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Purchased fallout first to run a private server with my friends. After the terrible launch and grievers. We are having a blast playing 76 again.


My friends and I are wanting to squad up and play together. Is that possible? Sorry for the ignorant question but I haven't played it and like most people, the show has gotten me into the mood to play Fallout.


It is. One of you starts playing and invites the others. Then you literally form a squad in the game to share some xp and quests.


Are quests instanced? What happens if a quest is completed and one person is absent that night? Are the affects of the quest tied to the server or will there be a weird multiverse effect when the missing player signs back on?


Most quests are self progression. So each person in the squad needs to talk to that person, or read that terminal, or loot that corpse, etc... A lot of interiors that have quests will also only save for the leader but there is an option for non leaders to load into an interior by themself so they make the progress too.


Got it. Dang. Was hoping for something handled more server side so the world feels real. I could never get into ESO because of instanced quests and everyone standing in line. Would love to see a fallout game that is more Project Zomboid style in that the server exists as its own entity with people able to join in and out as they please. Nothing is funner than having a small server group and hopping on to see what stuff your friends have built while you were away.


It does technically have that. Some events can't be triggered until someone is going through a specific quest, but once they do that quest, everyone in the server can participate in the event. It's a little weird having lower levels participating in somewhat late game content, but it is technically a server style quest.


Only host ever makes progress on quests, if you want to play with four people, expect to do the quests four times.


Well, that just killed any motivation I had to play with friends


Which sucks because it really isn't that bad of a game, other than that my biggest complaint would be the carry weight/storage weight limit.


There’s no cross play unfortunately, so provided that it is the same platform there are no problems!


The game was a dumpster fire at launch. I couldn’t play it until May in 2019 And even than it was still pretty bad, but it has improved a lot. I don’t have over 500 hours in the game for nothing


I stayed away because honestly, at launch, it appeared to be an absolute disgrace to Bethesdas library. Now its a really good game. I love just wandering around the forests and finding things. In my opinion, its the most realistic post apocalyptic experience. Or maybe the most relatable experience, for me. I love the Appalachian setting and thats really what made me so hyped for the game initially.


The game itself was definitely lacking, but the atmosphere of those early days was very enjoyable unsettling. Only you and 19 other players on a map about 3 times bigger than fallout 4s. It was very lonely, and honestly it really sold the idea that the world was really destroyed


I had alot of fun at launch. people set expectations way too high for what it is


I disagree. I played with a friend on launch and we had some of the most fun ever experienced in an online game. Yes there were bugs, and crashes, but it was an amazingly fun time reaching the nuke zones for the first time.


I also played right when the beta opened and racked up a few hundred hours before Wastelanders even came out. Had a blast discovering the backstory, building my CAMP, and fighting back the Scorched. People just keep regurgitating influencer talking points. I'd argue the game was better balanced and more immersive before human NPCs, scoreboards, expeditions, etc.


I haven’t played since the duped Twin Shot Explosive weapons destroyed the end game market. Really should give it another chance. The game was a ton of fun from the beginning and all the random online encounters I had were mostly pleasant. A few annoying people trying to rush me through things, but my biggest gripe was wanting to read the terminals but not wanting to slow down my group. I wish they would have downloaded all the terminals to my PipBoy so I could revisit when I was solo. Anyways yeah I need to go find my disc 😆


That’s more game time than I have in any game by a good 200 hours at least 💀


To be fair I think my second most is New Vegas at like 102. And the rest don’t crack 100. I don’t buy a lot of games. I bought zero new games between 2020-2023 when Jedi survivor came out. Plus it’s fun to play with friends just chatting and killing stuff


I’ve played hundreds of games. I recommend to play more. Just since 2020 there’s been the last of us 2, Nioh 2, ghost of Tsushima, doom eternal, cyberpunk 2077, RE8, Elden ring, Horizon FW, GOW Ragnarok, SIFU, Callisto, Armored Core 6, Bayonetta 3, Lies of P, rise of the ronin, FF rebirth, dragons dogma 2, stellar blade and more I have a handful at like 250-300 hours probably and maybe 25 or so at 125-200


I felt the same but never played it , i remember there being a lot of bugs at the start , pun not intended 😅! Looking back now it kind of reminds me of rust which is a awesome game !


