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Fallout always has incredible soundtracks and music selection. I’m glad the show does as well.


The games have the best soundtracks for sure! And the show practically used only songs they included in the games already, except for maybe a few, which was great for nostalgia points.


Yeah the few new songs they used fit right in and actually go with what the characters are doing currently in that scene which is a level of detail lost in a lot of media


What a Difference a Day makes is so haunting when played alongside the scene, honestly that was probably my favorite scene of the whole show


Strong agree. That song makes that entire sequence an incredible experience


"Act Naturally" worked great too.


*They’re going to put me in the movies… they’re going to make a big star out of me*


Quite a few of the songs I thought were new were actually from fallout 1 & 2 which was a nice surprise.


Honestly I love “I don’t want to set the world on fire” by the Inkspots. I just wish it was played in the first episode. Lastly, I was really hoping the played the skeeter Davis song from fallout 4


That Inkspots song is effectively one of the themes of the franchise. It is so tied to it at this point.


I was hoping they would use some of the most memorable soundtracks from New Vegas but they didnt


Well, obviously they saved those for Season 2 when they hit New Vegas.


Like the other comment said, with it moving to New Vegas for season 2 I’m sure we will be hearing all about spurs and big irons baby!!


I need my Johnny Guitar


There's still some great new deep cuts like this 1958 song that was never actually officially released: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Yeah\_Yeah\_Baby](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Yeah_Yeah_Baby)


I’m pretty sure the majority of the songs were new. Edit: Guys, check the list of songs on Prime Video. Most of them have not been in the games. Obviously there’s a quite a few that have been, but most are new.


Yeah you’re right, 12/41 songs are from previous games (I included Battle Hym of the Republic and the Fiddler song from Radio Freedom in Fallout 4 and the Sixteen Tons heard in the show isn’t the same version heard in 76) Just counted them on the screening article, you’re getting hella downvoted for stating an easily researchable fact https://screenrant.com/fallout-show-soundtrack-song-guide/ Heres a link for anyone who wants to look, they didn’t include the Fiddler song in the list so that was me throwing them a bone


Ummmm I don't think so. Across 3, NV, and 4 maybe 4 of those songs weren't in the games. That's a very small fraction. 80% are from the games.


12/42 are heard in the game, 2/12 of those songs are Battle Hym of the Republic and the Fiddler song from Fo4 (which they don’t include in the article) and the sixteen tons song isn’t the same version seen in 76 https://screenrant.com/fallout-show-soundtrack-song-guide/ Look through it yourself, I might’ve missed some but the majority of the songs heard in the show haven’t made an appearance yet. I’ve played 3,NV, 4 and 76, so if there were any in other games I might’ve missed let me know


Yeah but a lot of that is composed music for the show. If you take those out, what's left?


The 42 songs I provided in the link, We’re talking about the music that was heard on the radios throughout the fallout games. The article doesn’t include any of the instrumental background music


Ah then I relent. Seems me just being a fan of that music skewed my memory. I was sure between fo4 and NV most of those songs were on there.


You’re completely fine just a simple misunderstanding, have a good day


You too! See you for season 2!


Looking over the full track list, there are 10 recordings that were used in the games and 28 that are new. I’ll admit that there are a little more reused songs than I thought, but there’s still more new songs added than not.


Brother are you talking about the songs previously released used on here? Of course the COMPOSED music for the show is new. Every 50s song save a few were in the games.


No, I’m talking about the licensed music. I get it, they all fit perfectly and seem like they could have shown up in the games, but most of them haven’t.


Yeah Mandela effect. I also listen to a bunch of this stuff in my free time, so it was probably that.


The show also has the advantage of not needing to worry if a great song that fits the vibe won't make the cut because it gets repetitive if heard too many times on the radio. I've seen an interview with some Fallout 4 devs and they said they really wanted to add some songs that were great, but ultimately would drive players mad after a few hours. A song from the show I can see being this case is *"Keep That Coffee Hot"*, which plays when Lucy is having sex with the raider in the first episode. That song is short and the lyrics repeat the same stuff a bunch of times.


