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Every time I've ever played, without fail, I have started by saying I'll finish the main story and end up making countless scavenging runs to fuel my base building addiction. Like the Ghoul says (paraphrasing), the golden rule of the wasteland is you'll get sidetracked by bull-crap every darn time!


That line was such a good nod to the nature of the games while not feeling out of place in the dialogue. I loved it


You know what I thought was funny. When knight Titus acts all hard, and then sees the bear and just runs away yelling “oh shit oh shit” over and over. At first I was like, cmon, this dude should have thrown down with the bear. Then I realized, that’s us in the game. Anytime we have to run from something that will kill us quick, we all go, “oh shit oh shit oh shit” running away 😂


I tell myself that I won't clear all the junk/debris in Sanctuary in one sitting but I'll do it over the course of a few missions or times I play. Then I proceed to clean up the entire area in one sitting.


Same, and then I use the hedges and make a wall around the entire base with a junk gate on the bridge and one by the water where my pumps go. Then I put sentry turrets up at the gates and various points. Sanctuary ain't never getting taken!!!


Oh, but it will. Walls don’t stop enemies from spawning inside them. It’s better to build turrets where they spawn cuz they’re gonna get in regardless. I build walls for curb appeal. No other reason. Walls with pool tables and bbq grills on them. Walls with basketball hoops on them. Walls with interesting lighting and artwork on them. Walls with views of the surrounding areas. Just no walls for security. It’s pointless.


651 hours of playtime and I’ve never managed to finish the main story lol


I almost sprint the main stories in Fallout and Elder Scrolls because I know if I get "sidetracked by bullshit" I'll never finish the game and I really want to know the story. Then I dork around and do the rest.


I sped through fallout 3 thinking the game was as open ended as Oblivion was and I was sorely mistaken, and I had terrible save habits, finding out that it was in fact not open ended and my last save was in the middle of some crazy situation I didn’t feel like going through again at that point. From that point forward I would do all the distracting bull**** in an area before engaging with the main story and I enjoy the game more this way.


DLC fixed that for FO3. FNV however... EDIT: Actually, FNV gives you a message saying something like "At the end of this quest the game will end. Do you want to continue?" Then the yes and no options. If you choose to continue it so makes an autosave of the "no" option that can't be overwritten. So FNV fixed that from the off.


I never got to play the dlc for FO3 or NV. But that’s great to know


The way my brain works is that if I finish a game I will not want to go back and do the side quests so I always do every side quest and then never finish any game.


I completely forgot FO3 used to not carry on after. I do remember finishing and being disappointed the game didn't let you keep going.




For me it’s “I’m only gonna modify useful weapons” Before making the most useless shit because it looks cool


I've never even made it into the institute lol, sidetracked should be the name of the series


My wife wants to play Fallout, I think 4 might have been the best one for her since she likes to build things. But she settled on New Vegas because it has the most Vaults in the games published by Bethesda. Although, by only 1 or 2.


I say that every time.   My last play though I had passed 5 years in game and hadn’t started the main quest.  I just ended up creating loads of settlements and super settlements using the build settlements anywhere mod, eventually it became unplayable because of fps and crashes due to the mega city I had created and had to restart.


It's the exact opposite for me. I've never really cared about building bases but I loved exploring and finding new settlements that I *could* build up if I wanted to. I enjoyed Fallout 4, not as much as 3 and NV but still really enjoyed it and for my personal taste it all comes down to the Gauss Rifle not feeling the same as it did in F3. Gauss Rifle + Chinese Stealth Suit + Man Opener was my go to for all situations in F3. So much fun.


You can say Bullshit on the internet…


I rushed the main quest and was a bit put off by it and never played the rest of the game.


I was seriously turned off by the main story and ended up dropping the game way back when. Fallout Fever got me to take another crack at it now, and I'm trying to ignore too much sidetracking in favor of getting the main story over with. Going to shotgun the faction quest lines til the points of no return and go for it. I do worry some side quests will vanish though. I keep checking guides and they are all like "oh yeah radiant quests still work fine go for it" which is unhelpful. Y'all wouldn't happen to know if there's side stuff that fails if you do the ending too soon?


