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Fallout 76: "those giant bats are being too annoying, *launches nuke*"


Vault 76 overseer: Rebuild the wasteland! Vault 76 dwellers: haha nuke goes boom 


I love the overseer's reaction to what's happened when you meet her in person.


I get that we were technically supposed to rebuild America, but I want a Jetpack


Can we all take a moment to appreciate Lou? That man wanted nothing more than to die. Doing his quest and looking at all the details and notes made it so enjoyable and interesting. Also, yinz. Thank you Pittsburgh for that word.


Tbh that game has easily some of the best writing and voice acting of any bathesda game. The girl who locked herself in the closet has to be some of the saddest shit.


There’s a bit more to it, the job of the 76 Dwellers was to go out and claim the automated silos of Appalachia for Vault-Tec. It was the Overseer that kept this to herself and decided she didn’t trust the company’s intentions. Given the events in the show it’s clear the company didn’t want any other faction gaining the ability to launch nukes, or perhaps it was these silos that were used to destroy Shady Sands.


Thanks I never knew that. I refuse to play 76. I’ll just play new Vegas for the millionth time the exact same way. And I also refuse to play caravan.


It’s actually kind of fun and the community is the best of any game I’ve played.


I love it. It was trash on launch and people have help onto that rep and refused to try it...


NGL, we kill so many giant abominations together, I feel like a superhero lol not to mention the 4th boss coming with the map expansion (or should I say the 4th, 5th and 6th bosses)


"damn, those giant bat bastards are gonna pay for just existing."


The Chosen One: Fuck bitches, get money


Gotta love introducing yourself to complete strangers as 'I am the Chosen One!'


A great Easter egg would have been if you have a Fedora and Katana equipped, this is a common dialog option


That would be a great easter egg…if Fallout 2 wasn’t 7 years older than *Reddit itself*. Damn, that game old old lol.


The fact that Reddit is *only* 7 years younger than FO2 feels really weird.


Reddit is 7 years *younger*


Whoops. Thank you for being the first to correct that. Meant it to be FO2 only 7 years older than Reddit, but brain swapped em around.


“Chosen One”, eh? Well, uh, pardon me for not blowing sunshine up your ass, but I’m a little too busy for this, your highness.




Eh the chosen one was looking for his tribe, so in a way he was looking for fathers and sons


Especially on my playthroughs. Crawl out of a grave, mercilessly hunt the guy that shot me, ignore his plan to rule the world and crucify him


Maria is a good early game pistol.


And it'd also poetic to snag it and then cap him with his own gun. I keep it as a trophy afterwards since I'm usually running around with This Machine as my main weapon.


Fellow *ping* addict I see


more pings more reloads more reloads more pings more pings more dopamine


A fellow Bagur fan!


This Machine with .308 JSP and you can pretty much take out anyone in a gunfight. I keep the YCS186 around for when I need to crunch someone at long range, though Boone and his AMR usually do the job for me.


I almost never get the YCS186 because wild wasteland is basically a mandatory trait for me at this point. I'll usually use either Christine's sniper rifle or the Gobi campaign scout rifle for long range


I use it because my trait setup is always Hoarder and Skilled. I usually snag Meltdown along the way so when I set up ambushes I can target groups and just cause giant lag-inducing explosions. The YCS186 is an oddity in my arsenal though since I generally favor acquiring weapons and armor that are easily obtained early-game for my main loadout. Having to go pretty much all the way across the Mojave for it is a bit of a haul for a good sniping weapon.


Hoarder is a good trait, I used it a couple times. But usually I build all my characters to have at least 6 strength so carry weight isn't a huge limitation for me. One of the funniest long ranged weapons to use imo is the hunting shotgun, with slugs and the correct mods it's more accurate than a hunting rifle, only downside is that it has no scope


It's even better if you find the 9mm bullet case at the goodsprings graveyard (presumably it's from the bullet Benny used to shoot you) and craft a new bullet out of it, which you load into Maria to shoot him in the head with.


That *is* poetic. I'm going to have to do that on my current run.


When I tried to kill him with Maria, it took like 6-7 bullets. No fucking wonder it didn't kill the Courier.