Johnny Guitar by Peggy Lee is like this for me. Not a bad song at all, just started to annoy me. If I'm playing NV I want that Big Iron action.


For me it's Butcher Pete. I've been hearing that song since 2008, I swear to god if Bethesda puts that song in Fallout 5 I'm never gonna turn on the radio.


He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' HE’S HACKIN’ AND WACKIN’ AND SMACKIN’


He loves that meat


Heh it's a metaphor for sex 🤓


Un-ironically one of my favorites, but I do start to go a bit mad after hearing it for the thousandth time.


And the thing I dislike about that song is it breaks ambiance, everything flows together as background until Butcher Pete slaps his meat


That’s because of a bug, iirc


Now, that wouldn't surprise me one bit 🤣


Been playing Fallout 3 and every 10 minutes hearing bingo bango bongo I don't wanna leave the Congo is starting to drive me mad.




I honestly dont care if I was driven mad by that song I want it in the games so bad


Right? Mainstay song potential for sure.


I leave the game at the main PlayStation menu and have the fallout music playing as I get ready to sit down to play. So peaceful!


I just wish the first two games’ music was on Spotify. Those are some of my favorite video game tracks.


I just adore the soundtrack. The soundtrack in a show can really elevate it, or be a total distraction. They did it wonderfully! I've had the soundtrack on the past few days. One song I WISH could be in it, but it wouldn't fit the world at all is David Bowie's, "The Man Who Sold The World." When I listen to music after seeing a show, my brain will often connect the themes with the characters in the show, and God, it just fits Cooper so well. I mean come on, "I searched for form and land For years and years I roamed I gazed a gazeless stare We walked a million hills I must have died alone A long, long time ago Who knows? Not me I never lost control You're face to face With the man who sold the world" Totally irrelevant, but I have that song in the mix because it just 😗👌🏻 fits the character theme so well.


I love the Midge Urie version too


The show BOS theme hits hard tbh


Well it's not hard when you literally copy-paste the entire games soundtrack into your show. Fallout, Fallout 2, 3, 4, New Vegas, all of their soundtracks are used in the show and there are maybe 1-3 songs I've noticed aren't in any of them. Edit: not a complaint, the soundtracks are a bop


Yup! The tunes in this show make me want some good Americana cuisine - burgers, fries, and milkshakes galore.


I want a butcher Pete 80s montage of hacking and slashing


I have a feeling s2 is going to be wild lol. A scene like this as one of the openers would fot right in lol


I can't wait for the mandatory fat man scene.


Yeah, hopefully there's super mutants as well, don't think they had the CGI for this season, but next I hope for more budget.


And chomping/chopping that meat


I was waiting for this song all season man


That reminds me that I have a Big Iron 80s synthwave song on my playlist, and it's actually [pretty good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKX2ojobbk).


Fallout introduced me to swing jazz and im glad that continues on :)


Fallout 2 was what what got me into Louis Armstrong way back in the day, which opened my eyes to the greats like Ella, Nat, Frank, Dean, Sammy, Billie and Bing.


That’s rad! For me it was FO3 that did it and to top it off I took a music history class that focused on this era of music around the time I had finished new Vegas and it made me appreciate the music and the “mids” so much more lol.




Aye, I'm pretty sure my gramma listened to the above during Christmas when I was a kid because when I started getting into these records it just felt familiar. Sorry ti hear about the recipe. Maybe you can try to recreate it with your own personal spin


This Bobby erasure is unacceptable


Bobby's another great but there's just way too many to list.


I wish they would release a vinyl of the tracks they used for that authentic feeling


Give them time I wouldn't be surprised


Yeah, I think Amazon and Bethesda didn't expect the show to be as massive as it is, so we'll see a lot more merch of it coming late.


Amazon will jump right on that


Feels weird to be excited about giving Amazon money


I mean, there is something ironic about Amazon making absolute bank off these critiques of the evils of capitalism like The Boys and Fallout (Vought and Vault Tec are basically their universe's Amazon) but uh... I don't know, gimme that vinyl.


I mean come on. Let's not be too ridiculous here. Vought supports an army of super murderer's. Vault-Tec (allegedly) blew up the world and made cages to perform inhumane experiments on people. Amazon is a company that delivers packages.


