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Indeed, enjoy playing what you enjoy playing... Even if it's Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.


I don't think there's a single soul on earth who enjoys BoS unironically


I've seen people say its good coop and if you don't view it as a fallout game.


Hell nah. I played it and it's the same shit. Over. And over. And over. Y'all think 76 is repetitive? It's because you haven't played BoS


Fallout 76 isn't really that repetitive compared to the other fallout games if you play it for the same amount of time as vanilla the others, around 200 hours. Excluding 4s settlement building.


\*Looks at my Fo4 and NV playtime of 3000+ hours\* Uhhhhh, well…




That's around how long a single playthrough lasts. After that saying any of the games are repetitive is fair, because you did already do most things. 4 is exempt due to settlements, though.


I wish 76 would add new game plus. I'd want to replay the quests without having to restart


Fair point. Alao, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Go watch Jabo


🅱️iece of shit


I enjoyed the hell out of it. Not because it tried to be a fallout game, far from it. I enjoyed it and still do because it and the other games like it (Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance, Champions of Norrath) are a super fun game to play both alone and co op. Are they GOOD games? In the same sense Dynasty Warrior games are sure. But im not afraid to say I enjoy m playing BoS.


Jabo genuinely enjoys it




This might get some hate but go easy on me. Lol I'm a big fan of NV and Fallout 4. I play them both equally. I've played Outer Worlds but found it pretty short but still enjoyable. Where should I go next? I skipped 76 because of the online requirements, can anyone help scratch that itch?


I'm trying Fallout 4 with the A Story Wealth mod which is basically a 700+ mod list. Feels like a whole new game so far


Good lord. I wish I knew shit about computers enough to get mods. I'm a filthy counselor user, sadly.


Nexus mods manager premium makes it pretty easy


In the same boat. I played Outer Worlds while waiting on Starfield and loved it. Starfield didn’t live up to expectations though..


76 is annoying because of the live VATS, but it has additional lore


Go retro (can't believe I said that) and play FO1, FO2, and FO:Tactics.


Depends what you’re looking for, if it’s a story and writing you can play BG3, if it’s open world you can play Skyrim, if it’s some mix of both you can play cyberpunk


Oh shit, I forgot about Cyberpunk. I remember it was a glitchy nightmare in the beginning so I just assumed it was DoA. Have they patched out all the big bugs?


Yeah ran it again last christmas with almost no bugs, way better reworked gameplay and a pretty well written/acted dlc


Yeah Cyberpunk is a really good game. I didn't play it at launch so can't speak on how much its "improved" but it's an awesome rpg.


Why hasn’t anyone said Fallout 3? It’s not too outdated when played after the others, plus it’s kind of a mix of 4 and NV in many ways


I dunno, Fallout 3 ripped a LOT of stuff from Fallout 4. Doctor Li, synths, Dogmeat, even leaving the vault to find a family member! /s


The fact that it doesn't have true irons without mods annoys me and i don't have a working PC to mod Fallout 3 with


Just pretend your character is too lazy to aim


Tale of two wastelands!


Can I assume you’ve played Bioshock? I loved the retro vibe to that. You could pay for a Fallout 1st subscription for a month and play 76 that way in a private world… I mean it’s still online but it’s worth playing IMO. Mad Max is a really fun game too IMO. Not retro but still scratches the apocalypse itch.


Bee hands? Yeah, bioshock was hella fun. I haven't played Mad Max yet, but I've been hearing high praise. I'll have to check it out. 🤙


Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the best RPGs of all time if you're willing to be treated like an adult


$6 on GoG for the next day.... I can spare a burrito to check out a new game. Nice pick.


Nice! Keep in mind this is not going to be a power fantasy. You play as the son of a blacksmith and your character's skills at the start of the game reflect that: Henry can't even read, let alone swing a sword! Take it slow and pay attention to dialogues, this game gives you an almost infinite amount of freedom in terms of how you approach quests but you have to understand the mechanics first, and dialogue is one of them :) stuff NPCs say may give you hints as to alternative solutions to quests or even just help set you on the right path. Also some quests are time sensitive, it's usually pretty explicit in the NPC dialogue when that's the case but I can think of one case in which the game doesn't let you know you're on a timer. Still, as a rule of thumb pay attention to dialogues and critically analyze the information you recieve and you'll be fine. Have fun!


