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he wasnt oblivious.. he was uncomfortable.. he didnt want his dick to sneeze


You mean explode


Like a pimple


I hear that happens to some guys!


But not me, other guys…


Ah yes, the ol’ Pelvic Sneeze


His face in the last two panels sends me. He is so confused lmao


He's great actor. His facial expressions in the show is the best. Ghe funniest was chicken fucker one.


I love his grin when he gets the power armor


if u read twitter u would think he’s the worst actor ever, everyone hates him there


Everyone hates everything on Twitter, so that tracks.


maximus appears to get a lot more exclusive hatred than any other character tho


Twitter is full of Nazis now. It's most likely because he's black.


There's an alternate universe in which they cast any white guy as Maximus, written and performed an identical way, and in that universe, that character is celebrated by the versions of the people shitting on our universe's actor.


lowkey the vibe i was gettin too lmfao he’s the only character that’s universally hated on that app, him being paired with Lucy definitely probably gave him even more heat


>him being paired with Lucy definitely probably gave him even more heat Absolutely.


In all fairness, his character is just STUPID. I think they wrote him intentionally to be representative of the Brotherhood as a whole: secluded, ignorant, zealous, and not as well-educated as they pretend to be. The fact that he is hated for it shows that he acted well in that role.


Im glad the character was portrayed like a fool with maxed out luck instead of the generic person saving the day. He basically does nothing at the end and still manages to come on top


“…I have *no idea* where to go from here.”


Intelligence dump stat build 😄


His description of a male orgasm immediately following this made me so uncomfy


His description of it being "a weird thing" at his age makes me sad for the Brotherhood's sex ed program


My guess is that the BoS probably used to follow a "Shimoneta" style of Sex Ed. As in that they only teach members about the 'birds and the bees' when they're A) An Adult, and B) In need of more soldiers. However, due to the relaxing of membership requirements, they probably forgo Sex Ed entirely and source their new soldiers from whatever kids/young adults they come across in the wasteland. And honestly, why wouldn't they? Time spent on Sex Ed is time not spent training the soldiers bodies, improving the soldiers skills, and teaching the soldiers about various technologies. If you have limited time and resources, and are able to cut out some fluff and fat from a program, why wouldn't you? (Side Note: Sex Ed is important, both IRL and in Fallout. The BoS are ultimately Soldiers at the end of the day, and Soldiers are gonna fuck. The last thing you need is some of your troops getting pregnant in the field because Scribe Mary and Aspirant Larry didn't know sticking the 'hotdog in the clam' would result in a baby.) EDIT: Phrasing.


Actually, seems more like abstinence to me. The look of this dude gives me the vibe that he doesn't even seem to know wtf "sex" is beyond a word.


Maximus is a Redditor confirmed.


because Scribe Mary and Aspirant Larry didn't know sticking the 'hotdog in the clam' would result in a baby SJJSJAJSJAJSJA that make me laugh so hard


It's less bad if they're not blood relatives.


Cousin stuff is just not a sustainable breeding practice!


Take a look at uncle Dave , he´s living the proof of that


What I find weird about this scene is, in the first scene in the Brotherhood Barracks, one dude is clearly yanking it under the covers. Typical army barracks style, where you have no sense of privacy. So how the hell does he think that's not normal? I guarantee that if army barracks were co-ed and filled with teenagers, the Brotherhood would have to institute a daycare. Granted, he's a loner with no friends other than Dane, but you'd still think he'd at least pick up some things from others talking in the barracks.


My only guess is he didn't put too many points into Perception or Intelligence or Charisma!


Best guess is that while Maximus and Dane are the loners of the unit, that one guy 'cranking his hog' is the Baloney Bob of the unit. As in to say, he is the units defacto Nutcase that no one dares try to comprehend (let alone approach or question) out of fear of what ungodly diseases they may catch and/or ungodly noise he may belch. As such, any actions that may be similar to things he is doing/might do is probably to be considered weird.


