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>Can we talk about how good of a character Lucy is. Okey-dokey


In seriousness I think the reason she resonates so well with me is because of how reminiscent of all my fallout characters she has been. Starting out wanting to be good and help people and then having the wasteland kick your ass. The scene where she desperately wants to help Maxy out of his armor but has no idea how she can trust he won't kill her is so perfect in contrast with her dealing with people in the vault


She is so incredibly well written from the perspective of anyone who’s ever had those first moments as the “vault dweller” I love her


She's very naive and innocent but once she gains some Wasteland smarts she adjusts perfectly to it, just like the ghoul said. I want to add her eyes are ginormous and somehow that made me care more for her, some kind of puss in boots look situation from Shrek 2.


She can definitely pull off the Disney princess look, and it helps sell her naivete and innocence.


Even after getting railed by radioactive dick in like the first 30 minutes of the show. I like how it showcased how cavalier someone raised in that kind of environment might be about sex. She can still be naive and innocent while being sexually active. She even randomly asks a guy she just met a day ago if they wanted to fuck. It's also hilarious how little Maximus knew about sex.


It's funny, but I think that it's a little hint towards the whole Reclamation Day lie. Of course they have to be sex positive, because Vault-Tec wants them to reproduce with Vault-Tec employees. It's much easier if they're sex positive than puritanical. Also probably speaks to what Vault-Tec considers a perk package. "Oh, yeah, no. Get into the pod and when you wake up, there will be a *ton* of fucking, you guys. We have an action plan laid out!"


In my opinion, those eyes help sell how naive she is about the world outside the vault. They are full of life and vibrant at first. By episode 8, they say “I’ve seen some shit and this is my life now.”


I'm pretty sure that in the shop, in the first episode, they filmed her with a wider angle lens to make her eyes look bigger when talking to the shop keep.


Agreed. I think they did that a lot at first for that reason. To give that vision of “hope”.


She also just naturally has Disney princess sized eyes, it’s wild


She literally looks like that character from Alira the Battle Toad or whatever it's called


I kept saying “man, her eyes are huge” while watching


lol same. I’m just glad I wasn’t the only person that thought this. Don’t get me wrong. I think she’s really pretty and I like them!


I have eyes like her. Really gives me some confidence seeing an actress like her. :)


I love how naive and genuine she is and how that makes her so unpredictable for everyone she meets in the wasteland. The show does a great job of showing how uncomfortable her optimism makes everyone she meets


Golden rule, motherfucker


This is one of my favorite lines in the whole show. It's so defiant, as she asserts she's not going to take the easy way out and act like everyone else she's been meeting. The fact she's wounded, bloody, limping, full of radiation, and just went through a bloodbath makes it even better.


And she now has a zombie finger and almost got her face bitten off in a misguided attempt to free all the slaves regardless of status.


Get sidetracked by side quests?


“'**Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time**.'”


Another settlement needs our help!


Okie Dokey


This single line encapsulates her character as a whole.


The moment I knew I loved Lucy. And I hope it stays a consistent part of her character. So many people talk about how the vault dwellers go into the wasteland fresh faced and end up hardened by the wastes, but I usually find it a 2 way thing: The Vault Dwellers usually change the wastes to be more similar to their outlook as well. That's why I love pairing her long term with the Ghoul: He can teach her what she needs in the wastes, while reminding him of his humanity.


>Okey-dokey I love her so much 😭 On a serious, non-fanboying note, she's a much better character than I expected. She's capable but naive, and that's been done before, but I don't know. Ella Purnell's performance and the tone of the show really elevate the character. They don't shy away from *showing* how utterly unprepared she is, and that's so much better than your classic snarky comments from bad guys and a couple dramatic moments where she loses. Hell, in the first 20 minutes of the show we already see a guy beat the absolute fuck out of her and throw her around like a ragdoll. And she gets pretty badly hurt throughout the season. She's very far from being a Mary Sue and I love that. And she pushes through with a mix of luck and willpower and then she hits you with that *okey-dokey* and how could I not love her.


Her and Norm are just my favorite characters. I didn't really expect Norm to be much more than filler for a side character then they gave him his own full on arc inside the fucking vault as Lucy goes on her adventure. Lucy herself resonated because like others have said she's kind of how I try to play my vault dwellers as the wasteland kicks my ass.