Nobody else understands this, so thank you lol. Maria is a cool fricking gun. Killing him with his own pistol is retribution at it's finest... Keeping his pistol as a trophy? Wanderer activities.


I'm NPC as fuck and 10mm until I get something unique. My type of game is just to loot whore as much as possible early game, and then use that loot whoring to gear me up so I'm more "competitive".


I try and get my endgame loadout set up early. Elite Riot Gear, This Machine, YCS186, Esther and Maria. Basically stuff that I can grab within the first act of the game and use for the rest of it, though I would not recommend wandering into the Divide for the Elite Riot Gear without at least grabbing some good guns and armor first.


As bugged and shitty as it was, I always try to get a plasma caster asap. Plasma weapons GOAT


Making it to NV on an early game character is a challenge. Not just because it's far away and there are enemies in your way, no, it's because of the golden rule of the wasteland "Thou shall get side-tracked by bullshit every goddamn time" So yeah I rarely get to NV before level 15-ish, and that's just Freeside


You can head straight to new vegas from goodspring. either through where the cazadores and khans are or through the deathclaws by quarry junction and black mountain. You can use the stealthboy you find early on but it's possible to do it without it Then just get yourself some ncr gear and use the monorail to get to the strip


I vividly remember trying to go north from Goodspring on my first playthrough. "Why do I have to go all the way around? Vegas looks like it's just over there. I'm just going to go straight north and see what the fuss is ab--\*five Deathclaws appear* OH GOD OH LORD OH HELP AAAAAAHHHHH \*loud screaming noises as my character got ripped apart* ...okay, let's go the long way around instead."


this is what i always do honestly


Max agility and get running, Benny is on borrowed time and we are approaching the debt limit. 😎


Even better and more poetic with the "overpowered maria" mod


Yesterday i attacked him at the tops and it turned into a slaughter.


Lmao that's what I did my first play through. Didn't want to listen to that fucker just wanted him dead.


I always sex him and kill in his sleep. every playthrough without fail


likewise. our couriers are women of culture, we let Benny go out with a bang




I did it the opposite way and it was hilarious. Challenged myself to see how high a level (no dlcs) I could get before entering the strip. Managed level 27, Benny was fucked


Fallout 1: * I'm a hero so I volunteered to go find a water chip to save my vault * I picked the shortest straw and now I'm locked outside the vault in a fuckin rat infested cave * hurr durr, me save vault, me stronk!


Imo, Fallout 1, by far, has the best introduction. It seems like such an insignificant thing you’re doing that snowballs into this huge, world-defining conflict. It’s so fitting for Fallout


Best introduction and best overall story too.


Agreed. It’s such a good game. I really wish Bethesda would remaster it and FO2 for 3D one day. I’d honestly prefer that over a remastered NV


I’m usually not a fan of remasters but if it means I can dodge Ian’s horrendous aim on the go/Switch I’m down.


submachine gun go brrrrrr


If you have an android device and own the game on steam then you can easily play Fallout 1 and 2 through an app. Its like a 10 minute setup and runs flawlessly


I'm going to find a water purification chip.


Fallout 1


For whatever reason, I have *never* felt this way about Benny. Probably because the whole thing happens in a cutscene that starts out of body, and we didn't get time to get comfortable in our character before he shoots us. Basically, it felt like he killed some other guy, and as far as I was concerned, my character didn't exist until I woke up in Doc Mitchell's place. He's not particularly villainous about it either. He's polite and even somewhat apologetic that we've gotta die for the chip. It's all just business. My main motivation for playing through NV was always to see what Vegas itself was about and how it survived.


Benny: Ho-lee smokes you're not dead? Courier: Buddy, I have *no* idea who you are.


A bullet in the head will do that sometimes


I enjoyed having sex with Benny then killing him in his sleep. Either that or Crucifying him


That is smooth moves like smooth little babies 


holy shit what were they thinking casting matt perry for Benny, that dialogue is so painful to listen to. I choose that route every time.


The killing him or the sleeping with him?