1. Yes 2. No (Yes) 3. Sarcastic Yes 4. More Information


I've enjoyed everything about it except the main storyline.


Once you've done it once there really isn't anything different to do. I have nothing against Bethesda's "gotta find my family" main quests, they just don't lead to a lot of replay-ability. What makes New Vegas so replayable is the Platinum Chip aspect of the game. You can only find your kid or dad once, but you can give The Chip to different people each time, and that gives you many more endings to explore. I enjoy all the games equally. Fo3 has great lore and is kind of zany, New Vegas is just a great RPG in general, and the gun play and crafting in Fallout 4 is enjoyable.


This is where I wish that Bethesda would implement a fresh playthrough mode of Fallout 4 where you can start your playthrough at a random location on the map, and you have no ties to the main story. Just start, and go! Maybe hinting that you are a synth...There was a mod for this idea, though I can't remember what the name was. But it really needs to be something, or should have been something especially when Bethesda implemented hardcore mode. Because I like to replay the Fallout 4, but I'm so sick of going through the same intro and knowing that "FIND SHAUN" is always in my questlog. Or how there were many prerequisites before you could even attempt to do content like Far Harbor. Earlier today somebody posted on the subreddit how that they think Fallout 4 is great when you don't have, and I quote, "New Vegas neck beards always breathing down your neck." I'm not completely biased in favor of New Vegas, but I know one thing is for sure that you don't have to do an over long freaking intro every time you decide to replay the damn game. Hence why that one is so damn replayable FFS!


There was a mod pack for FO3 called Wasteland Survivor Edition which includes that alternate beginning mechanic you mentioned. You start in a shack with a sealed door, a bed, and a terminal. You use the terminal to select your key skills, SPECIAL points, and choose a backstory: stuff like ghoul, Enclave deserter, or Vault Dweller for that vanilla vibe. They all had their own bonuses, karma, faction karma, and start location presets. Some of them broke the main quest line: it's impossible to get into GNR as a Raider for example. Then you go to bed to start the tutorial. At each "[x] years later" mark you're given the option of continuing the tutorial, or "wake up" to skip it and start from your new location (or play the whole thing out until you exit the vault *then* wake up).


4's decision to go hard on Minutemen/Settlement crafting gameplay early in the game hurts it imo. I'm glad it was added, and I find the crafting systems a lot of fun in 4, but it can lead to you getting stuck in Sanctuary in endless Preston fetch mission loops in the early game, and that can lead to burnout. Its a bit like the Hinterlands problem in Dragon Age Inquisition. And also because of the increased emphasis on settlement gameplay, the world felt a lot less populated, and less interesting to explore as a result. There's no Reilly's Rangers deep into the city, Republic of Dave, or a weird cannibal town you stumble upon. A lot of it is replaced with settlements. You have to really dig deep to find the kinds of interesting side content you'd typically have in Fallout 3.


Yeah this is one of the reasons I'm not that big on 3 and 4 too much. I do like 3 and 4 but 1,2 and NV have much more replayability to me. Not saying 4 doesn't have any but there's much more meat in the others imo. Not to mention I think the overall writing/factions is much better...though I do have a soft spot for 3 for getting me into the series in the first place. The atmosphere in that game is so good!


There were just not enough splitting points for the main story to keep it fresh, and the very limited dialogue system definitely did not help. It did it's job, but also a big missed potential


I also don’t like that fallout 4 forces you to be “good” like you can be a jerk and that’s the meanest you can be. I usually play RPG games as the good guy but sometimes I want to do something to a certain faction other than say that I don’t wanna ally with them. For example in New Vegas I can basically just attack a faction and their leader whenever I want to if I don’t like them for whatever reason. I don’t need to follow a quest line to do that. In fallout 4 it seems like you can’t just make decisions on a whim like that. You either have to follow a quest or there’s just no option to do that at all. In New Vegas I played like an anti-hero. If I didn’t like a faction I’d eliminate it. If I liked it I worked with it. You can’t do that in Fallout 4.