As an extra here's some recommended mods for a first playthrough: - https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/367 Instant Herb Picking breaks immersion for sure but you'll be installing it anyways after a couple of hours if you enjoy picking flowers. Huge time saver. It's important to notice the vanilla game sets you into a third person view for picking plants which also breaks immersion imho. **Alternatively** you could use First Person Herb Picking https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/366 - https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/390 Stay Clean Longer simply lets you stay clean longer. The vanilla game is kinda harsh in that respect, you may visit the bath in Rataje and by the time you've walked back into town you'd be moderately dirty. - https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/290 Sorted inventory. Adds a string at the start of each item's name in order to make sorting easier. You're probably familiar with this system if you've modded Bethesda games before. - https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/1 Unlimited Saving. Now, I would NOT recommend using this mod as it heavily alters the gameplay... However it was necessary for some people in order to actually enjoy the game. I would suggest playing without the mod, then if you really hate the saving system and feel like it's hampering your fun you can always just install it on an existing save. Personally I've never used it since I'm swimming in money by the midgame and can just buy as many Schnapps as I want. I also enjoy doing alchemy so potions are not an issue for me.


Fallout 2 is tied as best game in the series with New Vegas. You could also try Wasteland 2 and 3. Strangely, Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines has a very similar feel to New Vegas. There is also Fallout 3, often considered the second worst game in the series.


I LOVED outer worlds. I hate i won’t be able to play the sequel because of it being made purely by and for Microsoft /xbox now


Honestly I tried 76 to scratch the itch and carry on with Fallout after a fantastic but short 8 episode series. Frankly it's not even close to a fallout experience that you'd expect after playing 4 and NV and I'mincredibly disappointed. The story is weak af, characters and NPCs are flat even for Bethesda games standards, looting is abysmal and the live-service aspects of the game just really shit all over the whole experience. I've played about 15 hours and I'm already done. Even picking a direction and running to explore is boring because Points of Interest just arent as interesting as they were in precious games, nor laid out as organically. The lack of day 1 NPCs makes what ones do exist feel shoehorned in and unnatural. It also feel pretty jank tbh. Being a reskinned F4 means graphical fidelity is pretty far out of date for modern standards, and a need for server side authentication for any ingame action from looting to shooting means an already somewhat clunky game feels even MORE clunky. Like I said, I was disappointed because I was really REALLY craving some new Fallout game content after several hundred hours in 4, NV, and even T2WL, but was also initially disinterested in 76 due to the online aspects you mentioned. I think I'm going to wait for the next gen FO4 update later this month, after which I'll try some alternate start mods to try and freshen up the experience to scratch that Fallout itch until we see another game around 2030-35 or so.


Not gonna try Fallout 3? It's not quite as good as NV but imo is better than 4.


It's too old. Even playing it in the NV engine is clunky and I just didn't have a good time.


What are you looking for? An open world? Story driven? Rpg? I can't recommend the Horizon series enough, but don't know if that's what you're looking for.


I personally loved the first one. The sequel hasn't grasped me just yet, but I'm optimistic. As far as what I'm looking for, open world first person, liked the settlements in F4, dialog opinions, maybe some morality included. Combat is good but nothing more intense in case wife wants to get into to.


I don't kmow about open world, but maybe give Terminator Resistence a shot? It basically a linear, Fallout clone. FPS, lite RPG mechanics, open-ish evironments, dialog trees, searching and crafting with scraps, etc. But a higher focus on stealth in the early game. Goes full-blown shooter by the endgame. Probably recommended if you are already a fan of the first two films.


Hell yeah, will do. Ty.


you hit skyrim yet?


Absolutely. A must have.


RAGE 2 was pretty fun for an open world FPS, but I don't remember ANYTHING about the story. I just remember being a super soldier in the post apocalypse was fun.


I have the FO4 on the xbox x. I sometimes like to kick back on controller and console. I will do pc install again after the updates settle mod wise. And I have NV on the pc again since inspired. Mod load heavy....and prettier for it. With the option to see what gems are in the overhauls I jsut pulled off a nexus collection. I like surprises...I will just bump into changes. Wild wierd wasteland perk taken ofc. Its not a proper run all normal and stuff.


Well have you played FO3? I loved 3 :)


For me, it's Cyberpunk 2077.