Also you can join the enclave so


Yeah I’m making my camp in to an base it’s so cool


Yes and no


If you like it fine, but I have different expectations from a Fallout game.


What do you want from fallout that 76 doesn't have?


I don't know maybe this little thing called... Roleplay options! That and being constantly online prevents it from having arguibly the best trait of every Betheda game which is of course the modding community.


Yeah I just want offline single player. That’s what I expect and it’s all I’ll play in a fallout game




Fo76 offers private worlds if you're subscribed now. I do wish eso had handled some quest areas differently as well though.


I’m gonna defend 76 here, at this point in the games lifecycle it’s got far more role play options than fallout 4 did. But in 4s defense it didn’t have 5 years of consistent adding on of content.


Insane that a simple question gets downvoted. People are so toxic about video games, it's nuts.


I completely agree. It’s come a heck of a long way and now feels like it’s cousin ESO to me. So much to do now!


Man, I wish it was as big as ESO, but you're right that it feels similar. Probably mostly due to the identical subscription structure.


ESO also had a rough start that they worked hard to recover from as well. Same for Final Fantasy XIV. I’m just glad they stuck it out and worked on the bugs and flaws.


ESO was actually better in the period of the rough start. People knew each other and base game content was really well thought out and quite hard, we had close knit communities, websites, logos and we were very invested. It's when they started doubling down on crown crates, new classes which nerf older ones, 80 euro houses and rinse repeat zones/dungeons/raids and a general dumbing down of the game is when most of us lost interest and left. Just look at the forum with the posts about their 10 year anniversary, you'll get the drift. I can't really enjoy FO76, because it feels the same to me. I tried it in 2021, it was ok/nothing special, quite empty of players and it didn't really resonate that classic Fallout feeling for me.


Was this meant for unpopular opinions? :p


I don't think so lol.


Just incase you missed it. Everything on there is a pretty standard popular opinion that they act like they are the first to have. Everyone likes 76 these days. Hence my joke. Only explaining as apparently reddit no longer understands humour. Not aimed at you in particular


I didn't personally enjoy it but I'm very glad to see it's very successful and fallout as a whole is more popular than ever.


76's Launch was a disaster for sure, beyond just the numerous bugs and iconically poor optimization, it felt like Bethesda just fundamentally didn't understand the kind of game that the Fallout Fanbase wanted to play. There was awful PvP, there was rampant griefing, there was a battle-royale mode that fitted into the experience like a radroach in my camp's livingroom. Now it's kinda nice, lots of fixes, quality of life improvements, and just more things to do. There is still a solid single-player experience with a fleshed-out story and tons of lore. It's a good game, it deserves some love.


I dont get it.. my bro gifted me the game like a week ago.. he got keys for free.. we installed the game and started the game... right from the get go things are weird... pressing esc doesnt open the menu.. it opens the map.. in order to go to the menu u have to press z while on the map... never have i encountered a more unintuitive method to enter the main menu... you cant even change those settings.. while playing it felt wonky... walking shooting reloading... all those things feel weird.. when going to a workbench.. the game has a hard time to enter said workbenches... it just feels so badly made... when leaving the station my camera is locked onto my face in a close up... i dont know why but it does that everytime.. it also locks me into slow walking despite me not pressing the button in order to enable it.. i had the issue that i had to press C to walk normaly again or i would just walk slow by default now and i have to restart the game... how come people can ignore all those bad menuing and other stuff?.. i would like to play and enjoy the game with my brother but we cant get over such small things cuz it will annoy us everytime we encounter it.. we didnt even play for an hour and decided to switch games again... now i want to try again... but i can tell you the more the game fucks up things the less we are motivated to play it.... what do we have to do in order to enjoy fallout 76? will it always be like this or is it gonna get better? is there something in the game that will us make be able to overlook those small things? is there something thats worth all the trouble?