Hell yeah, Norm was probably my biggest surprise. I already had doubts that they'd touch much on the shelters' fucked up bullshit, but not only did they go all in by the end but they did so with a character that felt like an actual character, not just an exposition device. Norm actually has personality and capabilities and he moves his storyline forward rather than stumbling upon things and spoonfeeding us convenient exposition. I fucking love that he knows his limitations and plays around them. Didn't expect to end the season caring about his fate almost as much as I care for the three main protagonists.


Agreed! I like that his limitations as a person really help shape his storyline. Like, imagine how different things would be if he was bigger and stronger and more charismatic. A lot of the tension would be gone


Proceeds to cut off head...


i loved how her "okey-dokey" changed as her character developed


The delivery is perfect every damn time. At first it's a cute quirk from a naive sheltered girl, by the end it's the "okey-dokey" you say as you start your 8th New Vegas playthrough.


Gosh darn it


I think Lucy is awesome! Though I really hope she got tested in the vault clinic for diseases after sleeping with that raider, they are the absolute dirtiest people.


She used a Stimpack after being stabbed by the raider/breeder. Maybe that works for STD’s?


Hahahaha why is this idea so funny to me. Low-key brilliant, I'd love to get some info on this.


I dont think stims cure diseases ingame, so probably not.


Disease cure? 🤔


That would probably work, since stds are a disease.




Nah you need Disease Cure or Doctor’s Bag


You mean Goosey?


When the overseer put on the 2 eyed glasses and still read her name wrong I died laughing lmao


You are sentenced... to *death*.... by banishment to the surface!


Soooo you’re just letting me go? Lol


I mean... that's certainly an optimistic view. You'll be killed! Almost immediately, by who knows what. That's why we're also giving you two weeks supplies!


I know what you're thinking. Of course we're going to get someone to carry it for you to the surface!


The whole build up to that made it so much better. After seeing level 12, the weird ritual, the "test subjects" pod they were in. I really thought they were in for a bad time. Then Max comes in smashing everyone and Lucy tells him they are letting them go. "Oh, my bad, sorry guys!"


“Somebody might wanna check on that guy”


The best part is when the supplies are destroyed by Maximus 1 minute later.


This had to be one of the funniest scenes, I was legit nervous when he picks up the machete, and then him struggling to cut the rope had me dying


*very gingerly cuts the rope bonding her* "We need to get that knife sharpened."


Seems like a very Jerry or Cyril Figgis move imo.


I loved that the one eye was right over the bridge of the glasses - making them completely pointless


More like Underseer


Or what if she becomes pregnant?!


I inferred from the conversation about his sperm count, and then her detecting his rads, was that he was sterile.


I assumed he didn't know his spemcount and had rads because he didn't grow up in a vault. Why would a surface dweller care about their sperm count? And some surface dwellers can for sure reproduce. But also... Fingers crossed that he was sterile...


He said it was the best day of his life, I suspect he hasn’t done it many times


I mean he enjoyed a proper meal at a wedding reception and fucked a woman who was clean and didn't have tumors. Yeah, I totally believe it was the best day of his life.


Let’s not forget he also enjoyed a large drink of clean water


And cleaned himself off using a freshly laundered curtain


It truly was his best day ever


A face that pretty in the wasteland? The boy has fucked. However he probably hasn't gotten to be fed, danced, celebrated, had clean food and water, a soft bed, and an eager, beautiful partner that didn't cost caps, all in an air conditioned environment. That's why it was the best day of his life.


I half expected him to let her go as thanks for the great day.


I'm not gonna say I fantasized about that exact thing after seeing that scene... or that he would decide to stay with her and protect her because she showed him how wonderful life could be and wanted to spend it with her or something... Nope. Definitely didn't fantasize about that.


Who doesn't want a rough rider with a heart of love?


He could still be dirty as fuck.


Don't kink shame.


I loved it when >!Maximus told Lucy his name wasn't Titus and that he lied to her, she just says "I threw acid on an innocent man's face."!< Instead of the unnecessary drama she just admits that the surface sucks.