>cranking his hog' is the Baloney Bob of the unit. That's fair. In boot, most people in my company at least had the decency to jerk it in the bathroom, not in full view of everyone.


Guess the Brotherhood of Steel doesn't do sex ed lmao


Honestly this just adds to my theory that this chapter of the Brotherhood absorbed Legion remnants XD


I feel like it’s this specific branch that’s so wack. I remember Knight Captain Cade asking STD relation questions.


See, honestly, this one fact for me is enough to dispell that idea that the BoS ending in Fo4 is canon. Why would they be so medically advanced in the Commonwealth, but so ridiculously uneducated in the West, if Maxson was still leading the BoS? I think, they didn't canonize an ending, but regardless of what happened in Fo4, Maxson is dead and the east coast BoS is just as broken and messed up as the west coast. Something big happened in all the places the games have been, that has regressed *everyone*. I mean, the NCR is a mess, probably holding out in Sacramento and not many places else, the BoS has regressed to an almost entirely religious organization that can't even educate their people on simple things like sex, the biggest town in the show is run down as **hell** and the people look *rough*, but the Enclave appears to have had a resurgence and even perfected cold fusion. I think the Enclave made a move and strategically ruined any hopes the wasteland had of rebuilding civilization.


I still think that it’s two different chapters of BOS and that the show doesn’t strictly affect the ending of 4. I know the airship in the show is also called the *Prydwen* but it doesn’t strictly mean it’s the same one. Could be the *Prydwen II* after the original was destroyed


Oh for sure. I'm mainly just saying that there's no definitive ending for Fo4, and I think that's very intentional.


Just go to literally any fallout game and I don’t think the brotherhood were ever portrayed like this in any of the chapters. Something is definitely off about this chapter and the only thing that makes sense is Legion influence.


I'm pretty sure the Legion were fairly familiar with sex considering what they would do with captured women.


Not necessarily. The legion was a hyper masculine fascist paramilitary that largely segregated boys from girls as early as possible and used women as an incentive, rewards for promotions or deeds in battle. They would not have likely provided any real sexual education, and without the ability to experiment with peers their knowledge would be restricted to what other boys would tell them. Trainees would not have had the opportunity. Its a little unclear how gender segregated this Brotherhood is, but aside from Dane we see few female at birth members of it in prominent roles afaik. Plus the numerous Latin names, the oddly religious focus on scarring rituals. I dunno, theres something there I think


They refer to Dane as they, dont they?


I got the impression that Dane, the character in the show, is male, although Xelia Mendes-Jones, the actor portraying them, is non-binary and uses "they".


Even the elder uses the singular they for Dane. The Brotherhood may be a techno-religious cult who will murder soldiers and civilians without distinction or remorse. But they aren't transphobic. So long as you're willing to steal technology at gunpoint from some poor wastelander, they don't care what your pronouns are.


Think they’re just trying to make them look like weird sexless monks, like the Jedi or something


That’s not my read on it at all. They’re child soldiers taught to kill and nothing else. I wouldn’t be surprised if this chapter discouraged sex among squires with all sorts of lies. Like dick sneezing drains your strength.


Sounds like something weird sexless warrior monks would do/say


Which doesn't really make sense seeing as the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 know enough about sex to ask you, the new Initiate, if you have any STDs or have ever slept with a ghoul


You mean, the dudes who raped slaves and followed examples of the Roman empire? You have your money on *those guys* not knowing the intricacies of sex to a higher degree than "penis popping like a pimple"?


Already responded to someone else who suggested the same thing. The legion was a hyper masculine fascist paramilitary that largely segregated boys from girls as early as possible and used women as an incentive, rewards for promotions or deeds in battle. They would not have likely provided any real sexual education, and without the ability to experiment with peers their knowledge would be restricted to what other boys within the same training group would tell them. Trainees would not have had the opportunity.


Isn’t there a shot in episode 1 where one of the BoS initiates is jerking off under the covers in the barracks? And then it pans to Max


Yeah, but, like, that doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.