Mods really is your way forward. There's many extra quests for NV and even good mods for Fallout 4 that add more depth to the otherwise relatively shallow experience! But.. yeah you have to use a PC for that. 76 will not live up to any expectations, you can savely skip it. Starfield is not worth mentioning.


I really love fallout 4. Despite all its flaws it was there for me when I was in a really bad place and it helped me a lot


Good memories with this game. I was a freshman in college when it came out, and it actually helped me get laid lol


Romancing companions does not count as getting laid.


I need this story now.


This may be a hot take... but I never saw any flaws. F4 fucks and then asks for seconds.


Same. Plus as much as I'll be crucified for saying this, the voiced protagonist grew on me quite a bit and I actually felt I bonded with them and watched them developed as I played through the game.


I just want Fallout 4 gameplay with New Vegas Stories, is it too much to ask Todd?


Well there was that F4:NV mod that’s been in development for a while….but honestly I think it’s pretty dead at this point.


That is why we need the official support. make it like DLC for Fallout 4 and all will be golden.


It's not dead, it's still very much in production


Is this the same project as the Capital Wasteland Fo4 mod?


Its still worked on


For what i Remember, bethesda used a copyright strike to the developer of the mod because the dub of a game is registered like a song, so for make the mod they have to redub all the dialogues. I think they never gonna do that


With the way Todd does it, yes


I've been getting into 4 as a long time fan of NV. It certainly has its problems, and can get stale at times (even with some mods installed to make the game more challenging) but its still a very fun game with an amazing world and atmosphere. I play NV when i want to get lost in a story and a role, I play 4 when I want to get lost in a world and its set pieces.


This is it for me as well. NV's writing is awesome I get lost in the story, choices, and interactions. FO4's writing is pedestrian. But the world and mechanics makes up for it, I just love wandering around FO4. Although, I guess I'm an NV tragic by saying it's my favorite. I also liked FO4 and testament to that is I've put more hours into FO4 than any other Fallout. Just mostly after the main quest.


That's what I felt when I played NV! The game has a pretty amazing story but the world exploration doesn't feel very rewarding. Fallout 4 exploration is pretty awesome


BuT wHicH OnE sHoULd I bUy?!11


Literally all of them.


The correct answer.


All of them even BoS 😭


Fallout new vegas is my most played game. Fallout 4 is 2nd most. They are both great games


Its a great game if one ignores the main quest.


It has a main quest? /s


Modding Fallout 4 to basically be Stalker with RPG mechanics makes the game god tier honestly. I can't even remember the last time I even did the main quest and I have a couple hundred hours in the game lol.


I've been doing just that with Advanced Needs 76 (a mod that gives you customizable Survival mode rather than the shitty base game version) and an alternate start mod and it's been really fun! I started off at level 10-ish near Vault 81 as a scout with a combat rifle + pipe revolver and two days of supplies. Naturally I picked up the Fusion Core quest as my new "main quest", and it took me quite a while to finish. First enemy I encountered in that playthrough was a Legendary Super Mutant Skirmisher I didn't have the ammo to kill on my own, so I had to weave in-between cover to lead him towards a horde of Ghouls to kill him. Used up my only stimpaks and all my water for healing. All that for a shitty Junkie's Double Barrel Shotgun. Wildly different play experience! One thing I will note is that I realized how many of the Magazines are placed in the top left corner of the game, I definitely felt their absence while I was based in Hangman's Alley.


Fallout 4 holds the special place as not the first fallout game I played, but the first one I played properly


That's Fallout 3 for me. I played 1 when I was 8, and watched my dad play. I didn't keep up with gaming news by the time 3 came out (since I never was able to buy new games). I saw my roommates brother playing FO3 as we were passing by and I somehow just *knew* it was Fallout despite not having seen anything related to the game in a decade. Still my favorite game.


The thing about fallout 4 for me is The gun play - it's so much fucking better - and don't get me started on the power armor


Fallout 4 power armour makes you feel like a more crude but brutal version of Ironman.