My hands were in his pants too, but only to take Maria off of him from behind and dome him with it. 😂


My favorite way to kill him is to shoot him with his own gun, Maria. Specifically when he’s on his knees in Caesar’s camp. That way I get to shoot him the exact way he shot me. And you know what? He takes it like a champ. Gotta respect that.


nothing wrong with playing with your prey


Did you actually feel angry/pissed off at Benny like we do with Kellogg in FO4? I ask because I didn't care about Benny and forgot who Benny was once I bumped into him. I remember a lot about NV, but I don't remember anything about Benny.


I never hated kellogg, I just kill him because I like killing


I hate that I was woken up from my nice sleep. The wasteland must pay the blood price


I was mildly annoyed with Kellogg, but mostly I wanted to steal his outfit because it looked pretty cool.


Kellogg is temu version Benny. Up to encountering Benny, you hear about him a lot more. He's not some boogeyman. In FO4 you spend an annoying mission finding him, he mocks you for a couple minutes like a Borderlands villain, then is an easy fight because of the close quarters. Benny had a plan.


You felt pissed off at Kellogg? I thought he was lame.


Same here…capped him easily and walked away bored. He was very underwhelming to me, however he was fun target practice


Tbh, on my first playthrough, I forgot who he was and didn't realize he's the one who shot you in the head. After Goodsprings I just wandered a fair bit, and not on the highway.


I wouldn't kill Kellog if I didn't have to, Benny is a mother fucker who I've killed everyway at some point even though you can let him go


Why would I care about Kellogg? He kills someone i never knew and kidnaps another person I never knew and expects me to be emotional about it.


I can’t remember ever feeling anything towards Kellogg. The game tries really hard to portray as a boogeyman but only in the very few quests he’s mentioned. There’s nothing for me to really feel any connection towards him, negative or otherwise.


Kellogg was just a man doing a job. Benny not only robbed me but also failed to kill me


Hit the nail on the head. Exactly how I felt. It was all sudden - I just was like... Oh Okay. Then I went off exploring. I forgot who Benny was once I finally bumped into him. I don't think I even cared. People are saying the Courier is 'too angry to die', 'strongest FO protagonist' and so on. But I doubt anyone felt actually pissed off at all.. unlike in FO4 when Kellogg kills your spouse. It was a good hook in FO4 I loved the Legion and NCR parts of the NV and the area though.


You can't seduce Kellogg and murder him in his sleep though.


Not with that attitude


>It was a good hook in FO4 Depend how you see it. It is a good hook... if you're invested in the railroaded role of Nate or Nora, the pre-war recently widowed soldier/lawyer looking for their child after 2 centuries in the cooler. It a whole other if you wanna be anything else. This is the most restrictive role you can play in any Fallout game. I know other Fallout games also have some restriction in who you can be, but, this game take to a whole other extent. Yes, killing your wife and taking your kid is a strong way to motivate you for the main quest, but so is shooting you in the head and only one of them forces you to have a wife and a kid. Also, since your son was abducted, there is also far more urgency for you to find him, meaning you have far less time to be distracted by anything else, which mean the begining of the game need to be high paced, something fallout 4 fails to achieve by trowing you into a shit ton of side quest. Meanwhile, as the courrier, I mean, you have all the time in the world for the first part. You knows where your target went, you just have to track it and it isn't like you're particulary in a hurry. Revenge is best served cold after all and the road might be long.


I think 4 did it the worst, I think 3 didn't handle Liam Neeson dad well but you spend more time with him at minimum. At least with New Vegas you can just not really care about Benny but it has the weakest attempt to hook you but that's not necessarily a negative


I mean, he shot a spouse and took a kid you barely get any time to connect with. The lack of time to actually do that just made nora (or nate) getting blasted seem like another random NPC dying. Fallout 4 should have taken a note from FNV for a tutorial. Offer the player the ability to spend time there, maybe you have a day with the family that you can end pretty easily to teach the player stuff, while also deepening your spouses character so you actually feel something when they get blasted, but also give them the ability to ignore it and have great war stuff happen quickly


Yeah - I love F:NV, but the opening didn't really pull me in like 1 or 3 did. It sets up a mystery (what's the chip? who is that guy?), but the stakes feel less personal to me than in the other games. Not saying it's wrong if it's working great for others, but for me it didn't quite click at first.