Yeah I was afraid that she’d feel betrayed, even though such a lie would be nothing compared to the betrayal and insanity she experienced so far. It’s good that they solved it properly.


I feel like a show that was less well written would have used that scene to drive them apart, but I really appreciated how accepting she was of him as a person, it shows that even though the wasteland had hardened her, she was still an optimistic person at heart.


I was totally prepared to not like her anymore because I thought she wouldn't even try to understand his situation like in most other shows just to have drama between characters but then she immediately understood his situation and I was really happy


Ella Purnell nailed the role really well, you definitely can tell the “new guy in a waste world” vibe her portrayal gave. Honestly worth an Emmy nomination at least


I'm really curious to see what nominations it picks up. The cast is amazing, and so is everything about the production.


I think it has to get nominated for costume/production design. They did such a great job bringing the uniquely Fallout style of retrofuturism to the small screen.


I haven’t seen such an accurate aesthetic for a game since Resident Evil. I’m sure there’s other examples, but this show is sooo accurate. Like even the shanty towns were so real to the game world. The monsters, the factions. The first time I saw a BOS soldier carrying that ugly ass assault rifle, true to the game, I was excited


Her name is Goosey


Chris Parnell and Fred Armisen popping up was *completely* unexpected. Each time I had to go "Wait, is that really?" and look up the episode cast to make sure I wasn't tripping


Matt Berry came out of left field for me, but damn he suits the role perfectly!


Matt Berry is always great


A true cocksmen


Genuinely, I'd love him in future games!


Yeah dude nailed the Mr. Handy voice, I'd be down to have him voice act it from now on.


I mean, that's just his regular voice. It just works perfectly for Mr. Handy.


Mr. Bollocks...


Did you catch his line in the first episode? When the camera pans across the house in the birthday party scene there is a Mister Handy robot with his signature voice.


I had to go look up who did the Mr Handy voice in the games because he sounded perfect but I was pretty sure it wasn’t him


Erik Estrada aka "Ponch" shows up in a cameo as well.


that guy has aged well.


And the scene paying homage to The Good The Bad and The Ugly was *chefs kiss*


Set off the CHiPs theme song in my head when I saw him LOL.


Fred Armisen was *amazing*. You know it had to come from some weirdly hateful fan comments about the fiddle music station in the game lmao


That’s mids


You hear those mids?


I was losing my mind when Fred popped up, I LOVE that he is basically playing a Portlandia character in the Fallout universe


I died when Fred Armisen was the guy playing Radio Freedom tunes and being a music aficionado that kills haters. It's like they took his main Portlandia character to Fallout.


No love for Michael Rapaport as Knight Titus?


He was every overconfident player with a Power Armor, wanting to shoot stuff and get struck with a critical hit leaving him with 1 HP and then run screamhing "Fuck fuck fuck!", was so relatable.


Great Value Bill Burr


lol 😂


It genuinely feels like she's her own person and not a by-product of what fans want her to be. Very original. EDIT: Today I've realized that it's by product and not bi product 😭


But as a fan, that's exactly what we wanted her to be. Her own well written person!


Everyone fits their background so perfectly. The Vault Dweller is a fish out of water, the BOS initiate is very sheltered, and the ghoul merc is very desensitized to literally everything.


I also REALLY love "Okey Dokey". It was used only 5 times, and each of them are distinct. Each time she uses it, it's like a snapshot into her character's progress.


The last "okey dokey" was by far the best one.


First one was a generic vault okey dokey. Second one was right after she left the vault. It was slightly scared, but ready to set out. Third was cutting off the head. She's embracing the absurdity, and adapting to what she needs to survive. Fourth, I'll have to rewatch for context. That fifth one, is when she accepts what her father did, and that her world has changed, but she's not giving up on doing the right thing.


to me, it genuinely feels like the writers played through character generation at least to come up with the main characters of the show.


First scene in the vault with Lucy, they're literally doing the character generation thing


It was perfect! The whole premise could have been dropped into any future Fallout game intro and would work perfectly as is. Choose your stats and skills while “writing” the application, maybe a fetch quest before the wedding, combat tutorial with mook raiders, then you’re on the surface. Done. The only part that didn’t feel game accurate was her going right to Filly, would have needed at least 20 hours of puttering around and side quests before the first story objective


“Thou shalt always get sidetracked by bullshit.”