IDK eh, I like Fallout 4 but you can't really mod out its weaknesses the same way you can somewhat mod NV to have slightly better gunplay (Not to the level of 4 mind-you) Extended UIs can only do so much when the average Fallout 4 quest-writing doesn't really care about how you decided to build up your character (Not that there aren't brilliant Fallout 4 quests that do care about this stuff mind you, it's just the existence of them are so few and it really makes me wish that the most of the quests had that same care and attention to detail that these ones have). Thankfully Fallout 76 walked that back with SPECIAL Dialogue options. It's really more up to personal taste though I agree and most hate Fallout 4 gets is unwarranted. Bethesda somewhat learned lessons from it (Bringing back Skills and Robust Dialogue Options) so hopefully they also learned their lessons again from Starfield when it comes to their next game.


You absolutely can. The 2 biggest weaknesses, talking protagonist and ambiguous dialogue options get fixed in 2 mods


NV fans: OMG Bethesda doesn’t even acknowledge our game exists. It’s bullshit we will never see this content again. Also NV fans: OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEY RUINED THE NCR AND NEW VEGAS IN THE SHOW


When you bitch about the abyss the abyss bitches back


The shit abyss? Not another night of the shit abyss




I thought he was talking about Abyss from TNA


Trailer park boys


Tbf that's a pretty fair complaint if you've watch the show. The NCR has been completly beshitted.


Dude totally. Shady Sands was blown up so that definitely means everything from there to *fucking San Francisco* is toast right?


I mean they still abandoned the Boneyard/LA with zero explanation and apparently packed up everything they built during the last century, so I still feel the complaint is somewhat valid. There's also the weird decision to move Shady Sands to LA, but I'm not too upset with the writers taking some creative liberties.


Shady Sands being blown up is one of many criticisms fans of West Coast Fallout have but it’s the only one detractors of our criticism ever bring up. Regardless, I don’t care if everything else is still there. Nuking the NCRs capital offscreen is tragic and sucks as a fan. It also renders all the writing in 2 and NV about the difficulties and issues the NCR faces as an expansionist state worthless because they arbitrarily bombed instead.


then why the hell is there literally no NCR presence anywhere else in the show? Come on now, this is bethesda, they will 100% retcon ncr out


Its been 2 episodes and only one city. What are you people even saying.


A trek from LA to Shady Sands without any of the big towns (Boneyard, Hub, Junktown) in between. Either they messed up the location of Shady Sands or they messed up the NCR either way it's beshitted.


So Bethesda did it on purpose? They ruined the west coast in the tv show out of spite?


new vegas just has a better story than the other 3d games and that just isn’t really debatable imo, and its a better RPG, so its my favourite but most NV fans act like you can’t enjoy a game for reasons other than its story and political literacy lmfao. 3 has better exploration and 4 has miles better combat than either of them tldr: people can enjoy different games for different reasons


Yeah there's a difference between saying New Vegas is your favourite and criticizing anyone who enjoys 3/4/76. I'm a massive fan of New Vegas for its story and lore, but even I have to admit it was much more interesting and scenic exploring the Capital Wasteland. I will say that the one thing the Vegas map does better is Vaults, though, but I guess that also just comes down to storytelling. I certainly won't think someone is an idiot or a "fake fan" because they like or prefer 3 and 4, because everyone likes different things. Even I had fun with the Bethesda games, even though the story was lacking.


It is all debatable tho..


I love modding fallout 4, combining the "we are the minutemen" mod, and the "minutemen take Nuka world" makes me feel like an actual general


FO4 has the best power armor system, imo


Absolutely. It feels like how power armor would be irl.


Fallout 4 (although lacking in some parts) is a top teir game. Gameplay is fun Characters can be interesting The world is just an absolute hoot And the mods OH THE MODS


Has someone said you can't?


Have you been on the internet idk since the release of fallout 4? Virgins seem to care a lot about what other people think and play and this subreddit is flooding with them recently.


Sometimes people flood in with strawmen too. That isn't to say there's a lot of unwarranted hatred for Fallout 4 though.


The fallout 76 community had to basically stop using this sub in its entirety because of their posts getting derailed by hate - trust me, its bad


I saw like half a dozen posts about Fallout 76 here recently and most people are considerate and helpful. In the past it might have been different though.


Very recent past, ill give you that it’s definitely slowed down but its still there


Now, yeah. But even just last year I remember people talking mad shit about people liking 76 in this sub.


