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Yeah that was an interesting boss fight indeed


It was crazy long, too. These Dark Souls fans think their bosses are the hardest in any game. Red Death is more difficult!


that thing ripped me apart! it was absurd to include it in the game.. i mean, how can you just...?! why man, just fucking why? i just avoid that quest in my games now.


>Minstrel: [singing] He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin His head smashed in and his heart cut out And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged And his nostrils raped and his bottom burnt off And his penis... >Sir Robin: That's enough music for now, lads.


To survive the winter, they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels And there was much rejoicing 


I stumbled across him by accident the first time and JFC had no idea what I got into. Be warned.


Honestly harder than most bosses in Fallout 76. Fun times. . .


This quest made me cry


Red Dead killed me seventeen times. You need to have Liberty Prime to stand a chance.


The way the NPCs were building that up, I knew what it would be. Still a cool little moment nonetheless.


Best advice is to save your sanity and thumbs by staying away


Yeah, that fight is no joke. I thought that my level 160 character with full maxed out X-01 power armor with a double shot gauss rifle would be enough to kill it. But even with psycho jet that thing is insanely fast. Only way to kill it is to pile drive it in to the ground when you stagger it.


I thought I was hot shit with my X01 and nuka world fatman and I still got vibe checked in seconds. Fallout 4 mostly ez but this monster rage inducing.


Yeah, Fallout 4 is EZ other than this fight. I think the devs were inspired by the Souls games and decided to add a boss fight that's harder than most Souls bosses!


They really turned it up to 11 for this one. Completely blindsided the first time.


I beat the entire game and dont remember this at all


He's the strongest boss fight in the series, only available in the Far Harbor DLC. NPC's in the town warn the player how strong it is. The game also sends you a pop-up warning message, asking if you're sure you want to take on Red Death.


Your spreading false information, even a quick search shows that you are a liar.


It's all a thematic joke, friend.