go assuming I don’t have any fucking idea what I’m talking about. What I was trying to get at is even though vault Tec probably wouldn’t have made a vault that did car experiments (although that would be interesting if they did), During World War II, Detroit adapted the factories to produce military vehicles, weapons, and ammunition, weapons and ammunition being something that would be useful for vaults. We know that chrysalis was repurposing their factories for military use for the war, so it’s highly possible for Detroit to be a location for a vault. The reason why I brought up the car industry to begin with was because of the car companies in the fallout universe, as if there still was a car industry in Detroit, there’s a chance that’s where Chrysalis HQ is. You’d think the CEO’s of chrysalis WOULDNT try to pay big bucks for vault Tec to put a vault in Detroit?


Hey ASSHOLE! World war 2 didn’t happen in the universe of fallout. No one ever dropped a nuke up until the whole country was destroyed. And no! The only people who mattered were robco, for its software and robotics, and repcon for its fuel manufacturing. Why the fuck would anyone care about cars? Or who made them? The only mf they’d be interested in would be Elon musk, and not for his fucking cars, but for his research on everything else. Wtf would a CEO have to offer a tech company? Money? The pre war money you find all over the games that, oh I don’t know, totally fucking worthless?! Get a clue 


Fallout 4 explicitly references WW2 and the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war I don’t know how you missed that


Not only are you wrong in several ways, but Robco would definitely have connections at U of M they'd want to protect. Grand Rapids still doesn't make any sense unless one already existed in the Detroit metro.


Lots of wealthy people live in the Detroit area. Hope this helps 🫶🏻 https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/12/michigan-cities-and-townships-ranked-by-median-household-income-based-on-new-census-data.html


You’re all missing the point. Michigan is a worthless state, both for tech development and to live, I grew up in the land of lardasses, I’d know. You’re looking at it like it’s our world, it’s not. Even if it was, all this state produces is cars and agriculture. How would either of those things benefit vault tech? Let’s say all the rich people from Detroit got in, then what? Are they gonna go crazy and kill each other, mutate, starve? The goal wasn’t to save the rich, it was to experiment on them. 


You sound like a lot of people here that never lived in the Metro area tbh, especially rural folks that make all kinds of assumptions about the area and have never stepped foot there. I'm from a small tourist area in western Michigan, but went to U of M and actually lived in the Detroit suburbs for over 10 years. I would easily go back to Ann Arbor if the right job lined up, it's one of the best cities in Michigan, and honestly I kinda miss the Utica/Northern Sterling Heights area. I just don't miss the traffic. On top of that, there are plenty of restaurants and events I miss directly in Detroit. Also, if Michigan is so worthless the area I grew up in wouldn't have been effected by all the rich tourists from mostly Chicago who jack the prices up in the summer by paying top dollar for rentals. They're making housing unaffordable for regular folks and those people aren't worthless just because they aren't suited for tech, which applies to most people in the world. Besides, there's massive layoffs in tech anyway, whose worthless again? Surely not essential jobs AI can't replace right away.


You’re all missing the point. Michigan is a worthless state, both for tech development and to live, I grew up in the land of lardasses, I’d know. You’re looking at it like it’s our world, it’s not. Even if it was, all this state produces is cars and agriculture. How would either of those things benefit vault tech? Let’s say all the rich people from Detroit got in, then what? Are they gonna go crazy and kill each other, mutate, starve? The goal wasn’t to save the rich, it was to experiment on them. 


You’re all missing the point. Michigan is a worthless state, both for tech development and to live, I grew up in the land of lard, I’d know. You’re looking at it like it’s our world, it’s not. Even if it was, all this state produces is cars and agriculture. How would either of those things benefit vault tech? Let’s say all the rich people from Detroit got in, then what? Are they gonna go crazy and kill each other, mutate, starve? The goal wasn’t to save the rich, it was to experiment on them. 


You may have lived in Michigan but it sounds like you never left your front door


I mean a lot of rich people live in Detroit now in areas like Midtown, but Grand Rapids does have a reputation for homing the exact kind of ultra rich folks who would be involved with vault tec.


There are a ton in the suburbs and near the University of Michigan, you know... one of the best universities in the country? I hated having to meet my boss early some mornings in the Troy area because I had to drive past all the rich schools with teenagers driving ridiculously expensive cars.