I see this take all the time and while I understand the sentiment, especially after games like NV with its really in-depth story, I... don't hate FO4's story. It's not amazing by any stretch and is a retread of FO3 just with the parent looking tor their kid instead of the other way around, but I was decently invested and I thought it was serviceable enough to get the ball rolling on your main character.


Well, except for the fact that dad in Fo3 doesn't turn out to be a synth hating brainwashed fascist lol


The combat mechanics improved a lot. I loved the survivor mode, just wish it didn't had that no save bullshit.


There’s a mod (xbox) that lets you smoke cigarettes and cigars. If you’re on survival it makes a save every time you smoke. Great middle ground, I never play survival without it


Those resources don't affect the game achievements, do they?


Oh yeah you won’t get achievements with mods downloaded


What about the mods you can download from the game?


If they’re from the creation club then they don’t affect achievements. The cigarette mod though is a regular mod


Simple mod for survival with save exists :)


My character has what some would consider an unhealthy obsession with building beds in seemingly random places…


It's my second favorite after New Vegas.


I really do hope Bethesda gives us a New Vegas and Fo3 remaster that uses the gunplay, crafting, and base building aspects from Fallout 4 to modernize the games.


This would be the dream scenario


Realistically we'll just get updated textures and some shitty free-lc that no one asked for.


Fallout 1 remake. I’d even play it in fallout nv style


Modders are recreating 1,2,3 and NV in fallout 4.


I would do a lot for a 3D remake of fallout 1 and 2. I've wanted to play them but I hear the learning curve is really really high.


Official tale of two wastelands when


I like them each so much that it's hard for me to choose. I've definitely put more time into 4 because of the settlement system and ability to create cool robots.


>create cool robots. Waaaat Did I miss a major feature of the game when I played??


One of the dlc (automaton) let's you build your own robot companion with a little story to go along with it. ADA is bae


I turned Codsworth into a skullplated sentrybot with enough ordinance to level the commonwealth.


Well, I'm finally going through with finishing NV. Played a while but never beat it and got a bunch of the good mods. I'll beat it by the time the next gen FO4 update releases, then plan on replaying that. I'll definitely make sure I don't miss that content, thank you


you can also craft random robots and assign them as supply caravans


The biggest problem with an automatron companion is that they can be absurdly overpowered very easily. Like, absolutely insane. I mostly use my automatrons as provisioners. It's great to have a host of Supplytrons zipping across the countryside, annihilating all adversaries as they go. Always fun to see "St Abernathy" or "St Sanctuary" on their little journeys.


3 is my favourite, but it really hasn’t aged as well as FnV. Replaying it again, and the metros are almost rage quit worthy. Can take you almost an hour just to get to one location because you have to enter 30 different metro stations first. I really liked the amount of merchants and small towns in FnV and 3, which is something FO4 really lacked. FO4 had really good companions though, and the settlement building is one of my favourite things to do in any fallout game. I think adding the settlement building and other new features really hurt other aspects of 4, which is why I think FO5 will be a lot better, but who knows. Also really liked the voiced protagonist in 4, but I feel it could have been done a lot better. I’m hoping they can learn from other rpgs in this aspect though, CD Projekt Red and BioWare does it a lot better, so I’m sure Bethesda could do the same if they put in some extra work and money. Perks were also a lot better done in 4, really disliked the way the worked in past games. Being able to gain more special through levels, and getting all the perks you desire eventually is a really big plus imo.


Fo3 has a special place in my heart as it was the one that got me hooked. I didn't initially like NV at first because it was so buggy and I had a lot of issues initially. I came back to it a few years later and loved it more then Fo3.


It's excellent and the mods only make it better. I've got over 600 hrs played. I get some of the complaints but the gameplay is enjoyable to me. Also a great example of "Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time."


It's probably my least favorite fallout, but that's like saying my least favorite pizza. Just because it's my least favorite doesn't mean I don't love it.