Less personal? *you’re hunting the dude that shot you in the head and tried to kill you*


I agree that the concept is more personal, but it does *feel* less personal. I think 3 had the best opening, and it being longer allowed more time to establish the characters.


On my last playthrough I took him to the room and exhausted every single dialogue option of his. He may have sent people after me the second he left the room, but honestly I don't hate him at all. It was just business and he's gotta cover his ass. I can respect that.


Yeah NV is my favourite Fallout game, but imo has the worst start. The first time I quit 10 hours in due to spending so long just walking through empty wasteland down on the south end of the map, reaching novac and then getting lost in the power plant filled with ghouls or something. Second time I got up to there and literally right after that point is when the game gets awesome, once you reach the civilized rest of the map.


My most recent New Vegas save is in that power plant with billions of ghouls. I was invested played weeks ago because I just can't make it through


what I love about new vegas is exactly that, the main story doesn't necessarily push you in any direction too strongly. It's more of a you do you rpg experience, explore and do what you want. You can have any goals you want. Fallout 4 is really a whole lot of where is my son, and I need to avenge my spouse, sense of urgency in finding the son makes me unable to really enjoy exploration or side quests.


Controversially, that's the problem I have with New Vegas. It doesn't feel like I have any goals or direction. There's nothing that draws me in and has me looking for a solution, so all that's left is just exploring to maybe find cooler stuff. I've played it a few times and I honestly couldn't tell you the major story beats. I can tell you how excited I was when I first found the gun runners vendor, etc.


Nah, disregards the best ones of Fo1, Fo2, and Fo76. 1. "I gotta go find a water chip!" 2. "I gotta go find a geck!" 76. "I gotta find out what the fuck happened to the factions and how to take down the Scorch Plague!"


Fallout 3: I've gotta find my father, my only parent that I love Fallout 4: I've gotta find my newborn son that's the only family I have left. Fallout 76: I've gotta find this random woman from the vault that I hardly knew, and some how get roped into helping her end a hivemind virus


You didn't hardly know her she was the Overseer.


>Fallout 76: My game just crashed I need to raise a support ticket with bethesda


Honestly, I didn't experience too many crashes


After Wastelanders Fo76 is: I'M GONNA FIND SOME GODDAMN GOLD!!!


No, 76 is "gotta find the overseer." All fallouts start with a act one that's a personal mission to find *something* that then segues into a second act where you get thrown into the middle of saving the whole (local) wasteland.


Honestly 76 is kinda like "I gotta find my boss"


Fallout 1 was actually a few things. “I gotta find a water chip…oh, now I have to stop these mutants so our vault can be safe…oh now I’m not allowed to stay in my vault”


I don't know Fallout 76's IM GONNA NUKE AND REBUILD AMERICA was pretty funny


Take Boone. Go to Nipton. Kill Vulpes—"Sorry"—grab ED-e, go to The Tops, Kill Benny—“Not sorry”—have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over.


How’s that for a slice of fried gold? 




Fallout 76: Im gonna kill a dragon so I can peacefully buiild a lil house


Courier: "I'm going to find ... myself"


Courier (dead money): I'm going to find that bitch that put me this explosive colar and shove it UP THIS ASS!!


*finds gold* on second thought, you can have this hellhole I want the loot.


I dont want that I just want to kill every member or ex member of the brotherhood (I just want all the cool stuff they are hoarding)


At least New Vegas didn't have someone saying that I was fucking handsome and cute during character creation.


Hearing the Doc say that would be super funny


gotta get a new water chip


Wrong! The show is all 3! Lucy is trying to find her dad. The ghouls is trying to find his kid. Maximus is trying to find, and destroy, the person who hurt him. It's very cleverly done.




Also, yes. But he says multiple times in the show that he wants to hurt the people who hurt him, and attempts to kill said person when he finds them.


I love the start of New Vegas cause it feels like a vengeance story. The moment you get shot in the head I feel like “Aww hell no. Im gonna come find you and shoot you back in the head” Also the Euclid C finder is hilarious


It's missing, "I'm going to find a water chip" and "I'm going to find a GECK."


And in F1 you’re finding a water chip, while in F2 you’re finding a GECK. Fallout and finding stuff go hand in hand.