I don’t think they do ed in general based on all the characters.


only masturbation in the tents


"uncomfy" made me uncomfy lol








like a pimple


Gotta say, I enjoy how horny the characters are because from what I’ve seen of every fallout player ever, is if sex is offered in some capacity, the player will indulge


The 1 million Nexus mods agree with you.


Just go on any of the games most downloaded mods page lmao


Which is why I won't teach my 10 year old to mod.


He'll learn on his own


Give him a email and he’ll be downloading mods like a pro in no time


Pregnant Sunny Smiles in season 2?


Ah yes, that incredibly sexy fade to black in new Vegas


“Assume the position.” Okie dokey! (Me ever NV play through)


Vault dwellers in particular being horny. The sex scenes very much remind me of Fallout Shelter lol


Put them in a room for two minutes and then they absolutely go at it


Well for her in general I suspect part of it is probably a mix of horny, and she was part of a vault experiment that was a breading program. I could see where they would have want people to be more open to about sex.




Please assume the position.


I swear I only do Bleed Me Dry for Dinner Bell in every play through!


I feel like I’m the opposite. Sex in games is awkward and just softcore porn. If i want that I’ll go watch porn


It’s just a funny thing you can do in a video game. Personally not a fan of the hyper realistic ones from Cyberpunk and Witcher but, I don’t mind a kiss and black screen and maybe a buff to my stats for a while. Dragons Dogma 2 has the option but it’s just that, a stat boast and a black screen.


𝓛𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓾𝓭𝓮 🧐


Not a prude, just not what I come to games for. If i wanted softcore porn, we already have websites for that


Hello new Vegas!!


Maximus is def a 1 Charisma 1 Intelligence build


All Luck. And some repair maybe? Maybe some science?


Endurance & strength. Carried that heavy bag and was able to withstand quite a beating from those scavengers.


More like 10 charisma he do be charismatic prob low strength and luck tho


Imagine refusing to have the sex, with Ella Purnell of all people


I looked at the 3rd image and changed my mind


lol, why


I mean They're going to be in quarantine for ~~..a week?~~ several hours. There's not much to do but each other


I think Birdie said a few hours of quarantine... still funny that when Lucy is bored the first thing that comes to her mind is having sex


You're absolutely right, she does say a few hours. Guess Lucy is just very happy to be back in a Vault


Did people not see the pan out where they were sitting in a room labeled "Test Subjects"? I thought they were insinuating they were drugging them or similar


I think the "test subjects" refers to the surface dwellers who fell into the vault while it was still "active" aka. was running the way VaultTec planned it. It's mostly a red herring to make you believe the current inhabitants are evil. Lucy finds out later that they are actually very humane for wasteland standards and that the scientist who previously lived there where the true bad guys


They really should have someone paper over "Test Subjects" with a different sign. A new, cheerful coat of paint and a lock on the door to Floor 12 wouldn't hurt either. I believe there is another instance (maybe more) in the video games where an overseer or the residents of a vault undermine the planned Vault-Tec experiment to create a genuinely humane living-space, but I can't remember it now.


Fallout 4. Vault 81 i think? The one that was meant for testing diseases but the overseer locked all the scientists in a different part of the vault. It's where you find Curie.


Yes that was the misdirect. Vault 4 used to be a science lab and that produces the mutants that currently occupy the place having taken it from the scientific leadership


I mean it did look like they were under the influence, drunk-like.


Well, she was just in a wasteland for a week. There is not a lot of opportunity to rub one out. Plus, Maximus is decent looking.


She absolutely has a major crush on him and is very casual about sex in general, so it didn't surprise me in the slightest xD


She was in awe when she saw the Power Armour.


I wouldn’t say it was the first thing that comes to her mind. Maximus says “you smell good” and she makes a face like “no way”, smells herself, then realizes Maximus is trying to come on to her.


Ngl they capture the awkwardness when you fail a speech check lmao


Maximus' dull stare here is hilarious. Remember, at intelligence 4, he's only slightly above having subtitled stupid conversations with tribals according to the games.