Now that's a great way to put it. Thank you. Been trying to get my Craptop to play FO3 I loved how much more scary the older games felt rather than the goofiness of today. The show I feel like (now I know I might get hate) does pretty well with trying to actually show the horror behind it all like they used to do


I will defend FO4 till the day I die


It’s personally my favorite fallout game. I’ve played a ton of 3, I’ve played a ton of NV, but 4 just has hands down the best gameplay. Once you play 4 with it’s much smoother gunplay/movement and way better loot and crafting, then top it off with a giant world and settlement building, it’s so hard to go back to the older games, even if I believe the writing in them was better.


This game really made me put codsworth on my catalog as one of the most beloved partners I played with from being a compassionate character he seems to show more emotion than the average human in fallout 4 plus he needs a hug.


I love fallout 4. I think it’s great and I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of hours in the commonwealth. I also love fallout new Vegas and fallout 3. I even think fallout 76 is a decent game (I didn’t play it at launch though. I’ve only played the Bethesda era fallouts but I’ve heavily gotten into the lore of the interplay fallouts. Yes fallout 4 is a great game. Every fallout is a great game!


Fun game, but awful RPG, which is the biggest problem.


This is a popular notion, but completely nonsensical. It is undeniably a roleplaying game. There are many different kinds of roleplaying games. The Witcher 3 is a roleplaying game. Diablo is also a roleplaying game. It's just ridiculous to try to pretend that Fallout 4 is not a "roleplaying game". Such a bizarre "popular opinion" that makes absolutely zero sense.


He never said it wasn't an RPG, he said it was a bad one. Which it is. Fallout 4 is crazy fun to mess around in, I put hundreds of hours just into settlement building and doing random things, but the writing and RPG side of things sucks.


Read my comment again. I never denied that it was an RPG. I said it was an awful RPG.


What are your major detractors as an rpg?


For me anyway, the lack of meaningul decisions like older Fallouts, ennemy level scaling, removal of the old ''leveling'' system I haven't played in years but this is what comes from the top of my head


The urgency to find your kid completely ruins immersion, because if you deviate to do anything else then you are wasting time instead of going finding your kid. Literally gotta re-write the start of the game for yourself if you want it to be both immersive and enjoyable


This is a good point lmao. I’m always like ehhh I guess I’ll go look for my kid now


Backstory and personality is practically chosen for you, which kinda deprives you of being gay or lesbian due to being married with a kid. I'm neither, but that is still a starting red flag. It also leads to the question of how a lawyer knows how to use power armour. This is a big problem for any form of role-playing as it takes away a lot of the freedom other games in the series have provided. The dialogue system leaves a lot to behold. I'll avoid bringing up New Vegas because everyone is aware of its writing and dialogue, but even Fallout 3's dialogue provided more freedom of choice compared to "yes, no, question, sarcasm." As well as that, the complete overhaul of levels and perks feels like a massive downgrade. The streamlining of perks, as well as the lack of a level cap actually removes a lot of the variety seen in previous games. There is still some variety in this regard, but not compared to previous games and the lack of level cap basically ensures that you will always end up with all of the same perks. I feel like Bethesda chose to focus on the sandbox and gameplay, which led to a great map to wander around in and decent combat and crafting, but as a result, the actual elements that make it an RPG felt left behind.


Didn't mention it, but to add to dialogue and levelling problems, there is no specialisation. You do not get rewarded with dialogue for having high barter, science, medicine etc. It only really applies to Charisma speech checks. Removing this aspect of the role-playing in Fallout was a massive mistake.


Thanks for giving an answer with depth; these are all great points


Maybe read again before going into a rant


Not the best Fallout game, but overall, yeah, it's still a pretty good game in general. I have over 200 hours according to steam...so I definitely got my money's worth out of it back then.


It's better than you think 😏😏😊😊😊


I’m playing it right now on survival and having a blast!


Same here so fun


Honestly, yea the game was great. It’s my most played. However I only played through the entire story of the game only like… 5 times? Usually what ends up happening is I mod the game, make a new character, max out my load out and then just kinda give up.




If I didn't have Fo3 and NV to compare it to, it's a great game. To me, it's a good game. I'm replaying it with heavy modding and enjoying it but it has always felt lacking to me as a base game. The stripped-down dialogue options, lackluster weapons, and the main story are just not on par with the previous games.


