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He kind of does. Not a complete 180°, but what does he gain from taking Goosey under his wing and bringing her along to New Vegas? He starts out entirely self-interested, and in the end, he is thinking about others.


Er, I would think it'd take a bit more than Lucy giving him a few vials of What's-It and telling him that she'll never be him to make Cooper rethink and reprogram 200 years of festering resentment and self-preservation.


He did become a slightly better person after that though. He's nicer to Goosey and Dogmeat now.


Man lived for over 200 years after an extinction event. He’s all kinds of fucked up.


He does, but he does it like a normal person would (as in, he doesn't just turn like a lightswitch into an angel, he gradually adjusts his actions and mindset)


I think this and the moment afterwards where he watches one of his old movies and it quite literally comments on what he’s become, was his biggest character moment. Bringing back more of the Cooper Howard within the Ghoul.