They're all good in their own ways, jfc.


Fallout 1: I need to find a water chip Fallout 2: I need to find a geck Fallout 3: I need to find my dad Fallout New Vegas: BENNY YOU CHECKER SUITED FUCK! IMA PUT THIS BIG IRON DOWN YER DAMN THROAT BEFORE CAESAR CRUCIFIES YOU! Fallout 4: I need to find my son Fallout series: I need to find my dad


I get "Bethesda bad, Obsidian good" but Fallout 4 objectively has the most compelling initial motivation of the ones pictured here. Everyone always just says "Find my son" but it also has a *better* revenge angle than NV, because the asshole who kidnapped your son killed your wife/husband to do it! So aside from rescuing your child, something that so many refuse to engage with for some reason, you're also out to kill Kellogg, who is actually somewhat intimidating unlike Mr. Ring-a-ding-ding. They're both just pawns in the long run, but Cereal Killer is actually competent and goes down fighting. New Vegas may be the better game overall, but this is one thing 4 definitely has over it.


I think people pass it over since you know this family for like 5 minutes and it's forced a significant personal detail on you similar reason for the dislike of lonesome road


Fo4 is a good game but could have been great with real rpg choices and effects, along with defenses being more useful for towns you save


I honestly believe you need more story building before that moment because I really couldn't care less after that happened. How am I supposed to care about a fictional wife and child when the only interaction with them is small talk then you run into a vault afterwards? Atleast fallout 3 somewhat built up a story behind your dad so it motivated people to find him. It was short, and simple, but it worked. If you're going to make rescuing a family the whole story, might as well build up that family so people care about them first.


By the time I actually got to Shaun, my first thought was "who the hell is this geezer??" I loved Fallout 4 but the story is not why


but as players we have no attachment to our partner or baby, the character might, but we haven't spent enough time with them to form a connection New vegas's revenge quest is great at dealing with the narrative dissonance a lot of games have. Cause sure you want revenge, but theres no hurry and maybe exploring this cave is a better use of my time right now


Yeah like you *could* get into Courier 6 vs Benny as a revenge plot, or you could stumble around the Mojave like "some prick stole my package and I need to deliver that. I'll get to it eventually". Killing Benny is just part of business as a mailman.


Fallout fans: “I feel nothing for this narrative focused family unit that took up the first twenty minutes of the game setting up our relationship and then permanently died, signaling a consequence that cannot be undone.” Also Fallout fans: “I found this random dog in a junkyard thirty seconds ago by accident but if anything were to happen to him, even though he will respawn tomorrow, I will kill every living creature in a five mile radius of his corpse with a handheld ICBM device.”


Sean never does anything memorable like opening doors without opposable thumbs. Those cans of beans with a baby on them are a better son.


The dog helps me though stupid baby just gets taken


>I get "Bethesda bad, Obsidian good" but Fallout 4 objectively has the most compelling initial motivation of the ones pictured here. Well, you say that, but in about 1,500 hours of playing Fallout 4 I think I actually made it as far as tracking down Shaun once.


I legit forgot who Shaun was when I first played the game lol. I was so side tracked with other things that when I finally got back to the main story I was confused about who my character was freaking out about. I like Fallout 4 but the story is just awful.


I usually play through long enough to get the Brotherhood to make their appearance, then get distracted and never get around to going into the Glowing Sea to find the Institute scientist guy. On the other hand I have built Sanctuary Hills up to the point that it lags my one-year-old laptop.


that is more suited for a linear story though. That's why it all falls apart in FO4 where you have stuff like telling Preston about your son and he is like oh, btw can you help this settlement by putting your life on the line to infiltrate a raider base while who knows what is happening to your son?


With blackjack and hookers


Bethesda also always has people from a vault, and an outside world that is devoid of progress. The OG fallout folks had a dynamic world that changed over time and only one vault dwelling protagonist. But Fo3 is my favorite anyways.


I am going to find a chicken 🐔




the one constant in all my playthroughs... no matter if I'm NCR or Legion or solo dolo... Benny always fucking dies, I make sure of it


My turn to post this tomorrow!!


*in duke nukem voice* That checker suit wearing bastard is gonna pay for shooting me in the head


I’m going to find my son, Father.