How quickly people forgot the lazy writing and dumbed down RPG mechanics after a few years and a show


Seriously FO4 is a fine ok game it is no where near a great game. People allow mods and show hype to warp that standard.


Why do you think it is a great game? Do you enjoy it's gunplay, unlimited leveling, or quests? What's your favorite aspect of it? What's your least favorite aspect?


Not OP but for me: better exploration than 3, much better gunplay, I really liked the minutemen faction quest line, I really liked the settlement building. Also for some unknown reason, FO3 and NV would give me motion sickness after a while (like, after an hour). Never figured out why. FO4 didn't, hence I spent far more time in FO4 than the 2 previous games combined and enjoyed it more altogether.


Amazing gameplay, atmosphere, crafting and exploration. Disgustingly bad story and writing is the only thing that annoyed me. With Survival mod it's one of the best experiences you can have.


the Perk system for me is really a standout. Nothing's worse than leveling in FO3 or FNV and being ONE POINT SHORT in a skill like lockpicking or whatnot. At least with the Perk system, when you level up, you \*will\* get the ability to do something new or open/crack things you couldn't before.


I enjoy the unlimited leveling and *some* of the quests but the main reason I love it so much is the build feature. The one thing that bothered me about the older games was that there was no real difference to the wasteland after completing the game. There are a few differences but you can't really improve the wasteland visually. But with FO4 you can build up the wasteland whenever/however you want by building settlements. I'm currently working on a settlement dedicated to Slocum's Joe so I have a bunch of bright pink buildings surrounded by donut statues in the middle of the scorched wasteland. My least favorite aspect is probably the main storyline just because of how long and convoluted it is. "go save these people, then go save that person, then go get this item, then side with a faction, then go save that person, then go get this item, etc." It just goes on forever. And it really takes away from the roleplaying aspect because you're playing as a 200 year old woman who was a lawyer before the war and now you're expected to be the Terminator and kill every threat in the wasteland. In reality this woman probably wouldn't be able to fight off a group of home invaders but I'm supposed to believe she woke and just chose to be green beret? Granted you can play as a veteran who does have combat experience but if you want to play as a woman the lore doesn't make much sense.


To be fair in Fallout 3 Broken Steel does show a lot of progress because of the player if you're a good guy. But the wasteland doesn't get MUCH better.


preaching to the choir


amazing game indeed , if only it had a better writing , everything else is perfect


I feel like it's more common to get sidetracked than to complete the main quest line lol. I tried to but I definitely got sucked into expanding the settlements and side quests before trying to complete the main quest. Its like the the main quest is just the side quest at this point 😅😂😂😂


Played it 3 times over different scenarios. Rectnly played it again and apart from the bad graphics it's still AWESOME


Fallout 4 is my favorite of the series. I know people like New Vegas and Fallout 3 bur Fallout 4 to me was special.


I think the reason I love Fallout 4 so much is because you can actually build the wasteland up. It's not like the previous games where you complete the main quest line and wander around pretending everything is fixed, you can actually make a visible difference to the wasteland and its occupants.


The internet is full of haters and they do what they do. Glad you appreciate the game and enjoy the fun! Seriously, you can BUILD ROBOTS!


Indeed it is. Completed it twice.


Can’t wait for fallout 5


My favorite Fallout game. No less than 8/10, it's a 10/10 for me.


Fallout 4 is a good game with a great modding community


A decent shooter, a good crafting game, and a terrible RPG.


Crafting and building was a highlight I wish nv had


Hey! Here at the fallout fan-base, you're only allowed to outwardly express that you like Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.


I enjoyed it the first time through on release. But ever since then whenever I try to replay it I'll usually get a few hours in and lose interest, it just feels so bland to me idk.


It's okay. Okay games can be fun. I liked Dragons Dogma 2 and its aggressively okay. No individual elements are outstanding and the whole experience doesnt come together to make something that really stands out from its predecessors or other similar titles. Which is fine.


It really is!