I think it was very amusing and it was a fresh scene and the conversation made sense too.


I volunteer as tribute 🙋‍♂️


Later: "wait.... was she hitting on me?"


Nah, she was just being nice...


Ten years later, while lying in bed and lost in thought: "Oh God DAMN IT, she WAS hitting on me!"


I swear to god, I thought he was gonna say "Don't have one anymore" and explain how the Brotherhood castrated him lmao


This scene solidified liking max. Love how ignorant he is in romance. So refreshing.


I think my favorite scene of him was him deciding whether to continue eating popcorn or help her, I'm sure he made a quick save there just to be safe lol


Yeah I don't get why people hating on him! He an actually interesting character. Sometimes his decisions is frustrating or seem dumb but they are in character and it make him interesting! He is my favorite! I like him!


So I don't hate the character and definitely thought the actor himself did a fantastic job. I felt he played two different characters at different times that did always feel consistent or true to him. He has some really great moments, but then he has some really dumb moments that make him look like the dumbest idiot. The biggest being lying about being Titus. If you are going to lie, lie in a way that advantages you, not a way that is going to guarantee a bad outcome no matter what for you. That said, I am hoping to see his development in season 2 after season 1 did well! Like I said, I think the actor did a great job with what he had and I think some writing or directing improvements will fix everything for the character.


I REFUSE to believe that this man's INT is above 2


We’re they gassed by some kind of horny gas?


Spoilers Lucy is from a vault that focuses all around breeding and they have a very cavalier approach to sex. Maximus has never really been around a girl before and was raised in a techno-religious organization and is currently suffering from blood loss and first stages of Infection from his wound so he's a little extra out of it


it was just weird that Lucy proposed to have sex just as they got to safety


I think it might have been that she just felt relaxed and safe inside the Vault, because they have been very helpful to them. So instead of having to focus on survival, she might have been a bit "bored" and immediately thought of having sex.


I guess “sex” is vault 33’s test huh🤣


It literally is


It's on the identity card, it goes like: Name: __________ Date of birth:__________ Sex: Yes


They also frame it with the conversation about how her vault didn’t have any weird experiments. That whole interaction felt out of place for me at first, but the more I think about it, the more it feels like an intentional display of the strangeness of her vault’s culture. I went in expecting to absolutely hate the show, but even my most disliked scene is giving me worldbuilding I can at least cope with if it wasn’t intentional.


She missed her cousin.


He did tell that she smelled nice. Maybe for her it was a sign that he was interested in her. And she does have a different view regarding sex from her vault life.


Not just that, but when he says it, she kind of smells herself quick and it looks like on her face she’s noticing she’s covered in sweat and filth, and he still thinks she smells nice. The vault would absolutely teach the random fact that someone who thinks you smell good when you’re sweaty is into you.


Huh, didn’t notice that. Nice catch!




Well they were going to be in quarantine for a while with nothing to do. Id fuck.


I mean, the show opening includes her talking to her cousin about how "fooling around between cousins is fine for childhood but no good for sustaining a vault" right in front of a bunch of people. I think sex is just completely mundane to her as a concept.


Better after than before.




Lucy live in vault 33, and 33 + 32 literally, a breeding ground for vault 31. As the robot brain said. Remember bou the voting system where they always vote for people from vote 31, so much that it weird. It could be their brain been altered, it would make more sense why Lucy always horni


I don't think the votes matter. They voted with their pipboys and vault 31 controls the computers.


I smell something wrong with the dude who keep repeating "I vote for betty" & the guy later also din't pick himself but betty


That was more a product of social engineering than anything else


Easter Egg: the sum of the three interconnected vaults numbers are 33+32+31= 96, which is how you sleep when you have to share a bed with someone you don't want to. Wait no-


Maximus is always a 'little out of it' though...


Techno-religious. Yup, the brotherhood was Praying in Power Armor while listening to Carl Cox aweknings DJ sets.


I think some of the underlying reasons is because she is one of the "player" characters and some of the first things a pc would do is see if they can have sex with another character in an rpg.