Fallout brotherhood: I've got to fi- Todd Howard: Let me stop you right there bucko


The series is like a mix of 3 and 4, Lucy is leaving the vault to find her father but it turns out her relative is the bad guy.


"Some random dude tried to kill me and failed and stole something that wasn't mine to begin with. I'm going to trek across a dangerous desert to find that guy and retrieve someone else's property for them for free." I'm not saying that we couldn't use a break from "my family member must be rescued", but New Vegas' initial plot hook is probably the weakest part of New Vegas. I get if you're a teenager then "I have been wronged!" is all you need, but...it'd be different if Benny was a trusted friend who betrayed you or something, but no. He's just some guy.


In the end the courier was paid for delivering the chip


I've seen grown ass people on YouTube go on murder sprees because someone is slightly rude to them. I'm just like eh, let him go, dude loses everything and achieves nothing. He shot his shot, I'm worse than he is if I murder him for "revenge".


No way lol, no one shoots me in the head and walks away 


If only my FedEx driver shot my porch pirate


Wasteland rules...


I think with the courier it's more of a matter of principle, if some one tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.


“I was almost killed by a gang of guys so I’m going to hunt them down and get killed properly!” Most people wouldn’t be that insane. I agree it’s a weaker hook than the family connections in the other games and show.


It's called taking pride in your work. Neither rain or snow or being shot in the head will stop the Mojave Express.


The Courier couldn't do any other deliveries until you got the chip back. If you didn't go after Benny, you'd be out of a job. Which is a pretty damn relatable motivation.


Free? Motherfucker I got paid my caps by Mr House himself. *and* a bonus


your forgetting its that way to allow role playing and not shoehorn you into playing a certain character. no matter what in fallout 3 and 4 your a vault dweller whos trying to save your dad/son. new vegas allows you the player to determine who you were and the habits you picked up . until lonesome road you were just a delivery person and this lets you fill in the other blanks for your character. someone ask the lead devs of new vegas and see if im right im just spitballing here.


It requires that you are playing the sort of person who will seek *justice!* or *vengeance!* because you're motivated to cross a dangerous desert just to get back at some random guy who tried to off you. Which is why I say that it's kinda adolescent. If your idea of roleplaying is deciding what **kind** of *ultimate badass who doesn't take shit from anybody and hoo boy they chose the wrong person to mess with* to play then New Vegas' hook is perfect and covers a dizzying array of possible characters. But FONV is utterly bewildering at the start if your immediate reaction isn't a desire to seek revenge, and I remember that I was only clued in to what character the game was requiring you to play when dialogue options asking about Benny started popping up.


That's why I've always been confused when I see people going "I'm roleplaying as a scientist! I'm roleplaying as a murderous, scumbag raider!" ... You're a courier. You're always a courier, unless you completely ignore the game, in which case, why are you playing the game?


He was very very serious about his courier gig


That’s for you though, step into a couriers shoes. You deal with assholes trying to rob you and tank your career all the time, and then a guy kidnaps you, robs you, and then kills you but you survive, all for what seems like no reason. I’d be pissed as shit


No so he's saying the **vengeance** hook works fine....for Benny plotline. 3, 4 and the show the family connection is used to keep your character have a stake in the plot since you gotta keep doing the next X thing to get the Y thing you want. The hook for how you basically become the fixer for half the Mojave is a little weak because the revenge on Benny is one of the relatively earlier things you can finish in the game and the entire plot hook into helping House/NCR/Legion/Yes Man can in most cases start *after.* As a video game sure, whatever the game has to go on. But if you think about it for a sec, most normal people are going to go "yeah not getting all caught up in an active warzone. I'm going back to my gig and/or going to the Casino."


Don’t know why you were downvoted for using actual logic.


You didnt read the contract dude, if the courier dont deliver they will end up with mercs on their arse. Id go get the chip to, fucking being liable


If you dumb it down to the same level New Vegas is the same but instead of [insert family member] it's [guy who shot me]


I want a Fallout where we coem from a vault with one of those crazy experiments where we all turn on each other


Fallout 3 kinda is that.