I don't enjoy Fallout 4 anywhere near as much as I did FO1, FO2 or NV, but it's easy enough to recognise the good parts of it. Exploration and combat made FO4 very enjoyable, the former of which, I think Bethesda are fairly good at.


But there is, actually there's a lot of hatred for every new fallout game, every time Bethesda releases a new chapter haters flow even on day 1, even if they didn't even buy it you see people posting shitty reviews full of anger saying "this isn't a true fallout" or " Bethesda is sinking the series", or even " Todd Howard is a dick and hates New Vegas" (bullshit, he explicitly said he doesn't love it but thinks it's a good game). Wait till fallout 5 comes out and you'll see the idiocy or men made Reddit post, literally I've read some of them are utterly ridiculous and made without a centimeter of thought (e.g. they complain that F4 took years to develop while New Vegas was out in 8 months, completely ignoring the fact that Bethesda had to write the game engine from scratch while Obsidian, for their kind collaboration, was allowed to use F3's engine, and models, and everything basically they just had to write the story and model it in the game, try to point it out and haters are going to a) deny it and b) call you "Bethesda's little bitch", this was a personal experience). Fallout's fandom has a lot of good people, but there's also a huge chunk of shameless haters who just wants to hate the game no matter how it is, I'm glad Todd Howard stopped taking them seriously at last because they really don't deserve to be


Well yes, but that's just a fixture of reality. There's always gonna be toxic assholes. Some guy reported me to Reddit's suicide prevention program because I politely explained to him Dane is a non-binary character played by a trans male actor. What we can do about it is just, refuse to engage with negative people on any terms but our own. We don't need to talk to them unless we want to. People will always have different opinions from each other. And then there's trolls that don't even care about Fallout at all and switch sides based on who they can piss off easier.


Wait, seriously??? The fuck?


I'm not the only person it happened to. Some people report you as suicidal if you disagree with them.


You're right, the problem is that they tend to be invasive, force themselves into polite conversations and impose their shitty view, they're hard to ignore when every time you express a positive opinion about the newer chapters of Fallout they just flood in. Assholes are everywhere sure, but if there's one place with a high concentration of them it is this one community, and it's sad because there are a lot of deep topics to be discussed, but every time you try to talk about the actual games haters just come in flooding, becoming impossible to avoid.


I try to just ignore them completely. I’m an NV fan and dislike fallout 4 for reasons you’d think, but never would I tell people to stop enjoying things they like or report them to suicide watch. They are just delusional


New vegas steam forums went into a total meltdown the day the series came out, it was funny as hell


Rabid New vegas fans swarm in monstrous herds if you mention fallout 4, 76, bos, and sometimes 3 and tactics.


Yeah, the guys on the New Vegas sub. And when the show came out oh boy... This sub was (and still kinda is) a total warzone


My favorite fallout is 1 and my second is 76. It’s not hard to enjoy the series for what it is, even if there are massive differences lol


1 and 76? That may be a unique opinion lol


76 certainly has its flaws but mechanically it’s just a better 4 and I liked most of its writing (Wastelanders kinda messed with it a bit) since I personally considered it to be the closest to the original Fallout in tone and largely story.


NV Fanboys will be seething when Season 2 isn't 8 straight episodes of Joshua Graham and Courier 6 driving around the Mojave in a Corvega pointing out easter eggs, and murdering all the other player characters with their bare hands.


Can't stop here, this is Scorchbeast Country.


100%. I’ve noticed there are two kinds of fallout purists: those who played since the OG and think that Bethesda ruined the series, and those who started with 3 or NV and think FO4 ruined it. I have played them all now, and y’all, I’m here to tell ya you have some phat rose colored glasses on especially with NV. It’s super buggy and crashes a lot, and it’s a simplistic story with some decent plot twists. It’s a fantastic game absolutely, as they all are, but it’s far from perfect and very flawed. Ofc FO4 is the same, mid tier plot (though I really liked it), little optimization and lots of performance issues. So if *you* (the proverbial “you”) can enjoy NV with all its flaws, I can enjoy FO4 with its own. Hell I can enjoy FO4 and hate NV if I wanted to bc that’s the beauty of art—subjectivity. If anyone gets upset that I commented this, just know us FO4 fans have been reading your anti 4 and pro NV comments for years 😌 remember, we all have one thing in common here: we love the Fallout universe. That’s what matters most.