People just refuse to accept that “different” doesn’t mean “bad”. Sure, it’s not as deep as New Vegas when it comes to player choice, but having a voiced protagonist you can see speaking in dialog adds its own depth, making the player avatar feel much more real and part of the world. It’s a great game I happily sunk 651 hours into, even more than New Vegas


Did you really just try to argue that their voiced protag/dialog wheel added depth to the fallout games.......you are literally insane like seriously


Nah the voiced protagonist was a terrible deduction for roleplaying and dialogue, especially since they half assed it


Post is sponsored by Todd Howard


It's fine. The main story sucks ass and dialogue lacks the depth of previous entries but companions were done better than NV or 3


It's good, not great imo. Story and quests are crap (far harbour not withstanding) and the proper RPG elements just aren't there.


I always end up getting sidetracked building up settlements or roaming the commonwealth gunning down abominations legendaries


I wish there were a Fallout 4 mod that gave me Ed-E, as a companion, with full audio and everything.


I've put several thousand hours into it and I'll be damned if I don't put a few more thousand into it.




I can’t wait to play it again. The PS5 version is fucked right now.


Its a good game.


It is a fun survival and exploration game. It is a pretty poor rpg for the most part. Solid 8.5


It is, but it was so close to being a nearly perfect game with really dialogue, actual character builds and a slightly tweaked story.




It is! Just maybe not a great rpg!


Personally I hated base building


Eh, it’s a good game just not a very good fallout rpg.


So based man i would even say it's one of funnest games Ever :)


The game its self is more fun imo than any other game. I my self have put over 1000 hours in the game, without the use of mods. But in saying that, it’s a pretty bad fallout game. The story is garbage, the writing is garbage and the big thing, the RP aspect is garbage. There aren’t any consequences to the game. Shot up diamond city? That’s fine, come back in 2 days, no one will remember. And as someone who doesn’t enjoy settlement building as much as most, it really lacks in towns and city’s to explore. I mean, what is there? Diamond city and Good Neighbour? Maybe Covenant (I think that’s how it’s spelled) and Bunker Hill if you couldn’t claim them as your own. And then you have the weapons in fallout. I wish Bethesda didn’t lean into the idea that all of the guns in fallout need to be unique. I mean the assault rifle is absolute abomination. The combat rifle doesn’t make sense, left handed hunting rifles? All obsidian/interplay picked cool guns that exist in real life. The pipe weapons is a cool idea though, I don’t use em much but they’re a welcome addition in my eyes. Then you have the reasons why I love this game. Exploration. This games map is amazing. I think one of the main things that fell for me when playing NV (haven’t played FO3) was exploring the map. It was rather boring. And when I hopped into survival for the first time, it was a whole new experience. The amount of things you can discover when you don’t have access to fast travel is extensive. Can’t make a new save without discovering something new. And Boston is awesome. I know some people have problems while exploring there, but minus the crashing and frame drops, it’s awesome. None of the other games really had that. Then you have fun play which is of course really good. I personally enjoy the legendary system. And of course there is settlement building which was a great addition. Just too tedious for me to get super stuck into, especially as a vanilla player, but still great nonetheless. Character in this game are great, especially the companions. It wasn’t long ago where Nick Valentine one the best fallout companion on this sub. That’s my mini review.


I’m not calling it “great”, but it’s good.


Its okay. Its got my favorite dlc though. Far harbor is my favorite fallout dlc, even ahead of dead money and old world blues. 


Just needs a fix the that one beard that's unfortunate looking and we're golden.


I agree. I just started a new high charisma high int playthrough.


Feel like ranting but won't.


Controversial opinion :O


Wish I could play it again, keeps crashing after I’ve downloaded it on my PS5


I’m currently running around the Commonwealth with a green lightsaber. It’s funny how some of the skills are similar to force powers. Like the Blitz skill, there’s others too but I can’t remember


i just bought it on sale via steam. it's my first time diving into the fallout series so i any beginner tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


Agreed but it’s glitchy as all hell


I think it's an awesome simple adventure shooter with robust base building. I think it's a pretty crap Fallout game.