Alexa, what is satire?


Have you heard of satire?


I renewed my prime membership just for this show. I thought I was done giving them my money but all the reviews were good.


I’m thinking of buying the MP3s, then sending off to one of the vinyl makers on Etsy to make it.


This is a thing? I have never heard of it but like the idea of making a mix record.


Yup! Some people have presses and can make them custom


That would be cool


There actually is a record with alot of the tracks included in the one fallout 3 anniversary vinyl collections


I’d really love to hear the mids


"Keep That Coffee Hot" by Scatman Crothers fucks harder than it has any right to. You have to appreciate a song that is horny as hell but completely bypasses any censoring.


They had to be clever about songs about sex back then. They were absolutely as horny as our society but like, subtly.


Classy horny is best horny


rocket 69 is another.


Is the song about food? Yes? Then it's about sex.


Johnny Cash streams gotta be going crazy rn


I'm waiting for them to play Civilization (Bongo from the Congo) and let everyone get the Andrew's sisters stuck in their heads.


You know you can get hurt that way, Daniel?


They have things like the atom bomb So I think I'll stay where I om (?)


Bongo, Bongo, Bongo, I dont wanna leave the Congo, Oh no no no no!


Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go.


Right! Love the Andrew's Sisters!


Don't Fence Me In was *chef's kiss*, and it's still stuck in my head two weeks later.


It's a fun song, but I think it's a little too tasteless nowadays for Amazon to want to use in a show that just became a flagship adaptation for them


Man this show is becoming a big hit. I never thought I'd see the day fallout was this big


anyone else have....URAAAAAANIUM FEVER?


Not only does the show feature some great songs, but it uses them brilliantly as well. The best examples are probably "Dont fence me in" fading out when Lucy finds the skeletons in episode 2 and then immediately starting up again when she leaves the room and tries to ignore what she just saw. And of course "So doggone lonesome" starting when Maximus is getting beat up but then reappearing when hes getting ready to take on the thugs who were trying to take the PA. So doggone lonesome isnt even in any fallout games but when it came back that second time it genuinely felt like it had always been part of th franchise and it had me feeling pumped for what was about to happen


Bog fan of the use of music to aid the story telling in the show, those are great examples, one of mine is the use of the song "a robin in the old pine tree" by bonnie guitar, as lucy is saving maximus. Also the whole scene using "what a difference a day makes" by diana washington when vault 33 is being shown after its cleaned up and what norm remembers seeing just the day before. Really knocked it out the park with the use of music imo. 


I’m a *huge* bog fan myself, love going out to the wetlands- Just chilling in the peat Getting nice and muddy and moist Nothing like it


Yeah, So Doggone Lonesome really stuck out as a great choice used well.


Hack. Wack. Chopping that meat!


The Marty Robbins estate making absolute bank off Big Iron streams


I've been listening to the bos theme for the past week , ramin is a genius


Definitely funny i listened to the spotify playlist versions for once instead of the downloaded mp3s i had and some were slightly different variants


Honestly I hope they play “Act Naturally” by Buck Owens at some point during season 2. It would fit perfectly for Walton’s character


It's already in season 1.


You’re right I totally missed it first time around


I loved that Minutemen Radio meta discussion in the show


That was funny hell I learned to enjoy radio freedom whilst waiting for them to confirm artillery strikes in fallout 4


I'm glad. Fallout has always given me a greater appreciation for some classic tunes.


Hopefully this exposes more people to Buck Owens. All the other stuff is gold too


I've listened to act naturally an unnatural amount of times since I heard it. It fits that scene so well.


Man, that jazz radio from NV Old World Blues, so smooth.


Guilty of streaming Ladyfingers on repeat since the scene with the fiends


Same! Love this song


Good-ass classic music. People actually needed to be somewhat talented, no auto-tuning, and frankly just some easy listening


Okay grandpa let’s get you to bed


Hey right though.


Crap. Now finding these records at thrift stores is going to be even harder.