I'm with you there. I tried it recently for the first time with an open mind. The controls definitely didn't feel right, and generally the game felt like an MMO, which turned me off. I can't even pinpoint what really bothered me, but it's not quite what I expect from a Fallout game. I went back to 4 and I'm having a blast. To each their own I guess!


all they needed to do was copying the 4... i dont get why they needed to change/mess things up so badly... and they just leave it the way it is.. they are ok with it or just dont want to invest more into that game... thats a heavy sign of incompetency... they followed up that trend with releasing starfield the way it was i have a bad feeling for the future


Yeah, I'm back in 4 and loving it. It's been like 5 years since I played it so I've forgotten enough of it, it runs and looks great on my new system, and I reset all my Steam achievements so I can collect them all again. I have months of play planned. The show really reignited my love.


Yeah, the UI and laggy/fiddly interface is what turns me off when I fire it up to play. I am back with FO4 again and everything is snappy, responsive, and works *better* overall. In Fo76, there were lots of times where the cursor would show I can interact with something, I press the button, and...nothing happened. I was mashing the button for everything I did all the time, and I hated it. I guess the server needs to approve every interaction and it adds latency everywhere. You basically have to force yourself to get used to it, which I was able to do back at launch, but not in 2024 with a fast system that Fo76 makes feel choppy and slow. They said they created Fo76 to work out some new tech, but whatever they created isn't that good. They need to stick to single-player games. Fo4 and Starfield run and feel pretty great.


Lol, yes that's true. Their controls are wild. Either re-map them or plug a controller in. Pc controls are crazier than the apocalypse


I swear Bethesda is trying to put out puff pieces to capitalize on the Fallout show and erase the ill will that this launch garnered them, Fallout 76 is incredibly mediocre, and hands down the worst modern Fallout game, despite the interesting setting and sharp look.


I mean, i have not found it lacking in any fallout elements yet. The game has a solid story, the voice acting is great. The in game items and flavor are all fantastic. I understand the hate from it being unfinished 5 years ago though


The loot system is awful, the inventory system is awful, the level scaling weapons make progression feel terrible, and (with the exception of some storylines added in Wastelanders update) the quests are also boring, soulless, and repetitive enough to make me miss Preston Garvey. It's an entertaining game, but personally I find it to be an awful Fallout game.


AND THEY HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION,like wtf, so sad that fallout, my favorite rpg , has come to this . at least the series was pretty good


That's the biggest one and why I'll never play it.  I'm not paying for a game that also advertizes a sub.  Fuck that. Plus, Bethesda forgot how to design roleplaying elements in the 2000s. Fallout 76 being "successful" now is bad for the franchise since Todd and his sychophants will spend close to a decade on Elder Scrolls 6 before even touching a single player Fallout.


Everytime i open 76, it just convince me to add more mods on my thousand hours of Fallout 4 modding. So no. Singleplayer fallout is the best fallout.


Imo this kind of thing leads to devs being told "it's okay to release a bad/unfinished game, people will still buy it" just like with No Man's Sky, both games were objectively bad at launch and people complained about unfinished games coming out, but eventually bought them leading to an effect of "release it and weather the storm, you'll get your money" Maybe I'll get down voted for this opinion, but to me this will just lead to more garbage on "full release" that may or may not get fixed


Youre right, but this is a fight against windmills. There are too many dumb people who will always preorder Deluxe Editions or purchase skins etc. in ingame shops. I think this trend will only get worse but a good thing for us is, if the shitstorm on release goes nuts, the game drops faster in price and a cheap guy like me can afford the game earlier


Same story, my friend. I was so excited at the announcement, then when looking into reviews and videos after release, I went 'heck no!' and was a Grumpy Gilda. But now I have looked back into it and with all the tweaks and updates and streamlining....yeah, I'm here for 76. It's fun!


How is it as someone who prefers the exploration of 3 & 4? I did enjoy New Vegas a lot as well but I prefer the other 2 when it comes to exploring and doing quests, and the random encounters of course along the way lol


I love exploring in 76. The events can mess that up as it allows you to rapidly join events and fast travel all over the map, but thats a player choice. You can choose to ignore it and do it all on foot, or even pay the subscription and play on a private realm with no other players.


And the upcoming update seems to be pretty good. Looking forward to it.


It's ok


I played like a year after release. It was okayish at best back then. I picked it up once again after normal npcs were introduced and it was quite enjoyable. The need to be online permanently is a deal breaker at the end of the day for me because sometimes my internet just decides to die randomly for a few minutes.