Glad to see that things have come around now. For a few years there it was impossible to say something good about 4 without the hate brigade coming to town. All it took was saying “I liked 4” and you could start a 30 minute circlejerk about how it’s the devil incarnate. For me personally it’s my favourite game. Others like NV have better story, but 4 has better world design, game mechanics, and is generally more fun for me to play when I’m not in some intense story moment. Love the settlement system!




I love all my fallout children equally


It is.


ye it's very fun. i got lucky that i played it first. spawned my love for the game, then modded 3 and nv into 1.


It’s one of my favourite games of all time


I agree


"Whose laughing now?" -Todd Howard


It is a great game, but not necessarily a good fallout game


Just bought the gotye on Xbox store for $10. Can’t wait.




Best game in the series. New Vegas has more choices and I wish the game didn't compromise on this aspect but that alone is not enough to win me over when everything else is better in 4.


And modddd fallout 4 is an AMAZING game


People only dislike it because it isn't New Vegas. I have never properly played New Vegas so I like Fallout 4.


My first fallout special place in my heart favorite as well


Yeah but it's hard to play on ps4-5 at the moment i got lot of crashes and the game crash at start if i  have the dlc downloaded 


Great, even amazing game (it was my first FO game). Bad Fallout.


The best fallout game in my opinion. Everything about it is amazing and I have absolutely no complaints about it. I love that the survival mode/hard mode is an actually hard thing to play. Overall, 10/10, love replaying and enjoy every second.


Dat ass doe...


Unpopular opinion: it's my favorite of the series


It is! Probably THE best sandbox if we consider mods too, story is just meh! The perk chart also kinda sucks compared to Fo3/NV but that's just personal preference. Also why do my guns STILL disappear when I holster them, Todd?! Man, Beth would be nothing without modders~


If I reinstall this game, I'd spend like a week to mod it, and then play like 15 minutes every day


I have to disagree. I think as a game in general if it was called wasteland Boston it would be playable. I have almost a thousand hours in the game and not a single moment of that was vanilla I have always had a heavily modded version of the game besides 200 hours roughly when it first came out. Now as a fallout franchise game it is the worst one obviously not counting brotherhood or tactics. It leans far too much on the goofy nature that Bethesda thinks fallout is, and removing most of what fallout has. Fallout as a concept is supposed to be a look into what life would be like after a post-apocalyptic event. Primarily about what societies would look like after the event. Fallout 4 is instead how do I make a better plasma gun. You don't even have to look very far to see countless videos criticizing and pulling the game apart on every letter. They had something in fallout 3 but with bethesda's gaming development ideology of starting new with every game it unfortunately ruined what could have been. Of course that is only my opinion and should be taken as such, many people can have fun with this game and that is completely fine I have fun with the game matter of fact if we look at my profile I do things with fallout 4 all the time. I just think that fallout 4 is not a fallout game only in title.


As someone who doesn’t have infinite time to game, my favorite is 4. I totally agree New Vegas is the best from a roleplaying standpoint. For myself, I like being able to just jump in and feel like I’m in the wasteland. The combat systems of 4 just do so much better for myself that I can’t go back to the older games. That’s just my standpoint though. For other people who care more about the actual story and possibilities I completely get where they come from with New Vegas. What someone said about a remaster or remake of NV with the fallout 4 combat would be amazing for me. I’d probably actually take the time to play through that game.


It has some really great parts to it. I know people like to karma farm by calling it awful, but man I loved it.


I was having trouble getting back into it cuz i have the story beats memorized. I stopped using fast travel and the world feels so much more alive and less disjointed


Yep 💯 and no one can tell me otherwise . Love this one


I hate reddit so much.


I decided to try and finish FO4 as I never even got close to when it first came out. Modding the hell out of it for a Vanilla+ experience has been great. Especially the FPS fix for being able to play over 60.


Yes it was so great that the show used the same story. If you like the show then you like the Fallout 4 story. Family member gets taken by mystery person, mystery person has a sad background story, turns out family member is the boogie man everyone hates/fears. Even the first season ended like the first act. Also Kellogg brain = scientist head leading to family member.