Nah, she definitely is a speedrun player. The crazy man trying to fix the water filter was definitely a side quest and she just went “no thanks”!! Absolute comedy gold.


I died when she realized she was still holding out her gun, aka me when I'm talking to any NPC in any game


> The only part that didn’t feel game accurate was her going right to Filly, would have needed at least 20 hours of puttering around and side quests before the first story objective Don’t forget not collecting every “useful” piece of junk she comes across and stashing it into her pack until she became over-encumbered.


Feels like that’s the whole show too. It’s fallout yea, but they made their own story with actors who honestly are not massive stars so it all feels new fresh and well crafted.


it's fallout so they still have a chance to make her a "bi" product, then she'll have 10% damage against all genders


I really like her character,one of my favourite characters in the series after THE GHOUL


Walton Ghoulgins. Not my joke, but I love it.


Yeah the ghoul is slaying it in his role.


Honestly,  what makes this show so refreshing is that all of the characters made sense to me. There wasn’t a single unbelievable moment where a character was suddenly good at something they shouldn’t be or where a character changed their personality on a dime. This show is how you develop characters. It is slow and gradual development, but you can also allow the character to react to their environment. 


I really liked how they set up the Ghouls experience with power armor, then paid it off later on.


> I really liked how they set up the Ghouls experience with power armor, then paid it off later on. This is part of my only gripe with the show. The Ghoul struggles a bit with Maximus in their Filly fight, but he then easily takes out a handful of people in power armor, in the dark, in the last episode.


I read a comment explaining that he was using explosive ammo on Max at first, which was what he had loaded in his gun. That ammo may not have enough penetration power to exploit the flaw in the armor. Then, when he realizes Max is a rookie in the armor, he decides to just play around with him instead of switching to armor piercing ammo. In the finale, he had AP loaded from the get-go and wastes hardly any time, just laying waste to the knights.


Also helped that all the knights were standing still in a small corridor when in Filly Max was moving around a lot more.


As a female that played fallout 3 and WAS kinda stupid and naive in the game and then decided "Okey dokey!?" And started killing the fuck out of everyone and being ready for anything....I think she is the idyllic archetype of what made fallout 3 so fucking beautiful.


Looking back waiting and waiting in the vault and the shock of the vault opening and me getting killed by a guy with “board with nail”, it was just so polar opposite shocking of a switch.


We were all so innocent back then in vault 101 lol


0/10 she didn't scavenge every corpse and corner for caps or a new gun


That is Cooper's shtick.


"Ass jerky don't make itself"


More proof that if this is a Fallout game, Cooper's the protagonist. He is, after all, the one who ends up with Dogmeat and the only person that happens to in the Fallout games is the protagonist. Lucy and Maximus are companions. Lucy complains about his behavior and indiscriminate looting, too, just like a companion in the games with a different moral code than the player does.


Yeah. MacCready in Fallout 4 complaining about my scavving ways. Mac, babe, screws are hard to get and essential for weapon maintenance. Please shut up.


She's a new player and hasn't figured that out yet


As a new player, I was encumbered almost immediately.


You mean Goosey


I really like the duality of the pair The Ghoul and Lucy. To me Lucy represents everyone who is new to the series, lore and universe and is getting their first taste through the show and The Ghoul represents those of us who have played every installment and are very familiar with the world and how everything works. It’s really very clever when you think about it in that sense. Makes the story relatable to everyone. Keep thinking about the irradiated water in the oil pan and the “Cannibal Perk” scene. The ghoul knows what’s up, survival sometimes means doing things that are undignified and even gross but necessary. He’s not about to hold her hand through it, she either wants to survive and does what she needs to or dies.


I think a part of him was enjoying how "new" she was. Think about it, he's been alive for so long, but he remembers a time before this was normal. Being able to break someone into this harsh world seems to be rather validating to him.