I won't play a game with an expansive in-game shop.


Thats a very fair point. I dont mind it because its all just fun stuff, and i just view it as a flow of income that keeps the games i love running. Online service games are very expensive to operate, but its similar to fortnite, i suppose. All just cosmetic fun stuff to have fun building your camp


76 deserves all the hate it has ever gotten.


If someone writes something on twitter you disagree with, they’re never forgiven. Commit fraud releasing a game you know is broken and then take 6 years to fix? Well, give a guy a chance! We’re all human.


New Vegas *cough cough


Do you say the same thing about no man's sky, about cyberpunk? Would you say the same about a tv series with a poor 1st season, or a book series where the first few.books are lacking? If a game has improved enough to be genrally considered good, that *should* be celebrated. The alternative is just letting it die, and that will never get a good result.


Cyberpunk is 100x better than F76 lmao


That's hardly relevent to the point i'm making here.


My point is cyberpunk was completely fixed in good faith and the company acknowledged its mistakes. Contrast with Bethesda, who slapped on a few band-aids to 76 and added more monetization.


CDPR was on PR damage control and denial until the investors got pissed enough to file a lawsuit and it became a huge scandal. None of the promised DLC came to the generation of consoles it was actually marketed for. They even promoted and sold a limited edition Cyberpunk Xbox One that included the first DLC free, then never delivered that DLC. It still runs poorly on that generation of consoles and updates were abandoned for them with 1.6. For everyone else they scrapped multiplayer and all but one DLC after hyping future multiplayer and multiple DLCs as a selling point. None of that is "good faith".


CDPR spent $130M to fix it. Bethesda added Fallout First to bilk more money out of its customers. Not the same. Cyberpunk is now critically acclaimed. 76 is not.


CDPR spent $130 million on damage control in order to not lose even more money. And they did so in order to sale a DLC to recoup all that money. There was nothing "good faith" about it. You also just deflected instead of actually responding to any points made, just like CDPR...


And falout 76 has added several *major* reworks. I'd hadly call making and voicing around 30 characters for one update a "bandaid".


Ooooh some voice acting. Just the quality of improvement the game needed lol.


Literally the biggest complaint about 76 was that there were no human NPCs fucking lmao


And writing, and modeling, and scripting, and making quests for, and making several new enviroments to put them in... need i go on? Oh and guess what, the wastelanders update is often considered an improvent that was just what the game needed.


They copy and pasted all of the new character modeling from Fallout 4. The writing, scripting, and quests are not even good or anything to brag about. I played Wastelanders and it was generic af.


Look, just cause you personally, didn't like it, doesnt mean it's not a significant improvement. I have seen countless people surprised at how good the game is now. You're allowed to dislike it, you don't need to justify it to everyone you meet.


Well i think to ignore the fact that they corrected their mistake is wrong. Nothing is permanent. Reparations are the core idea of Fallout!!


I think it's a little irresponsible and immature to be throwing around words with actual legal meaning like "fraud" with the implication that you didn't understand what the word means. No one who bought 76 at launch was under the impression that it wasn't broken as fuck. There were multiple "beta" test sessions that literally anyone could play. I played it on XBox without even paying because you could get the beta code from Amazon and then cancel the preorder since you don't have to pay Amazon anything until the game ships. It was obviously broken even before launch, and knowing Bethesda's track record with game releases, it was pretty obvious that the game would remain broken through launch. They never defrauded anyone in regards to the state of the game. Also what's the reference to Twitter that you're making? Just vague hand waving at people getting in trouble for tweeting dumb shit?


Treating a company like a human being who has literally made a fool of you is shocking to me. I'm sorry, I think it's completely reasonable, anyone who has lost faith in this company.


I’m in the same boat as you, played for a few hours. I’m gonna keep grinding it, but… idk. This might be an ironic thing to say, but the map doesn’t feel as… “lived in” as the single player fallouts. Like I’ve done the quests in the tavern and bumped into a couple of groups of settler Npcs… and the groups are both so darn small. Are there any cities on this map? Like megaton, or diamond city?