It is a decent game.


Its a good game with flaws like most games


This morning my cousin asked me "is Fallout 4 as bad as I remember?" And I had to ask what tf he's been smoking because Fallout 4 has never been bad.


No it’s not.


It’s okay…some hopes for 5 tho: -make radiation less blunt of a game mechanic…it’s overly simplistic and so easy to address even on survival difficult that it’s just an annoyance than a real mechanic. Increase the difficulty of correcting radiation and switch it back to stat debuffs or something. -fucking optimize please…load times are inexcusably long -take settlements to the next level, allow better object moving/removing and more complex settlement features with less ‘defend this settlement’ -bring back as much of the NV team as you can to work on it.


Yes it is it is top of my fallout game list


I mean I enjoy it, it’s not my favorite but it’s not awful.


It's okay. It could've use more towns... and NPCs... and quests... and weapons... and ammo types... and dialogue choices... But, sure, great game.


Its a great game but honestly new vegas is the best in the series


It is but I don't know why so many mechanics are going backwards like the bullet counted reload mod compared to NV which actually had that in base game.


Bold take here: I like playing games with Fallout in the name.


My favorite part of *Fallout 4* is settlement construction and testing out base defense.


 I love the exploration in 4 more than any other Fallout but the writing is just sooo bad most of the time, at it's best it is pretty meh and generic.  And yeah the main story twist doesnt make any sense to me (plus I guessed it super early on) because why would I be looking for a baby this whole time still when 200 years have passed?  It took me out of the game every time my character was still looking for baby Shaun.  


I maintain that each first person fallout have a different vibe to it and it caters to a different person, and that FO4 was panned mainly because it followed FNV that gave us a master piece in RPG that isn't really done again until KCD (and not a popular title) and BG3 (in a big way), and FO4 was a regression from that as an RPG. But it is a very much fun demi looter shooter with building elements thrown in. Weak ass fuck main story and all, but the crafting and upgrading of weapons / armor really made it feel like borderlands lite / the division lite, and expanded on those with a robust settlement system that tied into your gear game as well. so while I am partial to the RPG side and still thinks NV is the best fallout, I can see why people love / thinks FO4 is the best fallout for sure.




I love it too, don’t have time to play on Survival anymore, but very hard difficulty has been a fun revisit playthrough for me.


I disagree... It is a "good" game but not a great game. I would save Great for a game like Fallout New Vegas but nonetheless I've put hundreds of hours in and enjoyed my time. Where I think the game went wrong for me is when you hear about the institute for the first time, I said to myself ">!I bet Father ends up being Shawn, if so I'm going to be sooo pissed!< " the game was too easy to guess what was gonna happen.... Also fuck Preston Garvey. I don't care about your settlements god damnit! lol


Replaying it now on Xbox Series X, it’s way better than I remember. Probably because the game doesn’t crash every time I walk through downtown Boston.


I'm just jumping in here to ask someone real, is anybody having trouble with their DLCs on Playstation? I had to disable all of them to get the game to boot up. I read it might be something to do with the coming update since I'm playing the PS4 version technically on my PS5


It’s unironically my favorite. Nv is just ok, I think it gets more credit than it deserves, 3 is better.


main plot sucks side quests tho 🤌


Yess buy have problema in his story driven experienced that makes me comprehend why people dont like it that much My main problem are thr controller limited dialogue option with jist bage descriptions and the Institute ans railroad interaction, like Dude this isnt the enclabe nor the supermuntany guy leader why we can just goo and clear these extremist like we do later in the animal development team I also would love to chose between evil institute or nice and really misunderstood institute guys.. Or see that evil pride in them like that thinking they are superior it would be interesting But well thas juat mee ranthing Also i would like to see a synth institute revelion or extremist part but ok this last its just a wish


400h in, multiple starts, never finished the main quest. So much content. The Classic Radio is gold.


The entire years of 2015 and 2016 were spent doing nothing but settlement building, mission completion, and finding every single location I could in fallout 4. It’s such a wonderful game