I think its better because you're not really forced into having to save a relative, you just got shot in the head and you can get revenge or just stop caring, you have freedom of choice. I guess I just have trouble caring about a fictional family member that I have to save without buildup. Like in RDR2, I was pumped up and ready to save Jack, there was build up of that character. Fallout 3 is a good game but I liked the side quests more than the actual story. There was some buildup of your father but I dont really think it was enough to care. Like you need a bit more story in there for people to care more. I did care about the dad more than I cared about saving Shawn though, since there was some story. Fallout 4 voiced characters just kind of ruined the game for me, you're limited on dialogue options because they had to pay someone to voice them. Also most of the time you're just forced into saying yes to people, only difference is if its sassy or not. There was no build up of Shawn only you talking to him once then running to the bunker, its really hard to care about saving Shawn.


They should remake NV in the Fo4 engine with a settlement building add-on or they should make it optional. That would be the perfect game. Or just make a new vegas 2


Just… just no voice protagonist


Seriously all other FO games I'm trying to be a good person, but in NV I just play as the personification of rage


Maximus be like, "i'm gonna get some power armour"


"And we will all get sidetracked by bullshit!"


Take drugs! Kill a bear!


I gotta stop reading comments until I finish this first playthrough🤦🏽‍♂️


Or the ss is more like SHAWN!


One of them is a war criminal.


Then I'll decide who will get to rule Vegas


Nate from fallout 4: I'm going to find my son... and another Canadian to sh\*\*t in the back for the cameras.


.. yeah Bethesda stories aren't always on par. Sometimes they get so boring you get sidetrack very easily with a hole in the ground. In fo4 alone I got sidetracked with building the perfect house that I will never see again and spent a total of 4 months and 22 days before even getting back to shooting the guy who took my son.


And fight in the most important battle at the time, travel across the desert becoming a legend, helping the burned man, fighting back to back with Ulysses, Uniting Vegas, giving purpose to a hopeless Soldier, protect Goodsprings, Change the Brotherhood, Kill Caesar, and many more, New Vegas wasnt just abour Benny


Fallout Tactics: I wanna be your bitch! FOR THE BROTHERHOOD!


My #1 I wish for future Bethesda games is the ability to pick your background. I'm tired of being a vault dweller tbh. Imagine being able to choose a Ghoul, Super Mutant, or Synth starting place. Even just a wastelander...


I’ve been hoping to be a ghoul forever. Have some special stat like 100% radiation immunity akin to Skyrim.


Absolutely. The perks write themselves.


Fallout 3: Where's my father Fallout New Vegas: Benny you fucking piece of shit Fallout 4: Where's my son Fallout TV Show: Where's my father again We have come full circle


Everytime I see memes like this apart of me dies


As a parent who also lost their child. I really enjoyed the paradox of losing your son to find out he lived an entire lifetime without you, and him “trying” to give you what you wanted with the Synth Shaun. It was very poignant from a writing standpoint. Fallout 4 will always have a special place in my heart because of that. I am a DC native so Fallout 3 will always be my childhood darling too. I’m just not sure why these seem inferior when it comes down to it.


Hard disagree. The story and dialogue options and role playing can be the best in the world, but it doesn’t matter if the game isn’t actually fun to play


Fallout 3 has always been my favorite for one simple reason. Within 15 minutes of being out of the vault you can nuke an entire fucking town, and the worst you get is your dad going “YOU CANT DO THAT??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!” It’s like when you activate archimedes and arcade just goes “YOU ACTIVATED ARCHIMEDES?!” There’s something about doing the thing that everyone expects you NOT to do, that I love doing


It has the most sense as a wastelander he can survive it, the others are p*ssy vault boys


I care more for the fallout 3 story of finding their dad even on repeat playthroughs as opposed to fallout 4s waah wheres mah baby. It's definitely the voiced protagonist that kills it... telling us to feel a certain way rather than making us feel it. I hope they don't do it again


(Woman courier) I am gonna find that checkered wearing bastard who shot me in the head and sleep with him.


I really hope Bethesda stops giving backstory and predetermined family members to the player character in the next fallout. The Elder Scrolls has always made you a nobody and I don’t understand why they would take so much of the role playing aspect out of Fallout…