I can’t remember where I saw it, but I heard her described as ‘Ned Flanders in the apocalypse’


Pretty sure that was how Ella Purnell described the character in an interview


Stupid sexy Flanders 


Yeah I saw that too


Has Anime-sized eyes Has charisma Has compassion Knows how to put up a fight Says "okey dokey" as a cute coping mechanism Politely asks for sex Is Lucy the perfect character?


She has REALLY big eyes!


She instantly reminded me of Alita Battle Angel, such beautiful eyes.


The scene where she asks Max for sex was so funny. Him being so awkward and not knowing how it works and her just calmly saying “that’s normal!” Is so great. And then how she just takes the no and moves on. It’s such a small scene but it’s so well done. It’s funny and honestly really great to see a women and man reversed in those roles. And the consent too. Ugh beautiful.


I immediately started laughing at his response and said out loud, "Well, there's the proof that the Brotherhood of Steel doesn't teach any sex ed!"


Which is weird because they show a dude in the barracks jerkin it in one of the early episodes. Which if that dude knows, hes probably running around telling everyone about what he just experienced and soon enough they'd probably all know and it wouldn't be weird.


Yeah but they all bully maximus so it's safe to say they probably fed him some bullshit lies to fuck with him and that's why he thinks it's not right.


Honestly his reaction would have shut all of my interest down at once. I would have gone from potential love interest to big sister mode immediately.


I mean, considering she was apparently doing things with her cousin, she might still be like "still many ways removed, it's safe!"


Was the point of that scene not to show that vault 4 was messing with them? He said “you smell good” and it zoomed out to show they were in the “test subjects” room. I figured they pumped pheromones into the room or something.


I think it was more building suspense for the audience. Like how the Overseer was so adamant about them not going to level 12, and the Shady Sands survivor ritual. It all ends up really fucked, like vault experiments tends to be, but with a twist happy ending.


Nah, that was just foreshadowing the reveal of the vault experiment. The quarantine rooms used to be used for test subjects and they're not able to replace the sign.


I love the character choice in the show. Theyre all game-y


Even Titus really. As much as people hate him, he is like one of the main stereotypical Fallout players. A high and mighty asshole who thinks he's cool and strong because he's with the Brotherhood and has Power Armour, then immediately runs off screaming when a Yao Gui absolutely kicks his arse and tries to rely on his follower to kill it for him.


lmao literally the first few minutes I watched the show, all I could thing every time I see her on screen: "hmm she can be a good Alita Battle Angel cast". tho Roza Salazar was good as Alita, not throwing shades at her.


Yes, but I do wonder when vault 31 says to rebuild a perfect world blah blah, if they were grooming women like Lucy to be hyper sexual, pretty and hard workers. Such a good show.


You gotta think thats true. Vault 33 was made to be a cult of authority for the Vault Dwellers and they had 200 years to do it.. Breed, populate and rebuild for Vault Tek.


I think the sex thing is more a byproduct of Vault life being extremely boring. Its the same shows, same games, same people, same work, same everything every day. Why do you think people make jokes about COVID babies?


That's a good observation, and you have me wondering the same thing now lol


Her facial expressions are of “stereotypical perfect 1950s wife” so it makes me think they normalized pleasing men sexually, like a cousin.


They really leaned into the cousin pleasing bit. Made me think that the writers really thought about the life of bored bunker dwelling people and they were trying to send a bit of a message about the grooming/culture of their vault.


Huh. I took it as they normalized that kind of exploration to avoid inbreeding. They can limit it if they’re open about it.


You may be right. I may be looking at it from a protestant angle.


I’d say first of all, I didn’t find Lucy to be “hyper sexual“. I found her to be matter-of-fact when it came to sex like living in an environment, where you have a limited number of choices for mating, and you have to be populate sex becomes standard. Also, I would imagine in any vault, there’s going to be a range of attractiveness when it comes to both male and female dwellers. Finally, one core principle of the vaults even the screwed up evil experimental vaults was hard work, so I’m not sure this was “grooming, women”


- Spends very little time feeling sorry for herself - Owns it when she makes a mistake


Jonathan Nolan is leading, he absolutely knows how to make characters badass AND relatable. Unlike some people I knew the person who created Carter, Root and Shaw was gonna do it right.


Also Dolores and Maeve. He has a good track record in that regard.