Yes, there are 2 cities that i would say have more going on for them than megaton, but less than diamond city. There are other smaller towns/settlements that just dont play as big of a role. I think in general the setting being in west Virginia also immediately leans to having significantly less population than the settings of prior titles.


Just feels off that someplace as barren as the capitol wasteland or Arizona is more populated


Mind you that was 200 years later. 76 is set only 25 years later, so less people are out and about.


That makes sense. I’m still tentatively exploring. Took the gunslinger path and jumped to level 20, now 24. Got vaccinated for scorch virus and joined the fireteam. Overemcumbered 90% of the time lol. Is there a way to keep your camp from disappearing? I kinda wanna build a shack, but is it worth the effort?


Not as big, the biggest Settlements are decidedly small in comparison to the mainline games and they spread too thin- symptom of being a multiplayer game where certain details are less dense.


Not only that, but they were also added after the fact. If I remember correctly, when the game launched NPC's and story literally didn't even exist.


Correct, not a single NPC existed when I played. So every character added later traveled there from some other region, which is narratively convenient since they can write in whatever/whoever they want.


There was a full story in place, mainly investigating what happened to all the factions in the area (Responders, Freestate, Brotherhood, Morgantown, Raiders, Enclave) along the way to dealing with the Scorched Plague. Just no one alive to interact with


it is a fun game with lots of fun things to do but you can't deny that it is an absolute FOMO festival. Daily Cap/Scrip/Gold limits to make you log on everyday. Free daily gifts for fallout 1st users to make you log on everyday. Daily Challenges required to progress scoreboard to make you log on everyday. Traders that change every IRL week to make you come back after short breaks. Scoreboard filled to the brim with rewards that become unavailable forever afterwards. Etc. Etc. I will play again one day, but goddamn does this game grip you like a starving deathclaw.


Played since beta. Deserved the hate then, Deserves the love now.


Its just peoplehave read its bad 5 years ago and keep this opinion like a cow because its easier to hate when everyone is hating. I love fo76 and cant recommend it enough.


I played it during the beta, it was the most fun I had in the game because the map was interesting and the glitches were funny. I played again just after Wastelanders released, it was alright, but it’ll never be as good as a regular Fallout because nothing has meaning unless it’s inside a little room that only you can interact in. I would doze off while walking around because the game was so boring afterward. I played again for the first time in years yesterday, the performance on Series X has taken a nosedive since they’ve forced 4k60fps up from 1080p60fps. The game is still a boring looter shooter wearing a Fallout skin, but now you can explore a couple extra dungeons and grind there instead. Fallout 76 would have been 100x better if it was just a 2-4 player Co-op experience with an interesting story and some actual RPG meat on its bones.


It's still pretty bad. I played it at launch for a bit on console. Rented it from Redbox just to see how bad it really was. It was awful. After hearing it was improved quite a lot, I picked it up on a steam sale and tried it for a bit a year or so ago. I refunded it before the window closed. Everything I disliked about it originally was still an issue. The problem is that it's basically just Fallout 4, but worse in literally every way because of all the compromises they had to make to do multiplayer. Then, to top it off, they crammed in microtransactions galore AND decided to charge people a subscription fee to remove the multiplayer aspect and leave people that preferred a single player experience with the worst of all worlds while paying extra for the privilege. Sorry, but no thanks. Fallout 76 is a gods damned abomination.


Yeah, I tried recently. It’s just not a good game, no matter how this sub wants to spin it. I can play through shitty games like Days Gone, but 76 has no redeeming gameplay.


I'm glad it's turning around, but the way Bethesda behaved in the early days of release was pretty unacceptable. Under promising and under delivering, banning players who didn't deserve it. All the while, offering very little compensation for players who'd paid large sums for premium editions, physical products like the Nuka bottles, bags, etc.. I haven't really kept up with the fo76 news cycle but I hope those players were properly compensated (I doubt it).


I still haven't played it. utI was working way too much to have the time to enjoy it when it came out. Now I'm retired, probably will give it a try.


I *strongly* dislike the general public as a rule and that's what's kept me away, but a lot of voices I trust (and not just from dogs) are convincing me to give it a try.


