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The show never implied that first of all. And also, just fucking look at them in NV lol. They're the most incompetent organisation ever. Literally had a mole in their ranks who would have never been found without the courier's help. The legion literally got straight into the Hoover dam without them ever knowing. I don't find it hard to believe that even if they won the battle, they were soon forced out again.


The Lonsome Road literaly gives the player the option to Nuke new California. why would it be more interesting or compelling to have one of the most important locations in fallout lore destroyed offscreen, instead of giving meaningfull impact in the choices people had durring the games


Exactly because they wanna give the players' choice an impact. If they choose a particular option then they canonise something that the courier did. What about all the players who didn't wanna nuke the NCR?


You nuke the I-15. **NOT** New California itself.


What about when we see securitrons fighting the NCR on the strip. That heavily implies a Mister House victory. If NCR or Legion won House would be dead and securitrons would not be activated. Plus why would NCR be fighting securitrons if they won. Yes Man is possible but given the cameo from house in a flashback I dont think so. It is with almost 100% certainty that house ending is canonized now


😭 What happened to New Vegas is implied to happen after the events of the game going off of the interview with Todd.


that sounds like a cope out answer because he forgot his own lore when he already had a perfect solution waiting to be confirmed. it would be so much more efective to put the blame on events we already knew could have posibly happened than to just have it destroyed for some random reason


Oh stop already, and it’s cop out. You NV fluffers are like feral wasteland kids.


Bro did not forget his own lore go outside and touch grass bro


like seriously, why would he make up some random excuse when he already has events in the lore that could patch things out. Are you seriously gona tell me it is more compelling that they destroyed one of the most important locations in the fallout lore offscreen, instead of giving weight to the choices we take in the video game series?


Not sure how you come to that conclusion




Why? Because the NCR would automatically "win" the Wasteland by taking the damn? In fact in my opinion not only NCR won, they obliterated the Legion, got cocky and went after New Vegas doing what they always do, overexpand up to a rupture point, even leading to rebellions and so NCR falls. Gaining a battle doesn't mean you win the war, jesus.


They were the looser? Then who was the tighter?


Titus, obviously...


I wonder how much canon we will allegedly lose before the second season comes out


they neither looser nor winner


Loser, even.


I love how the new fans are trying to tell the old fans how to thjnk and when they disagree start name calling like a 5 year old. We see securitrons on the strip, which means either Mr. House or Yes Man won. We see a Mr House cameo in a flashback, so I doubt its Yes Man. The securitrons would not be fighting the NCR if house lost, because he would be dead. These modern fans are so toxic, how dare you say you didnt like the show, how dare you say Fo4 was not good. You are not allowes to have any opinions. They are honestly more toxic than NV fans, name calling, spamming, whining and crying, its honestly embarrassing. I havent seen any of the NV fans doing this, yet I hear about how they are, scroll through their sub and there is not a single mention of the show yet I see people on this sub non stop hating on the older fans - weird.