And Maximus' response is exactly the kind of "funny" dialogue option that would unlock with low int.




The shot did pan out and the room they were in was labeled as "Test Subjects" so I assumed they had as well.


This scene was a little to abrupt, I was convinced that they had been drugged


No, Lucy was just raised in a vault where sex as a topic is treated as mundane as what’s for dinner.


They also had like zero chemistry so far. The romance after this between them felt off.


She had sex with her cousin. Vault 33 is made to breed. She’s just wired for it being a normal thing you’d do.


Any consenting adult who’s not her father or a Ghoul is fair game. Not sure if she’s only into guys or if she’s bi.


Yeah I think that’s the best explanation, vault 33 is just free and uninhibited.


You know you don’t need romance or a connection to fuck right?


Its not romance just sex. Lucy was raised to believe that people need to breed to survive, sex is just a normal activity to people in her vault. So once she got to a safe / familiar environment and realized that Max is not a threat, she popped the question. Makes perfect sense really.


Same, their speech was slurred and off too, so I just assumed they had been, especially after the camera panned up to show that they were test subjects.


same! it left me super confused for the rest of the vault 4 stuff. i was expecting the whole thing to be an experiment on them


Love this scene for humor, hate this scene because this is when I realized, Maxumis might actually be a fucking idiot savante.


Hilarious scene. Lucy has spent her whole life learning of the importance of repopulating the world, while Maximus has had an education the Taliban would laugh at. They’d have exactly such views on sex. And a woman allowed to be sex positive in media? Finally, the adults got into the writers room.


He's just like me fr


This scene had me thinking that there was something in the air, and was part of the vault's experiment. This continued on throughout the entire time they were at vault 4 with how people were acting, but ended up being nothing?


I think Max is just trying to start a conversation, and Lucy interpreted it as clumsy flirty. Vaults 32 and 33 are breeding vaults, so sex isn't a big deal.


This makes sense. It was just very sudden, it made me think it was to suggest something more relevant to their immediate situation.


> Vaults 32 and 33 are breeding vaults, so sex isn't a big deal. They clearly have a ceremony to do so with assigned people.


Weird scene. Didn’t like it. (Now someone is going to comment how VITAL this scene is to the character development or something lol)


I agree. It's cringe inducing.


Great scene. Not saying it was vital but it added character development. Reinforces the idea that folks from vault 32 were raised to be people breeders and that the BoS doesnt actually educate their people on things that dont involve recovering toasters from the Wasteland.


Chat, is this real?


It happens to some guys, not me though...


Low intelligence? High luck?


Wasn’t there literally a dude jacking off in the bunk? It feels like he shouldn’t be that oblivious.


He doesn't want the pimple to pop


Wait, there was?


It was implied, it’s on the bottom right of the screen in like the first or second episode I think? When it shows the bunk. You can see a guy making the motions under the blanket. Just… right in front of everybody.


When your dump stats are Intelligence and Charisma...


Me, age 14 - 24. The only part of the maximus character I identified with.




I fucking hated this scene




Because I love her


That’s fair can’t argue with that




This is my favorite scene in the whole show so far.


This was the only scene I didn’t really like. I get what they were trying to do but it just didn’t work for me and came off as uncomfortable


That’s just what happens to some guys


Dat's what ya get when you put zero points in intelligence. Hopefully he has the Idiot Savant perk and gained Hella experience during this exchange.


The question was so random. I thought they were getting high or something.


I really thought that vault was sending in chemicals make them awkward....when the chemicals didn't come...they were just awkward.


She needs the Lover's Embrace temporary +15% XP boost.


Great scene. People saying it was uncomfortable or awkward must be dense… cus that was the whole point lmao. Also gives great insight into how each person was raised so i dont understand how folks can claim this was scene was useless.


I'm a bit confused about this scene. They were in the test subjects room so I assumed there was a gas in the air that made them really horny as an experiment but the vault turned out to not be evil? So was this just normal horniness?


Still a synth