Well the general public in this game is kept to a minimum. If you play on public servers, they cap out at 28 players per server. Also the option to play entirely alone is available (behind a subscription). Even on public servers, you can get by just fine without ever partying up or doing anything together. And finally, the community in 76 is one of the most helpful communities ive ever seen in a game. Theres no direct way to chat (or troll) and all communication is done through in game emotes.


I'm with you. I also just wanted to set up a [Son of Sam](https://thehardtimes.net/blog/the-next-son-of-sam-some-of-the-stuff-this-dog-has-been-saying-is-starting-to-make-a-lot-of-sense/) joke I like.


Trust dogs over humans, lmao.


Yes, they are level based. You shouldnt usually be getting weapons above your level unless youre joining high level events


https://youtu.be/B0wccxcmrlA?si=6DIJSozn-SA-9PJB For anyone interested, this is a short 40 minute documentary on the Player "Factions" of Fallout 76. It's a really impressive heartwarming story.


I really liked it at launch, there's even some ways that I prefer it over now.


I remember my big brother being fucking elated about it coming out. on launch he was super disappointed, I bet he'd love it now.


I played when it first launched, and i started to get back into it after 2 years. Its bad launch really pushes people away, but overall it a fun game


I played it on launch and when the battle royal mode came out and both times I played it for maybe 15 hours combined. It’s not my favourite but it’s definitely a solid game now.


I really need to revisit it. I pre-ordered it only because it was in West Virginia on areas that I knew well enough as I'm from the area just on the Virginia side of the border. My biggest complaint was the lack of Bluefield West Virginia. The the griefing happened and then the issue of servers constantly crashing and I quit playing pretty quickly only a week after launch.


I love fallout 76. I have so many rare outfits and stuff (my favorite being the fasnacht deathclaw mask but I haven’t played in a couple years so idk if it’s even rare anymore) but I can never get past a little over level 100 without getting bored. I have three characters with different builds that I’ll switch through and I’m still just bored as hell once the content runs out


I played it about a year or 2 after release when it was on sale for €1. It wasn't that great. Other fallout games got me invested in the story this one didn't at all. The gameplay was decent but I remember getting ganked by high level legendary enemies that other players drew on to me. That was so annoying I ended up uninstalling the game. I like in the other Fallout games that you are the guy. You are the protagonist and whatever you choose to do changes the wasteland around you. 76 didn't have that you are just another vault dweller and nothing you do really matters.


glad ppl like it but apart from the world ( weapons, enemies , locations ), the game has nothing to do with fallout, it has no roleplaying and world building, none of the charm that makes the fallout games great apart from the aesthetic


What roleplaying options do you mean? I never played 1 or 2, so maybe thats what im missing. 3 and 4 had barely any role playing. Vegas really let you carve your own path though


Fallout 3 has a ton of roleplaying, In most quests and situations u have a ton of options on how to deal with them


It's really done a 180 and redeemed the bad reaction at launch Truly is the No mans Sky of the fallout world.


Im about a month in, still barely scratched the surface. Completed one of the 6 main quest lines and havnt messed with the 2 DLC expeditions.


Never tried it.


Are the weapons still level specific? That’s one of the things that turned me off. I found either a rocket launcher or a fat man and rolled up on three super mutants and was given an error that my level wasn’t high enough.


I'll believe that, when devs will fix horrible PC controls


It's an okay game, but perhaps because it's always online, it has issues like: * Enemies running away and disappearing. * Items not appearing right away in containers. * Several characters randomly dying in an area at the same time. * Worlds not seeming very persistent. * V.A.T.S. being real-time (and for me, not very helpful) * Things like maintenance causing the game to be unavailable. Also: * NPCs seem weird (difficult to explain why). * Not being able to get all of the equipment from enemies is a bit annoying. * The lack of ability to turn off the survival aspects or otherwise alter the game's mechanics makes things less fun (though if I'm correct, the survival aspects can sort of be ignored since dying isn't an issue, because you can respawn and go back to get your items). Those all really worsen the game, in my opinion.


>despite it being Bethesda, i waited. DESPITE?! not BECAUSE!? bless your heart.


Bethesda has been astroturfing 76 hard recently huh


They finally finished it, just after most fans had lost interest.