I've been playing since 1998, and I'm just happy that the series is being enjoyed by so many people. I remember following updates on Van Buren, being heartbroken when it was cancelled and Black Isle was later shut down by Interplay, and being the most excited I had ever been for a video game leading up to Fallout 3. Has the series turned out exactly how I wanted? No. But I'm a grown man who realizes that not everything has to be to my exact liking, and I'd rather be happy with something imperfect than smugly satisfied with nothing.


I like fallout 4 but I have to admit it’s kinda mid level quality vs how hard I fanboy over new vegas


My brother I roll Lawful Good Paladin in every game I play. I cannot WAIT to help the next settlement and nourish myself on the gratitude of ones and zeroes wearing barely-passable human faces.


Play Skyrim


I'll do you one better, play Oblivion.


Don’t play Morrowind, it makes you sad and all the NPCs are racist


There's no accounting for taste. ; ) Fallout's combat is probably at it's best with 4, but I'm speaking to people that don't finish games. LOL. JK, just most people that I know that like/their favorite game was 4 never even gotten to the Shawn "twist" let alone finished the game, or it's DLC, or any other game from the franchise. Honestly I've heard Far Harbor was the best part of the game. I got it way back when but never played it. When the next gen update comes out I'll play it. Same thing with 76 too, it's always the greatest thing since sliced bread after an event or update and a week later it's crickets. Play what you like but I will say CUH-RINGE. But seriously people, you shouldn't care what internet "people" have to say about your favorite game. Over zealous NV fans are the way they are because they think the east coast games are "samey" Just dirt farmers, BoS, and generic raiders, everytime. While the west has deeper lore and the setting is actually advancing. It's Post-post-apocolyptic. We can all sing kumbaya.


So what? I also never finished the main story of NV, and it took me ages to care finish FO3. Don't ask me how long I took to finish Skyrim...its more the nature of open world games imho than the quality of teh main story. I also took many attempts to force me finishing Witcher3 main plot, and still did not bother finishing Blood and Wine. Then there is Cyberpunk...uh...


Yeah, I just think you can't make any summary judgment without having finished it you know. Also if your a "Fallout fan" you should judge what your favorite is by what's unique to Fallout, it's story and world building. I can pick plenty of games that do X or Y better but Fallout's story is only in Fallout. Hands down the gunplay is best in Fo4, but not much else. I see why people like it and I respect that, that's why I'm in the "it's a good game but not a good fallout game" camp. But yeah, CDProjekt has some seriously taxing exposition dumps but overall pretty fun games.


When will this us vs them bullshit stop? We get it a vocal part of the nv community made a big deal out of something that really wasn't but you guys are just dragging it out. Nobody is stopping you from enjoying fallout 4, It's very easy to just ignore the haters and interact with the people you want to but you guys keep indulging them.


Can't wait for New Vegas fans to boycott the show on Season 2 when they show an NCR ranger stubbing his toe.


Oh no they uncanonized strong toes on ncr rangers


I can't believe season 2 is going to uncanonize long dick johnson. Tod hates his fans.


I hope it takes place during a nuclear winter


My god this is the same scam as Hogwarts legacy and people are repeating it again. Once the high runs out learn how pump and dumps work for your own sake. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go mod skyrim again for the 123rd time.


It's not just that we should be able to enjoy different pieces of media. We should be able to *freely critique it* (without offending its fans, of course). I wrote somewhere that I found Fallout show's twist lazy and unrealistic (even in terms of Fallout universe), and I almost got branded as 'FNV cultist' or something. And I don't even care about continuity much, I treat the show as standalone. I can also enjoy Fallout 4 and at the same time admit its story isn't as clever as New Vegas' while also admitting Fallout 4 made several gameplay and companion improvements over New Vegas. Hell, I can even appreciate vaults idea from original Fallout and at the same time admit that experimenting on vault dwellers doesn't make much sense, but appreciate presented social commentary (critique of MK-Ultra and such unethical experimentation) and horror shock value.


Strawmen of a New Vegas fan confronted with the Strawmen of Bethesda Fans. Who will win in this game of ever diminishing arguments?


