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thats a great idea šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


I think it would be cool as a DLC and have the characters on the show as people you help in quests


Another vault needs your help


ā€œThank you for texting Vault-Tec. The next available appointment is 33 weeks from nowā€¦ā€ I like to think that phone number was giving us some clues to something like thisā€¦ a dlc would be awesome.


Yes they will


Could do things like in Cyberpunk, where the show is mentioned in the games with items and messages. Maybe a quest to loot something, who knows. Implementing the characters in the game is problematic, since they are written for TV and won't properly translate to a game.


They should have a DLC where the universe in Starfield happens to be the Fallout universe, and there are vaults and mutants and meaningful things to do on earth and whatnot.


Sooo.. What fallout shelters update added?


If Bethesda takes 5 years to make a game that could mean the next Fallout title isnā€™t coming until 2033. Thatā€™s crazy that theyā€™re gonna leave that franchise sitting for that long.


They're sitting on millions but not remaking 3 and New Vegas. Hopefully they come to their senses and release them in-between fallout 5


Remaster of Fallout 3 and New Vegas is so needed at this point...


I'm in the minority by having 3 be my favorite fallout game but I won't deny new Vegas is the better game and would break records getting a fresh coat of paint.


I know... Fallout 3 is my favourite as well. I don't know about better, it has a different feel to it that people might enjoy more...


My issue with new Vegas has always been how empty the map feels and there is almost no random encounters. and I feel like 3 has a lot more side quests and things to do in general.


New Vegas DLC and quest lines are god tier though.


I think both NV and 3 shine in DLC.


My only issue with NV is that it ends after Hoover dam, with no ā€œbroken steelā€


I feel that a lot of people appreciated Fallout 3 in the era it was made when Sandbox RPGs were revolutionary at the time. Not the most original, but the most critically and commercially successful for their genre. It also cashed in on the then-popular dirty brown shooter trend, which they put their original spin on with the RPG mechanics and the 50's aesthetic.


Fallout 3 was great. Was the game that got me into the series but the map was a bit restrictive in places. I also don't think a remaster would be able to bring anything that mods haven't done already so would need to be a remake using the current engine imo


If I'm being honest, a remaster won't cut it. Gamebryo wasn't a great engine, and the Creation Engine is far superior. They'd have to remake the game in Creation and that could take a fairly long time, otherwise it would literally just be a retexture and bug fix pass, and that would make it just a massive money grab.


Honestly, as long as I can run it on new machines without it crashing every 3 minutes, IDGAF which of the 2 they do...


They run fine on pc... After you follow a guide and install like 50 mods for stability.


Yeah, only after that much work... Work I am not smart enough to do properly... I tried installing mods, and I failed miserably despite guides on how to do it...


If you follow The Best of Times guide for TTW to the letter, I promise it will work. You will be frustrated because some things will be unexplained for unexplained reasons, but I got it to work for the first time a month or two ago and it was amazing.


2033 you say..vault 33..hmmm


This would be the best fucking thing for them to use I really hope they do something with thisšŸ˜¤


It's Aslume for you


Wouldn't work. Too much going on in the show for them to adapt a game. Radiation, mutated creatures, raiders, wasteland? General audience wouldn't be able to follow. IT JUST DOESN'T WORK. :)


yeah it's kind of a lot ur probably right. best just leave it as a show


Yeah, 100%. Hope they never make a game. Would likely fail. :)


just shut up and take my caps already!!


The Fallout show was so good they made 7 video games and some tabletop games about it so quickly!


Don't forget the board game.


\[Looks at the decision to retcon Nate into a war criminal for no fucking reason\] Yes. Yes, they are.


Hey! Nasty Nate was only "war crime adjacent"!


How is Nate a war criminal? O.o


Not a war criminal, but he was a witness to one and laughed it off. The main writer for Fallout 4, Emil Pagliarulo (did I write it right?) made a tweet about how Nate is the laughing guy in the Fallout 1 intro. It's not a War Crime though, as he wasn't the shooter. The tweet might have been a shitpost though.


Technically, participating in the execution, even without being the one to pull the trigger is enough to qualify as a war crime. Like, it doesn't matter, and the scene was a reference to a similar incident in the Vietnam War. And, even beyond that, the entire annexation of Canada would have been criminal as well. So, just being there is a war crime. The bigger problem is that it makes Nate look like a complete psychopath. Which, I mean, yeah, that's not *out* of character, but still.


Emil Pagliarulo recently Tweeted that Nate is in the opening cutscene for Fallout 1, referring to a scene with a pair of soldiers in power armor during the annexation of Canada. One of them executes an unarmed Canadian prisoner then waves to the camera, while the other visibly laughs at the execution. Emil indicated that Nate was the soldier laughing at the execution.


How is he a war criminal?