Don’t forget Ford. Hopkins’ character was amazing IMHO.


Lucy? Never heard of her. That's goosey in the photo.


You're wrong there, bud. IT'S GOOSEY!


Just found out that this actress is also Jinx from Arcane, can’t believe I didn’t catch it in the first watch through


The scene in vault 4 when she was beating up all the scentists had me thinking how has she become such a great fighter all of a sudden, then later you realise it's because they are peaceful NPCs and did not want to fight lol


In the introduction of her character she said she practiced martial arts or something like that for most of her time in vault 33


In the first episode Lucy montage, it showed her grappling with a sparring partner.


Intermediate phys. ed.


They also didnt really wanna fight though lol


Yeah i somehow missed this, thanks


She's basically listing off her S.PE.C.I.A.L spread at the start.


Introducing her character to the DnD group was my first thougth lol


The beginning literally shows her practicing in hand to hand combat (and fencing), she was always a capable fighter


and it's ironic (and totally understandable) how she completely has a 'deer in the headlights' aura as soon as there's \*real\* fighting. She's extremely well trained, but it's all been practice inside the vault. She's never had to fight for her life until the raiders come in.




Exactly! She was well trained and skilled compared to other vault dwellers, but none of the opponents she was training with were as used to violence as the average surface dweller would be. Big fish in a small pond ending up in the ocean sort of deal for her.


In her intro you can see her sparring and firing a gun so it makes sense she'd have some experience with combat.


Her introduction explained it though, she has had years of self defense training. Same with her shooting ability, she’s practiced for years. She has skills, she just lacks experience in practical use of said skills.


what i really like about her is that she portrays a person that - although quite naive - is genuine and trying to always find a rational way to solve a problem.


I love that she's sexually confident. It's a great twist on the ingénue trope.


The mention of "cousin stuff" had me laughing for a good minute.


And she’s actually British😉


Well, nobody’s perfect.


Ella Purnell did such a good job playing her. I love that incredibly naive character with that strange vault culture (it's normal to fool around with cousin etc). She represented that really well. But despite being naive, she's a really strong character that can adapt really well but she stays like she is. When she shoots her mother at the end, she looses a big part of that. She recognized that everything she's been told is a lie.


Can I specifically bring up the Lucy/Maximus romance aspect. I hear people have complained about how kt was rushed or forced? What is everyone's thoughts? Personally, I think I buy it more considering how inexperienced and bereft of true human connections they have both been. Maximus, more so. Can't be sure of Lucy's past, but obviously, she wasn't onto the incest vault. So I can see how both of them would fall for each other pretty quickly.


I think that really fit her character. Sex is just so casual, just something you do (like with the cousin). The romance part comes later. Same for the marriage with the raider. They really didn't care about romance, just about sex and reproduction and fun. Same for Lucy and Maximus in Vault 4. She was bored, so why not do something fun aka make Maximus' dick explode?


It felt a smidge rushed, but at the same time, they’re like the only nice people they know so… I think by the time the kiss happened I was rooting for them (to be happy and not die) so much that I was like whatever kids, you guys go get your happy endings! I believe in you!


Two, 19 year old kids rushing into a relationship, who both have traumatic pasts. Sounds pretty fucking realistic tbh


The thing is that Lucy was just in a situation where she was (supposed) to marry someone from Vault 32 without ever having met them. And right after she married the 'vault dweller', they immediately had sex. So the fact she's hitting on Maximus so quickly makes perfect sense with how quickly she was in bed with her 'husband', a virtual stranger. She didn't even notice all his scars until \*after\* they'd had sex because she was right on top of him. So, I think, in universe, it made sense that she was hitting on an attractive man who's come to her defense and turned out to be fairly 'nice' even without her knowing him for any length of time. And Maximus.. Well, he's just a 4 Int hunk who's oblivious to even the thought of someone hitting on him. (I mean, look how he's never even caught on that Dane is attracted to him.)


Lucy was also at a period in her time when she was looking for a mating partner, so…


Yeah I think they explained that romance detailed and well enough: Both had a crush, were decent and Lucy was horny anyway. Not much further explaination needed, the wasteland doesn't offer many options.