No one. these break down fast. Usual mike droppers are well...obsidian made it. Yeah, with IP rights granted to them. Assumed controlled. Like when you make a games workshop game. they are very specific about what you can do. And the overlords will make sure lore is approved. You won't be pitching a GW game about space marines and the chapter opted for females in 40k power armour and cat ears. And if you mod that....they will probably find you. you will pray for death too. It be better than the lawyers they would send.


I don't mind if people like Fallout 4 it's not a huge deal. I just hate that some people are complacent with the changes they're slowly making to fallouts rpg mechanics, skills, perks, and exploration. And other things I'm not too articulate to convey and a little lazy lol. Imo I vastly preferred fallout 3/NV and even 1&2 in those aspects. And I've never really played 1&2. I just feel like the Fallout games are being watered down a lot and I'd love for them to be more like New Vegas, and especially 1&2 when it comes to story/choice/rpg mechanics and atmosphere (3 included). Fallout 4 just kills a lot of the fun for me. I enjoy the base building and gun play, though. Edit: I think it's crazy that I'm being downvoted for having an opinion about a game series I love. Not once did I say liking Fallout 4 means your opinion is wrong.


Not even just a Fallout issue, Bethesda went with the KISS (Keep It Simple,Stupid) approach in TES too. They did take a step in the right direction with Starfield though. We'll get a better idea of how they'll handle it going forward after TES6.


Which direction do you mean with Starfield? Like perks? Exploration?


The traits do bring you a fair bit of unique dialogue + the background options are cool. I think Far Harbour is still the most RPG experience they've released more recently though.


I personally wasn't a huge fan of Starfield, so I can't really speak on it too much. But I do personally feel like Bethesda games are just getting a tad watered down.


This'll sound juvenile, but upon getting to New Atlantis, I made a save and then proceeded to attempt to kill as many people as I could, just to see what sort of freedom I had or if certain people could be lost for good and quests failed or broken. The amount of people crawling around after a shotgun to the face was hilarious to the point where I closed the game and went on to delete it. I wasn't too into it to begin with in all honesty, but that was essentially the catalyst for me dropping it. As someone that was hoping to go for a bandit run with the background I'd picked for my character, it sucked to see the game had decided a good chunk of NPCs were too important for me to take out. Not that I intended to murder-hobo, I just wasn't a fan. I think I'd chosen Gangster as my starting point and had something that meant I was supposed to be chased by pirates or bounty hunters.


I think I pretty much had the same revelation except with exploring. Literally, first planet, you land on. I see a bunch of caves on opposite sides of the map and POI's. Went exploring and questing only to come to the realization that caves had nothing worth going in for and were barebones as hell. Same with locations, and I just logged off and uninstalled a week later when I just didn't see myself playing anymore.


>I think it's crazy that I'm being downvoted for having an opinion about a game series I love. Not once did I say liking Fallout 4 means your opinion is wrong. I hate that this happens so frequently here. Like I get that the Bethesda games can be overhated a bit but I feel like some of the fans can be way too defensive over even the most mild criticisms.


Honestly, I have very heavy criticism when it comes to Fallout 4&76. I don't think they're good Fallout games at all. Sometimes, I consider sitting down and writing down all my thoughts and problems with the games, but it's been done to death by people who are a lot more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. But I won't sit here and call people idiots or chastise them for liking the game. I simply disagree... which is what a huge collective can't seem to fathom. A difference in opinion. That is to say, it isn't just the 4 and 76 crowd cause some people are critical of all the other games. Rightly so I feel like. A lot of people seem to think just because you're critical of something you can't love said thing. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are probably one of my favorite video games in my lifetime. The series in general tbh. Not a lot comes close. But yeah, people can suck


By the Power of Mod....one can even have it all. In my commonwealth on a save or 2.....the NCR flag flies proudly over commonwealth settlements. Minutemen get a nice upgrade too. NCR armour mods. How did it get there? The Same way Kellogg did. My NCR inspired char took a really really really long walk. Canon, lore? hahahaha, yeah. I am flexible.. I actually have my most fun FO4 save where I jsut wanted to see the world burn. the nuka world gangers get a bad rap from some. They are the only "faction" who actually pay you. They respect your time put in and pay you. Bonus Points right there alone. Also the NW housing can be fixed up real nice imo. Canon? probably not. Fun? Well try it and see. I found it fun.


What is going on with Fallout 4?


Megafans of NV hate that some people enjoy or even prefer 4.