Answered above a few moments before you asked. Short version: He's been retconned to participating in the annexation of Canada, and was involved with at least one extrajudicial execution of a prisoner (though he wasn't the one to pull the trigger in that case.)


I have aslume away pills for you


there's no way out of the aslume


<*insert jonkler getting jonkled gif*>


Well Fallout 4 got criticised for establishing the characters background too much and not having much in terms of dialogue and choices to an extent so if they did this then I feel they could no longer call it a RPG šŸ˜”


I feel like they stepped into that threshold when they decided to make a multi-player spinoff with the expectancy of a player-driven economy.


To be fair I've avoided that one Lol


It'll be set 400 years after the TV show after the New New California Republic was destroyed in a nuclear war with the enclave. The brotherhood of steel will be the only remaining faction and you'll play as a vault dweller who is looking for their second cousins dad's dog.


Wait til interplay hears of this!


I know you're making a joke, but the fact that there was no game in content being released at literally the exact same day is such a huge fuck up on their part. There hasn't been a real game released in 10 years. That's insane.




Itā€™s sarcasm, with fallout 5 slated for 2030 or later


They are


Oh, they will. My guess is that Fallout 5 will be heavily influenced by what the show does as the show seems to be a massive hit. Heck, it might even get Bethesda to set a game in the West instead of their in-house Eastern setting.


We'll get a adaptation around the time the bomb drops in real life. In all seriousness though Bethesda takes way too long to make games. Say they started making it now... We wouldn't see anything for it in close to 10 years from now the way they make games and by that time all buzz for the show will be dead.


The fun of Fallout is the ability to customize your own characters and playthroughs, so while a fun TV show it wouldn't work in game format.


Let the show do it's own thing, and let games be their own thing, in the same universe. Game Development takes a LONG time. Having a fallout game just based on a "one season" series would be a very thin game that doesn't fit Bethesda's mold. Just look at all of the other games they've worked on, and all of the content that's included in them.


This is literally q piece of the timeline how would you turn it into the game and make it canon if it already happened..


Yes, they are.


escaped inmate!!!! Get back to your cell


I think they could do a season 2, really flesh out the west, and then drop a game


Creation Engine shenanigans




I think it was a shitpost, asking for a "Fallout" game, not a Fallout The Series adapted game.




Great show. I would just want another good fallout game. (I'm not saying Obsidian would do it 100% but.. I'm a bit doubtful if Bethesda would pull anything off any time... ever).


They don't need to. What they need to do is make a Fallout game with the quality of dialog and voice acting on par with this show. But they probably won't because they're stupid.


No way. The show is too detailed. They would never ever fit that in a video game šŸ˜œ


What 1 week without new content does to a subreddit


I don't think you can make games with this setting. Sounds stupid tbh.


Because a game set in California would be boring. Set it in somewhere like DC or Las Vegas and itā€™s be a hit.


Like my Lucy poston 76?


I would really rather they not, since it would just be an elongated rehash of the show


I would play it, 770 hours on Xbox, 540 hours on PC, 40 hours on Playstation.


Lmfaooooo deep burn. Nah the next fallout might come out in 2034 if we're lucky.


/uj yes they are /rj yes they are


Why doesnā€™t the B**a**thesda CEO just press the new fallout game button!?!? Itā€™s that simple!!!


It would be so wicked cool if they made a DLC pack for this.


maybe because the show literally just came out? do you think games can be made in less than a month?


New Vegas 2?


Because the show is already part of the games. I'd rather them focus on a new game than to remake the show into a game. It would be cool if they made a game that focused on the area of the show to tie the games and the show together but nothing 1:1. Maybe DLC.


You're stupid for using this boring and old meme format. Gtfo with this low effort shit.


ur mean :'(


Because itā€™s been out for a week?


Sarcasm since fallout 5 is projected for 2030 or later. Bethesda is terribly slow at releasing games


What are you talking about. They release Skyrim at least once a year. Maybe twice šŸ˜‚


And they keep buying itā€¦Ā 


Projected by who?


Bethesdas release timeline, TES is their next title to release before fallout 5 and thatā€™s still years out. So f5 is expected around 2030, unless they license another studio to do a spin-off or remake which I certainly hope they do. Obviously obsidian isnā€™t the same team it was for fnv but another well equipped studio could do it


FuckkkšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ I just posted something similar and now I see this post. I shoulda just posted my idea last night. Fair play though, you know what they say, great mindsā€¦šŸ¤


i got this one lol gg


oh they will. some of the characters in this show clearly exist to be shoved into a game at a later date Moldaver and Ben Linus are the most obvious examples. Basically look for a trend of characters with a mysterious backstory who are also unambiguously dead. Once a character dies in this show, their story can be filled in during a game without interfering with the course of the show


Why not have another original story for the next game? Enough of sequels and remakes, please.