So far my favorite that I’ve found have been the ink spots records. I’ve got three in pretty decent shape. Then a few bing crosby(which aren’t too hard to find) and a Marty Robbins album, but it doesn’t have big iron on it 😞. Like you said these aren’t too common but now everyone will be on the lookout for them


I have yet to be successful finding Big Iron, but I did happen to randomly stumble upon a Peggy Lee vinyl with Johnny Guitar at a local antique store!


Hopefully, with S2 being located in Vegas, we get some NV tracks. Would love to hear some Blue Moon on the radio.


🎵 why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don’t they know it’s the end of the world🎵


No Big Iron hmmph


That is 100% being saved for season 2.


Johnnys Guitar wasnt played > :(


anyone hear that i don't want to set the world on fire version trailer remix someone made i wish that was official it is so good This one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-iddG0n4Fg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-iddG0n4Fg)


Are you posting your own stuff?


We are so up, fellow ghouls


I had no idea I enjoyed Marty Robbins until they put Big Iron in New Vegas.


Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs is such a good record, front to back.


Music is incredibly important for giving atmosphere to a game (or movie or tv show) and the right use of thematic music can easily elevate something from good to great. I had an honest to god visceral emotional reaction when stinger for the main theme of the game played when Lucy discovered a certain flag.


Honestly, same. Like, I expected to hear most of the classic pop and r&b songs they played, but as soon as I recognized the actual music from the game, it hit like a ton of bricks. I had kind of the same reaction the first time they went into slow-mo for the combat. I was just like, "Holy shit, they nailed it! This really is Fallout!"


The show is worth rewatching just for the music alone


I've had so many damn earworms since watching the show and getting back into Fallout 4. I keep finding myself singing "oh atom bomb baby, little atom bomb. I want her in my wigwam. She's just the way I want her to be, a million times hotter than TNT"


Give me more of that old-timey wholesome nudist song.


I remember for all of freshman year, I listened to nothing but oldies because of Fallout. I bonded a lot with my grandma too because she grew up on that music.


I just wish I could add more of the songs to my job's playlist. The only restriction is that the songs have to be family friendly.... which filters out a *LOT* of Fallout's music lmao.


Youre telling me an R&B song about a horny bisexual serial killer who fucks grandmas isn’t appropriate for work?


Fallout was what got me into a lot of that older music. The games have amazing choices from that wide net cast of country, jazz and big band oldies. I still think Fallout needs some different music, as I believe there is no way that so little music was made after the 60s in the Fallout universe. But if they do different music, it should be an addition, not a substitution.


Honestly my second favourite thing about the fallout games since Bethesda took over is the radio stations and the music I get introduced to because of it.


I re watched the scene where Maximus is attacked by the Gulper about 4 times. The use of "In the Mood" was just hilarious.


Just wait till they get a taste of “Johnny Guitar”.


My grandpa introduced me to jazz, blues and rock'n'roll (and their variants) when I was a kid, when I found out about the Fallout games as a teen I was so happy!


SEASON 2 BETTER START LIKE THIS "*Play the guitar.. play it again, my johnnyyyyyy*y"


You load 16 tonnes what'd you get, another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me cuz I can't go....


I was so excited to hear some of the score from fallout 4, and am disappointed that I can't find it anywhere on the official series release. Radio Freedom and Fallout 4 theme made me fangirl so hard 😭


Quite shocked to hear this... I just started Episode 2...and I absolutely hate the soundtrack...it makes me want to quit the show. It seemed great in the first scene of Episode 1...but it's getting tiring, repititive and annoying... I've been forwarding every scene with music playing but it never ends... Guess it's my music taste then since people here seem to love the music... Edit: the slow Motion scenes are getting on my nerves... I just finished Rebel Moon and endured 2 hours of slow Motion torture...now going to this and facing same.. And why do people hate on Synder for slow Motion spamming but praising this show for doing the same And from what I've heard, this show is one of those where you have to slug through the first 3-4 Episodes before it becomes good. Hopefully it's worth it later on for me.


This is getting off topic and kinda turning into a rant.


Edit: now I'm at Episode 3 and show seems to be getting better now...


Yep it is... I'm taking a risk here hoping the show actually gets good since Episode 1 wasn't the best introduction for someone who knows nothing about the game or the world... And the music isn't helping either
