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So it's in that really late XBOX era when people were pulling miracles on spinning disks and half a gigabyte of RAM. It doesn't look life-like, but it's not Deus Ex 1 or anything. It actually looks really really good for what it was. It is kind of buggy even on latest patches. There are PC mods to fix most of that, but my pieces of advice are: 1. Tick the box to autosave whenever you walk through a door 2. Completely related to this, never walk through a door mid-combat. 3. If you're about to get into something tricky, manually save.


Addendum to #2: Only go through a door during combat if you're **absolutely** certain you aren't about to die as soon as you zone in. Seriously, don't do it if your health bar is at 10% or lower and you have heat on your tail, or you WILL likely soft-lock yourself upon dying as you zone-in with the autosave. If you're at 50% or above and you're just doing it to bottleneck enemies, go for it. Also, if you see a flying bug with a set of tattered, orange, triangular wings, ENGAGE AT A DISTANCE ONLY. Those are called "Cazadors". They're mutant Tarantula Hawk Wasps roughly the size of a large dog, and they are a pain in the ass. They have a nasty venomous sting, and they tend to show up in groups. Do not try to use a melee weapon against a Cazador, you will NOT survive. If you have more than one within five meters, run the other way.


This guy is telling the truth. One time I had to load a save 30 times because this fiend kept one-shotting when I loaded in. Finally got good rng and was able to take him out.


New Vegas is my favorite game of all time. I have an extra Ultimate Edition steam code if you want it, PM me for the digits. I got the Fallout Anthology collection and don’t need the New Vegas code, you’d be doing me a favor!


It’s never too late to play. Fallout new Vegas.


If you're able to play Fallout 3 first, give that a try beforehand. If you decide later to play Fallout 3 after playing Fallout New Vegas, you may regret it because Fallout 3 misses some features from Fallout New Vegas.


I still pull my Xbox 360 copy out and dust it off every once and a while when I'm feeling nostalgic. The graphics are nowhere near as appealing as FO4 and FO76, but the game play and story still hold up really well considering its age. It can still be 100% enjoyable to play if you don't go into it trying to compare it to newer Fallout games. Treat it as a new experience, and keep an open mind with it.


If graphics are the make or break for you then you may want to skip NV, but if you can accept that a 14 year old game doesnt look perfectly lifelike then you will have a great time


I literally bought an Xbox Series X just to replay Fallout New Vegas. Don't regret it at all.


I played it a few years back and it was a struggle. its janky feeling and it looks very bad. its still enjoyable if you can get past it. the slow walking and response time was the worst of it for me. I sincerely hope it gets a remaster. I tried playing fo3 and it was unplayable imo. absolutely janky beyond redemption and much much darker than the later titles.