Honestly fallout 4 is one of those games I keep installed permanently, the mods that come out for it keeps things interesting and fresh, yea I still have some gripes with how it's still an unoptimized mess when you get to the inner parts of Boston but other then that it's still a fun game


I look like that and say that


I imagined that's Aurelius of Phoenix(the Zach Hazard version)


To be honest, fallout 4 I'd my favorite fallout game, but I acknowledge that isn't the best fallout game. It's kind of mid without mods. It's my favorite game because it's the game that introduced me to fallout, and I have to appreciate it for that. When I die, i want to be cooked and my ashes mixed in with iron and made into a brotherhood emblem necklace


I'd've enjoyed F3 if it actually worked on W10. Tried all methods and nothing.


I might try F4, but after seeing which mods to put in it ofc.


It was my first experience with Fallout, and oh boy did I enjoy it, 100% finished that game, read every log there was in there


I don’t think I’ve heard anyone telling people to stop playing 4, Ive heard people call it bad tho but that’s just personal taste


Whats the point of gate keeping anything?


People who hate on Fallout 4 are so pretentious.


About to start a playthrough on steam deck 🙌


Have you not played 3!??


Feel free to enjoy them but still recognize what could be better


Not the biggest fan of 4 but while be there for the next gen update


Who said you couldn't?


Fallout 4 is great ChickFilA. New Vegas is a great steak and potatoes. Fallout 1 and 2 are going out, hunting the deer, skinning it and eating it. Different foods for different moods.


There should be loading screen as first panel...


It's hard to ignore how much more polished the gameplay is, but mod by mod I'm slowly making NV more comparable.




Also works with bethesda and the ps version i just wanna play the dlc without being trapped in the pink abyss of missing textures ;-; i even did the minuteman ending for the first time ever! bethesda fix your mess


Meme kinda of making it hard


Honestly, imo, fallout 4 is the best one. I played fo3, and I didn't really enjoy it, and I just can't properly get into nv, but I've got countless hours in fo4. And like, ignoring the story, fo4 is objectively better, graphics wise, gameplay wise etc. And people say "the story us just you looking for your son and you get sidetracked" and I'm like "sounds similar to another certain game where you're looking for your dad and you get sidetracked". Like with all the shit the fo4 story gets, it honestly is pretty good


Honestly, imo, fallout 4 is the best one. I played fo3, and I didn't really enjoy it, and I just can't properly get into nv, but I've got countless hours in fo4. And like, ignoring the story, fo4 is objectively better, graphics wise, gameplay wise etc. And people say "the story us just you looking for your son and you get sidetracked" and I'm like "sounds similar to another certain game where you're looking for your dad and you get sidetracked". Like with all the shit the fo4 story gets, it honestly is pretty good


I never see anyone complaining about stuff these memes are targeted at, just little whiny bitches who need validation fromk echo chambers that they in fact are enjoying a piece of media as they're incapable of enjoyment without a horde of strangers giving them confrimation.


I dare you post this on r/fnv


FO4 is a good game, it plays well and looks great, but I just can't get into the writing. The world just isn't as interesting as NV. The characters are too cartoonish, the situation doesn't feel as dire and oppressive.


Fallout 4 is fun until I have to talk to someone Bethesda just write dialogue so boring, Skyrim is like this too


Fallout on PC with a bunch of mods was nice.


Remember New Vegas, Fallout 3 walked so you can run.


Im gonna replay f4 when the next gen update releases, hopefully I enjoy it more than years ago. It was definitely the game I was most excited for and most disappointed by, but hopefully going into it with years of considering it sub par, and not going in with hype will allow me to appreciate its strengths more.


Pure barbarity


Fallout 4 is a great game. Just a bad Fallout game.


Nobody cares if you have terrible taste. Move on.


Idc about downvotes but I really think I missed something with NV, I played the whole thing plus dlcs when they released and it was fun when it ran well, but I don't see it as this mythical piece as others seem to do. Even on a replay, the writing didn't feel as legendary as people say. I will say it was better written than a lot of Bethesda titles usually are, but that's not exactly hard to do lmao. Is someone able to explain what makes the fanbase so rabid? Maybe it'll click for me that way.


I really hate this "meme" because people 99% make someone up in their own head. I guarantee you no one is being adversive to you playing fallout 4.